Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece (9 page)

BOOK: Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece
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“Why don’t I head out, and you can have this discussion when your other brother gets here,” I proposed taking a backward step toward the door, towards fresh air and freedom

“No, please I want you to hear this.” She took a step towards me and I raised one eyebrow in confusion. She sounded frantic. I nodded for her to go on.

“Dalton, remember what I asked you to do?” I watched Rachel and Dalton have some unspoken exchange between themselves. It looked like there were having a disagreement without words. Finally, Dalton got up and leaned against the wall to my left. Surprised by his nearness I threw him a ‘what the hell?’ look. Shrugging he gave me a wry grin and angled back toward Rachel and saluted.

Not certain what was happening I placed my palm on the bat that I had leaned against the wall. I enjoyed the watchful expression on Dalton’s face when I smirked at him.
That’s right asshole, you’re boxing me in and don’t think for a second I won’t take you out.

“I knew you guys were paying students at UNLV to keep an eye on me. So after dating a few guys, I ended up working for Synclair in the bar, I used her last name in my contacts so that your spies would think I had a boyfriend, just to piss you guys off. It wasn’t until your little snoop, whom I’m guessing was my friend Carla, heard the message from Synclair about changing what time I was needed at the bar that you guys found out about it. I realized I shouldn’t have checked my voicemail on speakerphone,"

She pointed her finger at Lucas. To his credit, he actually looked guilty. “I knew when I said I wanted to go to the University in Las Vegas, my brothers were going to flip. They wanted me to go to the University in Reno because it was closer, but I wanted to get out of this town and stretch my wings, I graduated high school at 17 so I still needed their okay on everything for the schooIs was applying to.” Rachel’s gaze never left me. So far, it seemed plausible. Smart, Small-town girl requires a little adventure and independence.

“I started UNLV at 18 1/2. I got a fake id and stuff so that I could go to the bars. When I stumbled into the bar almost two years ago, you thought I was 21. When you wanted to hire me as a barmaid, I asked my classmates at school what to do. I don’t know how they did it but they got paperwork to give to Uncle Jack for the payroll stuff.”

Shit, I completely froze where I stood. I had employed an underage girl to work in a bar? I felt my face drain of color then flush right back with rage.

“So when I discovered those birthday cards, they weren’t old? You just turned 21 like recently?” I hollered. I observed her nod, guilt evident.

“God dammit Rachel, you have any idea the trouble I could have gotten into?” It was obvious by the expression on her face that she didn’t.

“Hey, now, you got duped by an underage girl and you’re furious at her? Shouldn’t this Uncle Jack person have spotted the phony documents?” Matt asked indignantly.

Okay, he was defending his sister, I could give him that. I hadn’t blown him out of the water with his family by announcing them what I knew about him, but I was getting really close.

Grabbing the bat tighter, I gave my best death stare to Matt. He must have realized the leverage I had on him, because he immediately glanced away, muttering about shit storms and small worlds.

Just for effect, I walked to the back of the sofa that Matt was perched on. I let the bat hang limp at my side. I was still aware of Dalton’s position, he was still in my vision to the right, but I didn’t see him as a threat. Lucas was still opposite of Rachel by the fireplace. I wanted the players where I could see all of them.

Eyeing the bat in my grip, Lucas raised his eyes to examine me. I made certain my stare was even and serious. I wanted him to know that being outnumbered didn’t alarm me at the slightest.

“Rachel finish this up,” He instructed. Rachel jumped at his tone. I guess as the only girl they didn’t use that tone on her often. Hell, she was probably the house princess.

“I wanted to work for Synclair, I recognized her from a story I had heard about her once. I wanted to get to know this person in the story. The person who told me about you was right, you are incredible but you were also sad and I needed to help to put something right.”

“Okay, now you’re talking in riddles Rachel, can we skip all the MTV drama and just get to the point?” My head literally felt like it was about to explode. I hated migraines, I didn’t get them a lot but when I did they were debilitating. I needed to get out of here before this headache went south on me.

