Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece (6 page)

BOOK: Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece
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“Do you know his condition?” I had to know, broken bones, gunshot, what?

I watched him pull his sunglasses off the dash and put them on to ward off the blazing, afternoon Las Vegas sun. Turning to me he sighed. “Smoke inhalation, they pulled him out in time.”

My mind was having trouble getting what he was saying, “Smoke?” I inquired, thinking aloud. “Why smoke?” My mind was racing, they didn’t shoot him?

“Synclair,” Josh replied, waiting until I turned my head to catch his gaze. It was sad, and I knew I wasn’t going to like what he had to tell me.

“The bar is gone, they think it was a gas leak, but you know and I know it wasn’t, the firefighters have it under control but there’s nothing left. Your uncle was lucky enough to get out alive.” He watched to see what I would do. I just stared at him mouth agape, in shock.

Fuck… Fuck… Fuck... UJ’s dream, hell my dream. Gone, vanished, up in smoke. Homeless, I was homeless again. I shook my head.
Don’t concentrate on that,
I urged myself. You can focus on that devastation later, all that counts is UJ. “Fuck the bar, I need to see my uncle, Josh.”

Giving me a weak smile, he nodded, and we hurried in silence to the very hospital that I hadn’t been to since my mother died there of a drug overdose fifteen years ago. Damn, life could be a bitch.


Leaning my head against the cold, white wall, I closed my eyes
In the last 48 hours I hadn’t left this seriously, uncomfortable chair, except to get food and use the bathroom.  When I had first arrived at the emergency room, no one could tell me much of anything. They did tell me that they had called his daughter since they couldn’t reach me. I thought that was pretty fast since everything had taken place a little over four hours ago and I had zero messages from nurse grumpy pants. I had called Cami and told her what had happened. We had talked a lot over the years and she had come and stayed with UJ a few times. It was a polite, yet sometimes awkward relationship they had, it seemed she and I shared the same dynamic. Although I told her the physicians said he would be fine, his only injury was the smoke inhalation thank god, she insisted she was hopping a flight over to the states.

Oh joy, I thought irritably. Just what I needed, an Irish firecracker coming to inform me what a terrible person I was. One job, I had one job, keep UJ safe, and make sure he was always okay. Somehow I felt like as soon as that woman stepped off the airplane she was going to fire me from that position and I certainly couldn’t blame her. Her father could have died, awkward relationship or not, dead was dead.

I knew what it felt like, even with my mom as messed up as she was, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, least of all family.

I looked down at my cell. If my guess was right, my cousin would be touching down in the next hour and would make a beeline for the hospital. UJ had woken up about six hours after I had arrived the first day. The first thing he had asked about was the bar, the simple shake of my head told him everything. I hadn’t been there yet, hadn’t called anyone, not even the employees. Even after UJ tried to send me off to sleep, I refused to leave. Where would I go? My home was in ashes, UJ was my family, he was my home. Instead, I read to him from the newspaper, watched Jerry Springer with him and observed him sleep. For some reason I found solace in watching the easy rise of his chest as he slept, I knew as long as his chest did that, he was okay.

Let’s face it, part of me didn’t want to look at the bar smoldering in ashes. I went from moments of utter devastation to blinding rage. Part of me needed to track down Luis and gut him and his goons while another part of me wished to whisk UJ away to some small wilderness cabin and let him live out his days in peace. He had spoken about it before. He had told me that when he retired, he was going to return to Ireland and buy some land with a river going through it.

He wanted to fish and reconnect with Cami. He talked about me living there too, but we both knew I wasn’t the country type of gal. Had I not spent so much of my savings setting Constance and her son up for a new life, I was going to ask UJ to let me buy him out, I estimated with my savings and a bank loan I could swing it so that when the moment arrived he could retire and I would own the bar.  Unfortunately, now my savings was all but gone and now the bar was gone. I was back at square one.

I could feel the beginning of a headache forming and I pinched my eyes closed against it. I was ignoring the feeling of panic that was trying to claw its way up. I should be calling the insurance company, searching for a new place to live, dealing with employees and all the other responsible things one does when they have to start their life over again.  I didn’t feel like being responsible, I felt like finding a bottle of Patron and a nice comfy Bellagio suite, then pull the drapes closed, put out the ‘do not disturb’ sign and drink until I didn’t feel panicked, alone and scared. I wanted to hide until I could make myself believe everything was going to be okay, all the while knowing that it wouldn’t be, at least not until I got off my ass and made it that way.

