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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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Three million years ago, civilisation had started on Veltroch.
When the People of the Worldsphere were young, their metaphors were powerful enough to restructure reality. In this manner, the concept of the “inner world” was seeded throughout the universe, and came to hollow out and reshape interior of the planet later known as Tyler’s Folly. This facilitated the creation of Mankind Expects Pain, However Much It Seems To Outsiders (MEPHISTO), a conceptual entity who represented the need to feel pain even in a utopia.

2,579,868 BC - Genocide

Captain Jacob Hynes, a genocidal UNIT member, arrived through time with a virus intended eliminate all mammalian life on Earth. Jo Grant and Sam Jones prevented him from releasing a deadly prion, and some primitive humans killed Hynes. A message from the eighth Doctor’s Tractite ally, Kitig, enabled Jo and Sam to find the buried TARDIS and locate the eighth Doctor 1.07 million years in the past.

? 2,500,000 BC - Frozen Time

The Martians gave one of their number, Arakssor, a life sentence because he wanted to lead his people to war. Arakssor and about twenty of his followers were frozen in Antarctica, with a group of Martians watching over them. The guards were betrayed and Arakssor’s warriors broke free. A firefight led to everyone involved being covered in ice - the seventh Doctor was present, fell into freezing water and went comatose. Sediment congealed around him in the centuries to follow, and he would remain frozen until 2012.

w - Godfather Morlock of Faction Paradox studied a South American missing link that was two million years old.
A humanoid race sent probes out into the galaxy to build transference pylons capable of teleporting people between solar systems at the speed of light. Ninety-nine percent of the probes failed, but the remaining 1% allowed the Slow Empire to be established.

The Ulanti developed a technique called “bioharmonics”, wherein they transformed their entire planet into a musical instrument and produced a natural melody using the biological rhythms of their ecosystem. The Ulanti homeworld was an unspoilt wilderness, and its music was incredibly sublime. Nonetheless, the Ulanti died out two million years ago. Some of their music would survive in ancient alien scripts in the archives on Nocturne.

A million years ago, the Mastons of Centimminus Virgo became extinct.
The Hoothi made the first moves in their plan to conquer Gallifrey. They enslaved the Heavenites, keeping them as a slave race and turning their planet into a beautiful garden world.
The Tralsam-mavarians died out.
The planet Wrouth was an enormous diamond with a monetary value in excess of the number of molecules in the universe. For a million years, the planet had been defended by war asteroids. In that time, it attracted a number of attackers, including the Daleks (driven away by the Doctor and Captain Nekro) and the Gantacs.
An entity said to be “the spirit of the trees, the life force of nature” came to slumber in what would become Wells Wood in Stockbridge. A pagan cult came to worship this Green Man, a.k.a. Viridios.

The Ice Warriors of Mars had space travel a million years ago.
Around the same time, diamonds were formed in the remnants of a Jovian planet in the Caledonian Reef.
The earliest splinter of Scaroth gave mankind the secret of fire in his efforts to accelerate human development.

The Thal civilisation had begun half a million years ago on Skaro, and writings survive from this time.
A quarter of a million years ago, the Monks of Felsecar began collecting objects and information.
Two hundred thousand years ago,
homo sapiens
- “the most vicious species of all” - began killing one another.
As man evolved, the alien entity that the TARDIS dropped off on primeval Earth was summoned. It took human form and existed “on the edge of fear”, always seeking the TARDIS.
The Lobri were created in the collective unconscious of primitive mankind. They were xenophobia incarnate, living symbols of our fear of the alien.

The planet Hitchemus was 7/8ths covered by ocean, and the shifting climate there threw the genetics of the indigenous species of tigers into flux. A generation of tigers was born hyper-intelligent and built a weather control system. However, the tigers’ progeny lacked the increased intelligence of their parents - presumably as a survival mechanism to prevent the tigers from over-developing their limited resources. Before passing on, the intelligent tigers built a hidden storehouse to preserve something of their developments. A generation of intelligent tigers would sporadically be born from time to time, with multiple generations of instinctive tigers in-between.

The First Ice Age and Cavemen

A Martian ship crashed on Earth, and became encased at the foot of an ice mountain.
Ice Warrior spaceship designs changed little after this time.

One hundred thousand years ago on Earth, the First Ice Age began. By this time, two rival groups of intelligent primates had developed: Neanderthals and
homo sapiens
Another group, the Titanthropes, became an evolutionary dead end. They possessed more intelligence than Neanderthals, but were more hostile and killed themselves off before the emergence of
homo sapiens

The being named Light surveyed life on Earth for several centuries during the Ice Age. Ichthyosaurs were included in Light’s catalogue, as were the Neanderthals. The Doctor visited a Neanderthal tribe and acquired the fang of a cave bear.

The Daemon Azal wiped out the Neanderthals. Race memories of beings with horns and their science survived in human rituals. Light had preserved a single specimen - Nimrod -
and a few individual examples of the race survived for tens of thousands of years

c 100,000 BC - An Unearthly Child / The Eight Doctors

The first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan met a prehistoric tribe struggling to survive “the great cold”, and was in the throes of a leadership struggle between Kal and Za. Ian made fire, and the leadership dispute was settled in Za’s favour when Kal was exposed as a murderer.
The eighth Doctor observed his earlier self.

