Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece (13 page)

BOOK: Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece
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I didn’t know what to say. I felt confused and agitated. I needed to process. I didn’t know where that left Reece and me? We were different people now, right? Sure our chemistry was still off the chart but could that overshadow me hating him for over a decade? The old wounds felt re-opened and I rubbed my chest where my heart ached.

“Why not after, after you got Rachel settled?” I needed to know why, it had been almost ten years since his parents had died and yet he hadn’t even tried to reach out.

“I was a coward. He answered. “I didn’t think I deserved you, so I buried myself in my work to avoid the possibility that you would reject me.”

Frustrated I blurted, “God what a pussy.” Immediately realizing what I had said I covered my hand over my mouth as if that could stop the stupidity pouring out of it.

Reece smiled. “Yeah, I was. But I’m not now. Now that I have you back in my life, I won’t let you go.” He told me in a matter-of-fact tone. His eyes dared me to argue.
Challenge accepted!

Okay, now that pissed me off. He couldn’t just make a statement like that as if I had no say in the matter. “Reece, I am not in your life.” I reminded him. “As soon as we’re done here, I’m leaving this town, this state and going to go lay on a beach somewhere in Florida and wait for the bar to be rebuilt.”

Reece was steaming, he was about to say something when Uncle Jack tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to face him, giving my back to Reece.

“Um doll, that’s why I’m here.” UJ looked down for a moment before meeting my confused gaze.

“I want you to know I spoke to Reece on the phone yesterday, for a good, long time. I know he’s made mistakes but doll I think you may want to see where this thing with him goes.” He patted my hand.

Embarrassed my face flushed, “UJ, my life is in Vegas, I need to oversee the bar rebuild as soon as the insurance money comes in.” I didn’t understand how UJ thought that anything could come of Reece and me. We lived different lives, he was a vet in Carson City and I ran a bar in Vegas.

“No doll, you’ve never even seen life outside the city. I’ve selfishly kept you by my side for all these years. Ya need to have some fun, relax, and give yourself permission to find love. Trust me, I know how throwing oneself into your work can help fill the emptiness but I don’t want you to wake up one day and be alone.”

I looked at my uncle. This man who had, in some ways treated me better than his own daughter, was trying to save me from being him. I adored him, he was the closest thing to a father I had ever known.

“I’m okay UJ, I have the bar and you and even cousin Cami is less and less annoying. I don’t need anybody else.” I lied, but what was I supposed to do? Admit that without the bar I was lost, that I was looking around at Reece’s family and realizing how alone I had been all these years? Apparently, UJ didn’t buy my lie either.

UJ tapped me lightly on my nose. “Synclair that is a load of horseshit. Now, I know you’re going to be mad but I’m not rebuilding the bar. It’s time you and I both get a change of scenery. It’s time to leave Syn behind you,"

I shook my head in confusion. Surely, I hadn’t heard him right.

“Yes, you heard me right, I’m not rebuilding, and I’m selling the land to a developer.”
Well, apparently that answered that question.

Seeing the question on my face he went on. “Look, I need to spend some time with Cami, I want to mend that relationship. So, I am going to be spending some time in Ireland to make that happen. Since I know you don’t want to go with me, I think you need to be around people who care for you.” He motioned to the Hudson clan that seemed to be held, spellbound, on every word he said.

“Now, there is the insurance money and the sale of the land. It will leave me with a hefty sum, I’m going to give you half. Take that money and build something you want, maybe the restaurant you talked about adding on to the bar.”

“I-I can’t take your money UJ.” Nope, no way. “Maybe I can get a loan and buy the land from you, maybe I…”

“No.” UJ suddenly shouted, cutting off my rambling. He must have realized how loud he had shouted because he smiled. “No.” He almost whispered.

“The land deal is done, I’m just waiting for the papers and as soon as the insurance money comes through I’ll make sure you get half. There is a catch.” I almost didn’t hear that last part. My mind was too dizzy over the fact that my bar, my life, was never being rebuilt. My home, the place I felt safe was gone, and he was handing me money instead.