“Syn. Darn it d-doll, I told you to go get some sleeeeep,” UJ told me, the meds were making him slur his words slightly. He looked so small and pale. His eyes were not twinkling with laughter like they normally did and there were bruises on his hand where the IV line went in.

I didn’t even open my eyes. “I will UJ, I have a room all set up at Bellagio with a big king size bed.”  I lied, I had nothing set up. “As soon as Cami gets here, I’ll take off for a while and give you two some time alone.” Okay, that part was true. One, I didn’t want to deal with Cami’s justifiable anger toward me and two, I needed to talk to the employees and the insurance company. I knew UJ would be inquiring about that before long and I didn’t want him to feel like I dropped the ball because I was too busy being absorbed in my feelings. It would be totally true, but I still didn’t want to be called out on it.

“Da-oh my lord, what has this town done to ya.” Came the annoying Irish tone of one Camelia “Cami” McDougall. It would have been Patrick but her mother let the husband adopt Cami when she was younger. I didn’t know the whole story about the name thing but I’m confident it irked UJ on some level.

Cami’s blue eyes narrowed when she saw me sitting in the armchair near her father. I assumed she was going to deck me and I’m not sure I would stop her. She stomped toward me, her cute ballet slippers slapping against the tile. I had to admit she had grown up to be a very well put together woman. Her long brown hair was glossy and held back in a simple headband, her makeup was flawless and her black sweater and leggings just made her hourglass figure more pronounced. Well, I could see where the looks went in the family. I was kind of embarrassed with my lack of makeup, torn blue jeans and green t-shirt, I’m positive the purple bruises on my arms just sealed the couture aspect of my outfit.

I stood up ready to apologize for her father being injured when she grabbed me and hugged me so hard that she lifted me off the ground. For a 5ft nothing chick, she had some strength in those Irish arms. Patting her back, because I honestly had no inkling what to do, she finally released me.

This time, her blue eyes were filled with tears, “I’m so sorry this happened to ya Synclair.” Yep, another person who refused to call me Syn. “That nice detective told me what happened to ya at the shelter when he called me, someone should kill the arse that did that to ya, and hurt me Da.” I recognize this was the part when I smiled or said something like thanks. But I had no experience with this, nothing had prepared me for this girl. I was related to her but didn’t actually know her and here she was facing at me like I actually mattered.

“Um...Yeah, I think we’ll leave Luis to the cops. I’m more anxious about UJ.” I turned to look at UJ, damn the man was grinning from ear to ear. Okay, I was starting to get uncomfortable with the love fest going on here. “On that note, Cami, I’m going to bounce for a bit, give you guys some time to catch up.” I took a step toward the door, but she was quicker.

Grabbing my hand she shook her head. “Don’t feel like ya got to make yer self-scarce.” Again with the Irish accent. “I already told Da, as soon as he is discharged he’s coming home with me. As fer the insurance company, I’ve already spoken to them, I put them in contact with that nice detective and he guaranteed me he would make certain they get the report. Since Da said the bar was covered against fire, I’m positive they will get you all sorted soon so you can rebuild.” She practically beamed at me.

She was actually proud that she had totally circumvented me. Looking at her I could see there was only sincerity on her face. Christ, she thought she had done a good thing.

I was torn between patting her on the head like a child and smacking the crap out of her. When had she spoke to UJ? Why was Josh bending over backward to help her? How the hell had he gotten her number? Where the hell was I when Mr. Meddling Detective was doing it? Why the hell was she speaking to the insurance company about a bar she had only been to a half a dozen times over the years?

Dammit, I knew I should be glad she was trying to help, glad Donny and his son were looking out for me, glad these people seemed to care, glad someone gave a damn. But I wasn’t that mature of a person. Nope, I felt like a child put in the corner with the Playdoh because I couldn’t be trusted with the big complicated toys like Legos.

Shit, I didn’t want to be mad at her. She looked so damn hopeful. But still, there were lines. That bar was my baby, Josh may be a cop, that I sort of got along with on occasion, but he was my cop, and UJ may be her father but I had taken care of him since he came into my life fifteen years ago, actually we had taken care of each other.

