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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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On the planet Artaris, civilisation divided itself into fortified city-states. The planet began to industrialize, and “Reeves” emerged as a type of government overseer in the city-state of Excelis. Within a hundred years, a Reeve had commissioned volunteers among the citizens to become law-enforcement officers named Wardens. The immortal Grayvorn worked as one of the earliest Wardens and rose through the ranks.

The Doctor learned to cook in eighteenth-century Paris.
He told the philosopher David Hume that you couldn’t have an effect without a cause.
A Cyber-ship crashed in Colchester and went dormant.

Two humanoid life forms - the carbon-based Fleshkind and the boron-based Metalkind - lived in a binary planetary system at the eye of the Tornado Nebula. The Fleshkind mined the Metalkind’s world for ores, which were actually the Metalkind’s children, and so the two races warred with each other for centuries.

The homeworld of the Veritas - a race of beings with no concept of lying - was obliterated when an unscrupulous merchant released an energy virus there. Three Veritas survived, and pledged to pass sentence on any being they found to be practicing deceit.

(=) Katsura Sato had conquered the Europe of his alternate timeline. Africa and Asia soon followed.

Will Butley, a clerk in Shanghai, fell in love with a Taoist philosopher who taught him the secrets of the
: the life force itself. Butley murdered his lover, and spent the next three centuries draining the life essences from young men as a means of prolonging his own.

1702 (8th-10th March) - Phantasmagoria

The fifth Doctor and Turlough witnessed phantoms abducting a gambler, Edmund Carteret, who died from a heart attack. This was the latest of many such disappearances. The Doctor discovered that a stranded alien, Karthok of Daeodalus, was operating on Earth as Sir Nikolas Valentine, a card-playing member of the Diabola Club. Valentine had been absorbing human minds into his ship’s computer, then using the amassed calculating power to help the ship heal itself. The phantoms were the collected consciousness of the minds absorbed, directed by Valentine to snatch more victims. The Doctor tricked Valentine into seeding his own bioprint into the ship’s computer, whereupon the phantoms tore Valentine to pieces. Valentine’s ship was programmed to self-destruct.

c 1705 - Doctor Who and the Pirates

The TARDIS landed onboard a ship as the pirate Red Jasper attacked it. The sixth Doctor and Evelyn were taken on board Jasper’s vessel. Jasper was looking for treasure in the Ruby Islands, and was unimpressed by the Doctor’s reluctance to kill. The Doctor incited mutiny on Jasper’s ship, leaving Jasper stranded.

c 1707 - “Ravens”

The seventh Doctor saw patterns in history and convinced a warrior in seventeenth-century Japan, the Raven, that although his wife and children were dead, he could still save others. The Doctor took Raven to the future to confront a street gang named the Ravens.

c 1708 (July) - Circular Time: “Summer”

The fifth Doctor was distracted by an alchemy demonstration in London, and handed Nyssa some coins from other eras. Sir Isaac Newton, disguised as an Algerian juggler with a false chin, witnessed this and - under his authority as director of the Royal Mint - had them incarcerated for counterfeiting. Newton’s formidable brain pieced together many details about the coins, and made several correct guesses about the future and the Doctor and Nyssa’s origins. The knowledge triggered one of Newton’s seizures, and the Doctor prevented him from swallowing his own tongue and choking to death. Newton ordered the travellers’ release, hoping they would never meet again. The Doctor thought that Newton would have a headache for some days, then become bored with the memory of the time travellers and move on to something new.

The Doctor knows that marrying for love is a mistake, due to his experience with Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.

The Doctor once met the Duke of Marlborough.
He also met Peter the Great in Russia, and saw the Peter and Paul Cathedral being built.
In 1720, the Doctor saw the Earth’s fury at Okushiri.

The Tristian Cluster was a series of asteroids that had been a planet, and settled in orbit around the planet’s moon. They became much colder, but retained enough sunlight that the planet’s albino-skinned natives could live there. A family of criminals from the Cluster came to reside on Earth in a West Sussex village, Wolfenden - so named for the white wolf that was carved into the rocks there. Most of the family remained in cryo-sleep, awaiting the day that their sentence had passed.

Through the millennia, the Silurian Malohkeh’s family had monitored mankind’s evolution. From around 1720, only Malohkeh remained to perform this task.

Casanova was born in 1725.
Gulliver’s Travels
was published in 1726.

1727 - The Girl in the Fireplace

The tenth Doctor passed through a time window from the fifty-first century and met Reinette for the first time.

c 1728 - The Girl in the Fireplace

Weeks or months later, he met her again and saved her from a clockwork man.

An alien creature, the Onk Ndell Kith, was damaged when it fell into the water near Edinburgh. Its consciousness was split into multiple units programmed to self-replicate. A brewster found one of these, and sold it to a man named Alexander Monro. The unit sampled Monro’s DNA, and transformed itself into a mechanical hand. He experimented on the hand using electricity, and it split into two - one of which turned into a younger copy of Monro. Without the critical mass needed to restore it to life, the Onk Ndell Kith remained disembodied until 1759.

w - c 1730 (spring) - FP: Newtons Sleep

Nathaniel Silver’s extended lifespan came undone, and he died at the Inferno brothel, in the bed of a French prostitute named Madame Machine.

