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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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In 47,507, the first Quarter Millennium Terraphile Renactment Tournament was held.
Graveworld 909 was one of many cemetery planets established after the seventh galactic war. The robot guardian of Graveworld 909 malfunctioned and went dormant after establishing a respectful quantum null field that forced visitors to remain silent.

Manakai invaders from the Arkwright Cluster were wiped out ages ago. Dructionjen clans had been exiled many generations before for worshipping the Daleks.

c 50,000 - Heart of TARDIS

The fourth Doctor and Romana found and rescued K9, who had become an exhibit at the Collectors’ Big Huge and Educational Collection of Old Galactic Stuff.

The galaxy was at war in the year 50,000. The head of the Galactic Peace Commission, Zanthus Pia, was assassinated and K9 was framed for the killing. The real culprit was the renowned bounty hunter Ahab, who was working with the Jixen. K9 uncovered this plot and learned the Jixen were active in the mid-twenty-first century on Earth. He travelled there, but was heavily damaged and lost all his memories.

Later, Ahab followed K9 and was forced to retreat to his own time - but ended up adrift in deep space.

The twelfth intergalactic war was fought around 50,957, and by common consent it was fought in space, not on the surface of planets.
The Doctor worked as a courier in the vast spaceport
during his gap century, although he was fired because he kept getting lost.
The Doctor joined the All Galaxy Legion of Terraphiles.

51,007 - The Coming of the Terraphiles

The clans who ran the terraforming companies were now fabulously wealthy. Lady Mars, owner of Intergalactic Air, could afford a hat that was a life-sized replica of the lost Martian moon Phobos. EarthMakers introduced Mystery Worlds, based on the Sherlock Holmes stories.

The Galactic Union was democratic, although people could pay politicians to retire in General Ejections (seventy-eight members were up for Ejection in Nova Roma). It encompassed countless alien species, including the Judoon (who had taken up Arrers after abandoning their own lethal sport of Nukeball), Centaurs and the Pilparque dogmen of Chardine. The Banning-Cannons had recently lost money in a failed scheme to transform the Scullum Crux into a rose garden light years across. Planets in this era included Cygnus 34, New North Whales, Old Barsoom and Loondoon (home of many fashion houses). Vast spaceports serviced many different types of starships from small, old nuker ships to massive 110-deck G-class vessels such as the ISS
, which used colour engines. The advanced technology of this time included nanotech translation. Humans now comfortably lived to be two hundred years old, and could take identity pills that allowed them to become someone else. Gbot messengers acted as couriers, punching holes in space that would kill a human.

The eleventh Doctor and Amy enjoyed a week on Peers, a terraformed world in the Moravian Cluster in the Medieval Edwardian style, and governed by the 507th Earl of Lockesley. The Doctor became aware of a threat to the whole of the multiverse. As it involved the black hole at the centre of the galaxy, he feared General Frank/Freddie Force and his Anti-matter Men were responsible. He joined a team of Terraphile Reenactors heading to Miggea, a Ghost World (i.e. a planet that orbits sideways between universes), where they were due to compete for the Arrow of Law. Captain Cornelius, an old rival and acquaintance of the Doctor, was also aware of the problem. His home was in the dwarf galaxy Canis, but he was most often seen in the
, the most perfect light-powered vessel ever built, with a crew from a hundred worlds and a dozen space-time continua. He had seen the dark tides rising and dragging galaxies across billions of light years, and knew that unless it was stopped, the universe would stop regenerating itself and the multiverse would collapse in just a few centuries. The Doctor and Cornelius secured the Arrow of Law - the fabled Roogalator, an artifact from the Realm of Law that could restore the cosmic balance.

? - “The Gift”

The sixth Doctor went back to the point that a Zofton deep space load lugger had crashed on the moon of Zazz, and observed as - over the next fifty years - the surviving robot rebuilt and survived, eventually building self-replicating replacements for itself. Within twenty generations, they had a functioning civilisation.

A natural disaster on the moon of Zazz wiped out the machine civilisation there. The few survivors would lie dormant for two thousand years.

? - “The Gift”

By now, Zazz was a planet heavily-influenced by the Jazz Era of Earth, and the sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher accepted an invitation to the twenty-first birthday bash for the Lorduke of Zazz.

The TARDIS first landed at the retreat of the Lorduke’s brother, Professor Strut, who was a mad scientist exiled after crashing an experimental moon rocket on the city. They agreed to take a gift... which turned out to be a surviving self-replicating robot. Strut found the robot on the moon, but didn’t understand the danger. The robots began breeding, and collected raw materials to rebuild their civilisation on Zazz. The Doctor used the musicians of Zazz to duplicate the robot’s recall signal, luring them to Strut’s island. They boarded the moon rocket, and were blasted off into space.

c 101,861 - Serpent Crest: Tsar Wars

Human-made robots became so advanced in a certain sector of space that they finally took over and formed the Robotov Empire. The humans that served the Empire lived on outlying worlds, and supplied energy from a biomoon. Centuries passed, and the humans moved closer to rebellion. Father Gregory, who physically looked like the fourth Doctor owing to “the endless chaotic ramifications of universal chance”, allied himself with the rebels. The Tsarina conceived with Gregory a child cyborg, Alex, in the hope of cementing bonds between the humans and Robotovs.

Gregory, however, was secretly allied with the Skishtari - a race of conquerors who were adept at manipulating wormholes. The Skishtari subjugated other races by hatching monstrous Skishtari Emperor serpents from eggs - one such egg was to be hidden inside Alex. Gregory’s agents brought the fourth Doctor and Mrs Wibbsey to this era via a Skishtari wormhole, but Alex’s heart was failing, and Gregory donated his own to save him.

