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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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Azlok, Lord Knight of the Imperial Viperox War Horde, brought his Viperox to Earth in search of the survivor from that crash: Rivesh Mantilax. A Viperox queen set about birthing a Viperox swarm, even as Azlok allied himself with Colonel Stark of the United States Air Force (USAF). Mantilax had built a genetic-targeting weapon with the potential to wipe out every Viperox in the universe, and Stark hoped to modify the device for deployment against Russia.

The Doctor reunited Mantilax with his wife, Seruba Velak, who was being kept prisoner as part of the USAF’s Operation Fallen Angel - a programme that examined and detained extra-terrestrials. The Viperox swarmed, but the Doctor adapted Mantilax’s genetic device to repel them with ultrasonics - they returned home to Viperon, and had to stay at least a light year’s distance from Earth. Although the Viperox had laid waste whole galaxies, the Doctor knew they would evolve into a benevolent race. The Grey Aliens returned home in their repaired flying saucer.

President Eisenhower did not know aliens existed, or were being kept in Area 51.

The American government currently used a gas to crudely wiped memories. The Doctor said that a truly effective amnesia drug would not be discovered for another fifty years.
The technical details of the alien spacecraft taken to Area 51 were later retrieved by Androvax.

1958 - Sprial Scratch

Professor Joseph Tungard was exiled to Britain for dissent against the new Soviet government in Bucharest. On the journey to London, he and his wife Natjya met Dr Pike and his granddaughter Monica. The Tungards settled in England, where Joseph began an affair with Monica… who was secretly an alien Lamprey, a creature that fed on temporal energy

The sixth Doctor and Mel arrived at Wikes Manor in Suffolk, forewarned that a girl called Helen Lamprey was about to vanish from her birthday party. Timelines were beginning to overlap, and alternate versions of the Doctor and Mel appeared. Helen Lamprey vanished, as history had been altered so that she, not her mother, died a number of years ago in a house fire. Mel now had a sister.

The Doctor and Mel followed Helen’s father, Sir Bertrand, to London where he met Monica and the Tungards. Monica revealled her identity as a Lamprey, and that she sought to destroy those who might threaten her plans to feed on damage to the timelines. This triggered Sir Bertrand’s memory, and he revealled he was also a Lamprey. The two Lampreys fought, unleashing storms of temporal energy that aged bystanders to death.

The Doctor realised that Helen Lamprey was half-human, half-Lamprey and therefore vital to Monica’s plans. He, Mel and Joseph Tungard left in the TARDIS for the planet Carsus, where they would eventually defeat the Lamprey and restore the timelines.

= In an alternate universe, the sixth Doctor and half-Silurian Melanie Baal visited Helen Lamprey’s birthday party… which was held on a space station in Earth orbit.

1958 - “Tuesday”

Sir Reginald Offord Troupe, an exiled royal, allied with alien Vroon warriors in an attempt to capture the throne of England, then the world. While the eleventh Doctor was stuck in a prison cell on Gibraltar, Rory was crowned King of England following a mishap with the psychic paper. Amy stirred the Vroon workers into revolution, and Troupe was arrested.

1958 (October) - Bad Therapy

The first of the Krontep warlords, Moriah, had taken up residence on Earth. Operating from the Petruska Psychiatric Research Institute, Moriah sought to construct Toys - genetic duplicates of people that could become whomever their owner desired. He wanted a Toy that would replicate his late wife Petruska, but some of the Toys became increasingly independent. Moriah had a metamorphic device, disguised as a black cab, that would round up any Toys who escaped.

The seventh Doctor and Chris arrived, and a young man named Eddy Stone, actually a Toy, died in front of the TARDIS. Meanwhile, the Doctor’s former companion Peri, having spent twenty-five years as King Yrcanos’ wife, travelled down a gateway from Krontep to Earth. She aided the Doctor against Moriah. The Doctor created a Toy of Petruska for Moriah, who believed himself unworthy of her love and was killed by his creations. The Doctor also took Peri home to the 1980s.

In 1958, the Doctor again visited St Cedd’s College.
As a child, Sarah Jane would look out her window and fall asleep counting the stars, dreaming about what was out there in space - and having no idea that she would one day explore it.
The Pied Piper visited Sarah Jane Smith when she was a child, instilling in her a fear of clowns.

1959 - Delta and the Bannermen

The first US satellite was launched, and almost immediately it was lost. CIA agents across the world were put on alert, and agents Weismuller and Hawk tracked it to a holiday camp in Wales, England. A Nostalgia Trips group arrived through time at the holiday camp, and their members included the Chimeron Queen. The seventh Doctor and Mel helped to defeat a group of Bannermen trying to kill the Queen. Billy, a mechanic at the camp, underwent conversion into a Chimeron to help the Queen re-propagate her race.

One Bannerman survived, albeit deafened and amnesiac. He ended up with Isaac Summerfield’s group.

= In the “Inferno” universe, the British Republic fought the Bannermen and destroyed them. Components from the alien starship allowed them to engineer space shuttles within ten years.

(=) The uncle of Ruby Porter was lost in Swallow Woods in 1959, when he was 15. Ruby’s grandmother became so sad, it motivated Ruby to become a police officer.

The eleventh Doctor prevented the capture of Ruby’s uncle, and so she became a history lecturer.

