Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece (4 page)

BOOK: Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece
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“But she didn’t.” UJ pointed out. “But I did tell my father, I thought he would put her in rehab or a hospital. Instead, they had a huge fight, and she told me I was dead to her. The next morning she was gone. My parents tried to find her but apparently your father, was also her drug dealer and had persuaded her that all of her dreams would come true in Las Vegas.

I pressured my parents to chase after her but my father was too stubborn and my mother would never go against his wishes. Everyone was forbidden to mention her name and all of her pictures were removed from the walls. The two times I found a number for her she hung up on me.

When I was about twenty-five, I got the call that my parents had died in an accident. I was working on Wall Street as a stockbroker, at the time. It was a weird feeling of sadness and relief. I never wanted to be a stockbroker, I had done it for my father. I tried to reach out to your mother again, she told me she didn’t have parents and hung up on me. So, I let the lawyers deal with the will and the sale of the house and told them to send whatever the inheritance was to Aggie in Nevada. They had to use a private detective to get her address.

I decided to take a vacation to Ireland. I was always curious about it, I wanted to see where my parents came from. So, I quit my job and flew to Ireland.” He sighed as if he was lost in a memory he wasn’t willing to share.

“I remember my mom getting a lot of money, I don’t know how much. I know it was the first time I got dolls to play with. We stayed in Treasure Island on the strip. She talked about getting a house, going on a trip and a bunch of other stuff that never happened.” I told him bitterly.

“She was given practically a million dollars, and you never got a house?” He asked in disbelief.

“No, her new guy Randy, a real low life, convinced her to invest the money in his business ventures. They never worked out, mom lost all the money and Randy split as soon as the money was gone.” Yeah, that was a great memory.

Sighing, I looked at UJ. He looked tired and his eyes were red from crying. The wrinkles around his eyes looked deeper than I had ever seen and he seemed pale, even for an Irish guy.

“So you went to Ireland and decided, I want to have my own bar?” I asked him, trying to lighten up the conversation. I was tired and my head was pounding as I tried to process all the information he had given me. However, I wanted to know it all.

“I met a woman in Ireland, she was feisty and beautiful and gave me a run for my money.” He chuckled. “She was married to a dull little man, and we had planned for her to leave him and be with me.” I watched his eyes gloss over and his expression harden.

“She was pregnant, and she was going to leave the little twit. Until her family found out and poured on the Irish Catholic guilt. Long story short, she broke it off with me and decided to stay with him. I was heartbroken, but I refused to be shut out of my daughter’s life.

  She begged me to please let the man raise our child. Swore it was best. Angry, I returned to New York. My daughter was born and I am ashamed that I let my own foolish anger keep me from her. The little toad ended up raising my daughter, the first time I met my Cami, she was three years ago. She is lovely.” He pulled out his cell phone and scrolled. Once he found what he was looking for he showed me a picture of a girl about 13 or 14 years old. She had UJ’s sparkling blue eyes and gorgeous long brown hair. She was wearing what looked like a school uniform. White polo, blue skirt and black Mary Janes. She had UJ’s nose and with her pretty pink lips, she was going to be a knockout in a few years.

“She’s beautiful. Wow, she’s my cousin.” I told him grinning. I had a cousin, it was strange but just knowing she was family made me want to know her, made me want to see her, but what could I offer her?

UJ laughed. “Yes Syn, you have a cousin and she is remarkably smart and we text back and forth and I go to Ireland during the holidays when she’s off school. You’ll see her at Christmas.” It was the first time I had seen my uncle grin from ear to ear. Even in his older age, he was still handsome, it was a shame he was alone.

“So why a bar? Why Vegas? Why make the effort with mom and me now?” Those were the questions I really needed to be answered. I couldn’t help but speculate what was in it for him. His sister was a druggie, and I was an ex-college student working for Kentucky Fried Chicken, worse than that, I had lousy taste in men.

“I figured we would get to that question.” He sat back down on the sofa and looked at me, I couldn’t read his expression so I just sat and waited for him to speak.

“I missed my Cami in Ireland, I missed having family around me. What’s more Irish than a bar? What better place to build a bar, ran by a true Irish man, then Las Vegas? Sure there are some Irish named pubs in the heart of the strip. But I think I can pull in enough tourists and locals to make a go of it. When I first had the renovation plans drawn up, I was building your apartment as a two bedroom so that your mother would have a place to live if she was willing to get clean.” He shook his head. “It was the first conversation I had with Aggie when I showed up here. She was still angry at me for telling my father she was using, unless I was prepared to give her money, I was of no use to her. That’s when I knew my big sister was really gone. I saw the clothes hang off her thin body. I saw those big hazel eyes, so much like my mother’s, dull and glazed over; as whatever hit she took, before I got there, kicked in.”

