Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (42 page)

BOOK: Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology
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I bent to her ear again.
Who the fuck said anything about getting you home?  If you think I can wait that long to get my dick in you, yo
re fucki
’ dreaming

She licked her lips.
Hell to the fucking yes

And then she did as I said, and walked out of the club, her ass swaying from side to side teasing the hell out of me as she went.

I followed her out, and then led the way to the ute.  She eyed it, and asked
Why do you drive this instead of your bike?  I kindawanted to see what sex on a bike was like

m not putting your drunkass on the back of my bike
” I responded as I opened the door for her and helped her in.

She began rambling about something but I tuned it out as I headed around to the drive
s side.  I was sure sh
d still be talking when I got in the car, and I was right.  I let her get all her words out before asking
Do you always talk this much

Her filthy glare was the only answer I got, but it shut her up. 

I started the car and asked her
s your address

She frowned.
m not telling you my address until after you screw me.  You made promises and I need you to make good on them

I let my gaze dip to take in the tight jeans and top she was wearing, and then I looked back at her face.  She was a sexy woman, but sitting here in her drunken state with her pout and her demands for sex, she was off the fucking charts hot.  You could have put her next to a woman with the tits and curves I would have preferred, and in this moment I would still choose Carla over her.  There was an indescribable something to her; something that was making me act in ways I never did with a woman.


m making good on those promises.  On the way to your house.  So give me the goddamn address and then rest your mouth for what I have planned for it

She sucked in a breath, and then her address tumbled out of her mouth before she finally shut the hell up.  We drove in silence until I pulled off the road and into a park.  I found a dark, secluded spot and cut the engine.  Turning to her, I wrapped my hand around her neck, and pulled her face to mine.  My eyes bore into hers, and for a moment we just stared at each other; just felt the electricity humming between us.  Her breathing grew shallow, almost to a pant.  Mine did too.  I wanted this woman, and fought the urge to take her hard and fast.  No, I wanted to drag the pleasure out; let the anticipation build until her pussy was so wet that my dick would fucking drown in it.             

Eventually, her voice cut through the silence.
Havoc, I do
t think I can wait any longer
” she said, her voice pleading with me, silently promising me a hell of a fuck.  Women who were in touch with their sexual side like Carla was did
t come along very often.  A lot of women had hang ups a mile fucking long that got in the way of good sex. 
d found one that did

Ah, fuck.  I wanted to take my time but she was
t going to let me.  As much as I wanted to control this, she had me.  By the fucking balls.  When her lips met mine in a kiss, and her tongue forced its way into my mouth, I knew for sure this was
t going to go down the way I wanted.  No, this was going to be hard and fast after all.

She moved onto my lap in what seemed like one swift movement.  Her size and agility allowed her to do this.  In the next minute, she was clawing at my jeans, undoing them and then lifting her top over her head.  Her hands then gripped onto my jaw and pulled my mouth back to hers for another searing kiss.  Hot fucking damn, she was wild.  I moved my hands to her jeans, undid them and pushed my hand into her panties.  Her wetness welcomed me, and I slid two fingers inside her, and began working her towards what she wanted.

As my fingers worked harder, she started grinding herself against me, and threw her head back, moaning my name.  I dipped my mouth to her neck and sucked it while moving my free hand to her bra.  Pushing it to the side, I covered one of her tits with my hand and rolled her nipple between my fingers.

Oh my God, Havo
” she continued moaning.

I reached my hand up to her face and pulled it forward and back to mine.  Her eyes were shut but she opened them and stared into mine.
As much as I want to fuck you slowly, i
s not gonnahappen tonight.  I will make you come though, one way or another

She smiled lazily, and murmured
Havoc, a woman does
t need your cock in her to come; your fingers and your mouth are enough to get her off.  Hell, just looking at your sexy ass and listening to your dirty mouth is enough to get me close and
d even be happy to finish the job myself if I was treated to those

I pulled her hair gently, and growled
How long does it take you to get yourself off, baby

Her eyes danced at that question, and she whispered
I can blow my own damn mind in five minutes, Havoc, but I bet with your help it could be done in two

Fuck me.
  My cock was more than ready to get this done.
No need, darli
m gonnatake care of you tonight, but
m thinking
d like to see those fingers of yours blowing your mind another time

She reached into my jeans and grabbed hold of my dick.  Licking her lips, she asked
You got a condom this time

I nodded and searched in my wallet for one.  Handing it to her, I indicated for her to take care of it which she did while I pushed her jeans and panties down.  Once we were ready to go, I slid my hands around her ass and pulled her into position.  We held eye contact as she sunk her pussy down over my dick.  The moment sh
d taken me all the way, she let out a long breath, and whispered
Holy fuck, yo
re huge.  Feels so good

And then she took charge, and for once, I found myself enjoying a woman being in control.  She slid up and down my dick, picking her pace up as she went.  I knew it would
t take long for me to orgasm, but she brought me to it faster than any woman before.  As I felt it hit, I gripped onto her hips and groaned out

Her fingers dug into my arms as she held onto me while I came, and then she screamed out my name and came too.  Watching her in the throes of an orgasm was a beautiful sight; one I could watch over and over.  Her head lolled back and she bit her lip as she rode the wave.  When sh
d wrung it for all it was worth, she dropped her head forward and grinned at me.  Bending her face to mine, she whispered
No man has ever made me come as fast or as good as you.  Yo
ve got talents, baby

I liked to give credit where it was due.
The same can be said for you, darli

Her grin spread further across her face.  I liked that
d put that there, and then wondered where the fuck that thought had come from.  Making women happy was not on my agenda anymore.  The only thing I wanted to make women do was fuck me.  I could care less what they did after that. 

