Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece (12 page)

BOOK: Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece
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I stood under the hot water, letting it cascade down my body, I hoped it scalded the feel of Reece right off me. I was so stupid, how could I forget Reece was married. To Amber, freaking Malibu Barbie. God damn it, I let my hormones completely block out the fact that Reece was married. I groaned and beat my head softly against the Travertine wall. If I wasn’t so disgusted with myself I would love this oversized shower, with its five shower heads and the heated bench, it felt like a tropical waterfall.

, I chastised. I tried to tamp down the panic of becoming my mother. My mother never cared if a guy was married or not, if they had a family. Holy shit, could Reece have kids? My stomach rolled. No, I was not my mother. I got carried away, it was fifteen years of pent of sexual frustration. I mean, Reece had been my vibrator fantasy for so long, that I just got a little stupid when I had the real thing in my reach. Fuck it, what was done was done, I could move on. I would make Reece get my clothes, force Dalton to fix my damn car, get Plan B at the pharmacy and get back on track.

My plan of action clear, I quickly used the soap and shampoo that was in the cubby in the shower, turned off the water and stepped out. Drying myself off with one of the large, fluffy towels from the cabinet, I wrapped it snugly around me and grabbed another to dry my hair.  Moments later, tears gone, my red hair hanging damp at my shoulders I grabbed the door knob and opened the door.

Reece must have been leaning on the door because as soon I opened it, he fell back on the bathroom floor. For a moment he looked dazed, when he smirked at me, I realized he was looking up my towel. Irritated I stepped over him and walked into the bedroom.

I watched him sigh and pull himself up from the floor. I was going to be an adult if it killed me. I waited for him to say something.


She was standing there waiting for me to say something, her gaze expectant. Leaving myself close enough to grab her if she bolted again, but far enough to give her some space, I sat down on the bench at the foot of my bed.

“First, I was a total asshat back in school.” I ignored the roll of her eyes, dammit she wasn’t going to make this easy. “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness and I have no excuses for it, but I really did fall in love with you.” Synclair’s eyes got as big as saucers.
Good, she hadn’t expected that, I just need to continue to keep her off balance.

“Listen, I don’t want to re-hash the past, it’s done, us having sex was just closure, Reece.” Her voice was shaky.

I stood from the bench and closed the distance between us. I smiled inwardly when she didn’t turn away from me as I pulled her into my arms. I felt her expel a loud sigh as she put her head on my chest. My heart pounded and my brain was screaming that this was where she belonged.

“It wasn’t closure, not for me, I don’t want closure Synclair. I want a new start.” I tightened my arms around her, knowing that in about five seconds what I just asked for would set in and she would panic. About three seconds later she stiffened and tried to pull back.

“Wait sweetheart hear me out okay? Then if you want to bolt after, then I’ll have Dalton fix your car and make Rachel give you your things, okay?” I lied, I completely lied, if I had to tie her to the bed this woman was not walking out of my life again. I still had my ace in the hole, I still had her uncle, Jack.

“Fine, I’ll listen, but you have to know Reece, I have never slept with a married man, I won’t do it, I’m not my mom and what just happened was wrong and will never happen again.” She pulled back and looked up at me. Her eyes showed her guilt and regret.

I handed her a pair of leggings and a t-shirt that Rachel had left out for me to give her. I had insisted last night that Rachel give the girl something because I was too afraid to have Synclair walking around naked, for obvious reasons.

Synclair gave me a tired smile and returned to the bathroom.

“When you’re ready I’ll meet you in the living room,” I told her through the door. I heard her agree and walked out into the family room and into a room full of people. An older man about sixty or seventy was sitting on the sofa, he was balding, wearing the ugliest neon green Hawaiian shirt I had ever seen. Next to him sat a young, pretty girl with matching blue eyes to the man next to her and auburn brown hair. This must be her uncle Jack and Synclair’s cousin from Ireland, Cami.

Oh, crap. I hadn’t talked to Synclair yet, I knew her uncle was coming, that was part of the plan. I hadn’t planned on getting side tracked with Synclair earlier and now I could see I had lost precious minutes.


