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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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King Henry VIII mistook the Doctor for a jester.
Henry VIII dissolved The Convent of Little Sisters of St Gudula.
Priests from around the country hid at Cranleigh Hall.

By the 1530s, the Spanish knew of an Incan myth about a fire god. It was based on the “burning” sentience.

1533 (19th July) - SJA: Lost in Time

Rani Chandra was transported back in time to find a piece of chronosteel, and met the doomed Queen Lady Jane Grey on the last day of her nine-day reign. The chronosteel had adopted the form of a dagger and threatened to derail history, but Rani prevented a Protestant from using the blade to martyr the Queen. Rani returned with the item to 2010.

1536 (4th May) - Recorded Time and Other Stories: “Recorded Time”

Anne Boleyn learned that King Henry VIII wanted his time-rewriting Scrivener to make him the immortal King of Time. She used the Scrivener’s phoenix pen to summon the sixth Doctor and Peri, who became one of the Queen’s ladies in waiting. Henry proposed marriage to Peri. He also exacted vengeance on the Queen, making the Scrivener write that she was an adulterer, a sorceress and had a sixth finger on one hand. The Scrivener expired after defying the King’s wish that the Queen be burned alive, writing instead that she would receive a clean sword-strike to the head. The Doctor destroyed the phoenix pen.

The Doctor witnessed the execution of Anne Boleyn.

In 1540, under the reign of King James V, a shooting star landed near the Torchwood Estate in Scotland. Only a single cell of an alien - a werewolf - survived. In the generations to come, the cell would take host after host and grow stronger. The local monks in the Glen of St. Catherine tended to the creature, and made plans to facilitate the Empire of the Wolf.

The Utlunta were slavers who purportedly drained the blood of other races to power their organic spaceships. The leader of a benevolent race trapped the Utlunta, and himself, in a pocket universe. He went mad, forgot his purpose and fled back to the proper universe - which also freed Lilu, the last Utlunta. While Lilu and her spaceship were pitched forward to the fifty-first century, the leader wound up with the Tigua Indians of pre-Columbian America, He became the source of a Comanche legend of the demon Nepesht and his vampiric offspring.

c 1550 - The Jade Pyramid

The ruler of Japan sent his samurai to collect the prized jade pyramid in the town of Kokan, and to bring it to Kyoto. The eleventh Doctor and Amy prevented bloodshed and made off with the pyramid. They also disabled a spaceship and the Otoroshi that it animated.

Around 1550, the Doctor was attacked by a jiki-ketsu-gaki, or vampire, in Japan. He was buried in a snowdrift and spent three months recovering in a monastery. He confronted the vampire, let her drain his blood until she was sated and fell asleep - and then burnt down her castle.

Hexagoran scouts reconnoitered sixteenth-century London, but judged Earth as unsuitable for colonisation.
The Canavitchi supplied Nostradamus with many of his prophecies.
The fourth Doctor’s long scarf was made by Madame Nostradamus, “a witty little knitter”.

1555 (January) - The Marian Conspiracy

The sixth Doctor helped Evelyn Smythe explore her ancestry. While the Doctor visited the court of Queen Mary, Evelyn stumbled on a Protestant plot to poison the Queen and replace her with Elizabeth. The time travellers were both imprisoned in the Tower of London. They met Reverend Thomas Smith, Evelyn’s ancestor, before escaping and preventing the assassination.

The Elizabethan Age

The Doctor attended the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth I.
The Doctor was appalled by the Earl of Essex’s behaviour at the Coronation.
The eighth Doctor, Samson and Gemma also visited the Court of Queen Elizabeth.

1560 (spring) - The Room With No Doors

A Kapteynian slave escaped from a Caxtarid slaver ship, and its capsule crashed in the Han region of Japan. Within days, the Victorian time traveller Penelope Gate also visited Japan. A month later, the seventh Doctor and Chris Cwej arrived and became embroiled in a dispute between rival warlords Guffuu Kocho and Umemi, both wanting possession of the capsule. The Doctor managed to prevent either of them from taking control of it.

Iris saved the fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane in Scotland, in an escapade involving Mary Queen of Scots - who crocheted Iris a nice seat cushion.
The Doctor advised Mary Queen of Scots to change her muckspreader.

“The Beast” were flying creatures that would move from planet to planet by way of dimensional interfaces, and invisibly feed off other beings. This was normally harmless, but on the planet Benelisa, the Beast wiped out the native populace as their numbers were few. The Beast moved on, but at least one Benelisan construct - Azoth - endured and pledged to eradicate the Beast.

In 1564, an Agent of the Council of Eight prevented an Italian blacksmith from gaining the insight needed to invent the steam engine.
The Fulgurites - aliens who looked like mushroom-headed men - secretly established themselves on Earth and traded various commodities with other planets.
The Doctor said that the stories didn’t lie - Ivan the Terrible really was

1572 (21st-24th August) - The Massacre

The first Doctor and Steven arrived in Paris in August 1572. The Protestants of the city, the Huguenots, were massing to celebrate the wedding of Henry of Navarre to Princess Marguerite. Yet they lived in fear of the Catholic majority, particularly the Queen Mother - Catherine de Medici - and the ruthless Abbot of Amboise. One hundred Huguenots had been killed at Wassy ten years ago, and a full-scale massacre was now instigated. The Doctor and Steven fled and were forced to leave Anne Chaplet, a serving girl befriended by Steven, behind to her fate.

