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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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c 5850 - Sick Building

Professor Ernest Tiermann made a fortune in the Servo-furniture industry, and retired to a snowy planet he had purchased, Tiermann’s World, with his wife and son. The tenth Doctor and Martha warned the family that a Voracoious Craw - a spaceship-sized monster akin to a tapeworm - was approaching from space and would carve up the planet’s surface. Tiermann was determined to abandon his futuristic Dreamhouse - the consciousness of which, the Domovoi, felt betrayed and possessed a sunbed named Toaster. Tiermann and Domovoi/Toaster mutually killed one another, and Tiermann’s wife died also. The Doctor and Martha transported Tiermann’s son Solin and a sentient vending machine named Barbra to Spaceport Antelope Slash Nitelite.

Barbra fell in with a bad crowd - a pirate gang of decommissioned Servo-furnishings - and fell through a space-time rift, the Deadly Flap, to the twenty-first century.

c 5895 - The Krotons

On the planet of the Gonds, the dynatrope registered the second Doctor and Zoe as the “high brains” it had long sought. The two surviving Krotons revived, and made plans to leave the planet, even though take-off would devastate the Gonds and their city. The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe helped to destroy the Krotons and their dynatrope with sulphuric acid.

? 5900 - Mission: Impractical

Sabalom Glitz stole a Tzun data core from the reptilian Veltrochni. He sold it to Niccolo Mandell, an agent of the Vandor Prime government. Ten years later, the Veltrochni threatened to make war against Vandor Prime over the stolen Tzun data core. It was the last surviving information cache from the Tzun Empire, and contained blueprints on how to construct Tzun Stormblades. Vandor Prime head of security Niccolo Mandell, hoping to sell the data core, coerced the sixth Doctor, Frobisher and Glitz into retrieving the device from an orbital facility.

Glitz’s associate Dibber died in a crossfire, but the Doctor purged the data core of its more dangerous information and returned it to the Veltrochni. Vandor Prime authorities arrested Mandell. Glitz continued travelling in his

? 5900 - Tragedy Day

On the Earth colony Olleril, the precocious boy genius Crispin, leader of the secret society of Luminus, sought to gain mental control of the population, and to pattern everyone after characters from the show
Martha and Arthur
. Meanwhile, the immortal Friars of Pangloss hired the arachnid mutant Ernie “Eight Legs” McCartney, the most feared assassin in the Seventh Quadrant, to retrieve a cursed piece of red glass that the Doctor had acquired. The seventh Doctor, Benny and Ace thwarted Crispin’s plans, and Crispin died when the Luminus submarine
was destroyed. Ravenous Slaag creatures consumed McCartney. The Friars were disrupted by an anti-matter burst, and flung powerless into the Time Vortex.

The Solar Flares and the Evacuation of Earth

The Earth was ruled by the World Executive. Earth at this time was technically advanced, with advanced suspended animation techniques, fission guns and power supplied via solar stacks and granavox turbines.

Scientists monitoring the Sun predicted a series of massive solar flares: within only a matter of years, the Earth’s surface would be ravaged and virtually all life would be wiped out. It would be five thousand years before the planet would be habitable again.

The High Minister and the Earth Council began working on humanity’s salvation. Carefully screened humans, the Star Pioneers, were sent out in vast colony ships to places such as Colony 9 and Andromeda. Nerva was converted into an ark housing the cream of humanity, some one hundred thousand people, who were placed in suspended animation along with samples of animal and plant life. Nerva also contained the sum of human knowledge stored on microfilm.

The rest of humanity took to thermic shelters, knowing that they wouldn’t survive. When the solar flares came, every living thing on the Earth perished.

A group of Star Pioneers reached Andromeda and encountered the Wirrn, a race of parasitic insects who lived in space, visiting worlds only to breed.