“All of this just happened in the last 4-5 days UJ? Seriously? Who is this land developer?”
That’s the spirit, ask questions and find out what the hell is really behind all this. He can’t take away my bar, it was supposed to be mine.

UJ muttered under his breath, but I kept at him until I had his gaze. “The man called me while I was in the hospital. I know we talked about you buying the bar when I retired but, I think this is better. If you really want to build another bar you can, I think Carson City has some nice land.” I rolled my eyes. Not the Carson City thing again.

“UJ, I’m not building a bar in Carson City, I’m going back to Vegas. If you don’t want to sell me the land fine, I appreciate the money, but I will consider it a loan that I will pay back and I will find a new place to build my bar.” I told him carefully. I knew he had a temper, but I had one too. I wasn’t about to let him railroad me into a relationship with a guy I had hated for the past umpteen years, I mean damn, shouldn’t he be on my side?

“You’re not going back to Vegas.” Reece’s angry voice boomed from behind me.
What? The? Fuck?

I whirled around and took in his stubborn stance. Arms crossed, feet apart and face red with anger. Well too bad, I thought. He didn’t get a vote.

“Listen, you may not believe this, but guess what, you are not my dad, you are not my husband, boyfriend or anything else for that matter. Right now you’re just a mistake that I made twice in my life now.” Hands on my hips I prepared for battle.

“Fuck that, I am not your mistake sweetheart, I’m your future.” He took a step closer to me.

Not one to back down, I refused to budge. “Wow, been sampling your Veterinarian medications Hudson? Because you are either on drugs or incredibly stupid if you think fucking me overshadows the last fifteen years.” I shouted.

As he walked into my personal space, I stepped up on the sofa. I didn’t care that my bare feet were on his furniture, I wanted to be nose to nose with the man. I refused to have to look up at him.

“And you.” He poked me on the forehead. “Must still be recovering from the incredible orgasms I gave you while you were screaming my name and scratching up my back with your nails, if you think I’m letting you go back to no home, no business, and no one watching your back.” He retorted.

My face flushed as he basically announced to everyone in the room what we had done. Okay, sure I started it, but he was the one divulging details. Instead of poking him back on the forehead I chose to slam my open palm against it instead.

“I don’t need you to take care of me, Hudson, aside from UJ, I have been taking care of myself just fine.”

“Well, you did get assaulted by a drug dealer.” Rachel chimed in.

I was about to tell her to butt out when Lucas added. “He did burn down your bar.”

“With your Uncle in it.” Matt volunteered.

Pissed I threw up my hands in frustration, it was like a Hudson family conspiracy or something.


I loved my family. Us Hudsons always stuck together. Now was no different. My sister and brothers had rallied behind my cause without even being asked. I could tell each one of them would do whatever it took to keep Synclair with us. Hell, I would’ve hugged each one of them if my little hellcat wasn’t standing on my leather sofa looking like she was ready to start swinging. I wasn’t backing down. Coddling and soothing words weren’t going to get through to Synclair. No, she was used to people backing down to her sarcasm and baseball bats. But I wasn’t like everyone else. I wasn’t going to let her push me away, and I didn’t scare easy.

“You are staying,” I told her letting my face show her how serious I was.

She laughed of course. “No I. Am. Not.” She shoved my chest, but I didn’t back up, not an inch.

“Are too.” I shot back.

“Are. Fucking. Not.” Her shrill tone let me know I was getting to her.

“Yes, you will if you want the money I offered you.” Jack threw in.

I watched as Synclair absorbed what her uncle has just said. I knew Jack was going to make this a condition of her getting the money. From our phone conversation last night I knew that she had little in her savings, due to the fact that she had helped some abused woman. I also knew that she had spoken to her uncle about opening a restaurant next to the bar. I had been hoping Jack wouldn’t have to throw out the condition. I was hoping once I spoke to her she would want to stay, want to give us a chance. I didn’t want Synclair to feel trapped. It was playing dirty, but if that’s what it took to get her to stay put for a while, so I could figure out how to get into that heart of hers, then I was game.

