Babies for Nikki (43 page)

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Authors: Lynnette Bernard

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Babies for Nikki
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“I think it looks beautiful,” Janine told her proudly. She tied off the ends of her own length of beads and struggled to put it on her own wrist.

Nikki reached out and took the bracelet from her and tied it carefully around Janine’s wrist. She held out her own bracelet and waited while Janine did the same for her.

Tammy climbed up onto Janine’s lap and gave her a sloppy kiss. “I’m going to go play in the sandbox, Auntie Nina,” she told her excitedly.

“Okay, honey. Have fun. Aunt Nikki and I will stay here on the swing and watch you.”

“Okay,” Tammy agreed, leaning over to give Nikki a kiss before scooting down and running toward the sandbox.

“She’s the most adorable kid,” Nikki whispered, watching Tammy as she carefully filled two small plastic pails with the white sandbox sand before pouring them out and starting all over again.

“Yeah, she is,” Janine agreed. “Nikki, I’m really sorry for being so mean all the time. I won’t be around for much longer. I’ll be leaving for college at the end of the summer, so no one will have to deal with me.”

Nikki watched her quietly. Her heart went out to her, even though everything in her demanded she protect her mates from Janine’s cruelty. “Janine, I can see that you’re a kind and loving person. The way you are with Tammy seems to me is the real you. I don’t know why you feel you have to be anything else in front of the rest of us. Maybe someday you’ll trust someone enough to tell them.”

Janine was quiet for a long time. She turned to Nikki and smiled sadly. “Maybe someday,” she finally agreed. “But for now, can you just keep this between us?”

“Sure,” Nikki answered immediately. “Can we always be this way when we’re together? I’m not feeling very well, and my nerves are shot. I can use some kindness.”

“What’s wrong?” Janine asked her worriedly.

“I don’t really know. I just feel on edge. My heart is starting to race, and I feel a dull ache in my stomach.”

“Nikki, I think you should go and see Doc. He’ll probably be able to help you.”

Nikki nodded as she stood up slowly, suddenly feeling more than a little shaky. “I think I will. Thanks for the bracelet. I promise I’ll keep your secret.”

Janine smiled sadly. “Thanks, Nikki. Hope you feel better.”


* * * *


“When they wake up, we’ll get some answers,” Jace told the men standing behind him. The harshness in his voice betrayed the anger he was trying very hard to control. “Then we’ll go and get Susannah.”

He turned and faced the small group of men who waited silently. Mitchell, Dean, and Mia stood as a united team by the door of the cabin used to detain prisoners. Not so long ago, Mitchell had been brought to this very cabin when he had breached the pack’s land. Jace was proud of the young man he was becoming. Mitchell finding his triad partner Dean had been a defining moment for him.

Jace looked at the children Laurie had gifted him and Jackson with and couldn’t contain the pride that filled him. Despite his worry over this situation, he was surrounded by the love of his family. Jackson stood beside him, sending him support and a needed sense of calm. Jace could feel through their bond the same pride and love Jackson felt for their children. Mitchell now held the same place in their hearts as part of their family.

“Don’t worry, Mitchell,” Jace told him strongly. “We’ll have your sister here before you know it.” He looked at Carter and Doc as they stood beside the old wooden desk in the center of the room and saw their cautious hopefulness. He could also feel their worry and their despair. He totally understood and empathized with them. He and Jackson would have lost their minds if they had ever been separated from Laurie for the length of time these men had been separated from Susannah. The three days Laurie had been apart from them not so long ago had nearly destroyed them. He couldn’t imagine not being able to claim her or be with her for the years that Doc and Carter had been denied their mate.

Alex and Butler stood beside the cell door with their arms crossed over their chests. They were still bloodied from their battle, and wore nothing except their jeans and boots. They had not taken the time to shift and heal their wounds. Instead they had brought the four wolves immediately to the detention cabin and heaved them into the cell, locking the door immediately before calling Jace to let him know they had captured the intruders. They looked forward to Jace’s interrogation. Once the threat to the pack was eliminated and Carter and Doc’s mate was rescued, all of them would breathe a sigh of relief.

