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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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The Eye of Disharmony’s destruction obliterated Earth’s moon, but restored space to its natural state. “Feyde” left the Doctor and Izzy’s company to travel on her own.

(=) Daleks infected with wasp DNA mutated into a swarm of invulnerable, giant wasp-like creatures and devastated Earth, draining all of its minerals and nutrients. The colony planets were unable to help and all attempts to recolonise ended in starvation.

Unique minerals on Etra Prime draw the attention of over fifty galactic powers, including the Daleks and the Time Lords. The Daleks removed the planet, along with a team of researchers and President Romana, from space-time. A galactic war was only narrowly averted.

(=) c 5250 - The Mutant Phase
The wasp-like Mutant Phase Daleks attacked Skaro, and the Emperor Dalek ordered the fifth Doctor and Nyssa to travel back to 2158 and prevent the Mutant Phase’s creation. The Emperor Dalek self-destructed Skaro, but downloaded his consciousness into the Thal Ganatus and accompanied the TARDIS crew.

c 5256 - The Genocide Machine

The seventh Doctor and Ace visited the library of Kar-Charrat. The chief librarian, Elgin, had built a wetworks research facility that stored the sum of universal knowledge in liquid form. To accomplish this, Elgin had enslaved nearly the entire Kar-Charrat race, using their drop-sized bodies as data storage units.

Dormant Daleks on the planet revived and attacked. They gained access to the library by duplicating Ace, and all but destroyed the library in their quest for its data. The Doctor defeated them with the help of a “collector”, Bev Tarrant, a legendary thief
who was planning a heist. The library was ruined.

& 5256 - The Apocalypse Element

The sixth Doctor and Evelyn landed on Archetryx as a Time Treaty was being signed. The missing planet Etra Prime suddenly re-appeared on a collision course with Archetryx. The Daleks wanted to wipe out the conference. Romana escaped her captors on Etra Prime. The Doctor, Romana and Evelyn went to Gallifrey as the planetary collision took place and the Daleks instigated an epic attack. The Daleks destroyed the Seriphia galaxy with the Apocalypse Element, generating a million new worlds there. They set about reshaping Seriphia in their image.

& 5257 - Storm Harvest

The inhabitants of the waterworld Coralee had developed the Krill - vicious, aquatic humanoids with razor-sharp teeth - as instruments of war. The Krill wiped out their own creators, then entered hibernation. The Dreekans later colonised the planet, despite the legends of great danger there. They offered private islands for sale to the super-rich. The Krill awakened and were defeated by the seventh Doctor and Ace. Nonetheless, some Krill survived as eggs in a nearby asteroid field.

& 5257 - Dust Breeding

The Master brought the Warp Core, an energy creature contained in Edvard Munch’s painting
The Scream
, to the planet Duchamp 331, a refuelling station off the main space lanes. It served as home to technicians and a small colony of artists. The Master sought to seed the Warp Core’s energy into the dust on Duchamp 331, then goad it into action against its ancient enemies, the Krill. This would have created a planet-sized weapon. The seventh Doctor and Ace defeated the Master, and the surface of Duchamp 331 was caught in an inferno that destroyed the Warp Core.

Bev Tarrant accepted a lift from the Doctor and Ace, and eventually parted company with them in 2595.

& 5261 - Prime Time

The seventh Doctor and Ace investigated the activities of Channel 400 on Blinni-Gaar, only to become part of the station’s programming. Meanwhile, the Master landed on Scrantek and made a deal with the Fleshsmiths, a race that harvested other races to continue their existence. The Master and the Fleshsmiths hoped to use the Channel 400 broadcasts to transport one hundred fifty billion viewers into the Fleshsmiths’ body banks as raw material. The Doctor let the Fleshsmiths analyse a clone of himself, which broke down and released a molecular contagion. The toxin cascaded through the Scrantek network and reduced the Fleshsmiths to ooze. Channel 400 was disgraced and taken off the air.

Prior to its demise, the network tormented Ace with images from the past of her “future” tombstone. The Doctor falsely convinced Ace that the images were faked. Without her knowledge, he went back in time and dug up her corpse for clues as to how she died.

c 5300 - The Caves of Androzani

Spectrox was “the most valuable substance in the universe”. At the recommended dose of .3 of a centilitre a day, spectrox could halt the ageing process and double lifespans. There was some evidence that with a sufficient quantity of the substance, a human might live forever.

Spectrox was refined from the nests of the bats of Androzani Minor, a dangerous process carried out by androids. Supplies of spectrox were halted when the scientist Sharaz Jek and his androids rebelled against Androzani Major. The Praesidium sent a taskforce to apprehend Jek and they captured the refinery, but Jek removed the supplies of spectrox. The fifth Doctor and Peri were involved in an escalation of hostilities between Jek and the Praesidium’s forces - Jek was killed, and the Doctor and Peri escaped during a mudburst, a tidal flood of primeval mud. The Doctor had been poisoned by raw Spectrox, and regenerated.

Along the Eastern edge of the galaxy, there was political upheaval for a thousand years. Many human colony worlds such as Pyka, Marlex, Dalverius, Pantorus and Shaggra warred with each other, and the galaxy’s monetary system was in almost permanent crisis. In the fifty-fourth century, a consortium of industrialists attempted to solve the problem. Eventually they built Zamper: a neutral planet, snug in its own mini-universe, that would supply state-of-the-art battleships to all sides.

The only way to the planet was through a hyperspace gate controlled by Zamper itself, and the planet was completely self-contained to keep its designs secret. In four hundred and seventy-three years of operation, Zamper became rich and maintained a balance of power in East galaxy. The operation was completely smooth, averaging one minor technical failure every two hundred years.

