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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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On 17th October, the Doctor, Ace and Hex made their initial landing in this era, at the British army barracks at Scutari. William Russell, a
London Times
war correspondent, accused the Doctor of being a traitor, prompting the Doctor and Ace to go back four weeks to investigate his claims and Seymour’s reports. Hex remained to care for the wounded and meet his idol, Florence Nightingale, who was scheduled to arrive in about a month. The Charge of the Light Brigade occurred on 25th October.

Ten days after the Doctor and Ace departed Kursk, Kitchen was taken off active service and accompanied Nightingale to the hospital at Scutari. They arrived mid-November, and Hex met Nightingale. On 19th November, Kitchen hotly confronted Hex concerning his affiliation with the Doctor and Ace. Hex’s friends arrived through time to collect him - just as Kitchen shot him. The Doctor and Ace bundled their wounded friend into the TARDIS, and set course for St. Gart’s Hospital in the twenty-first century. Nightingale was left to pray, with a distraught Kitchen, for Hex’s recovery.

c 1855 - “Perceptions” / “Coda”

The eighth Doctor, Stacy and Ssard helped P’fer’d and M’rek’d, two purple and yellow-spotted Equinoids stranded on Earth, to get home.

1855 (13th December) - “Cuckoo”

The seventh Doctor, Benny and Ace landed in the seaside village of Lifton, where it was rumoured the devil had shown himself. This was the location of one of the richest fossil beds in Southern England. Mary Anne Wesley was pioneering the field of paleontology at this time, despite the fact the locals disapproved. The Doctor was here to stop her, as Wesley was about to unearth the fossil of an alien - and set science back by decades as it pursued a false trail. While the Doctor and Benny met Wesley, Ace found a body on the beach. The Doctor realised that one of the Wesleys’ other guests was a lizard-like shapeshifter, a Surcoth, looking to repatriate the fossilised remains of an ancient explorer. The Doctor let him leave.

The Crimean War

The Crimean War was fought 1853-1856. On 25th October, 1854, the Doctor was present at the “magnificent folly” of the Charge of the Light Brigade.
The Doctor claimed he had been wounded in the Crimea.
The War Lords lifted a Crimean War battlefield.

In 1854, Theodore Maxwell experimented with electromagnetism.
The Ogron homeworld was discovered in 1855. From this point, the ape-like race would be used as slaves and hired muscle by more than a dozen races.

Two residents of the Euphorian Empire, the artisan brothers Jude and Gabriel, travelled to Earth in 1855 via a dimensional portal. On the island of Es Vedra, the monk Francisco Belao mistook them for angels.

(=) 1856 (27th January) - 100: “My Own Private Wolfgang”
The Mozart who bargained for immortality was all-too horrifyingly aware that he’d become a hack. Along with scores of time-travelling Mozart clones, the sixth Doctor and Evelyn attended a ball to celebrate Mozart’s 100th birthday - and bore witness as a despondent Mozart tried and failed to kill himself on stage. Evelyn was accidentally transported to the future, while the Doctor - learning how Mozart had been manipulated and mistreated - travelled in the TARDIS back to Mozart’s deathbed.

In Scotland, 1856, a young boy named James Lees encountered a different dimensional portal while swimming in the River Clyde near the Corra Linn falls. Lees remained on the other side of the portal, but the aliens who lived there sent a doppelganger of him back through as an ambassador. The ersatz James could tap people’s memories to “speak with the voices of the dead” and was committed to an asylum. Within a few years, he’d become renowned as a spiritualist.

1856 (winter) - The Haunting of Thomas Brewster

Thomas Brewster had spent five years at the workhouse, taking lessons and enduring regular beatings from Mr. Shanks, the master there. Brewster experienced recurring dreams of his dead mother - the result of a psychic “test signal” sent to him from the future. The fifth Doctor and Nyssa arrived and quickly departed, deciding they were still too early in Brewster’s timeline.

w - Gillian Rose Petra came into information suggesting that Sherlock Holmes had been born in late February, 1857 (and not January 1854, as was more commonly believed) and that his first name was Edmund (not William).

Charles Dodgson photographed a young Victoria Waterfield in 1857.
During the Opium Wars, the Doctor recreated a tapestry from a grubby Han-Sen original as the British fleet shelled a city. The Celestial Toymaker was not present, but would later acquire the copy.

(=) 1858 - “The Screams of Death”
Monsieur Valdemar, a criminal from the future, was transported into the past by the time-child Chiyoko. He used a DNA sequencer to transform young women to his agents - and excellent opera singers to boot. The eleventh Doctor and Amy enjoyed the best performance of
that the Doctor had seen in a century, and stopped Valdemar from eliminating the ancestors of the four men who had betrayed him. Valdemar’s slaves turned on him, and threw him to his death.

The TARDIS absorbed a young woman, Cosette, into itself, but she was restored to life when Chiyoko cancelled out her own existence.

c 1859 - A Town Called Fortune

The sixth Doctor and Evelyn visited the town of Fortune, and helped to bring Mayor Sullivan to justice for crimes. Sheriff Hayes turned himself in for the murder of William Donovan.