“Okay Hudson, let’s get this over with, I’m clean, I’m dressed and I’m hungry. While I appreciate Rachel giving me a hair tie for this unruly mane I call my hair, she better give me back my clothes soon because I have no bra or panties on and the girls are freezing.” Synclair announced as she came out of the hall. I watched her freeze when she realized my siblings were all present. Then her eyes landed on her uncle and cousin; a smile I had never seen before took over her face. Her whole body relaxed while she bounded around the sofa and threw her arms around the large man.

I shouldn’t be this jealous, but to see Synclair so comfortable in the embrace of another man made feel raw. It made me remember when she looked at me with adoring trust, a time when she looked at me like I was her hero. I felt like I needed her to look at me like that more than I needed oxygen.

Still, it made me glad to see her happy. Obviously, her uncle loved her, the man was holding on to her so tightly I was surprised she could breathe.  I looked over at my brothers, Lucas was hugging Rachel, who soft-hearted that she was, had gotten caught up in the emotional reunion of the two on the sofa.



“Oh my god UJ, what are you doing here? I thought Cami was taking you back to Ireland. How are you feeling?” I pulled back from his embrace. I looked questioningly between him and Cami. Cami looked tired and didn’t meet my gaze. Damn, that meant there was something going on she didn’t want to tell me. Cami was a terrible liar, and I had a feeling that UJ being here was more strategic than him simply wanting to see how I was doing.

UJ sighed then made to stand, since I was blocking him I straightened from my hugging position and stepped back. Grabbing my hands, he looked at Cami, who moved over to the far side of the sofa. I saw Cami shake her head, she looked angry now, pissed even. What the hell was going on?

“I canna do it Da, you canna just decide you know what’s best, she’s a grown woman.” Cami’s heavy Irish accent seemed thicker when she was angry.

I looked around the room, I noticed Dalton watching Cami very intently. Gone was the humor and mischievous twinkle in his pretty green eyes, in its place was something I couldn’t even place.  Cami must have noticed it too because she turned and gave him her “fuck off” glare before turning back to UJ.

“Okay, what is going on? I feel like I’ve just walked into the middle of a conversation and I have no clue what the hell is happening, and I haven’t even had any coffee yet.” I was tired of people talking around me like I wasn’t even present. I was about to ask Cami what the hell was happening when Matt thrust a black mug of coffee in my hand.

“Hope you like it black.” He asked smiling at me like a loon. I wasn’t sure if he was being nice or trying to make sure I didn’t out him as an escort to his family. At the moment I didn’t care, I needed to get my brain working.

“Perfect. Thank you, Matt, you may live another day.” I told him, it was really hard not to like the guy.

I looked at Reece, he was leaning against the back of the sofa, almost like he was guarding the door. I could tell by his determined expression he was making sure I couldn’t bolt. Silly boy, I thought. He should know better than to think I would bolt using the front door, when I had already scoped out the back door to my right when I had entered the family room. However, I had no intention of bolting, I had questions, lots of them and I wanted answers.

“Hush Cami, I’ve known Synclair a long time and I know what I am doing, honey.” UJ told Cami, seemingly try to soothe her. I could tell by the way Cami stood and crossed her arms over her chest that she wasn’t about to hold her tongue.

“No, I won’t hush Da, she’s my cousin and while we haven’t been besties, I like her and respect her and she’s a woman who can make her own choices, without the interference of you. You’re supposed to be resting them lungs Da, yer supposed to be on a bloody plane to Dublin right now.” She finished by stomping one delicate foot.

I had to admit my cousin was a force when she was angry. Blue eyes blazing, cheeks flushed red, she looked ready to explode. Stomping her flat ballet shoes against the hardwood almost made her look like a child having a temper tantrum. I wasn’t about to tell her that though, I knew the Irish temper ran deep in our family. I felt sorry for her, as she smoothed her red sweater and put her hands in the pockets of her black jeans, she looked like she was trying really hard to not lose control.

“Why don’t I take Cami for a tour of the ranch?” Dalton offered. His intense gaze never left hers.

I whipped my head around to look at Reece. He looked as shocked as I did.

“I don’t need yer coddling or fer you to be distracting me. Yer not gonna charm me knickers off me, so shut your pie hole.” Cami shouted at Dalton.

A weird tension filled the room. I didn’t know if Cami and Dalton were even aware anyone else was around. I looked at Lucas and Rachel who were standing by the window, mouths agape. Matt was snickering into his sleeve and Reece was rubbing his hands over his face.