“My brother talked about a girl he met at school, all of us heard the story, about how he went to Vegas to the University to study Animal Science, to become a vet. He went there with a group of friends from here.” I started shaking my head, I didn’t like where this was going. Rachel came around the sofa and stopped about three feet in front of me. She was weeping again, but I was having trouble focusing.

“He met this girl, she had a tough life, but he honestly liked her. He was used to getting any girl he wanted, but she blew him off.” She smiled.

“This girl was smart, witty, tough and really guarded. He didn’t even know how bad she’d had it but he guessed it was rough. He was also young, vain and full of himself. His friends bet that he couldn’t get her into bed. He accepted the bet at first because his ego was bruised when she blew him off.” She took a step toward me, I took a step backward.

“He didn’t know she was a virgin, but she was and after they had spent the night together, he knew she was more than a bet.” Rachel took two more steps and I backed up three.

I felt the stairs that led to the door hit the back of my legs. Dalton sat to my right, looking intrigued.

My heart was pounding, my thoughts were racing, struggling to put the pieces together. Her brother, her brother, told her a story. I realized I was the girl, it was my story, but that would make the boy….. no dammit, not possible.

“Stop.” I managed to choke out. I didn’t want to hear this, I was over that moment in my life. Was this a joke? Did my Karma suck so bad that I was being duped by the next generation of Hudson assholes?

“So your brother.” I started but Rachel interrupted me.

“My brother is R-…”

“No, wait. Don’t.” I cut her off before she could say the name. I didn’t want to hear this. I had watched over and really cared for the sister of the only man that I had ever let get close enough to hurt me.

I had protected her, I made sure she had tips, I actually liked her. It all made sense now. I could see the resemblance between her and him. The green eyes, the dimples, the dark hair. Wait? How did I miss her last name?

“You used a fake last name?” I was shocked at how thorough she was. If I hadn’t wanted to choke the life out of her slim neck, I would be proud.

“No, I just spelled it H-U-D-S-I-N, luckily the bank never balked about it on the auto deposit for my paycheck.”

Shit she was good, I had never given any thought to Rachel’s last name. I took her at face value, and she duped me.
Damn, this optimistic young girl with Disneyland fairy tales and shit. Didn’t she realize there was a reason you never saw Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty the day after the wedding? Because it was all bullshit.

I didn’t want to hear any more, I needed to get out. Forgetting the steps behind me, I backed up, fell ass back right into a solid body. Whoever it was broke my fall into the entry way and I landed with my butt being held by two large, strong palms, whoever it was held me off their chest with them. 
Definitely male, I concluded. Stop. It, I ordered myself, now is not the moment.
I swiveled my head, presuming it was Dalton since he had been closest to me when I went down.

Instead of seeing Dalton’s smirk, I looked right into the eyes of the person I had hoped I would never see again. Reece Fucking Hudson.

Trying to slow my heart beat and get command of my breathing I said the only appropriate thing. “Hands of my ass Hudson.”

Almost like he was in shock he pushed me off him until I was standing. While Reece was scrambling to his feet, I took a moment to look him over. Fifteen years had been good to him. Gone was the lanky basketball player, in its place, was a strong, fit looking man.  His black tussled hair and those jade green eyes gave him a smoldering expression. His black angora sweater and slacks looked expensive. His Rolex and Italian leather shoes confirmed it, he was clearly doing well financially. He looked astonished to see me.
Did this mean Rachel hadn’t informed him her little plot? Remember, he’s a lying bastard.

“Synclair.” He practically whispered. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.
Well, that answered that question, it was obvious from his face he had no idea I would be here, and he looked like someone had just kicked him to the seventh level of hell. Welcome the club Hudson, and this club sucks.

Dusting myself off, I snatched my bat from the floor “The name is Syn.” I tossed over my shoulder while I untied my sweater and thrust my arms through the sleeves. I made certain my gun was still secure, it was hard since I wouldn’t lay down the bat, but I felt like I needed armor and it was all I had.