I was about to lay into miss sunshine when I saw UJ’s face. It glowed, no...It beamed. I had never seen the man look so happy. Even in the ugly, gray hospital gown, he seemed more colorful. Crap, he
happy. I realized that those shiny blue eyes were filled with joy because his daughter came to care for him, to take him home, and she was asking me to come along. FUUUUCK… that took all the fun out of yelling at her and I really needed to yell at someone.

Sucking it up I took a massive breath and attempted to pull up my big girl thong. “Thanks, Cami.” I choked. UJ’s smile faltered a bit, so I smiled as brightly as I could, “UJ could use the time in Ireland to mend and relax. The insurance stuff will take awhile, but I’m going to stay stateside.” Cami’s face fell. “But I honestly appreciate the offer, I just don’t do well in the country,” I quickly added. Yeesh, I was bad at this nice stuff.

Her face lifted again, and she considered me with thoughtfully. Cocking her head to once side, her blue eyes focused in on me with laser precision. Just when I was going to clear my throat she spoke.

“Okay, but the offer stands. Stay close to yer phone cousin, I want to make sure I can talk to ya and make sure yer doing okay.”

I exhaled, okay she was nice. A nice woman, a nice cousin and perhaps a nice daughter. It was too much nice in one room and I needed to escape. Promising to check in later, I excused myself from the pair, laughing when UJ winked at me as I shut the door.

Four hours later I silently congratulated myself with a shot of patron in the upscale lounge of my hotel. Since leaving UJ in Cami’s capable and nurturing hands, I had made good on my word and got myself a room at the Bellagio Hotel. The Bellagio was a five-star hotel and casino resort right in the middle of the Las Vegas Strip. It had a dancing fountain show that started every hour that was remarkable, a beautiful atrium to walk through and Celine Dion performed nightly. It was the very picture of an Italian masterpiece, no detail omitted.

The price tag reflected this ambiance. Deciding I deserved one night before I figured out my next step I had pulled out my credit card and tried not to choke when the girl taking my reservation told me the total. I didn’t let that get me down, my next stop was Target. I bought three pairs of jeans, underwear, bras, toiletries, a light jacket, duffel bag and flashlight. I also bought a new baseball bat since my weapon of choice was in ashes. I knew I still had my gun, I had grabbed it with my purse when I had rushed to the hospital, but my bat was my go to weapon, I kinda liked the sound it made when it crunched against some guy’s hand that didn’t understand limits.


After my exorbitant shopping spree, I even called each employee and let them know the bar was down for at least six months. I then called the accountant and told him to give everyone, at least, two months pay in a check that he could mail to them. It wouldn’t help them out the entire time but it would help. I knew most of them would get new jobs and that kind of made me sad. I knew these people, they were familiar, I knew what to expect and now I was going to have to start over with a new crew. 

Speaking of the crew, the only person I had to actually leave a message for was Rachel. I didn’t call her often and since I didn’t know what she did when she wasn’t at work, I had no idea where she was. Probably some football game, I mused. She was young and needed to be out there. Part of me worried about Rachel and all her optimism. But she wasn’t me, she didn’t have the same strikes against her that I did. She was smart, beautiful, from a great family and appeared to have brothers who watched over her, albeit in a smothering fashion. If I ever met them, I was going to have to tell them to back off a little. I understood the idea of wanting to protect Rachel but the way Rachel made it sound, she was in constant fear of being forced home to what sounded like a two cow farm in the middle of nowhere in Northern Nevada.

I had asked before if she was frightened of her brothers if she was worried they would hurt her? But she had dodged the question by laughing about how paranoid I was. I had let it drop, but if I found out one of them ever hurt that girl, I’d probably gut them like a fish.

Shaking my head, I resolved to get a hold of Rachel tomorrow, tonight I needed to blow off some steam. Since I had already gotten my ass handed to me earlier, I decided working out my aggression in a more lady like fashion was what I needed.

Hey, don’t judge me, I’d had a shitty day and if it was weak of me to want a little diversion, then so what, tonight I was going to be weak.

I skimmed the bar to see what was available. Mostly guys in suits. Some convention was apparently in town, there was generally some convention in Vegas at all times. Like a lioness looking for the weak gazelle to hunt, I zeroed in on two good looking guys in very nice, well-tailored suits. The taller of the two was blond with eyes so blue they were virtually clear. He had strong features and I could see by the way his suit hugged his arms that he worked out. I followed down the length of him, letting my hazel eyes soak all of him in. Nice Italian shoes rounded out the outfit. Okay yum.

