Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece (22 page)

BOOK: Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece
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“She told you then?” She asked, her voice sounded small like she was breaking.

“Yeah, she did, I had now idea Camille, I’m so sorry,” I told her. It was true, I hated the fact that she had been hurt, that she was still hurting over that asshole and his slut puppy.

“Right, that’s it then, I’m going for a walk, I’ll see you at the house.” She suddenly announced as she threw open her door. She was about to exit the car into the driving rain when I reached over and grabbed her arm.

“Are you nuts Camille? It’s pouring, let’s just go to the house and I won’t say anything more about your ex, okay?” I tried to placate the crazy woman, no way was I letting her bolt in a rainstorm, leaving me in a tiny clown car on the side of the road.

She jerked her arm from my grasp and scowled. “The house is only a few kilometers up the road, you can’t miss it, there’s a large mailbox that’s painted yellow with the name McDougall written on it, have at it.” She told him as she jumped out of the car.

What the actual fuck?!!?


I had to get out of me car, away from Dalton Hudson, away from the humiliation of everything that Aggie had told him. That bitch, what were the odds that she’d be the one sitting next to Dalton on the plane?
You silly nitwit, of course, Dalton would be next to some big boobed slapper, he was the ultimate charmer!

At the moment, I didn’t know who I was madder at, meself for ever trusting Sean or Dalton for knowing the most painful and humiliating part of my life. When he had looked at me with those Hudson green eyes, full of pity I wanted to scratch them out.

I know it was a rash move to throw myself out in a rainstorm. However, we were only a few kilometers from the farmhouse, surely the ex-military man could navigate a small car on a deserted farm road on his own for a few American miles.

I was so caught up in my ranting that I didn’t hear the bastard come up behind me until his arms banded around me like steel. Kicking out wildly, I tried to squirm away from his grip.

“Dammit Hudson, I have no desire to scrap with ya, let me be,” I shouted over the pelting rain.

He didn’t answer, and he didn’t let go. We were both soaked to the skin, I could feel the heat radiating off his chest as it seeped into my wet blouse. I didn’t like the way it made me feel, I felt tingly in my girly parts, and my heart was pounding. This only made me madder.

“Put. Me. Down.” I demanded.

“As you wish M’lady.” He said mocking me as he plopped me down on the hood of me car.

Fearing a dent, I tried to pop off, but the arsehole caged me in with his arms. If you could call them arms, they seriously looked like muscular tree trunks that someone had attached to his shoulders.

Angry green eyes bore into mine. He was pissed at me? Why? Because I’d rather walk home in the pelting rain then spend one more moment in his company?
Well, suck it up boyo,
I thought to myself.

“You are going to get back in this car, and we are going to calmly drive to the farmhouse where I will unpack my clothes and look for something dry, seeing as this is the second time I have ended up all fucking wet in your presence.” He growled.

Again my girly parts twitched.
Yeah, my girl parts were slappers or sluts by American language.

“Try again boyo, I’m going to be walkin’ meself home, and you drive or stay here and drown for all that it matters to me,” I told him trying to move his arm out of my way.

Rain cascaded down his face, plastering his hair against his head. I don’t know why but I noticed his hair was lightened. Generally, a darker chestnut, now it seemed to be a lighter brown with some auburn flowing through it. It made her his eyes brighter, and his features became boyish.

“You changed your hair.” I blurted out while mentally face-palming myself eejit self.

He smiled and when he did my insides flipped. This was the smile, the one my cousin had told me about. The one that all the women swooned for every time, he flashed it in their direction. Oh no, not me, I refused to be like every other silly, article and swoon at his sexy dimples or brilliant white teeth.

“I did, I tend to do that from time to time.” He placed his forehead against mine, and I shivered. I told myself it was from the rain, but I knew I was bloody lying.

“I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” He said, I could tell he meant it too, I just wasn’t ready to let it go.

I shrugged hoping he would think I no longer cared, “It’s fine Hudson, get back in the car, I walk home lots of time, I’m from Dublin to me the rain is just like taking a shower with my clothes on.” I realized my mistake the moment the words came out of me mouth.

Something in his expression changed and his eyes went liquid jade as he took both his hands, grabbed my bottom and before I could even protest he pushed between me legs and dragged me flush with his lower half. I instinctively wrapped my legs around him as I waited to see what he would do next.