The Doctor tried to resolve matters by sending himself and Wibbsey - as well as a spaceship containing Alex, his guardian Boolin and the Skishtari egg - down a Skishtari wormhole to Nest Cottage in 2010. They all ended up in the right location, but the nineteenth century.

The Doctor later used the TARDIS to bring Boolin and a teenage Alex home. Alex was made the new Tsar of the Robotov Empire, and facilitated peace between the robot and human factions.

c 101,881 - Serpent Crest: Survivors in Space

The entire village of Hexford and its two hundred fifty-three civilians arrived on the biomoon of the Robotov Empire, thanks to the Skishtari wormhole and a mishap in 2011. Captain Yates took charge of the stranded townsfolk, who were left to their own devices for three months. The fourth Doctor and Mrs Wibbsey arrived in the TARDIS just as the Skishtari egg in their possession hatched. The Skishtari welcomed their giant offspring - but the newborn Emperor had formed an empathic bond with Tsar Alex, and ate its progenitors instead. Alex agreed to relocate the giant snake to a planet with a sustainable food source. A clone of the second Doctor, freed from his obligation to the Skishtari, aided the fourth Doctor in sending Hexford back to the twenty-first century.

Circa 102,890, the white hole seedling from Albert was supposed to blossom into maturity.
The Doctor judged that Carmen Priminger - a gambler who lost her memories - was human, and that her time machine originated from the 108th or 109th centuries.

c 148,500 - “Onomatopoeia”

The tenth Doctor and Majenta Pryce rebooted the slumbering robot guardian on Graveworld 909. It ended the pall of silence on the planet, and accepted the rat people who had evolved in the millennia while it slept as its new workforce.

The eleventh Doctor wanted to show Amy a museum in the 175th century, but warned her that the canteen there was rubbish, and for religious reasons served only boiled Jericoacoara beans.

The Daleks were part of the history of the First Segment of Time.
One Dalek ship, containing the Emperor, survived the Last Great Time War. It arrived at the edge of Earth’s solar system, remaining hidden. For centuries, the Daleks would harvest the dregs and unwanted of humanity, building Daleks from their genetic material. The Emperor meddled in humanity’s affairs and sought ways to slow its development.

? - “War of the Words”

The war between the Vromyx and the Garynths had been raging for forty-seven point six three years. The conflict blocked access to the library planet Biblios, where all universal knowledge was stored by legions of robots. The warring factions wanted to access details of superweapons, then deny it to their opponents. The fourth Doctor blew up an empty building, telling both sides it was where the records were kept, and the rivals withdrew.

? 199,750 - Home Truths

On an island at Ely, a house was built that could grant wishes to its occupants. A husband and wife resided there, but the house proved capable of facilitating even unspoken wishes. In a moment of irritation, the wife briefly wished her husband harm - causing him to fall dead. The horrified wife begged for the tragedy to “stop”, and immediately died also. The house then sealed itself off, its interior almost frozen in time. Some time later, the first Doctor, Steven and Sara found the bodies within. They came under threat from the house’s wish-granting ability, so Sara wished that the house would develop a conscience that distinguished right from wrong. This endowed the house with a disembodied copy of Sara’s persona, and the travellers left in the TARDIS.

Majenta Pryce and the Crimson Hand

The Order of the Crimson Hand was a secretive group of extra-terrestrial tyrants, elitists and industry tycoons. It possessed powerful artifacts that included the ashes of the scroll of Horath, a shard of the Glory and a piece of the Key to Time. The quartet that composed the Crimson Hand’s inner cabal - Trique, Lunat, Pollox and Pi - recruited Lady Scaph after they acquired the Manus Maleficus: a machine from the higher realms that reshaped reality, but required five operators.

The wealthy adventurer Wesley Sparks was reputed to have harnessed the power of the quark, charted the depths of the multiverse, and duelled with Daemons. He established Stormlight House as a protected residence; those within could watch the largest storm in the universe as it raged at the edge of the Proxima system. Patrons could appear in Stormlight in bodies made from solid engram tachyonics. Scaph passed an initiation test in which she seduced Sparks, then abandoned him the night before their wedding.

The now-complete Crimson Hand field-tested the Manus Maleficus by reaching back to the twentieth century and obliterating a planet threatening their powerbase in the Obsidian Cluster: the Ownworld of the Skith. Lady Scaph regretted her role in the holocaust and fled. She became the entrepreneur “Majenta Pryce”. With her assistant Fanson, they experienced the rout of Ichabod Nine, the Recession Wars on Fiscus and the Tarvu Initiative.

Majenta and Fanson operated one of the last remaining Hotel Historias in the year 2008, but were arrested by time-travelling bailiffs. Before Majenta was incarcerated, Fanson erased her memory to conceal the psychic tracking sigil the Crimson Hand had placed in her mind.

c 200,000 (Tuesday the Gluteenth of Mauve, and Wednesday) - “Thinktwice”

The amnesiac Majenta Pryce was incarcerated at the Thinktwice Orbital Penitentiary, and the tenth Doctor met her for the second time while investigating abuses there. The facility’s warden had become allied with the memory-eating Memeovax while he was a boy on Greene’s World, and had constructed the Knowsall machine to extract memories from the prisoners for the Memeovax’s benefit. Majenta destroyed the Memeovax with a power surge of unknown origin, and the Doctor agreed to take Majenta to the Hippocrats of Panacea - the finest mind-surgeons in the universe - for treatment. Majenta agreed - on the understanding that the Doctor was working for
, without pay (for now).

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