Get out, get out, get out.
My brained screamed at me.

Glad to see my inner self-was finally making good suggestions, I was going to happily oblige it.

Pushing past a stunned Reece I made for the door.
Fuck these people, I need to get out of here.

Dalton placed himself between the open door and myself. Reece must have come in right as I was backing up.
Funny. Not.

Without even slowing my pace I turned the bat handle out and rammed it in Dalton’s stomach. Pushing him to the side as I rushed out the door I ignored, Rachel’s shriek and Lucas’s chuckling.
What the hell was wrong with these people?
I didn’t know, I didn’t care, and I just needed to put as much distance between them and me as possible.




“Synclair Patrick?” I whispered again. I was in total shock.

“What the hell just happened?” I demanded.

I had promised my sister I would come over for an emergency meeting and was flattened by a redhead with an ass that made me salivate. To my surprise, I recognized that ass, I knew that red head. Synclair Patrick, I didn’t care if she went by Syn now. She would always be my Synclair. I knew Syn was her street name; that much I had discovered when I went to look for her at the only prior address the University had.

It had been a motel, but apparently people resided there long term. It was in a sleazy part of town. I had wanted to apologize since she had never come back to her dorm room, I know, I had staked it out, and then she withdrew from UNLV without ever talking to me again, but when I discovered her former place, I was informed her mother had passed three before. It was the same day she had gotten thrown in jail because she had decked Amber outside the Student Union Cafeteria.

The whole matter had been my fault, it had all gotten so out of control and I was such an immature shit I didn’t end it all before she got hurt. And she had definitely gotten hurt, I saw it that day, and I saw it again right before she ran past me and out of my life for the second time.

“Dalton, you were supposed to keep her from leaving. I told you she would show up and when she did she would get mad and want to leave," My sister wailed at my brother who was still struggling to pull himself off the floor.

Confused I stared over at Lucas. The idiot was actually laughing. Lucas hardly ever laughed. As the oldest he and I had taken on raising our younger brothers Dalton and Matt and my little sister Rachel, who had only been fourteen when our parents had died.

“Someone explain something, anything!” I bellowed

“It seems baby sis, ran into your ex, who now owns a bar.” Lucas shook his head. “She decided that she was going to somehow smooth over your douchebag-ness and got a fake Id and worked in this bar to cozy up to Ms. Patrick.”

Not certain I had everything straight I inquired, “So she doesn’t have a boyfriend that owns a bar? Patrick is Synclair Patrick? Synclair is the awesome Patrick you’ve been telling us about?” I directed my angry scowl at my sister. I watched her lip quiver and her green eyes fill with tears under my disapproving glare. Oh no, that wasn’t going to work right now. I was mad, good and mad.

“So Synclair is the one that has been watching over you and making sure you got home every night, but she doesn’t work in the grocery store, she, is not a he, and she owns a damn bar that you used a fake id to work at?”

Rachel’s tears fell at my harsh tone and ordinarily it would soften me up. She and I had always been close and when my parents died, I worked hard to make sure I was always around, basically co-parenting with Lucas. However, this wasn’t a small deal. Synclair already despised me, I groaned with the reality of what had taken place. Synclair was going to feel hurt, she was going to feel manipulated all over again, and it was because my baby sister wanted to see me get the girl I had let get away.

In retrospect, it was probably a terrible story to tell a then 17-year-old Rachel. But I thought I was relating to the boy problem she was experiencing, she told me how she regretted her actions with a boy she liked and I told her about my regret with Synclair. Dammit, it was a bonding story, not a plea for her to fix it.

“You really screwed the pooch on this one sis.” Matt chimed in from the couch.

“You’ve been so unhappy, you married that awful woman and then found out she wasn’t even pregnant and ever since you’ve never been happy. You don’t laugh like you used to, you never date, even though women are always all over you, and you hide behind your vet business like Synclair hides behind her bar. You are both miserable and you have to fix it.” She wailed.