Rebels from the mid-twenty-first century kidnapped the young Shakespeare to prevent time-travelling Daleks assassinating him. This removed Shakespeare from time, but history was restored upon his safe return.

(=) In a version of history without Shakespeare, the Daleks had a compound in Warwick in 1572.

1580 - The Vampires of Venice

The planet Saturnyne was “lost” to the Silence, but a small group of fish-like Saturnynians escaped through a Crack in Time and arrived at Venice. Their leader used a perception filter to pose as Signora Rosanna Calvierri, a powerful figure who convinced the Venetians that the surrounding countryside was afflicted with plague. Calvierri also established an exclusive school - a means of genetically altering the girls there into Sisters of the Water, mates for the males. The human survival instinct would override the Sisters’ perception filters in time of danger, making them look like vampires. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory stopped Calvierri from sinking Venice with an earthquake device, which would have turned the city into the Saturnynians’ new domain. Calvierri killed herself, taunting the Doctor that he had wiped out another species.

In 1582, the Doctor visited Rome while trying to track the Timewyrm.
Boscombe Hall was built on the site of the Convent of the Little Sisters of St Gudula in the late sixteenth century.

1586 - TimeH: Child of Time

The cult Sodality sought further power and summoned the Daemon Mastho during a masked ball at the Palazzo Bembo, Venice. Mastho decried Sodality, and ordered that the group destroy the time-sensitives and channellers it had created, lest their existence interfere with the Daemons’ experiments on humanity. Sodality was given exactly one millennium to complete this task; Mastho threatened to return at that time, and to destroy the world if Sodality failed.

The West Wing of Chase Mansion was completed in 1587.
In 1587, the Greld wiped out the Roanoke colony in the New World. They implanted the colonists with components for a meta-cobalt bomb, hoping to sabotage the Armageddon Convention. Christopher Marlowe, an agent of the crown, investigated the tragedy but escaped.

The Doctor may have been at the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots.
The Doctor met Francis Drake just before he faced the Spanish Armada.
He played bowls with Drake and met William Cecil at Elizabeth’s court.
The Doctor let Drake win at bowls so Drake could leave early to face the Spanish Armada on time.

Jack Harkness had fun with a lady at Elizabeth’s court.
An Agent of the Council of Eight released a single butterfly in Africa. The slight disturbance it caused in the atmosphere triggered a storm that helped to destroy the Armada. The Council of Eight’s leader, Octan, arrived in 1588 to try and stop this. The Agent, unable to recognise Octan, pushed him into the Time Vortex.

The tenth Doctor married and deflowered Elizabeth I.
The Queen waited in a glade to elope with the Doctor.
Elizabeth I knighted the Doctor for “more intimate reasons” than Victoria would in future.

Around 1589, Irving Braxiatel began a diplomatic effort that culminated in the signing of the Armageddon Convention.
On 28th October of the same year, the ancient werewolf Pieter Stubbe escaped after being sentenced to death for sorcery in Cologne.

c 1592 (summer) - Point of Entry

The Omnim, largely existing as mental energy in rogue asteroid D359XQ2, locked onto the TARDIS’ flight trail as a means of drawing close to Earth. A Spaniard, Don Lorentho Velez, found the Omnim-tainted stone hilt in Madrid, and so fell under the Omnim’s power. He was made to find the Omnim stone knife the English had taken from the Aztecs, and recruited help from the dramatist Christopher Marlowe - an agent of the crown, who was busy writing
The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus -
by allowing him to experience astral projection. The sixth Doctor and Peri destroyed the Omnim as they attempted to manifest during a lunar eclipse. Marlowe wrote a line in
Doctor Faustus
(“Where the philosopher ceases, the Doctor begins”) in the Doctor’s honour.

Christopher Marlowe continued serving as a secret agent of the British government. He conspired with Walsingham, the Secretary of State, to fake his death.
Towards the end of the sixteenth century, the Xaranti attacked a Zygon fleet. A Zygon ship survived the fighting and crashed on Earth.


The Doctor encouraged Shakespeare, a “taciturn” young man, to take up writing.
Shakespeare and John Fletcher wrote
Cardenio - A Spanish Comedie

1592 (September) - “A Groatsworth of Wit”

The alien Shadeys took Robert Greene, a staunch critic of Shakespeare, from his deathbed and transported him over four hundred years into the future. The ninth Doctor and Rose arrived, hot on Greene’s trail. The Doctor quoted from
Richard III
and was mistaken for an actor, while Shakespeare tried to seduce Rose. Greene attacked Shakespeare, but the Doctor suggested that if Greene destroyed the great playwright
, Greene himself would lose what little future fame he currently enjoyed. Greene banished the Shadeys and returned to his deathbed.

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