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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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“The Forgotten”

The eighth Doctor was jailed by robots as a War raged around him, turning the skies turn to blood. On Day 21 of his captivity, he gained a Malmooth cellmate, Chantir. On Day 37, he escaped and freed the other prisoners, which included a Sea Devil. Then he proceeded to his objective: the Great Key of Rassilon, which was stored in the same castle. He hoped he never needed to use it, but knew he might need something that removed millions from space and time at once. The Key would lock the Medusa Cascade forever, should it ever be required.

The Doctor eventually used the Key, and it erased his memory of Chantir.

The Time War got desperate towards the end - at this time, the Doctor was the only version of himself anywhere in the multiverse.

“You weren’t there in the final days of the War, you never saw what was born. Not just the Daleks but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, the Could-have-been-King with his armies of Meanwhiles and Never-weres, the War turning to Hell.”

The Final Day of the Time War

“There was a bad day, bad stuff happened.”

The End of Time (TV)

By the last day of the War, Dalek saucers had crashed on Gallifrey and the dome of the Capitol been cracked open. Gallifrey was at the furthest edge of the War. At the heart of the conflict, millions died every second, lost in bloodlust and insanity, time itself resurrecting them to find new ways of dying over and over again in a travesty of life. A Time Lord seer, the Visionary, confirmed that this was the last day of the Time War.

The Doctor had learned that Rassilon planned the Final Sanction, the end of time - a rupture that would continue until it ripped the Time Vortex apart. The Time Lords would ascend, become creatures of consciousness alone - free of their bodies, time and cause and effect - while creation itself ceased to be. The Doctor had to stop them, and the High Council, led by Rassilon, knew that the Doctor possessed the Moment and would use it to destroy the Daleks and Time Lords alike.

The Master believed that if the Doctor killed Rassilon, “Gallifrey could be yours”.

The Visionary had a prophecy that there would be two survivors beyond the final day: the Doctor and the Master. Learning this, the High Council approved Rassilon’s plan to retroactively implant the sound of drums in the mind of the Master while he was a child, as an escape route for his people. There were two votes against this strategy, including one cast by the Woman in White. Rassilon sent the Master a white-star point on Earth, Christmas Day 2009. Gallifrey and Rassilon briefly rose from the Time War, but the tenth Doctor and the Master fought back, banishing the Time Lords - including the Woman in White - back to the hell of the Time War. The Master learned that Rassilon had been responsible for the sound of drums in his mind, and fell back into the Time War, fighting him.

The Advocate was transported across time and space from the Shadow Proclamation to the Medusa Cascade and into the Time War. She arrived seconds before the Doctor used the Moment and time-locked the War, and so was killed and reborn over a thousand years as time lost meaning. She became little more than stardust, and eventually drifted out of the War through the same tear in time as Davros. Once reformed, she decided that the Doctor was a great threat to the universe.

“I saw Gallifrey sacrificed when the Cruciform fell. I turned the Key in the lock and I doomed them all.”

Time Lords outside the Capitol Dome, including a young girl, looked up and were bathed in a blue light. Gallifrey was destroyed in one second.
Gallifrey was “lost in fire”.

The Doctor wiped out the entire Dalek race, and their ten million-strong war fleet, in one second. The Time Lords - save for the Doctor - also perished as a result of this. The Doctor instigated this destruction, referred to as an “inferno”. He “watched it happen... made it happen”.
The Doctor killed all the Time Lords.
Many other planets, star systems and galaxies were destroyed at this point.

The Last Great Time War was timelocked.

Aftermath of the Last Great Time War

The Time Lords’ secrets died with them, as well as artifacts such as the Seal of Rassilon. Susan was taken from the Doctor, everyone was taken from him.

“Time Lords are the stuff of legends. Belong in the myths and legends of the higher species.”

Some people regard the Time War as a legend.
The Saturnynians knew the Doctor as the “man that let an entire race turn to cinders and ash”.

The Doctor himself survived the Last Great Time War. The eighth Doctor “started and ended this regeneration alone”.
It was possible that the eighth Doctor regenerated during the Time War -
the tenth Doctor suggested that his previous self had been “born in battle, full of blood and anger and revenge”.

“Remember what happened immediately after the War. Remember Rose.”

The Doctor’s home planet was reduced to rocks and dust, and he was the only survivor.
He stated, “I lived... everyone else died.”

A single Dalek fell through time to the early twenty-first century.
The Emperor Dalek’s flagship also survived, and limped to the solar system “centuries” before the year 200,000.
A single Dalek Progenitor survived, and was later recovered by the last surviving Daleks.