“Jace, I know Alpha Randall has a few cabins on the outskirts of his pack land,” Mitchell spoke up, stepping forward slightly. “He used to keep Susannah in one of them. Sometimes I was able to sneak away to visit with her, but she was always well guarded.”

“Could you give us directions to that cabin?” Jace asked him, looking at Carter and Doc as they stepped toward the young man.

“Yes, but I don’t think she’ll be there. I’m sure he’ll move her.”

Mitchell looked at Carter and Doc, realizing that these men were his sister’s mates. He was glad that she was going to be claimed by these two men. They had been great to him since he had come to Jace’s pack. He knew they would take care of Susannah and protect her so Randall couldn’t hurt her anymore.

“All the more reason we need to get the information today,” Jace told him, nodding. “We can’t risk Randall moving Susannah to a place where we won’t be able to find her.”

“He’s hurt her before, Jace,” Carter spoke up, barely able to control his wolf. “We have to get her and bring her home.”

Doc stood shoulder to shoulder with his triad partner. He could feel the pain that was burning bright inside Carter. He was feeling the same pain, and it was consuming him.

“I’m afraid Randall might kill her,” Doc said softly. “He got us to leave fifteen years ago by hurting her and threatening to kill her unless we left the pack. If he thinks we’ll be coming back to get her, there’s nothing to stop him from carrying through with his threat.” He looked at Mitchell with agony in his eyes. “If she no longer has the ability to guide him with her dreams as you said, Mitchell, I’m afraid she is of no value to him any longer.”

Mitchell nodded, turning to Jace for guidance. “I agree,” he said softly. “When Susannah told me to come here to you, she said you would be the one to help me find my destiny. She also said you might be able to finally help free her.” Mitchell hesitated, his voice hoarse from the emotions he was trying to keep under control. “She’s been sad for a long time, Jace. Alpha Randall kept her apart from the rest of the pack. He eventually had her isolated in a cabin away from the rest of us. The last time I saw her, she was in a lot of pain. She had a silver collar around her neck. I tried to get it off, but I couldn’t.”

Mitchell hesitated, overcome with emotion. Dean stepped forward to stand beside him. Mia soon joined them and reached out to hold Mitchell’s hand. The support and concern the two had for him gave him the strength he needed to continue.

“Susannah never told me that she had mates,” he said softly. “She always told me she was destined to be alone. She said she would be used up by the time she was thirty, and then she would be ready to die.”

“No,” Doc gasped, unable to hold back the pain.

“That’s what she said,” Mitchell told him softly. “She said it was her destiny to guide me here then give up her gift. I think that’s why the dreams are coming to me more often.”

Jace faced the young man silently. He could feel the sorrow and confusion emanating from him, but it was nothing compared to the agony he could feel Carter and Doc experiencing. His wolf was pacing restlessly, demanding to be released to help and protect the members of his pack. Jackson stood beside him, his presence supportive as always. Jace could feel Jackson’s wolf ready to be turned loose and gain retribution for the unfinished triad mating of Carter, Susannah, and Doc.

He turned and looked at Jackson, unable to push down the anger that was surging through him. He didn’t think even Laurie’s calming influence could ease his fury.

“I think it’s about time we wake our sleeping guests and get some answers.”

Chapter 19


Alex and Butler walked away from the detention cabin, satisfaction filling them. Their alpha would make sure that Susannah would be found and brought back to their pack land.

“I keep thinking how I would feel if we had to choose between being with Nikki or protecting her life and walking away.” Alex’s voice was gruff as he fought the emotions that were filling him at the thought of losing their mate.

Butler’s responding growl filled the quiet between them. Alex looked at his best friend and reached out to halt him with a hand on his forearm. When Butler looked at him, he saw the anger that brewed inside of him.