(=) 100,000 BC - TW: The Men Who Sold the World
CIA agent Rex Matheson was thrown back in time from 2010 by a Ytraxorian Reality Gun. A caveman, Bent Low, confronted him.

The super-assassin Mr Wynter altered events so that the rogue CIA operative Cotter Gleason was displaced to 100,000 BC instead. Bent Low killed Gleason, and used the man’s meat to feed his family.

The Cold, a form of intelligence, evolved in the Siberian ice. It became dormant as the planet warmed, but would emerge in the savage winter of 1963.
The Gappa - a race of telepathic hermaphrodites from Hydropellica Hydroxi, on the far side of the Milky Way - hailed from a cold planet with at least six moons. They became so adept at hunting their prey, they consumed each another until only one remained. Some Modrakanians transported the last Gappa to a snowy portion of Earth, but their spaceship disintegrated. Fire-wielding early humans drove the Gappa underground, where it was buried in an icefall. The tenth Doctor and Martha, having defeated the Gappa in 2099, recovered the bodies of the Modrakanians for burial.

The box entity that the sixth Doctor flung into a space-time tear in 1965 fell into “the distant past”, and arrived on a desolate asteroid. In the ages to follow, a spaceship crashed on the asteroid and the box entity merged with a young boy to become The Wishing Beast. It subsisted off hapless travellers for three centuries until the sixth Doctor and Mel defeated it.

The Galyari evolved as an intelligent lizard race that was descended from avians. They sought to overrun the homeworld of the Cuscaru, but the Doctor obtained the Galyari’s Srushkubr, the “memory egg” deposited on every colony world. He destroyed it when General Voshkar of the Galyari refused to withdraw. This released a dose of neural energy that would taint the descendants of the Galyari present for generations. The Galyari later became nomads aboard a fleet of spaceships named the Clutch.

The Doctor’s role in this affair made the Galyari regard him as “the Sandman”, a legendary killer of Galyari children. The threat of the Sandman’s return helped to keep the Galyari’s aggression in check.
The Witch Guards, an amorphic gestalt that absorbed their opponents’ attributes, began operating as mercenaries.

Scaroth, the Fendahl and the Daemons all continued to influence human development until the late twentieth century.
At some point mankind will become embroiled in a conflict with the Leannain Sidhe, an energy-based race dimensionally out of phase with humanity, existing in all eleven dimensions rather than the “visible” four but sharing the same planet. A truce between the two races will eventually be reached.

The Gubbage Cones were the dominant empire in the galaxy.
The Master had a Vortex Cloak stolen from the ruins of the Gubbage Cone Throneworld on the edge of the Great Attractor.

The ozone layer of Urbanka collapsed around 55,500 BC. The Monarch of the planet stored the memories of his population, some three billion, on computer chips which could be housed in android bodies. Monarch built a vast spacecraft and set out for Earth. The ship doubled its speed on each round trip, and the Urbankans landed and kidnapped human specimens.

It was thought that mankind made the Great Leap Forward from animal to human around 50,000 BC. Humans started burying their dead, and created art and money.

The P’Shiem created millions of mechanical beings - the Omicron - to explore different worlds via the Cardiff Rift, and then pool any information they gleaned pertaining to history, geography, science, society and technology in a tesseract fold. The Rift proved so hazardous that only one Omicron survived to the twenty-first century; the P’Shem themselves died when a monstrous creature came through the Rift and ate their world.

The Flurrgh and the Wfflmibibiki initiated a long-lasting war with each other.

Cavemen Days

Cave paintings on one Mediterranean island date from the Cro-Magnon period, forty thousand years ago, demonstrating that a primitive human culture had developed by this time.
Around 35,500 BC, the Urbankans kidnapped the Australian Aborigine Kurkurtji and other members of his race.
An Onihr captain took charge of a vast Onihr ship thirty thousand years ago. The same captain would seek to acquire time-travel technology on Earth, the twenty-first century.

29,185 BC (24th May) - Only Human

The ninth Doctor and Rose arrived from the twenty-first century, on the trail of a “dirty rip” time engine. They quickly discovered a group of researchers from the far future who were monitoring the local Neanderthal tribe. Rose accidentally married the prince of the caveman tribe, Tillun, while the Doctor discovered that Chantal - one of the time travellers - had engineered fearsome Hy-Bractor creatures. She planned to release them, changing history to wipe out the inferior
homo sapiens
. The Doctor defeated her.

The Neanderthals died out around twenty-eight thousand years ago.
A “framily” (friends who become like family) took up residence inside a space-faring Ghaleen.

The T’Zun began space conquests around 23,000 BC. They defeated the fungoid Darkings of Yuggoth, but their genetic structure became corrupted and they mutated into three subspecies.
The energy fields of the dormant Permians influenced the early Inuit legends.

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