The Doctor talked to Lewis Carroll about the sleeping King Constantine, which influenced Carroll’s writing.
Darwin published
The Origin of the Species
in 1859.
The Doctor met Darwin.
The Doctor dropped by New York as the Plug Uglies and Dead Rabbit gangs were tearing into each other. He helped to resolve the conflict, either by sorting it out with them over a pack of Jammy Dodgers, or just sending them back to Sligo, Ireland.
In 1860, Ian’s great-grandfather, Major William Chesterton, served as a member of a Hussar company at Jaipur, India.

c 1860 - Benny: The Vampire Curse: “Possum Kingdom”

Benny and the Yesterways Ltd. tour group visited Transylvania during Victorian times.

In 1860, Litefoot’s father was a Brigadier-General on the punitive expedition to China. The Litefoot family stayed in the country for the next thirteen years. Around this time, Henry Gordon Jago began working in the entertainment business.

1861 - The Haunting of Thomas Brewster

Mr Shanks sold Thomas Brewster to a man named Creek, who offered the lad an apprenticeship in his shop on Jacob’s Island - a notorious rookery on the south bank of the Thames. The boys in Creek’s employ scavenged the river for all manner of valuables, including items thrown overboard to avoid the revenue man. Brewster endured Creek’s regular beatings.

1861 (June) - The Good, the Bad and the Alien

A Jerinthioan, a type of psionic vampire, became trapped on Earth. It mentally enticed two space smugglers - members of the Cemar race, who looked like humanoid meerkats - to come to Mason City, Nevada, so it could escape. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory ran afoul of the Jerinthioan, the Cemars and some bank robbers - the Black Hand Gang. The Jerinthioan over-fed on the Doctor’s psionic energy and died, and the Doctor took the Cemars back to their homeworld to face trial for smuggling.

Earth was now classified as a Level Three

1861 - Serpent Crest: The Broken Crown / Aladdin Time

The cyborg Alex was now a teenager, and had become attuned to the Skishtari egg in his possession. It created within itself fictional worlds based upon the books he read. The fourth Doctor and Mrs Wibbsey arrived down a wormhole from the far future as the egg made Alex increasingly capricious. The Doctor and Wibbsey were briefly trapped inside the egg’s dimensions, and experienced a realm based upon
Arabian Nights
. The Doctor’s scarf manifested as a genie and granted Alex some wishes - which he used to close down the egg’s fictional constructs. The Doctor buried the egg and gave instructions that Nest Cottage, which he would come to own, be built over it. Alex used his last wish to transport himself, Boolin, the Doctor and Wibbsey to Nest Cottage in 2010.

The Doctor met Victor Hugo in Guernsey.
The Doctor showed Victor Hugo the catacombs of Paris. Hugo was so spooked by this that he changed the plot of
Les Miserables
, which he had planned to make a comedy.
The Doctor encountered the Silurian warrior Madame Vastra, who was trying to avenge the deaths of her sisters on innocent workers in the London Underground. The two of them formed an enduring friendship.

A child born ten miles from the Torchwood Estate was stolen from a cultivation, and became the newest host to the essence of an alien werewolf.
In 1863, the stone-imprinted minds of Qin Shi Huang and his two generals were transferred into Abbot Wu and two warrior monks.
A time warp in the USA sent a Cheyenne War Party to the twentieth century, where they attacked a trucker.

A time traveller of unknown origin arrived in the nineteenth century, and - as far as could be determined - conducted experiments to improve the cognitive and intellectual abilities of pigs. Two “children” were born in the laboratory: the human-looking Charlie and his brother Toby, a walking, talking pig who passed in polite society as a swine of culture. Charlie and Toby were both endowed with false memories of their childhood.

The traveller died, taking his secrets to the grave. Charlie adopted the name “Alphonse Chardalot”. In the years to follow, he sought to continue the work of his “father”, often mistakenly believing himself to be the deceased time traveller. Meanwhile, Toby became a stage performer who shared his “life story” (such as he knew it) with audiences, and would perhaps sing an aria or two.

The Doctor took tightrope-walking lessons from Blondin, and accompanied him on one of his tightrope walks across Niagara Falls.
Thomas Brewster and his mates visited the new Metropolitan line, and had a contest to see who could ride it the furthest without paying.

1863 (14th-21st February) - Empire of Death

The duplicate James Lees was now performing séances for the heads of Europe, and Queen Victoria commissioned him to hold one for her late husband, Prince Albert. Earth’s physical laws were affecting the other side, and the beings who lived there became increasingly desperate to seal off the dimensional rift. The fifth Doctor and Nyssa used the TARDIS to close the rift, and the Queen vowed to never speak of the matter again. The false James expired, and the real one was returned, having barely aged since he entered the rift in 1856.

The Doctor lost track of whether he had met Queen Victoria before now.

Around this time, the Doctor befriended biologist Thomas Huxley.
Victoria Waterfield’s mother, Edith
on 23rd November, 1863.

The American Civil War

A battlefield from the American Civil War was lifted by the War Lords.
The Gettysburg address was made on 19th November, 1863.
Iris had breakfast with Abraham Lincoln on the White House lawn after seeing off Martian invaders for the third time.
The Doctor was present at the opening of the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol.

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