? 5950 - Dreamtime

Facing a catastrophic natural disaster, evacuation coordinators herded the people onto Phoenix lifeships that departed for space. In Australia, a guru named Baiame sought an alternative and hoped to channel the Dreaming - a collective force, derived from the minds and dreams of humanity - to influence matter. Baiame wanted to lift Uluru, a sacred bluff, and its people into space under protection of a Dreaming-generated force field. The seventh Doctor traversed the Dreaming and arrived from thousands of years in the future. Baiame acceded to the Doctor’s request that he extend his sphere of protection a few miles and include settlers in the surrounding vicinity. The Uluru lifted off from Earth with its people and sped into space, and the Doctor returned to the future.

During a period in which humanity didn’t inhabit the Earth, an alien race set up the Gogglebox - a giant museum dedicated to Earth and its history - deep within Earth’s moon. The fifth Doctor met history student Alan Fitzgerald there, and left behind a copy of
The Rough Guide to Shabadabadon
which detailed - among other things - Shabadabadon’s famous ice caves. For Alan’s benefit, the Doctor confirmed his involvement in the great fire of London and the
Mary Celeste
, but he refused to discuss when his tenure with UNIT occurred. The Doctor then departed to investigate an energy spike emanating from Brisbane in September 2006.

There was a Cyber War in the late sixtieth century.

c 5995 - Zamper

There was revolution on Chelonia, where the peaceful forces of Little Sister overthrew Big Mother. This initiated a cultural reformation that saw the warlike race transformed into the galaxy’s foremost flower-arrangers. Forty years later, many Chelonians hankered for the old blood-and-glory days, and Big Mother’s fleet headed for Zamper to purchase a powerful Series 336c Delta-Spiral Sun Blaster - a ship whose effectiveness had been demonstrated in the Sprox civil war and the skirmishes of Pancoza. It was capable of withstanding neutronic ray blasts of up to an intensity of sixty blarks.

The seventh Doctor, Benny, Roz and Chris arrived on Zamper and found that the Zamps - slug-like creatures used to build the ships on the planet - had dreams of conquest and were building their own battleship. They had force-evolved their offspring to become ravenous tentacle-like creatures powered by a springtail; the Doctor estimated that these creatures would become unstoppable if they reached populated space. Big Mother owed the Doctor a debt and agreed with his assessment. In a variation of the Diemlisch manoeuvre (first used in the third Wobesq-Majjina war), Big Mother’s Chelonian fleet destroyed itself to obliterate the Zamps’ ship and seal the gate between Zamper and the rest of the universe.

6012 (24th July) - The Doctor’s Daughter

The fish-like Hath allied with humanity to create colonies. A spaceship containing some humans and Hath landed on Messaline with a third-generation terraforming globe that could create an ecosystem on the planet’s barren surface. The mission commander died, and the resulting power vacuum put the humans and Hath into open warfare. Each camp had cloning devices that used “progenation”: reproduction from a single organism. The conflict became so accelerated, twenty generations could be born and lost in a day.

Seven days later, the TARDIS brought the tenth Doctor, Donna and Martha to Messaline as it had sensed a paradox there - a young woman named Jenny, cloned from the Doctor’s genetics within moments of his arrival. The Doctor smashed the terraforming globe, releasing its gasses and causing areas on Messaline to bloom with new life. The humans and Hath agreed to live peacefully. The Doctor and his friends left, thinking that Jenny had been fatally shot while saving the Doctor’s life. She was revived by the terraforming gasses, and departed in a shuttlecraft to find new adventures.

Colonists established a colony on Heritage. Ten years later, a company at Galactic Central developed a way of synthesising Thydonium, instantly putting mining colonies such as Heritage out of business. Melanie Bush and her husband Ben Heyworth settled on the impoverished Heritage sometime afterwards.

Years later on Heritage, the geneticist Wakeling successfully cloned a raven, naming her Arabella.