“My blood pressure must be spiking because I thought you just tried to blackmail me.” I heard the hurt in Synclair’s voice when she turned to her Uncle. I watched the man fold his thick arms over his chest, his face set in a stubborn expression. I had seen the same look on Synclair, it must be that damn Irish temper.

Personally, I would imagine most people would be peeing their pants, given the look that Synclair was throwing her uncle right now. Apparently, Jack had no fear of his niece’s wrath, I, on the other hand, would invest in body armor, I wondered if I could get that on Amazon?

“Yeah doll, you heard me,” He said unwaveringly.

Synclair came off the sofa to stand in front of her uncle. With her red curls escaping her ponytail, she looked beautiful. Pissed but beautiful.

“Tell me again, except real slow to make sure I understand you because I want to be clear on what you’re doing before I turn my back on you forever.”

They were strong words, and I wasn’t sure they weren’t a threat that she wouldn’t follow through on. I wanted to pull her back in my arms, I wanted to let her know she didn’t have to fight alone anymore. However, if I tried any of that right now, I would probably be limping for a week.


“Doll, with the money I will be giving you, you could build your own restaurant, even a bar if you really want one. It would be yours to run and yours to make work. But I have watched you isolate yourself for too long Synclair. I know the boy hurt you back in the day, I know it messed with your self-confidence, I also know that you worry that you will end up like your mom, get lost in some relationship and never recover.” Uncle Jack sighed as he took my trembling hand in his.

I knew tears were about to fall. I hated this. I felt exposed in front of everyone and incredibly vulnerable. I also felt alone, for reasons I still didn’t understand Uncle Jack was siding with Reece. Dangling my dream of building something of my own, right in front of me. Uncle Jack was never cruel. I didn’t understand why he was doing this to me.
Reece got to him somehow, their little phone conversation. He must have somehow convinced UJ that this was going to make you happy in the end.
Asshole, I thought looking at Reece briefly before turning back to UJ.
Kill him, came the little voice in my head. 
Can’t. I reminded myself, too many witnesses. Fuck me.

“Fine, keep your money, I have some saved. I’m not going to be manipulated so that bozo here gets another crack at breaking my heart and I can’t believe you’d take his side and play this game.” I sounded hurt, but I didn’t care. I was hurt. I felt betrayed, and I wished I had never gotten in my car to come look for Rachel.

UJ lifted my chin with his chubby fingers. His blue eyes gazed seriously into my hazel ones.
Don’t cry. Do not cry.

“I love ya like a daughter, but you can’t keep running. You will stay here for the next thirty days while we wait for the insurance money to come through. If you are here in the next thirty days, I’ll wire you money.”

“Wait. What? Like here, here? Like in this house?”

“Yes.” My uncle nodded. “You will stay in this house, Lucas has offered you the guest room next to Reece’s and I want you to give me your word that you will stay here and not lock yourself away for a month, that you will engage in this family and these people and give the man the chance to at least get to know you again.” I just stared. Like I mean, I literally had my mouth open and just stared like a zombie at UJ.

Stay here, in a room next to Reece. For a month? I wasn’t in this house twenty-four hours and I was already screaming his name at the top of my lungs, how the hell would I last thirty days?

I knew I was being backed into a corner, I was being manipulated and apparently Reece thought he could undo fifteen years in thirty days.
Arrogant bastard. Fuck him. I can last thirty days without falling for his bullshit, I can prove I won’t be manipulated.
Yeah, that sounded like a great pep talk except my body was still tingling from Reece’s touch.

I turned to glare at Reece, his look told me this wasn’t a joke. One look at UJ told me the stubborn old man had made up his mind too. Short of walking out on the only family I had, and the money to build my own bar, I was going to agree and that just pissed me off.