I wish I could say the scenario surprised me. It didn’t, that was my norm and mom in that condition was as normal to me as tying my shoes every day.

“She wasn’t going to stop UJ,” I told him affectionately using his nickname again. “She wasn’t going to stop for me, for you, or anyone, whoever she was before she was raped wasn’t there anymore.” I felt bad, I knew my mother had been through a lot but she had chosen not to deal with what happened. She hid away in drugs and chose that life over me, time and time again.

“I know, that’s why I set up your bank account when I found out you were starting school. I wanted you to be able to have things you needed. I changed the plans to give you a huge master bedroom instead of a two bedroom, I didn’t want your mother to have a place to go. Honey listen, I know losing your scholarship and being treated badly by that prick is a lot to take in right now, But I have to admit I’m glad I have the opportunity to have you work with me and live near me. You’re my family Syn, I love you.”

Almost crying, I threw my arms around my uncle. “I love you too UJ. Screw school, I didn’t fit in anyways, I couldn’t go back if I wanted too. You’re the first relative to give a damn about me, and I would be damn proud to help you run this bar.” I told him tightening my hug. It was the best feeling in the world when his shaking arms wrapped around me. I finally found where I belonged, I was never going to think of Reece Hudson again.





“Yeah, baby just like that.” Came that annoying voice
. Note to self, next time when the urge to get off strikes, just pull out the vibrator, don’t take the cute guy with the cute butt to your office and ride him. Vibrators don’t talk. Unfortunately, men do.

“Quit talking, it’s just reminding me that you're here.” I chastised. I didn’t want to hear the guy’s voice. Hell, I couldn’t even remember his name. Joe? John? Geez, whatever. I just wanted to concentrate on sliding up and down his nice cock until I came.

“Oh god baby, I’m almost there.” He droned on again.

I ignored him and stepped up my pace, taking one hand I rubbed my clit while I bounced up and down on his cock. I could feel him getting close and if I didn’t hurry up, he was going to get to the finish line before I did. I was just about to cum when the door to the office started vibrating, someone was pounding on it.

“Syn, dammit, I have a full bar out here and could use you.” I knew the voice, it was Uncle Jack. Damn, what a mood killer.

“Just a sec.” It was all I needed as I quickened my up and down strokes and moved my fingers over my clit trying to get off.

“Rachel’s getting manhandled out there and Gus is MIA," came his annoyed voice through the locked door.

I halted instantly, FUUUUUCK. I saw red, no one manhandled Rachel. She was a sweet college kid, who had no business in Vegas and I made a point to watch out for her. I dismounted him like a professional gymnast. Pulling my tank top down I made for the door.

“What the fuck? You can’t just leave I’m not finished.” He shouted grabbing my wrist when I would have walked by him. I laughed throwing his, way too soft to be anything other than an office jockey hand, off my body. Shoving my short denim skirt in place, I grabbed the lotion off my desk and tossed it to him,

“Sorry umm, umm.” Crap, I really had to get better at names.

“My name is Kevin.” He said annoyed and still panting, his dick was still hard and I almost laughed. Okay, apparently I was really, really, awful with the names of my one and dones. Oops, my bad.

this will have to do,” I told him pointing to the lotion and walking out of my office.

I ignored the fact that I hadn’t put my panties back on and didn’t take the time to lace up my combat boots. Rachel was in trouble and it was time to let off some sexual frustration.

I dashed out of the rear of the bar and looked around. It was packed, I knew it would be since it was St. Patrick’s Day and UJ owned the only true Irish ran bar in all of Las Vegas.

I searched the bar for Rachel. At first, I didn’t see her, on my second pass I spotted her sitting in the lap of some frat boy. She clearly didn’t want to be there. Her face was furious and her body was rigid as she leaned away from the guy who was keeping her there. Rachel was pissed and Rachel was never pissed. She never cursed, she was always annoyingly happy and optimistic. It was why I liked her, she wasn’t jaded and to her, the world was filled with opportunities.

I saw Rachel was close to losing it, her emerald green eyes shimmered with angry tears. Her fists were clenched, and she looked like she wanted to take fuck face’s head off his shoulders. Passing the bar I snagged my bat and let it hang to my side as I approached the booth.

