Babies for Nikki (46 page)

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Authors: Lynnette Bernard

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Babies for Nikki
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She was pliant beneath his loving caresses, allowing him to gently take hold of her thighs and spread her legs so that she was exposed to him fully. He took a deep breath, taking in her scent and closing his eyes as the richness of her filled him. He leaned forward and kissed her inner thigh, scraping his canines over her skin. Her moan of approval made him smile. Turning into her core, he nuzzled her soft black curls with his nose, using his thumbs to spread her swollen lips before burying his face against her pink folds.

Licking slowly from her weeping channel to her clit, he growled at the new taste of her. Alex had been correct. Her taste now reflected the wonderful miracles growing deep inside of her. He swallowed her cream, loving the response of her body. When he moved up to capture her swollen bud between his lips, he bit down with just enough pressure to send her over the edge into bliss. Nikki keened loudly, bucking beneath his mouth just once as she screamed his name and grabbed for him.

He allowed her to pull him up her body, covering her mouth with his immediately and sharing her taste with her. His cock nudged her opening, and he moaned as she reached down to grab hold of him and lead him to her waiting channel. He slid inside her in one continuous, slow push, causing them both to moan at the joining. When he was as deep as he could go, he looked down at her and smiled, his eyes flashing golden as his wolf fought to take over the mating. He could not allow it though. He had to be careful because of the cubs.

“Are you trying to drive me crazy, Butler?” Nikki asked him, pulling at the wet strands of his light blond hair. “Move already!”

Butler laughed softly, his chest filled with happiness. He had a feeling that their mate was not going to tolerate being coddled. He and Alex were going to have some trouble getting her to allow them to treat her with kid gloves.

“I need to love you slowly, Nikki,” he told her softly, pulling out until just the head of his cock remained within her warmth before pushing in deeply and holding her tightly against his chest. “Nikki,” he whispered against her neck, unable to say more. This woman was the most precious, most loving, most caring person in the entire world. The Fates had indeed smiled down on them when they had chosen her for them.

She caressed his back slowly, hugging him to her and kissing his shoulder tenderly before she opened her mouth and bit down into his shoulder, laying claim to him the only way she could. His growl of approval made her smile. She licked at the bite then kissed it tenderly.

“I love you, Mate, but if you don’t move I’m going to flip us and take over,” she warned him.

Butler chuckled and pulled out once again, pushing back in with more force. At her moan of approval, he repeated the movement, unable to hold back any longer. She needed to be loved, and he needed to love her.

Picking her up, still joined intimately with her, he knee-walked them up onto the soft mattress so that they were situated more comfortably on the bed. He settled her back against the headboard with her legs settled firmly on his thighs then started to move inside of her. With each inward stroke, she moved higher against the headboard. He snapped his hips, growling with each thrust. She met each plunge with a cant of her pelvis, taking his cock deeply.

“So good,” Nikki moaned, grabbing Butler’s hair and pulling him down to meet her lips. She kissed him with such passion his wolf howled with pleasure within him.

Butler could feel his control waning. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. Being deep inside Nikki was the most incredibly amazing feeling. He could feel his orgasm building and was determined to make Nikki lose control before he came.

Dipping his hand between their bodies, he slid his finger alongside his cock, coating it with her cream then sliding it back up to rub her clit with the pressure that would push Nikki into her climax. It took only three quick rubs before Nikki screamed. His canines dropped and he bit into her shoulder, restating his claim on her. She belonged to them. Now and forever.

As he drew in her blood and found his own release, he roared his completion. His body convulsed, spewing his seed deep into her body. His cock swelled and knotted, joining them securely, causing Nikki to moan as a mini orgasm raced through her.

She sagged against him, exhausted. Kissing her forehead lightly, he eased back to look down at her. The smile she gave him as she looked up at him made him feel like the most cherished man in the entire world.

He held her tenderly against his chest, stroking her arms and back as she calmed. She kissed his chest lightly, leaning against him and relaxing. He couldn’t stop the slow smile that crossed his face as he realized that she had fallen asleep, with him still locked inside of her. And it felt right.

Alex, you’re right.

You tasted her?

Yes. And our cubs are making her taste sweeter.



Congratulations, Poppa.

The happiness he felt spread through him, reached out to both Alex and Nikki. Nikki moved against him contentedly, kissing his chest lightly as she wrapped her arms around him.



Do you think we should tell her she’s pregnant?

There was silence in Butler’s mind as he felt Alex thinking through the question.

I think we should let her tell us.
Alex’s firm voice finally answered.
We should let her discover it on her own and tell us the way she wants to.

It’s going to be tough shielding our thoughts from her. And she won’t let us make love to her with more care. I just tried and she wouldn’t let me.

Alex’s chuckle met his words.
I didn’t think she would. Our Nikki is a force to be reckoned with.

I like that, Alex.


Our Nikki.

Me, too.

Chapter 22


Nikki rushed through the lodge, searching frantically for Laurie. Spotting her near the check-in counter, she nearly ran to her and grabbed her hand.

“You have to come with me,” she whispered quickly.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Laurie asked, worry immediately filling her.

“Block your thoughts!” Nikki hissed. She reached up and pressed her hands to her own temples, concentrating on keeping her thoughts from Alex and Butler.

Darlin’, what’s wrong?
Jackson’s worried voice immediately filled her head.

Laurie! Where are you?
Jace’s equally frantic voice boomed through her mind.

“Too late,” Laurie whispered to Nikki, looking at her friend with apologetic eyes.

Everything is fine. I’m in the visitors’ lodge. Nikki just came up behind me and scared me. Nothing is wrong, I promise.

Keep your link open to us, darlin’. We need to know you’re safe.
Jackson’s voice was gentle but firm.