The guy he was with was hunched over nursing a whiskey on ice. He didn’t look happy. Although equally attractive the sad guy just didn’t seem ready to have a good time. Just then, the sad guy looked up, his dark chestnut hair falling into his eyes. He had to be in his late twenties, his face seemed kinder, younger than the taller guy. Suddenly, he caught me staring at him and his whole face transformed. He went from sourpuss to a dazzling, white smile, with dimples to boot. Green eyes captured mine and for a moment I swear he looked familiar. Struck by how good looking these men were and how oddly familiar, the sad guy was, I just gawked at him, part of me struggling to place him, the other wanting see what it would be like to be the “cougar” woman.

After all, I was on the dark side of 35 and he couldn’t be more than 28 at most. His friend turned to see what he was grinning at and I was struck hard with the second-megawatt smile of the night. Jesus, was there a hot man convention in town? Without breaking eye contact with me, blue eyes sauntered toward me. Suddenly aware of my informal attire, I actually felt embarrassed. Normally my heeled boots, jeans and a tank top that said ‘Savage,' would not have made me feel odd. Not even the fact that my hair was in a ponytail and I had zero makeup on, nope, ordinarily I was in

I mean, I knew the tank top stretched across my chest in all the right ways and the jeans made my butt look lifted and full. However, these guys were USDA grade choice and I probably looked like a freaking hooker. Shit Syn, I told myself.
Pull it together, get in, get on, get off, get down, get him out…That was the rule, simple, easy.
I needed to remember that.

“I’m Ridge.” Blue eyes held out his hand while he motioned behind him. “Sad face over there is Matt.” I placed my palm in his and watched while he brought my knuckles up to his lips. Smooth.

“Well, Ridge what brought you by?” I asked retrieving my hand from his grasp. He raised one perfectly groomed eyebrow and laughed. Okay, glad to know I was funny.

“Sweetheart, you looked like you were ready to eat me with a spoon from across the bar, I just thought it would be the gentlemanly thing to do to introduce myself first,” He told me smirking.

Okay, I thought. Smug, arrogant and cocky, basically an asshole who probably checked each mirror he walked past to see if his perfectly groomed hair was in place. I was about to reply when the guy he called Matt walked up and sat on the empty barstool next to me.

“Back off Ridge, not her.” He all but growled. I watched the two exchange looks. I didn’t know what the looks meant, but I felt like I was missing something here.

Always one to be contrary, I had to ask, “Why not me Matt, not enough diamonds on my wrist for your taste?” I hated guys who thought someone like me was under their class.

“No, you look unhappy, I know you’re sad cause I had the same expression on my face that you did when you walked in. Ridge is not the sort of trouble you want tonight miss…” He trailed off, waiting for me to fill in my name.

“The name is Syn, yes it’s my real name, and if you’re nice later Ridge, I’ll let you yell it while you pound me against the headboard of my bed in my nice hotel room upstairs,” I answered watching Ridge’s eyes darken with lust.

“No Syn, this is not what you need, trust me, go upstairs order room service and watch a movie.” Matt insisted. I had to look at the guy. Who the heck made him my brother? What did he have against Ridge? Weren’t they friends? These were all valid questions but Ridge was running his hand up my back and suddenly I just needed to get naked.

“Butt out Matt, we’ll meet up later. Don’t you have a meeting to go anyhow?” Ridge asked almost accusingly. Again, they looked at each other, practically glaring.

Matt finally looked away, muttering something I didn’t hear. He turned to go and then he turned back, his green eyes looked grim. “Go home Syn, better yet, go find a friend to hang out with, this is not what you want.”

He looked regretful, but for the life of me, I had no idea as to why. Still, he reminded me of someone. I was going to ask if we knew each other, I mean I knew he wasn’t one of my one and dones, I would surely remember him. Ridge nuzzling my neck pulled me from my thoughts. I glanced up and saw that Matt was already heading out of the bar. Deciding to let lust overtake good judgment, I leaned my head back giving ridge better access to my neck.

“Okay stud, let’s keep this simple. You want me and I need a distraction, so this is a win- win but I have a few rules.” That brought his head up. His blue eyes blazed into mine. They looked heavy with lust and a little amusement.