There were four guys in all, all of them about the 20-stupid age, all drunk and somehow under the impression that my waitress was their personal blow-up doll. I knew that customers got randy, especially after a few drinks, but I had a hands-off policy in my bar. It was the first rule I had made when Uncle Jack or UJ as I called him, made me part owner, in exchange for me leaving school and running the bar with him full time.

  Usually, Gus, my security guy handled this stuff but after a quick look around I found him to be nowhere. I would deal with his soon to be fired butt later, right now there were two ways to discharge tension, sex and kicking ass and since the first one was off the table… ass kicking it was!

“Syn!” Rachel yelped from her forced perch on fuck face’s lap. Her green eyes pleaded for help. I knew Rachel was scared, she always called me Synclair. I loathed the name which was why everyone called me Syn instead. I locked eyes with Rachel, letting her know in one look that I had this under control. As I drew closer, I noticed the red welts forming on Rachel’s arms where fuck face was gripping her in place. Damn, there were things you do and do not do and harming a woman was at the top of my, fuck you up till you weep for your momma, list. Seeing red I picked up the bat and slammed it down in the middle of the table. The whole bar fell silent and the four fuck faces sat deathly still, eyes wide.

“Well, now that I have your attention.” I started, never taking my glare off the guy who was holding Rachel. “Want to explain to me why you’re holding my waitress against her will on your lap?” My tone was relaxed, but I knew my death stare said it all.

I observed the kid’s eyes flare with annoyance. Okay, so he was the rich, entitled college age tourist. The kind that figured he was better than me; thus, could treat everyone around him like peasants with no repercussions. I hated those types of guys. Sure, he may get girls with the sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and $200 blue jeans, but it didn’t take much to see how shallow and egotistical he was.

“Babe,” he began his mouth curling into what I guess was his charming smile. I didn’t let him finish, I flipped the bat, so I was holding it handle out, I threw a hasty glance at Rachel who nodded. In a move perfected over the time she had been here, Rachel elbowed the guy in the stomach. He grunted and let her go enough that she sprang up from the booth and moved behind me. I took the bat and thrust it forward into fuck face’s nose.

The bar erupted in laughter, fuck face jumped up holding his bleeding and hopefully broken nose. His friends rose from the booth and were squawking. I stepped back with Rachel still behind me.

Damn. Usually, I had Gus to back me up when crap like this happened. Tonight apparently I was on my own, I sighed realizing it was the one night I had worn a damn skirt, and to make matters worse, I had no freaking underwear on. Pushing the negative stuff away I concentrated on getting control of my bar.

“One, do not call me Baby,” I said grabbing, the now weeping, fuck face’s arm. I still carried the bat with the other, ready to hit a home run on whoever’s face got in my path. “Two, don’t ever touch a woman like that again.” Steering him toward the exit with his friends in tow, I fixated on how many feet separated me from getting him out of the bar before matters got out of control.

I was aware frat boy’s friends followed right on my heels. When I was two strides from the exit I felt a strong hand pull back on my shoulder. I pushed frat boy into the closed, heavy oak door and spun to deal with his indignant friends. I was only vaguely aware of frat boy complaining about his nose again as he sagged against the door. His very angry friend pulled back his hand to slap me. I was about to kick him in the kneecap when I heard the unmistakable sound of a shotgun being cocked.

You could have heard a pin drop in the bar. I peered over the angry kid’s shoulder and practically giggled. Standing on top of the bar dressed in his old gray slacks and ugly orange, Hawaiian shirt was Uncle Jack.

“I believe you aren’t acquainted with rule three, when in doubt refer to rule number 2, now get the hell out of my bar before I let my niece kick all your asses,” He shouted raising the shotgun to show he meant business.

It was surprising how quick those college kids scooped up fuck face and were out the door. I laughed and waved to UJ, who was crawling off the bartop. I glanced around, everyone was still quiet and the awkward moment was palpable.

“Free beers folks for the next ten minutes!” I called out, grinning as UJ gave me a grim eye. Crisis averted.

I was in my office working on inventory when I heard a small knock. I had put my desk back together from my earlier engagement with… damn... whatever his name was and had just settled down to the mountain of reports on my desk.

“Come.” I hollered not glancing up from the figures I was working on.

“Synclair?” Rachel inquired. Still not looking up, I used the hand gripping my pen and waved her to one of the chairs in front of my desk.