The bathyscaphe
, built in Spain and a twin to the
, became the first vessel to reach the depths of the Mariana Trench. The alien trapped there possessed one of the two crewmen: Captain Samuel Doyle, age 50. The other, Henry Goddard, died after recording his last words on 9th August, 1959. The alien began to feed off Doyle’s memories, and awaited rescue. The US government covered up the failure of the
’s mission, and the
would be celebrated after successfully descending into the Trench the following year.

In October 1959, the Russian probe
Lunik 3
scanned the moon crater where the Phiadoran safari park once stood. The Russians named it Tsiolkovskii, after a teacher who wrote a paper on rocket travel.
Prior to the twenty-first century, the last reported sighting of a vrykolaka - a type of vampire - was in 1959.

When Sarah Jane was eight, she and her aunt Lavinia visited the rectory in Wolfenden during a “harvesting period” - when the aliens in the town extracted human memory chemicals. The two of them forgot that they’d ever visited the village.

(=) 1959 - Loving the Alien
George Limb’s time-jumps created an alternate timeline where he was Prime Minister. The populace was cybernetically augmented, which eliminated disease and somewhat created a utopia, but overcrowding became a problem. The British Space Agency was tasked with facilitating travel to other timelines as a means of expansion.

In the proper history, the Americans and British jointly launched a Waverider space vehicle, piloted by Colonel Thomas Kneale. However, the ship that returned hailed from the cyber-human reality, and was piloted by an alternate version of Captain Davey O’Brien. International tensions increased over the incident. The cyber-human Britain attempted to send its warships through to the proper reality, but a nuclear strike devastated the alternate Britain and ended the threat.

Limb’s assistant, an alternative version of James Dean, died while destroying Limb’s time machine. Limb committed suicide in fear of undergoing cyber-conversion.

Before his death, Limb shot and killed Ace. The seventh Doctor took up travel with a virtually identical Ace that hailed from one of the timelines Limb had created.

The Nineteen Sixties

The Doctor met the artists Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud in Soho in the sixties, and thwarted one of the Master’s schemes.
The Doctor met William Golding.
The Mods and Rockers guarded the Library of St John the Beheaded during the sixties.
The Doctor thought Pablo Picasso was a “ghastly old goat”, and tried and failed to get him to paint more conventionally.

A man named Trevor enjoyed success as a sixties folk singer, but he died late in the decade in a motorcycle accident. The record company that handled Trevor’s songs, Satsuma, hushed up his death and put his body into cryogenic suspension in accordance with his last wishes.
Ace met L.S. Lowry up North at a cotton mill full of polymorphic soot monsters, and ended up owning a napkin with his drawings of stick men.

In the sixties, the Electro Theatre in Cardiff hosted the likes of Cila Black,
The Who
and the Walker Brothers.
Captain Jack shared some “wonderful summers” with Arthur C. Clarke in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The minds of a musician, a painter, a poet and a mathematician wandered into a peaceful psychspace that resembled Britain, but was the home dimension of a psychic squid. They later sacrificed themselves to destroy the squid and save the eleventh Doctor and Amy.

The Doctor used to spar with Muhammad Ali.

On a visit to Japan, the eleventh Doctor’s companion Kevin the Tyrannosaur was mistaken for Godzilla.
When the TARDIS landed on mid-twentieth century Earth, Benny Summerfield visited Milton Keynes to settle an archaeological debate. She returned to the Ship happy to be proved right, and with boxes of shoes.

UNIT in the Sixties

u - A secret bunker was built in Whitehall.

Human space probes were being sent “deeper and deeper” into space.
Lieutenant Lethbridge-Stewart spent some time in Sierra Leone. One day, while lost in the forest, he met Mariatu, eldest daughter of Chief Yembe of the Rokoye village. Mariatu went to the city with Lethbridge-Stewart, returning alone a few years later with her son, Mariama.

Lethbridge-Stewart saved Doris, an old friend, from drowning in Margate.
She gave him a wristwatch during a romantic weekend in Brighton.
Lethbridge-Stewart married Fiona and they set up home in Gerrards Cross. The day after the wedding, Lethbridge-Stewart bumped into an old flame, Doris, in Brighton.
Lethbridge-Stewart spent some time stationed in Berlin.

Earth Reptile Shelter 429, near the Channel Islands, revived.

Liz Shaw attended Newnham College at Cambridge during the 1960s, and met fellow student Jean Baisemore there during Freshers’ week. They became close friends, with Jean teaching Liz - who was something of a prude - about the wonders of life beyond the lecture hall. Jean argued with Liz about the existence of life on other planets, and Liz shot her down in flames.

The Brigadier met Heinrich Konrad, a German officer, during a NATO exercise in the sixties.


The Doctor was awarded an honorary degree from St Cedd’s in 1960.
He visited Anne Doras and her husband in Guernsey, 1960. They had a daughter called Bernice. The same year, convicted Nazi Oskar Steinmann was released from prison on medical grounds.

1960 - Mad Dogs and Englishmen

Fitz met Iris Wildthyme in Las Vegas, where she had found fame as the diva Brenda Soobie. Her companion of sixty years, the poodle Martha, had been manipulating Iris to alter history. Iris helped the eighth Doctor defeat the poodles, then left for further adventures with her new companions Fritter the poodle and Flossie the cook.

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