“Okay babe, you tell me the rules and I will play the game.” His gaze was intense and my lady parts took notice. Yet, in the sexy gaze was something else, I wasn’t quite sure of.

Motioning the bartender over, I called for two more shots of Patron and watched him, watch me as I downed them both. Now as a bar owner I can tell you that it’s a mistake to dabble in the booze. Much like a dope dealer who samples his own product, it’s never a good idea. I could tell my judgment was impaired because as I smiled at the man who was patiently waiting for me to tell him my rules, I suddenly didn’t give a crap about feeling wary about the guy.

“Okay, Ridge.” I put both my hands on his chest, it felt firm. I gave him my sexiest look, which for me probably looked like a duck gasping for air, I had never been one to try to be sexy, just couldn’t do it. “I choose the position, there is always a condom, I put your hands where I want them, and when we’re done you’re gone, no cuddling, no phone numbers, just the click of the hotel room door as you take off.”

Feeling slightly buzzed I put my warm forehead to his cool one. His cool blue eyes assessed me. He sat back and looked me over. I could tell he was weighing something out, I just wasn’t sure what. Right when I was about to tell him to forget it, he pulled me off the bar stool and stood with me in his arms. Shocked, I grasped his muscled arms for balance, placing his palms under my thighs I was forced to wrap my legs around his waist.

Before I could recover from that, he was kissing me. It wasn’t a panty wetting kiss, but that’s not what I was after. I had only had one person who could kiss me and make me wet at the same time and he was an asshole. Deciding I was all in, I kissed him back. His whiskey taste mixed with my tequila and it only proved to make me feel drunk.

“Room,” He mumbled as he nipped at my mouth. He started toward the elevators just outside the lounge. Holy shit, the guy was going to carry me to my room, I realized. It should have turned me on more than it did, being that I wasn’t a tiny girl by no stretch. Instead, I was just mildly amused.

“Floor 15 room 324,” I answered. I felt him feel the pockets of my jeans. He pulled out my keycard, and I watched him lean back and place it in his pants pocket.

I’m still not sure how we got in the elevator and to my room. I was drunk, he was kissing me like he was starving, and well… I was drunk. Once in the room, I took my key out of his hand and walked to the hotel safe, I took my ID and Credit card out of my pocket and locked it all inside. I may be drunk but I wasn’t stupid.

“No trust Angel?” He asked wrapping his arms around my waist, he began kissing my neck.

“None whatsoever, I answered back.” This was sex, and I wasn’t worried about hurting his feelings. I grabbed his hands and dragged them from my waist. I walked him backward until his legs hit the soft goose down comforter. Grinning, I pressed him back on the bed and crawled over him. I straddled him and yanked off my tank top and bra. I grabbed his hands that were by his sides and placed them on my breasts. He didn’t require any further instructions. He rolled my nipples between his thumb and forefingers until they were hard pebbles. I groaned at the sensation. Before I could even gasp, he took one nipple into his hot wet mouth. Pushing my hands into his silky hair, I tugged his head backward. He released my nipple with a loud pop. Smiling up at me he reached for the other nipple but my grasp on his head stopped him.

“Listen, Ridge, it’s been a rough day if you’re going to do any sucking, it’s not gonna be on my tits, we clear?” I demanded. “And lose the clothes, I don’t need a preshow teaser I just need the main event,” I growled. Hey, I was drunk, horny and kind of depressed, I wasn’t in the frame of mind to be dazzled.

Ridge didn’t disappoint, in one fluid movement he moved me from him to the bed. Before I could even blink, he had torn off his clothes and thrown them onto the floor. When he was finished, he crawled on the bed, grabbed my jeans, unbuttoned them and divested me of said jeans and blue thong.

Peering down at him, he suddenly grimaced. “What happened to your arms?” Was that actual concern?
Damn what a mood killer.

“Occupational hazard.” I shrugged and reached up for him.

“Damn woman what the hell is your occupation?” He asked while tearing open a condom package with his teeth. Watching him slip it on his long, hard length, I grinned.

“Raging bitch,” I explained him grabbing his head in a searing kiss. The alcohol running through my system making me more restless than usual. He kissed me hungrily, his huge hands roaming all over my body, okay I hadn’t given him permission for that but I was already edgy so I went with it. I felt his cock at my entrance, I was already wet, spreading my legs further apart to allow him better access, I threw back my head and hoped Ridge could fuck the bad day right out of me.

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