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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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& 1765 - “The Daleks: Eve of War”

A few months later, a new Dalek City had been built, with improved defences. The Daleks constantly monitored against surprise attack. The Daleks built a space station as a staging post to the planet Oric, with construction supervised by the Red Dalek. Workers there were attacked by the Mechanoids’ “suspicion ray”, and began fighting amongst themselves. The Daleks detected the Mechanoid ship and destroyed it. Two Mechanoid ships quickly retaliated, destroying the Dalek saucer and warning the Daleks to avoid their territory.

& 1765 - “The Daleks: The Archive of Phryne”

The Emperor ordered the Daleks to prepare new weapons to fight a galactic war, and began searching nearby planets for new inventions. A force led by the Black Dalek discovered the planet Phryne behind an invisibility screen, and landed to seize “the genius of a hundred planets”. But the Phrynians kept the information in their own memories, and fled the Dalek invasion.

& 1765 - “The Daleks: Rogue Planet”

The Astrodalek observed a newborn rogue planet in the Eighty-Fourth galaxy, which they named Skardal. It collided with the planet Omega Three, altering its course so that it was heading for Skaro. Upgraded Dalek saucers fitted with Magray Ultimate deflected Skardal until it was aimed at the home planet of the Mechanoids, Mechanus.

& 1765 - “The Daleks: Impasse”

The leaders of the planet Zeros were alarmed at the prospect of galactic war between the Daleks and Mechanoids, and sent a robot agent, 2K, to prevent either side from winning. 2K arrived on Skaro and discovered the existence of Skardal. 2K launched himself towards the rogue planet in a Dalek missile. 2K was captured by the Mechanoids, but diverted the Dalek missile to destroy Skardal. He tricked the Mechanoids into thinking the Daleks had saved them, and the threat of war receded.

As a time agent, Jack Harkness stole a rare manuscript of Shakespeare and Fletcher’s
Cardenio - A Spanish Comedie
from Thomas Sheridan in 1765.
Sir Francis Dashwood, an ancestor of Brigham Elisha Dashwood III and Chancellor of the Exchequer to King George III, founded the Hellfire Club as a social organization. The group peaked in the 1760s, becoming a debauched haven for the aristocracy. The generations to follow exaggerated the group’s dabblings with the black arts.

1768 - Hornets’ Nest: The Circus of Doom/ A Sting in the Tale

The Hornets mentally compelled the fourth Doctor to bring them to this time, and they took control of the hideous dwarf Antonio was he was 13. He met the Hornets in the lagoons outside Venice, and they granted him vast psychic powers - that he used to burn out the minds of those who had taunted him. Freed of the Hornets’ influence once they possessed Antonio, the Doctor and a dog the Hornets had previously possessed - which he named Captain - tried to find the dwarf for four days, but to no avail.

Rubasdpofiaew, a drug from Tau Ceti Minor, found its way to Earth and started growing in Tibet as a “miracle flower” named Om-Tsor. Those who consumed Om-Tsor could turn thought into reality. Starving Tibetan lamas ate the Om-Tsor flowers, and used their newfound abilities to found the peaceful “Om-Tsor” valley.

Sabbath was initiated into the British intelligence service in 1762, adopting the name by which we know him.
He was not supposed to survive the initiation, but the Council of Eight saved him. The Council claimed to be humans from the future who wanted to become the Lords of Time. They recruited Sabbath as a counterpart to the Doctor, but he did not hear from them for another twenty years.

1770 (April to June) - Transit of Venus

The TARDIS arrived on the sailing ship
, which was commanded by Captain James Cook. His expedition had recently left Tahiti after observing a transit of Venus - a rare event when Venus moves across the disc of the sun. The transit would aid astronomers in creating a map of the skies, and the
was now headed toward Cook’s historical discovery of Australia.

Superstitious sailors pitched the TARDIS - with Barbara and Susan inside - into the water. The first Doctor and Ian were mistaken as hailing from Venus, and enjoyed Cook’s hospitality while worrying about their lost friends. Susan had tied the TARDIS to the
with some rope, and the time machine had been pulled behind Cook’s vessel. Barbara passed some time relating details of the period to Susan, whose latent empathy had unknowingly influenced Cook’s chief scientist, Joseph Banks, to write and talk about historical events, tunes and poems from the future.

In June, the Doctor’s party were reunited when the
reached Australia; Cook’s nephew, Isaac Smith, was the first to step ashore. Banks promised to remain silent about these events - and the extra-terrestrial travellers he’d purportedly met.

Banks named a plant “Barberer” after “barber”, meaning Latin for beard, possibly because his telepathic link with Susan brought the word “Barbara” to mind.

In 1771, Alexander Monro reclaimed the last Hand of Onk Ndell Kith from Benjamin Franklin, who was staying at the home of the philosopher David Hume. Two years later, Alexander used the hand to “rebirth” his father as a baby, and presented it to his wife Katherine as an abandoned infant that they should raise as their own.
The Xoanthrax Empire subjugated the Hargarans.

w - 1774 (December) - FP: “Political Animals” / FP: “Betes Noires and Dark Horses”

Empress Catherine of Russia gifted the court of King George III with a mammoth - a relic of history from a different time. Mother Francesca of Faction Paradox arrived, along with her unnamed second, as various parties gathered at the court for a ritualistic hunt. The event drew the attention of Sabbath. The American delegation intended on using a Mayakai warrior, Mayakatula, as their hunting dog, but she freed herself and made the acquaintance of a young servant named Isobel...