Almost in slow motion I watched Dalton cross the room to stand nose to nose. Well... his chest to her nose. To Cami’s credit, she didn’t back up, she did however, tip her head back to glare at Dalton like he was the shit you scrape off your shoe.
Good lord, just how long was I in that shower this morning?

Uncle Jack broke the silence, “As for me doll, I just need some time to figure out what I want next, maybe consider that retirement I’ve been putting off. As for that tour around your place that was would be great Dalton, I think my daughter needs a little air.” Now I whipped my head back to UJ, the man was trying to hold back from grinning.

“Done.” I heard Dalton say. He took another determined step forward, and I watched Cami take an angry, but unsure step back, never letting her death stare drop. Before I could wonder what Dalton’s next move was, he dipped down and threw her over his shoulder.
What was it with the men in this house and their caveman antics?

The next moments were filled with, what I could only guess were, Gaelic swear words as Dalton carried Cami past me with a triumphant look on his face. I was so shocked, I didn’t even try to grab for her as they passed me. Reece seemed equally off balance as he moved out of the path of the doorway for Dalton to push through it.

“Would everyone mind giving Synclair and me a few minutes alone? She and I have some things to discuss before your visit Jack.” It sounded more like a command than a request. Suddenly, I realized I didn’t want to be alone with Reece. If he touched me, I would disengage my common sense and I very much needed my wits around me when we had this conversation.

“No.” I looked right at Reece. “Everyone in this room is involved in some way now. Let’s air it all, right now.” I lifted my chin and dared him to deny me.

“Fine.” He muttered, clearly not very happy. “But you will agree to hear everything Synclair. I swear to god, if you even so much as take a breath towards that back door you’ve been eyeing, I will tie you to my bed.” He finished grimly.

Damn, he knew about the backdoor exit?
“While I’m sure that would be fun,
for you.”
I retorted.
Not to mention crowded since he was married.
“I have no intention of being tied to your bed or any part of you or anything you own, but I give you my word I won’t bolt. When I leave, you will know it and I won’t sneak out the back door.”
Or at least, I wouldn’t now that he was on to me

Reece gestured to the sofa where UJ was sitting, watching me with concern.

“Okay, I need to go back to the beginning.” Reece began. I opened my mouth to protest, and he raised on hand. “You told me you would listen.” He reminded me, that stubborn chin lifting slightly.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I sat down on the Sofa next to UJ, I so did not want to hear about the past. I wanted to know about Amber, his wife. I wanted to know what the hell I was still doing here and why UJ was sitting here instead on a plane and I definitely wanted to know why my cousin was so pissed off on my behalf.

Everyone else took places on the remaining chairs, probably getting ready for the next half of the Reece and Synclair show. Reece took an, all too close, position on the sofa next to me. I heard him sigh. Knowing he was waiting for me to turn toward him, I grudgingly turned my body so we were facing each other, knees barely touching.

The contact caused my pulse to speed up and my nipples instantly hardened. I reminded myself to handle the damn bra situation as soon as this little Pow- wow was over.

“When I went after you in college, the bet was only an excuse. I noticed you the first day of class. I saw how smart you were, how witty you were when someone gave you shit, I wanted you from day one.”

I just sat there, so many emotions were pushing to the surface I had to force myself to breathe. I watched Reece’s eyes soften with regret and even though I didn’t want to believe it, he looked sincere.

“The bet was stupid. I know and I was meeting with everyone to call it off, that was where I went that morning. But I was different back then, I was the basketball star, and I liked people thinking I was cool. But I was going to give them back the money, Synclair. I wanted you. I was going to tell you about it that day and beg you to forgive me. I didn’t get the chance, you being so same smart figured it out before I could stop it, and then Amber…” He trailed off.

Her name was like cold water splashing on my face. All the warmth I had been feeling fled. “Yes,” I told him stoically. “Let’s discuss your wife.” Now Reece looked guilty.
Yep, that’s right asshole, let’s discuss the wife, my tormenter and the woman you cheated on last night.

Grabbing my hands that I hadn’t even realized were gripping my legs, he caught my gaze and refused to let it go.

“I am not married to Amber, we’re divorced.” I let out a breath, at least I wasn’t a home wrecker.

“Amber and the guys grew up here in Carson City, we all went to high school together and graduated together. Amber had always been after me but I never touched her... until.” He released me to run one hand through his dark locks.

Oh no, you don’t buddy, I want to hear it all.