“I know you're angry love.” UJ put his hand on my shoulder. “Just give yourself some time to see what your life might look like if you’re not running 100 mph all the time, what it might look like with people who care about you.” Damn it was hard to be angry with him. I knew he loved me and Reece had somehow convinced him this was best. I blew out a heavy breath.

“You all know about it?” I asked the room. Rachel nodded, Matt gave me a thumbs up and Lucas had the decency to look uncomfortable.

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you want Synclair.” Lucas offered.

“Forever if you want,” Rachel added. Lucas gave her a look and shook his head.

Hanging my head in defeat, I sighed. Thirty days, I could deal with anything for thirty days, even Reece fucking Hudson.

“Fine you win, but there are ground rules.”

I saw Reece’s face break into a relieved smile and UJ winked at him.

“One, I need clothes if I am going to stay here. Your weather is nothing like Vegas. And you’re buying. Rachel can take me into town while you and Dalton fix my car, I also want my phone, purse and keys returned to me when I get back since I know you guys hid them again," I directed at Reece.

“Not a problem.” He whipped out his wallet and handed me a black American Express card.
Shit, they really are loaded.
“I’ll have you added to my accounts and have cards with your name expressed here,” He spoke quickly shoving the card into my palm.

“Whoa, I don’t need cards in my name Hudson, I’m talking about a few hundred bucks, that’s all. And one more thing.” I watched him wait expectantly, the look on his face told me he was so relieved he was getting his way, he’d agree to almost anything. Well, I was about to test that.

“Hands off me. Especially my butt! No kissing, touching, accidental groping, or anything else that violates my personal space bubble.” I looked at him smugly
. Yep, good luck getting the girl when you can’t touch her, I thought. Score one for me!

I knew I had him, his adorable mouth opened and closed again like a fish gulping air. I was so busy giving myself a mental pat on the back, I missed his approach. Before I knew it, he had wrapped his arms around me, lifted me off the ground and held me so we were nose to nose.

“After this moment, I won’t invade your space again until you to tell me I can, and
you will.” Before I could remind him not to call me baby, he smashed his mouth on my open one. This wasn’t a tender kiss, it was a possessive, tongue lashing, challenging kiss. Daring me to deny that my girly parts were embarrassingly wet and that my breasts felt heavy and wanted his attention.

Breaking that kiss, he placed me back on the ground and strode toward the door. Well, I thought,
Oh. Fucking. My.

Reece’s exit was interrupted when Dalton flung open the front door and walked into the foyer dripping wet. His shaggy, chestnut colored hair was plastered to his head, along with his clothes. His yellow workman boots were covered in mud and he looked like a bull about to charge. His light green eyes radiated his anger and I could only stare at him.

Reece recovered first. “Um, Dalt…” But Dalton held up one dripping hand and silenced him.

Looking like he was starting to shiver Dalton turned to UJ, who was watching everything with amusement. “Mr. Patrick, your daughter is waiting in the rental car, ready to head to the airport when you are.”

In the short time, I had been here, I had never heard Dalton’s voice so controlled. He was usually the first one to smirk or grin.

“Is she all right?” Uncle Jack asked walking past a very wet and obviously cold Dalton.

“Unfortunately,” Dalton muttered as he stomped toward the back door to go to his garage apartment.

I had to laugh. Despite everything that had happened, the idea that the charming, Dalton Hudson had been bested by my cousin Cami, was priceless.

Following my uncle out to the waiting rental car, I laughed. Cami looked like the picture of innocence. Sitting in the driver’s seat of the rented sedan, not a hair was out of place and her face was a mask of no emotion. I would definitely have to find out what happened later. As UJ hugged me goodbye, I waved to my cousin with a newfound respect. I think I was beginning to like my cousin more and more.

I was still amused when Rachel came up and shook her keys at me.

“Come on house buddy, let’s go shopping.” Sighing, I let her pull me into the garage and as she waited for her brothers to move their imposing cars, I wondered what the hell I got myself into.

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