Sabbath first met the Mayakai warrior Tula Lui in 1776, when she was ten. She would eventually become his apprentice. In 1780, Sabbath failed to seduce Scarlette, a brothel owner and ritualist. The same year, he was present during the Gordon Riots. He left the Service, and dealt with the agents of the Service - the “Ratcatchers” - sent to assassinate him. Tula Lui, as Sabbath’s only real company from 1780 to 1782, eliminated some high-ranking Service officials as a message for them to leave Sabbath alone.

The American War of Independence

The Doctor was at the Boston Tea Party in 1773.
The Rani was present during the American War of Independence.
The Canavitchi were involved in the same conflict.
The Doctor met American founding fathers Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton - two of them fancied him.
The Doctor was once stuck at a tea party with Thomas Jefferson, who wouldn’t shut up about bees.

Benjamin Franklin became President of the United States.

= On Roma I, Americanus crushed a republican insurrection in America. As a reward, the Emperor granted his family stewardship of the continent.

Devil’s End became notorious when the Third Lord of Aldbourne’s black magic rituals were exposed.
In the late eighteenth century, Scaroth lived in France at the time of Louis XV. He acquired a Gainsborough.

Gainsborough also painted a portrait of Ace that ended up in Windsor Castle.
Kalicum, an agent of the Council of Eight, made genetic alterations to the grandfather of the Frenchman D’Amantine. The alterations would work their way through thirteen successive generations.
Shardlow lost a game of backgammon at the Hellfire Club in July 1778, and became the Celestial Toymaker’s thrall.

The Doctor met Emperor Joseph II of Austria-Hungary.
Cessair posed as Lady Montcalm and was painted by Ramsay.
In September 1781, Jane Hallam - the wife of Henry Hallam, one of Mel’s ancestors - died from a horse-riding accident.

1781 (12th December) to 1782 (June) -

Melanie Bush arrived through time from 2003, and the transition left her extremely confused and disorientated. Henry Hallam cared for her and, failing to recognise Mel as one of his descendants, became intent on making her his second wife. The sixth Doctor and Mel’s uncle, John Hallam, arrived and intervened. The travellers returned with Mel to the twenty-first century, and Henry eventually married his housekeeper, Mrs McGregor. Henry’s journal and other documents from the period would note the existence of “Eleanor Hallam” - actually Mel, who was erroneously believed to have been born about 1760 and died in 1811.

1782 (20th March) to 1783 (13th February) -
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street

At the limit of human consciousness was the “horizon”, and beyond that was the Kingdom of the Beasts and the babewyns, bestial ape creatures. The destruction of Gallifrey destabilised time, allowing the babewyns to escape to Earth as humans were beginning to conceive of time as a dimension.

The eighth Doctor arrived in this era, suffering physical symptoms as a result of his being linked to his homeworld, which no longer existed. He allied himself with a brothel owner and ritualist, Scarlette. Together, they agreed that the Doctor should marry Juliette, a young woman working in the brothel, as this would link him to Earth and allow him to serve as its protector.

The Doctor came to the attention of Sabbath, who thought the Doctor had brought the babewyns to Earth. Sabbath was building a time machine, the
. The Doctor and Sabbath teamed up upon realising they both wished to repel the monsters. Juliette abandoned the Doctor for Sabbath, so the Doctor instead married Scarlette in the Caribbean. The Doctor’s illness got worse, and the babewyns transported his party to their domain (possibly the ruins of Gallifrey). Sabbath saved the Doctor by removing one of his hearts.

The babewyns assaulted Scarlette’s brothel, and Scarlette was believed killed in the fighting. The Doctor defeated the babewyns, and beheaded the King of Beasts with the sonic screwdriver. A funeral was held for Scarlette on 9th February, 1783, but she had survived and parted company with the Doctor on 13th February.

After implanting the Doctor’s heart in his chest, Sabbath gained the ability to travel through time. The Doctor wrote the novel
The Ruminations of a Foreign Traveller in his Element
during this time

1783 (4th-10th December) - Dead of Winter

Dr Bloom, the head of a clinic in St. Christophe, Italy, preformed miracle cures in conjunction with a water-dwelling hive-creature that had visited Earth at various times. The creature could heal disease, and also generated Familiars: ghost-like recreations of lost loved ones. A Familiar had raised Prince Boris, a Russian aristocrat, and cured him of his wasting disease. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory were present as Boris tried to use the creature’s psionic abilities to conquer the world. A distraught Bloom fatally shot the Doctor after learning that his wife Perdita was also a Familiar. The hive-creature exploded after healing the Doctor, unable to process the weight of his life’s memories. Many of Bloom’s patients, including Boris, regained their ailments. Two last Familiars remained: an 11-year-old girl named Maria and her mother, both of whom were unaware of their true nature.

Sir Percival Flint excavated a fogou in Cornwall in 1783 and heard ghastly screams.
The TARDIS wine cellar contained a bottle of 1784 Madeira, which was the property of Benjamin Franklin.
The Pathfinders - androids who prided themselves on “always getting their man”, i.e. obliterating their opposition - participated in what would become one of the most pointless interplanetary wars in modern history.
The insectoid Hexagora colonised Zagara IX and came into conflict with the Agelli - hostile ape-like creatures native to the Acteon galaxy, but had ventured into the Milky Way. The Hexagora obliterated the Agelli warfleet - one hundred thousand starships were destroyed, and the cause of the Agelli defeat would remain a mystery.

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