“You two need to relax,” Laurie said out loud, sending the thought to her overprotective mates at the same time.

Turning to Nikki, she could see the panic in her best friend’s face. She looked around quickly, seeing only Janine at the check-in counter.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered.

“I have to pee.”

Laurie laughed. “Thanks for sharing.”

“Don’t make me hurt you,” Nikki whispered, frustrated.

“Tell me why it is that you can’t go to the bathroom,” Laurie told her, chuckling.

“I have to wait.”


Nikki looked at Janine in a panic. Without thinking, she reached out and took both Laurie’s and Janine’s hands in hers.

“I think I might be pregnant. Is it possible to feel pregnant so quickly? I know it sounds crazy, but I do. I have to get a pregnancy test and use it before I burst.”

Laurie looked at Janine in shock. “Is it possible to know so quickly, Janine?”

Janine nodded. “During a shifter pregnancy, a woman’s scent changes immediately. I don’t know how the pregnancy tests will read though. I’ve only known female wolf shifters who’ve been pregnant, and they never needed to take a test. Your scent changed when you got pregnant, Laurie.”

“Janine,” Nikki barely whispered. “Has my scent changed?”

Janine leaned toward Nikki and breathed in deeply. She looked at Nikki and smiled hesitantly. “I’m not sure, Nikki. I think it has.”

Nikki’s eyes filled with hope. She looked at Laurie and giggled. “Laurie,” she whispered, overcome with emotion.

Nikki, what’s going on?
Alex’s voice interrupted her.

Baby, I can feel your happiness. Care to share?
Butler’s voice was teasing.

Nikki was glad they could only sense her excitement. She didn’t want them to know what she suspected yet. She had to make sure.

No. Now go back to work and give me privacy.

Her tone was clipped, but it was obvious to the men that she wasn’t upset. They could feel the love she sent them through their bond and was comforted by it. They would find out later what was going on.

Okay, sweetness.

Nikki, we’re going to have a discussion later about sharing.

Nikki couldn’t prevent the smile that overcame her at Alex’s gruffness. She was looking forward to sharing with both men. She must have been projecting her thoughts because the resulting growls that resounded in her head from both men made her nearly bubble over with happiness. She was glad that they weren’t upset by her secrecy and looked forward to sharing the news about her pregnancy—if it was true.

Nikki turned her attention back to Laurie and Janine. She needed their help. “I need to go and get a pregnancy test. Where’s the nearest pharmacy?”

“There’s one about twenty minutes from here,” Janine offered.

“Okay, let’s go.” Nikki turned, ready to head out immediately.

“Nikki, Jace won’t let us leave without an escort,” Laurie cautioned.

“I don’t want anyone else to go with us,” Nikki protested, stopping to turn and face her friend. “I want to keep this between us. It wouldn’t be right to have another man know before I was able to tell Alex and Butler.”

“Nikki, you can tell them through your bond as soon as you know,” Laurie pointed out calmly.

“No,” Nikki protested, shaking her head. “I’ve dreamed about telling my husband that I was going to have a baby ever since I can remember. I’ve fantasized about how romantic I would make it and how special I would set the scene. Sappy, I know, but I can’t help it. I want that special moment with Alex and Butler. I don’t want it to just be a flash in their minds. I want to be there so I can kiss them and thank them for giving me such a beautiful gift. Do you guys understand?”

Janine and Laurie looked at her with understanding in their eyes. Nikki knew that they would help her make her dream of telling Alex and Butler in a romantic way come true.

“Well,” Janine said quietly. “I can get you out through the back offices of this lodge.”

Nikki sighed with relief. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Wait,” Laurie stopped them. “My car is out front and so is yours. How are we going to get to them without being seen?”

Nikki lifted her hand and jingled a set of keys in front of both of her partners in crime. “Alex won’t miss his truck. Twenty minutes there, twenty minutes tops in the store, and twenty minutes back. We’ll be back within the hour.”

“Oh, Nikki. I don’t know,” Laurie said quietly. “We have to be careful. And I can’t even imagine how Alex is going to flip out when he finds out you took his truck to sneak away.”

“Oh, come on,” Nikki told her, snorting. “Alex is a big teddy bear.”

“My brother Alex?” Janine asked warily. “I don’t think so, Nikki.”

“Trust me,” Nikki insisted. “Let’s go before I wet my pants.” She saw the way the young girl hesitated. She knew that Janine wasn’t exactly confident in herself and probably doubted that her decisions would be good choices. She had seen exactly how insecure Janine really was with her family when they had been playing with Tammy. “It’ll be fine, Janine,” she assured her. “I’ll make sure everyone knows that it was my idea to leave the ranch if we get caught.”

“And just how are you going to protect me when Jace and Jackson go all wolf on me?” Laurie asked her firmly.

Nikki just laughed. “Oh, come on, Laurie. You’ll love every minute of it.”

Laurie smiled slowly. “Yeah, I guess I will,” she admitted, winking. “Okay, I’m in.”

Janine looked from one woman to the next. There was a moment of sadness that overcame her as she saw how lucky these women were to be so happy and content with their mates. She wished some day she would be so lucky, but she knew she probably wouldn’t ever be so blessed. She pushed aside her depressing thoughts and smiled. It would be exciting to help Nikki leave the compound so she could find out if she was pregnant. And she wanted to help her in that discovery.

“Okay, let me get Sandy to cover the front desk for me, and then I’ll show you the back way out,” Janine told them finally, turning to ask the young woman working on the computer behind the check-in counter to watch for any guests who might need help.

“You’re going to owe me for this one, Nikki,” Laurie warned her, as they waited for Janine.

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