Time was more fragile without the Time Lords to protect it, and some of the rules governing time were suspended.
Travel between parallel realities had been “easy” when the Time Lords “kept their eye on everything”, but following their downfall, the walls of reality closed and travel between parallel worlds became nearly impossible.

The Shadow Proclamation

“What is the Shadow Proclamation, anyway?”... “Posh name for police. Outer-space police.”

The Time Lords gave the Shadow Proclamation strict rulings on the subject of manipulations in Time and Space before they left.
The Shadow Proclamation followed the Holy Writ of the Shadow Proclamation, and considered Time Lords “the stuff of legend’”

There were at least twenty-three conventions to the Shadow Proclamation.
The extraction machines used to create Golems were forbidden under Article 29.8 of the Shadow Proclamation.
Article 57 of the Proclamation forbid the destruction of Level Five planets.
Article 1768C of the Shadow Proclamation allowed for a trial operating under “innocent until proven guilty”, a legal standard found on eighty-seven member planets and 12,932 affiliated worlds.
Clause 374 of the Shadow Proclamation authorised lethal force to retrieve a culturally valuable artifact.
The Shadow Proclamation underestimated the success and reach of the Time Market.

Rumours and anecdotal evidence suggested that the Shadow Proclamation had enforced the boundaries of a far galaxy by seeding a virus that would activate if any of that galaxy’s populations ventured into space. One civilisation ventured toward the stars anyway, casing the virus to kill off a third of the beings in that galaxy. If this story was nothing more than propaganda, it was nonetheless effective at keeping some of the lesser races in line.

The Doctor’s Wife

The sentient planet called House existed in a bubble universe. It fed on rift energy, and over the course of half a million years had killed hundreds of Time Lords to feast upon the refined Artron energy in their TARDISes. Before doing so, House had to transplant the sentience of each TARDIS into a living being. House’s junkyard included the remains of one hundred TARDIS models.

The eleventh Doctor received an emergency message from a Time Lord slain by House: the Corsair. He took Amy and Rory into House’s bubble, where House transferred the “living soul” of the TARDIS into a young woman named Idris. When House learned that the TARDIS was the last of its kind, he took control of the Ship and attempted to fly back to the universe, marooning the Doctor in a collapsing universe with a dying Idris. They scratch-built a TARDIS from House’s junkyard, and caught up with the House-TARDIS. As Idris’ body died, the TARDIS Matrix was released and reclaimed control of the Ship, annihilating House.

The Doctor’s TARDIS had about thirty console rooms in its archives, including ones the Doctor would use in future - until now, he had only changed the “desktop pattern” about a dozen times.


Gallifrey Section Sidebars

The Doctor’s Age

The Doctor’s age has been specified a number of times, but he is often vague and contradictory on the subject.

The second Doctor tells Victoria that he is “450” in
The Tomb of the Cybermen
. The Master of the Land of Fiction says he is “ageless” in
The Mind Robber
. (In the draft scripts of
The Power of the Daleks
The Underwater Menace,
he was “750”.)

The third Doctor claims to have been a scientist for “thousands of years” in both
Doctor Who and the Silurians
The Mind of Evil

The fourth Doctor says he is “749” in
Planet of Evil, The Brain of Morbius
The Seeds of Doom
, and “nearly 750” in
Pyramids of Mars
. He is “750” by
The Robots of Death
, 756 (according to him) or 759 (according to Romana) in
The Ribos Operation
, nearly 760 in
Nightmare of Eden
, 750 again in
The Creature from the Pit
The Leisure Hive
. (A scripted scene in
The Stones of Blood
showed him celebrating his 751st birthday.) Complicating matters further, fifteen years elapse for the fourth Doctor and Romana in
Heart of TARDIS
(set between
The Stones of Blood
The Androids of Tara
) as they travel through a nexus fighting such foes as the Solstice Squid; it’s thirty years if they do, in fact, have to make the same journey back again.

The sixth Doctor is 900 in
Revelation of the Daleks
The Mysterious Planet
, but “over 900” by
Terror of the Vervoids
. An elderly Jacob Williams claims in
: “Bedtime Story” that the sixth Doctor spent a hundred years showing four completely paralysed people - including him and Evelyn - the wonders of the universe, but this is a highly suspect claim given the Doctor’s age in
Time and the Rani,
and could just owe to Jacob relating events to his son in a fable-like fashion.

Time and the Rani
, both the seventh Doctor and the Rani are “953”, and the Doctor has “nine hundred years experience” by
Remembrance of the Daleks
. In the New Adventures, he was around a thousand years old. According to
he celebrated his 1000th birthday during
Set Piece

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