“After vet school, the guys threw me a party. I couldn’t get you out of my head. I had even tried to find you after you were arrested but you had disappeared. I even made Amber drop all the charges.” He waited to gauge my reaction. I had never known why Amber had dropped the assault charge, I guess Reece was my answer.

“I was really in a bad place, I tried to forget you with other women but they weren’t you. I got pretty wasted and the next morning I woke up in bed with Amber.”

My stomach rolled. I hated the idea of Reece having sex with other women, but I hadn’t exactly been celibate the last fifteen years. However, the idea of Reece sleeping with Amber made my skin crawl.

“She tricked him Synclair.” Rachel broke in desperately. I looked at Reece, his sadness evident.

“Reece didn’t even remember that night, she came to him three months later and told him she was pregnant.” Rachel finished almost panting she was breathing so hard.

Oh god, I thought. He has a child, with Amber. Lucas must have guessed what I was thinking. “There was no baby, Amber was playing off Reece’s morality. She knew he’d marry her. She was hoping to get pregnant for real before anyone figured it out. So they got married and my brother was miserable. He didn’t love Amber, she’s a cold, manipulative bitch.” Lucas looked at Reece and I could tell how much he loved his younger brother.

“Yeah, Reece didn’t sleep with her after the wedding, then Reece got into an accident and our family doctor ran a bunch of tests, to make sure everything was okay in his nether region if ya get my drift.” Matt said smiling. “the short of it was that Doc found out Reece can’t really father kids, his chances of getting someone pregnant are in the miracle range.” Matt looked at Reece apologetically.

I looked at Reece, disbelief on my face. Reece not able to have kids? That was cruel. Reece would be a great father, I could tell by the way his family rallied around him, defended him and supported him, that Reece would be an amazing dad.

“Reece I’m so sorry.” I meant it, it broke my heart that he would be denied that. I mean, he may have been a shitty boyfriend, and I still didn’t trust him, but a kid? Reece would be great with a kid. A little boy or girl with his green eyes and dimples, who loved animals as much as he did. Then I got angry. Amber had tricked him? How could she do that to him?
I should have rammed her head into the ground when I had the chance.

He smiled at me. “Listen I was upset, trust me, but it also meant I had no obligation to Amber, she admitted to me that it was all bullshit when I asked for a paternity test, she wasn’t even pregnant. Just desperate to marry me. So I divorced her.”

“I was coming after you Synclair. I was 26 years old, a Veterinarian and free and I was coming back to Vegas to find you.” I shrank back in shock. He had been coming for me? For me? Why? None of what he was saying matched up to the asshole profile I had worked up in my head. All these years I thought he had regarded me as a joke. Could it be possible that he was telling the truth? Did he really love me?
Whoa, hang on there. You’re just going to fall back into those dreamy green eyes and magic hands, after all the pain he caused you? Tamp that Disneyland fairytale crap down.
My inner voice was right, I needed to stay guarded. This man had hurt me more than anyone and that was saying a lot.

“But you never came.” I retorted. My voice held more emotion than I wanted and I knew he picked up on it. Giving me a sad smile he picked up my hand and threaded our fingers together.

“My parents died in a car accident.” Reece almost whispered. I turned when I heard Rachel sniff. Doing the math, I realized Rachel must have only been about 14 or 15 years old, so young to not have her mom.

“Lucas and Reece took over for mom and dad. Dalton and I were older but Rachel was only 14, so we all pitched in so she wouldn’t feel alone.” Matt said, looking at his baby sister.

Rachel smiled at Matt and then turned to Reece. Hugging Lucas closer to her, I could tell that she loved her brothers. Her adoring smile spoke volumes. “Our parents were very well off, they left us a big inheritance. So Reece and Lucas moved back into this house and made modifications and room additions. Now Reece has the huge suite down the hall, Lucas has an apartment down the path out back, Matt has a suite upstairs and Dalton built a garage apartment for himself. We all live together, but there’s enough space that we don’t kill each other.  They have all done nothing but take care of me. Reece is a good person Synclair. He did a stupid thing, but he never forgot you and if our parents hadn’t died, he would have gone to Vegas to get you. He used to tell me about you. So when it came time to choose colleges, I told them I wanted to go UNLV. I wanted to find you so that Reece could finally get his chance with you.” Rachel finished sighing into her brother’s embrace.

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