Olleril was colonised. Governed by the principles laid down in the ancient records
The Collins Guide to the Twentieth Century
One of Us
by Hugo Young,
The Manufacture of Consent
The Smash Hits Yearbook
, it developed an eccentric, unworkable political and economic system that was an almost exact copy of the United Kingdom in the twentieth century. The cult of Luminus managed the planet in secret.

? 5325 - The Web in Space

Earth Corp Couriers served as intergalactic postmen, making deliveries to planets as the Earth colony on Hephestus Beta, which was experiencing an outbreak of Orion flu. Chelonian ships, “skymaidens”, had terrorised humans in Galaxy 16. Enormous diamondweb spiders - space creatures that consumed the rocks, space dust and comets they caught in webs made from diamond - nearly went extinct when billionaires caged them as novelties. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory stopped the Empire of Eternal Victory from dissecting the last diamondweb spider to adopt its biology into their spaceship hulls. The Empire’s last warship perished in a miscalculated space jump.

5345 - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe

The eleventh Doctor had planned to take the Arwell family from 1941 to a planet where the fir trees grew natural Christmas baubles, making it the perfect winter wonderland. Cyril Arwell opened his present early and got lost on the planet. The Doctor and Lily followed, and the three of them found a lighthouse-like structure guarded by two wooden giants.

Madge Arwell followed them, and encountered a large metal walker: a Harvester from Androzani Major. A three-man team from Androzani Major was preparing to liquify the forest using acid rain; the melted wood of the Androzani Trees, when put in batteries, was the greatest fuel source in the universe. The trees were aware of this, and were planning to use the lighthouse to give up their physical forms and escape. They need to travel inside a living navigator to do this: a “strong” being, a mother. Madge served as the host, and used her memories of home to escape the world as the acid rain started to fall. She returned with the Doctor and her children back to 1941.

The Androzani Major expedition team had transmat technology, and scanners that could detect time travellers - but such scans could be confused if the subject was wearing wool.

The Seriphia-based Daleks Attack the Milky Way

& 5425 - Dalek Empire I: Invasion of the Daleks / The Human Factor

The Milky Way was at peace, and under the protection of the Earth Alliance. The Daleks had been relegated to obscure history lessons, but had fortified themselves in the Seriphia galaxy, and now unleashed a massive invasion of human space. They conquered many planets, and enslaved billions. Amongst the many worlds to fall was Vega VI - the Daleks put slaves there to work mining veganite, a rare mineral that was too volatile to collect with Dalek technology. The Daleks were relentless taskmasters, and worked their slaves to death.

Susan Mendes, an employee of the Rhinesberg Institute, was amongst those enslaved in the mines on Vega VI. She met a fellow slave named Kalendorf - a telepathic Knight of Velyshaa who had been slated to represent his people in negotiations with Earth against the Dalek menace. The Dalek Supreme had Mendes psychologically profiled, and deemed her suitable for an undertaking to aid the Dalek cause. The slaves were allowed to rest and given food, while Mendes served as a spokesperson who encouraged the slave ranks to have hope and work hard. In this capacity, Mendes became widely known as The Angel of Mercy. As the slaves worked more willingly and required less subjugation, the Daleks diverted more resources into their war effort against Alliance forces.

Six months passed as Mendes travelled to many planets on behalf of the Daleks, obtaining better working conditions that saved millions of lives. She insisted that Kalendorf accompany her, and the two of them plotted the Daleks’ downfall. On every world they visited, Kalendorf would telepathically communicate with the slave leaders, and told them to wait until Mendes publicly declared a code-phrase that would trigger an unstoppable rebellion against the Daleks.

One rebellion on the Garazone moon K-5000 broke out prematurely - Mendes feared that the insurrection would undo her master plan and reported it to the Daleks, who killed those involved. The Daleks conquered the ocean planet Guria, despite heavy resistance from the Alliance.

& 5425 - Return of the Daleks

The Daleks stumbled upon the frozen Dalek army on the planet Spiridon - which had been renamed Zaleria - and sought to revive it as a weapon of war. They also hoped to crack the means by which the Spiridon natives had become visible, thinking they could reverse-engineer a means of turning Daleks invisible. Much data was collected, but any attempt to turn Daleks invisible caused fatal light-sickness.

The seventh Doctor feared that the revival of the frozen Dalek army could tip history in the Daleks’ favour. He encountered Kalendorf, and the two of them spurred a minor rebellion against the Daleks. Kalendorf was captured, and the Doctor - deeming Kalendorf’s place in history as too important to risk - offered to help the Daleks develop invisibility if they let Kalendorf go. The Daleks agreed, and Mendes and Kalendorf went to their next assignment. The Doctor was the Daleks’ prisoner for years.

? 5426 - Brotherhood of the Daleks

The Thals had peacefully settled on the planet of New Davias. Many of them still regarded Earth as a lost planet, and the Doctor - who had contacts on New Davias - as a legend. The Thals now had access to books from across time and space, including
Das Kapital
. The Thals had recently fought wars with the Mechanoids.

The Thal scientist Murgat adapted a Dalek facility in Antares, and experimented to see if kyropite flowers from planet YT45 - which was located four galaxies away - could replicate Thal personalities in Daleks, a means of sabotaging the Dalek war effort. The Daleks, however, had secretly facilitated Murgat’s undertaking to see if they could install Thal characteristics - such as camaraderie and fighting spirit - into Daleks to make them better killers.

Some Daleks with Thal personalities, named “Thaleks”, turned against their own kind and executed a Black Dalek. The sixth Doctor and Charley hoped that the Thaleks would peacefully thrive - but after they left, the Thaleks’ Dalek-ness took hold. Their renewed desire to exterminate triggered a booby trap on the facility’s anti-matter reactor, destroying them and Murgat.

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