She didn’t talk, and I didn’t raise my head. I knew what was coming. Rachel was going to want to talk about what transpired, share feelings and crap and I just wasn’t a feelings kind of gal.

Rachel had walked into the bar on her twenty-first birthday. I spotted her right away. She had long black hair that shone and the most amazing pale green eyes. Her small pert nose and full rosy lips worked well with her porcelain skin. She was about my height and wore top brand jeans, pumps and had the latest iPhone. She had the small-town girl, going to a big university, written all over her. It wasn’t long before her girl next door looks and infectious laugh drew attention.

That was the trouble, two guys ended up getting into an argument over her and she had come to the bar counter to ask if there was a back way out of the bar. I had let her hide out in my office until the two clowns fighting over her had moved on. Then she wanted to talk. I mean like, get to know you, talk. I didn’t get to know people, I had UJ, I had the bar and I had the work I did at the woman’s shelter, my life was complete. I didn’t need friends or relationships.

I told her as much when I practically shoved her out the door that night. But damn if she didn’t come back the next day, with flowers. Who the hell brings flowers to a bar owner? She came back every day, sometimes just to sit at the bar and try to make conversation. I couldn’t shake her.

I realized this poor, sweet kid was alone here in Vegas. Sure she was a UNLV student with a dorm room and everything, sure she was here to study animal medicine so she could be a veterinarian like her big brother, but this girl had no idea what kind of town she was in.

Also, who were these big brothers she claimed to have, anyway? Rachel had told me she had four older brothers, all ultra-protective. So much so that she insisted ongoing to UNLV just to get away from them. I hadn’t made up my mind if there was more to it than just protective. My mistrusting self- wondered if they bullied her. If they abused her? The way she talked about her fear that they would swoop into town and force to come home rankled me somehow. So I offered her a job as a barmaid. UJ had done all the hiring paperwork and stuff so I just assumed she was of age. Hell, I didn’t even know her last name.

I did know one thing, I experienced what it was like to be alone. So I watched over her and protected her when needed, someone with a sweet disposition like Rachel was scarce and for some reason, I didn’t want to see that spoiled.

A loud sigh brought a smirk to my lips. “Okay, Rachel out with it.” I raised my head up and tried to give her a scowl.

She smiled instantly, geez she looked like she was sixteen when she beamed with those full dimples and all. I couldn’t help but smile back, damn the kid just made me less edgy somehow.

“I wanted to say thanks for helping me with those guys. They just wouldn’t stop and then the blonde pulled me on his lap and didn’t let go, I didn’t know what to do.” She stammered.

I despised the fact that she sounded guilty like it was somehow her responsibility. “Stop it, Rachel, they were out of line. No one gets treated like that in my bar.”

Grinning she rose from her chair and ran around my desk, knowing what was coming I struggled to prepare myself for the Mack truck that was Rachel, slamming against me in a full out body hug.

“Thanks, Synclair, you always have my back.” I would have corrected her for the millionth time to call me Syn, but I realized it was a battle I couldn’t win.

Disentangling myself from her tight grip I directed her back to the chair. “I would do it for anyone Rachel.” I didn’t mean to sound like a dick but I already cared for the kid too much and I had to keep some sense of distance with her. If she knew I cared she’d probably start stalking me on Facebook or try to have sleepovers.

“Really, is that why you follow me when I drive back to campus every night?” Her eyes gleamed. Crap, I didn’t know she knew about that.

“Is that why my tip bucket always has, at least, $200 in it every night?” Okay, so I padded her tips to make certain she never went without, I knew she came from money but I still felt like earning her own was important to her, so yeah I padded the jar a bit.

“Time to go, Rachel,” I told her as I stood from my desk. She knew I was avoiding her statement, and I didn’t care. The hell if I was admitting to anything. “I have to get up early tomorrow, I am volunteering at the Woman’s shelter so off you go.”

I grabbed my coat and car keys and she grinned again. I swear she looked like the damn Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

“Got your keys so you can follow me home?” She chuckled smugly.

Sighing, I led her out the front door of the bar and she waited while I locked it behind us.

“Syn, girl. I’m so sorry chick, there was this amazing woman, and I just had to hit it.” Came my soon to be ex-security guy as he strolled up to Rachel and I like nothing had happened.


smiled at Gus. He had been my security guy for the last two years, but his chasing women had caused him go MIA twice, and tonight on one of our busiest nights of the year, could have gotten Rachel hurt. That was unacceptable.

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