“No one will ever take Nikki from us,” Butler answered quietly, his voice nearly a growl.

Mate, where are you?

I’m at the playground with Tammy. You sound upset, Butler. What’s wrong?

We’re on our way to you, sweetness. Everything will be better when I can hold you.

Now you’re scaring me. Alex, tell me what’s wrong.

We just need to know you’re okay. We’ll be at the playground in a few minutes.

All right. I’ll send Tammy back to the ranch house with Janine. Hurry to me. I don’t feel right, and I could use some spoiling.

What do you mean, you don’t feel right? What are you feeling?

Alex’s worried voice filled her with warmth.

I don’t really know. I just feel weird. I think maybe I should go and lie down for a while.

We’re on our way.
Butler whispered the words gently, pushing feelings of care and love to her through their bond.

Alex dropped the black T-shirt he was carrying and reached down to unbutton and unzip his jeans. Toeing off his boots, he pushed his jeans and boxer briefs down and kicked them aside.

He shifted immediately, knowing Butler would follow. As one, they raced off toward their mate, their powerful bodies eating up the distance between them and the woman that they loved.

So much for your idea of keeping our injuries so Nikki will take care of us.
Butler’s amused voice filled Alex’s head.

Shut up, Butler. It was a good idea.

One that we didn’t need to follow through on, Alex. Nikki already spoils us all the time. There’s no point in making her worry about us.

Alex’s angry growl filled the air.

I hate when you’re right, Butler.

Get used to it. I’m right most of the time.

Butler’s laughter echoed in Alex’s head as the slightly larger wolf intentionally pushed his shoulder against him, making him stumble. He pushed back, his wolf determined to show equal strength.

They raced toward the playground, stopping short as they saw Nikki sitting on the ground beside the sandbox, her legs drawn up and her arms wrapped around her knees. They walked toward her slowly, nudging her hands with their noses. When she looked up and saw them, she reached out to card her fingers through their soft pelts. Their immediate growls of happiness made her smile.

“I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered, leaning forward and rubbing her face against their warm bodies. “I feel a little shaky.”

There was a blue swirl of energy that surrounded both wolves, creating the miracle of their change. They leaned in to envelope their mate in their arms as they took their human forms.

“What’s wrong, darlin’?” Alex asked her worriedly, pulling her against his chest and petting her soft black hair.

“I don’t know,” she told them quickly. “I just feel like I’m about to have a breakdown. I can’t stop shaking. I feel like my heart is racing.”

Butler leaned against her back, kissing her cheek lightly. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he carefully reached up and placed his hand gently on her chest, feeling the rapid pounding of her heart.

“Try to breathe in and out slowly, Nikki,” he told her softly against her ear. “We’re right here with you. You’ll be all right. When you’re ready, we’ll take you back to our room.”

Nikki nodded, leaning her face against Alex’s chest and holding Butler’s hand tightly against her cheek. She didn’t really know how long they sat there, but she was grateful for every moment. Their purring against her body soothed her, and she finally felt herself calming.

Alex held her hand lightly, rubbing her arm soothingly. When he felt the beaded bracelet she wore, he pulled back slightly and saw the creation, smiling when he realized that she must have made it with his niece.

“Did you have fun with Tammy?”

Nikki nodded and smiled against Alex’s chest. “I did,” she admitted. “She’s so adorable. And she’s such a good kid. She helped me find all the light blue and the light pink beads I needed to make this bracelet.”

“Are those your favorite colors?” Butler asked her, touching the bracelet and tracing it as it encircled her wrist, sending little shocks of pleasure through the both of them.

Nikki smiled and lowered her head, trying to hide the blush she knew had to be covering her cheeks. “No.”

“No?” Alex laughed. “Then why did you pick the colors?”

Nikki looked at both men, reaching up and tracing the strong line of their jaws. Leaning forward, she kissed their chins lightly before pulling back and taking a deep breath.

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