I didn’t have to wait long, as I opened my mouth to blast him for being so familiar with me, his full lips crashed onto mine. Panicked I clamped my lips shut refusing to give into the pull of his seductive mouth. He didn’t stop, though, damn, but the man was patient. He took his time kissing the corners of my lips, my neck he nibbled my bottom lip actually sucking it into his mouth in a move so erotic that it made me groan with wanting.

The groaning was my undoing, as soon as my lips parted he was there, plunging his tongue deep into me mouth, he teased my tongue with his, sucked on it until it gave in and met him in what can only be called, the most intense kiss of me life. By the time, he pulled back I was a dazed and felt a little overheated.

He smiled at me, and I knew I was in trouble, “See you’re not frigid, you just needed someone who knew what they were doing.” He announced like he had just found the cure to frecking cancer.

Whatever daze I was in vanished and I shoved away from him, and I jumped off the car. “You bastard, you were just fooling me? Just testing to see if what Aggie had told you was true?” I shouted, glad the rain had stopped.

For a moment, Dalton looked shell-shocked, “I thought you’d be happy to know your not frigid.” He asked me looking genuinely confused.

Did he really think I would thank him for giving me the best kiss of my life, only to find out that like always I had been tricked?

All Dalton cared about was patting himself on the back with the notion that he had cured me of the frigid problem. Well bully for him, I hated him, I hated his smug face, his ridiculous dimples, and his hard abs, they were all window dressing for the arsehole that lay beneath.

“Fuck you, Hudson.”

“Whoa, you name the place sweetness.”

“I would never shag you, you arrogant arse,” I shouted.

“Never’s a long time.” He answered calmly.

“Not long enough when it comes to you,” I yelled as I once again took off walking toward my house. There, let him explain to me ma and da where I was and why I was walking home in the rain instead of showing up with him in my car.

“You are not walking home.” He told me as he grabbed my arm again.

I spun around and kicked him hard in his shin. It was enough to make him let me go, and I took off running. I hate running, I hate the bouncing, the sweating, and the whole messy thing.

I had not gotten very far when Dalton ran past me, turned around and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Some Irish people hate potatoes; since a lot of our ancestors were poor potato farmers and there was that whole famine because the potatoes had gone bad, so no, being treated like a sack of bloody potatoes was bloody maddening!

“Put me down you bloody yank!” I shrieked as I kicked and slapped his back.

“No.” Came his short reply as he strode back to me car.

“I mean it Hudson, put me down right now, or I am going to rip your testicles off and feed them to you dinner.” I was really pissed now.

The blood ass laughed. “Violent much kitten?”

“Kitten? Who you calling a kitten you wanker?”

“You, your fists are so small, they’re like a tiny kitten, it’s cute.” He explained as he opened the back door of my car and pulled out his duffle bag with one hand.

He laid it on the trunk, not seeming to mind the fact that it was getting all wet. I heard him grab something from the bag, zip it up and throw it back in the seat and shut the door.

“I am not cute you gobshite.” I screeched.

He set me on the passenger side of the car so quickly that my head spun from being upside down. By the time I got me bearings, I had realized he had taken neckties and strapped my body to the bloody seat. Struggling against the restraints, I wiggled and screamed until I exhausted myself.

“Your right you’re not cute, you are a sexy fucking goddess, and I look forward to introducing you to yourself, later once I’m dry and have been fed.” He told me. He kissed me on the forehead as I started at him.

Before I knew it, he was behind the wheel and pulling back onto the road. You could have bowled me over with a flippin’ feather when he started singing brown-eyed girl.

I was mad, I was pissed, I was so turned on that I had to slap my legs together to help ease the ache of my traitorous girl parts. I hated him, I hated the way he made me feel. If he thought he was going to break through the walls that I had, spend five years building he was going to find out us Irish more formidable than that. We didn’t have Irish castles that had been standing since the eleventh century because we were lax on building defenses.

Bloody Dalton Hudson has no idea who he’s dealing with!


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The Hudson Family Series!

Back to You- Reece and Synclair- Book 1- Available Now!

Baby Mine- Lucas and Sara- Book 2- Available April 27
, 2016!

Lucky Charms- Dalton and Cami- Book 3- Available for Pre-Order!

Matt and Ali- Coming Soon

Rachel and Jake- Coming Soon

Taylor and Michael- Coming Soon

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