6048 (6th August) - Heritage

Menopause had become extremely rare. Undergoing the condition, Melanie Bush Heyworth asked Wakeling for a genetic solution to the problem. Wakeling’s treatment seemingly led to Mel and her husband Ben conceiving a child named Sweetness, but the Heyworths discovered that Wakeling had violated their wishes by cloning Sweetness from Mel. A subsequent argument between Wakeling and Mel led to his striking her with a genetic sequencer, killing her.

The Heritage residents overlooked Wakeling’s act of murder, believing his experiments could restore prosperity to the hard-up colony. Ben Heyworth’s attempt to seek justice by alerting offworld authorities was discovered. Wakeling further persuaded the townsfolk to favour his experiments, and the locals tore Ben to pieces with their bare hands before torching his house. Wakeling took Sweetness into his own home.

A shuttlecraft arrived on Heritage - the first in years - and two visitors wanted to see the Heyworths, causing quite a stir. The buried memories of the Heyworths’ deaths began to surface among the locals. The seventh Doctor and Ace gatecrashed an interstellar video conference and revealled Wakeling as a murderer, destroying the man’s chance to reveal his success at cloning. Wakeling and two other inhabitants fell to their deaths when some of the old mineshafts collapsed under them. Cole, the Heritage town barman, adopted Sweetness.

c 6050 - Half-Life

Two races, the parasitic Makers and the Oon, had been at war for centuries. The organic spaceship Tain, a Maker construct, fled the war but was infected with an Oon-made Trojan program. Tain crashed onto the planet Espero, and his personality remained in conflict. The eighth Doctor, Fitz and Trix received Tain’s distress signal. Tain thought that the TARDIS heralded the Oon’s arrival and unleashed its ultimate weapon: a wavefront designed to disintegrate and reconstitute a planet under Tain’s control. Tain’s internal struggle threw the wavefront into chaos, but the Doctor purged the Trogan program and ended the wavefront. Tain prepared to leave Espero afterwards.

High Catholic doctrine came to forbid use of matter transmitters, stating it was impossible to teleport a soul.

The last colonist left Heritage in 6057. None of the ex-colonists ever discussed their reasons for departing.
On 8th December, 6064, former Heritage colonist Lee Marks, now head of the Ellershaw Foundation, died in a fire deliberately set at his home.
A grown-up Sweetness Cole penned an autobiography entitled
First of a New Breed

The New Dark Age

In 6198, the Federation Scientific Executive funded a research project into genetic experimentation. The geneticist Maximillian Arrestis hired a team of consultants to develop the Lazarus Intent, a religion that he hoped would become a moneymaking venture. His “miracles” were publicised for three years, and his predictions of disasters all came to pass.
The Codex of Lazarus
was published early in the sixty-third century, and for nearly a decade he reaped the financial rewards of being the “Messiah”.

Not content with this, Arrestis began to sell defence secrets to the Cybermen, Sontarans and Rutans. The Federation was fighting a war with the Sontarans at the time. In 6211, Sontarans launched a stealth attack that wiped much of the Federation DataCore on Io. Three weeks later, an earthshock bomb - sold by the Cybermen to the Sontarans - destroyed Tersurus. This didn’t stop the Federation from winning the war. When the Sontaran Emperor suspected that Arrestis had double-crossed him, the traitor was brought to the Sontaran throneworld and executed. “Lazarus” became a martyr, the saviour of the galaxy, and it was the Intent of his followers to resurrect him.

Alexhendri Lassiter built a time machine and did rescue Arrestis moments before his death. Later, Arrestis escaped the destruction of the Crystal Bucephalus restaurant by fleeing through time, only to arrive back on Sontara right before his execution, which proceeded as planned.

Every small publisher in the universe had been bought out, and by “the end of time”, this would give rise to one dominating, monolithic publishing house. The company owned the rights to all of the authors throughout history, especially the lazy ones who hadn’t fulfilled on their contracts. Publisher’s robots from the sixty-fourth century were equipped with time travel. Armed with laser cannons, they went throughout history to “remind” these writers to finish their texts. One such robot visited the fifth Doctor in 1597.

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