My baby sister, she has the softest heart in the world. I wanted to stay mad at her but I couldn’t, the kid always got me with those big tears of hers.  She was right, I hadn’t been happy. After graduation when I had arrived home, I had thought about Synclair every day for months. It didn’t help any that Amber, and the guys graduated at the same time I did, and since we all came from the same town, there was no avoiding the reminders of what we had done. The only one of us that didn’t give a damn was Amber or Malibu Barbie as Synclair had called her.

I had really screwed up, when about a month after coming home, I was getting ready to start my Veterinarian internship and my friends threw me a party. Trying to shake off Vegas, I drank too much and woke up next to Amber the following morning. I had never slept with her before, sure she had always tried but I recognized how shallow she was. Three months later she told me she was pregnant, I asked her to marry me because no Hudson baby was going to grow up without its father. However, I didn’t have sex with her again and after a month, she got really agitated. About two months into our ‘marriage’ and five months into her “pregnancy” I was hurt in a car accident. The doctors ran a lot of tests because my pelvis had been cracked.

Amber played the part of the adoring wife while getting all the sympathy she could. My family never liked her, but they tolerated her. After all, she was my wife and was carrying my baby. About that time, my doctor came and asked me how sure I was that the baby Amber was carrying was mine. Shocked I had no answer. Doctor Williams had been our family doctor since before I was born, so I trusted him with my life.

Long story short, I was told I was shooting blanks, I was essentially sterile. Sometimes the condition fixed itself but my sperm count was extremely low and the odds of getting Amber pregnant or anyone pregnant was slim to none. So I demanded a paternity test, I was willing to wait until the baby was born to get it, but when Amber found out she broke down crying and blurted out everything. She wasn’t pregnant at all and never had been. She had been struggling to catch me since high school and after the whole Synclair thing had happened, she felt like she had zero shot.

In truth, she had been right. I had spent a lot of time breaking down Synclair’s high walls around her heart. Instead of just a bet, I realized she was smart, sarcastically funny, and tender-hearted. Once she gave over to her feelings for me, it knocked on my ass, on how loving she was. God, I was such a dick.

Amber figured, with my upbringing I would never let a baby be without its father, so while we did probably have sex that night, I was too drunk to remember, and she didn’t wind up pregnant like she had planned. So, she came up with the hideous lie, knowing I would do the right thing. She had figured she would seduce me into having sex with her right after we got married until I really knocked her up and then she was going to lie about the timetable.

Yeah, it was ugly, and I was furious but mostly relieved. Not about the child, I would have loved that child, regardless. However, the idea of not being tied to Amber made me feel like I had dodged a lengthy prison sentence. I obtained a divorce, and she went on to marry three more times.

Every time one of her marriages was on the rocks she would try to cozy up to me. I wasn’t having it, I tolerated her because she was the mayor’s sister and he had a large ranch that threw a lot of business my way. It was a small town and I couldn’t afford to alienate Mayor Donaldson. I was never in love with her anyways, the closest thing to love I had ever felt I had let get led away by cops fifteen years ago.

A shriek that sounded so shrill it could shatter glass pulled me out of my reflections. I knew that howl.  Amber. Fuck me, she was waiting outside in my truck. Shit, I forgot, Amber had cornered me in town and pleaded for a ride home since her car was low on gas.  I realized it was bullshit, she tried the same crap with a different excuse all the time, and usually in front of people. She knew I wouldn’t make a scene, I would always give in but ignore her chatter until I could dump her off at whatever upscale house she was living in at the time. Tonight, I was just going to run in and see what Rachel wanted and then I was going to dump off Amber and come back to the house to sleep. Shit, shit, shit.

I turned and raced out the front door, I heard my brothers’ footsteps right on my heels. If I hadn’t been so scared, I would have laughed.

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