The Aliens Act was passed in 1730.
In the same year, a Mr Chicken resided at 10 Downing Street.
The Doctor’s old friend Padmasambhava began to construct Yeti from this time.

1738 - The Doomwood Curse

The sixth Doctor and Charley arrived in 1738, having just encountered some Grel at the Archive of Alexandria IV. The literal-minded Grel - only able to acknowledge verifiable fact - had developed the Factualizer, a device that contained particles that made fictional tales manifest in the real world. The time travellers unknowingly released some of these particles, and people started acting in accordance with the novel
(1834). The Doctor eventually contained the particles after they concentrated for a time in Dick Turpin - a heroic highwayman as depicted in
, but a violent criminal and petty thief in real life. Turpin departed, historically fated to be tried and executed the following year.

c 1738 - The Girl in the Fireplace

The tenth Doctor met Reinette when she was a young woman, and snogged her.

In 1740, the man who would become known as Sabbath was born.
On 8th September, 1742, the first Doctor and his companions spent some time in New England after their adventure in Salem, 1692.
Alexander Monro’s father, John Monro, died in 1740. Alexander loved his father so much, he sought to use the Onk Ndell Kith’s replication abilities to bring John back to life as an infant.
Time travellers Penelope Gate and Joel Mintz briefly visited the year 1743.

1744 - The Girl in the Fireplace

The King’s mistress, Madame de Chateauroux, was ill and near death. The tenth Doctor spied on Reinette as she walked through the grounds of a stately home, plotting to take Chateauroux’s place.

1745 (February) - The Girl in the Fireplace

Shortly afterwards, the Doctor used another time window to visit Reinette the night she became the royal mistress.

A battlefield from the Jacobite Uprising was kidnapped by the War Lords.

1746 (April) - The Highlanders
/ The War Games

The second Doctor, Ben and Polly prevented the crooked solicitor Grey from selling Scottish prisoners into slavery. The highlanders had signed six-year plantation work contracts, but the Doctor sent the boat to the safety of France. Jamie McCrimmon, a Scots piper, joined the Doctor on his travels. The Time Lords later returned Jamie to his native time, but walled off his memories of all of his adventures with the Doctor save the very first.

Once again, Jared Khan - this time known as Thomas - narrowly missed acquiring the TARDIS. After this time, he posed as “Alessandro di Cagliostro”.
The Kith-spawned version of Alexander Monro married a woman named Katherine.
In 1750, a ship was wrecked off Haiti. Washed ashore was Nkome, a six-year-old African slave kept alive by voodoo, who began plotting his revenge against the white landowners - the blancs.
The Doctor knew the landscape architect Lancelot Brown, a.k.a. Capability Brown.

Around 1750, a “Mr Sun” arrived in England from China. He inherited business space in Covent Garden, and opened a toy store there. A successive number of “Mr Suns” would operate the shop for two hundred years.

The Daemons inspired the Industrial Revolution.

Britain decided to adopt the Gregorian calendar, meaning that eleven days (from 2nd to 14th September) would be removed from the current calendar. Faction Paradox approached King George II and offered to purchase and occupy those missing days, intending that they would become their centre of operations, the Eleven-Day Empire. The future George III was present in January 1752, when a Faction representative performed a six-armed “shadow dance” for the King at St. James’ Palace. The compact governing the sale of the eleven days was later signed in the upstairs room of a public house.

The father of Corwyn Marne, a founding member of the Society of Sigismondo di Rimini, attended the compact signing. At this time, Faction Paradox placed race banks and biodata codices at secret locations on Earth - a precaution if they required more troops and agents in this era. Sutekh ruined one such cache at Mount Vesuvius, and hid the body of Osiris there. In the decade to come, Osiris’ biomass, co-mingled with Faction Paradox genetic material, seeped into the soil and was distributed amongst different lifeforms, including cows and flowers with black petals - “the buds of the hours”.

On 14th September, 1752, as the calendar moved forward eleven days, one soul in a thousand - including a young Sabbath - saw, just for a moment, London bathed in shadow as the intervening days passed into Faction Paradox’s care.

The Doctor lost a bet to Casanova, and wound up owing the man a chicken

& 1754 - The Girl in the Fireplace

Rose appeared and warned Reinette that the clockwork men would come for her in five years. Reinette briefly travelled to the fifty-first century, then returned to her home time.

The Doctor received mild injuries when he helped Benjamin Franklin fly his kite.
Dr Borlase was killed surveying the Nine Travellers in 1754.
In the same year, the seventh Doctor discovered Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart half-dead in a slaver off Sierra Leone. He took her to the Civilisation of the People.

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