I smacked her ass.
Time to get you home
” I muttered, pushing her to let her know that tonight had come to an end.  The thing I liked about Carla the most was that she did
t seem to have any problems understanding that what happened between us was
t and would
t be anything more than sex.  When
d fucked her two weeks ago sh
d been more than happy to leave the next morning without asking for my number or a follow up.  And now, she happily crawled off my lap, did her jeans up and waited to be dropped home.  When I pulled up outside her house, she grabbed her bag, gave me one last drunken smile and exited the car without another word.  I watched her walk inside, and decided she could well be the perfect lay.


Chapter Five


As I weaved through the afternoon traffic, I let my mind drift to thoughts of last night. 
d gotten drunk after having a run in with my boss about being late to work.  He had refused to listen to my explanation about being stuck in traffic and involved in a car accident, and had sent me home after three hours.  That meant
d missed out on five hours of pay so
d hit the club to dance my aggression out.  Men kept buying drinks for me so a few hours later I was drunk and tha
s when
d had the bright idea to call Havoc. 
d wanted to set him straight about my driving skills.  Tha
s what
d told myself anyway.  Truth be told, the man fascinated me.  I had so many questions for him; questions I knew h
d never answer.  Like, why did he have blood splatter on his t-shirt when
d hit his car, and how did he get the nickname, Havoc?  He was the only man
d ever met who actually scared me, but he was also the man who turned me on more than any other man
d come across.

I was torn about him.  I wanted to have sex with him again; hell, I wanted a
more sex with him.  But I was the kind of woman who fell too easily for a man once I was sleeping with him.  And Havoc was not the kind of man I wanted to ever fall for.  I did
t believe he could give me the stability I craved.  Plus, it was fairly clear that he did
t want anything from me except sex.  I was good with this.  For now.  But if I kept sleeping with him, I knew myself and I was pretty damn sure I would
t be good with it after awhile.  So, it was probably best not to see him again.  But fuck, I could
t stop thinking about him.

I hit the steering wheel in frustration.  And that was when I saw him.  He was exiting the hotel I was passing, and I made a snap decision to pull over.  I did
t know why, but I could
t have stopped myself if I tried.  My sunglasses shielded my eyes from the burning afternoon sun; for winter, it was unusually warm, and I regretted wearing jeans and a long sleeved top today.  His sunglasses hid his eyes from me too, so I had no way to know if he was pleased to see me or not as I walked towards him.

He stalked right up to me, grabbed me roughly by the elbow, and demanded to know
What the fuck are you doing here, Carla

Well shit.  Not the reaction I was expecting.  And not a reaction that impressed me.  I tried to shake myself from his grip but he was holding firm.  Looking up at his face, I answered him angrily
I was driving by, saw you and thought
d stop and say hi.  Gottaadmit that
m regretting that decision now

His anger matched mine.
m regretting that decision too, babe

He began to pull me back towards my car.  I did
t appreciate being manhandled, and resisted.  That only annoyed him further and he grasped me tighter in an effort to pull me.
” I yelled. 

He stopped and bent his face to mine.  He hissed at me
Trust me when I say this is not a place you want to be.  You need to leave right fucki
’ now

I took in his angry face and the tone in his voice; there was an urgencyto it that I did
t understand.
” I asked.

He resumed dragging me in the direction of my car, and muttered
I do
t have fucki
’ time to detail it for you.  I just wish to hell that you did
t have to argue with me about every-fucki

Fine.  If he wanted me gone, I was going.  He was
t making any sense, and h
d upset and pissed me off so there really was no point in sticking around.  Obviously h
d had enough of me, and whatever w
d had going was done with.  I finally found the strength to break free of his hold.  Throwing my arms in the air, I yelled
m going.  You do
t have to drag me anymore

Keep your fucki
’ voice down
” he hissed again.  His hand landed on my lower back and he continued to guide me to my car.

I unlocked my door, glared at him one last time, and said
I do
t know what the hell is up your ass today, but I get the message.  I wo
t bug you again.  But le
s just get one thing clear, Havoc.  There are much nicer ways of telling a girl you want nothing more to do with her.  You really need to learn them

Without further ado, I got in my car and sped off without a backwards glance.

What an asshole.




              I arrived home half an hour later.  I lived with my mother while I was finishing my course, but she was out for the day.  Thank God, because I just needed some time to myselfto calm down.  I loved my mother but she always knew when something was bugging me and I did
t want to discuss Havoc with her.  Instead, I ran a bath, poured a wine and sunk into the warm bubbles letting them wash over me.  Hopefully they would wash the tension from my body.

d brought my mail in to read, and quickly worked my way through the five letters.  The last letter caused me to sit upright in the bath and shout out expletives.  My fucking teacher had failed me after all. 


I stood and grabbed a towel.  After
d dried off, I hurriedly got dressed again in preparation to go down to the college and give him a piece of my mind.  I was walking out the door when my phone rang.

” I snapped at whoever it was without checking caller ID.

Shit girl.  You havinga bad day

It was Velvet, my brothe
s girlfriend.  I sighed.
Sorry.  And yes,
m having a bad afternoon

s happened
” she asked, and I knew she genuinely wanted to know.  Velvet had a heart of gold, and w
d grown close since sh
d come into our family a couple of months ago.

I just found out I failed my semester at school because I would
t sleep with my teacher.  And on top of that, a guy
ve been sleeping with was the biggest asshole to me earlier.  Ugh, men

Your teacher ca
t fuckingdo that
” she exclaimed, her anger at the situation matching mine. 

Well he has

She was quiet for a moment, but then came out with the big guns.
Nash will take care of him for you

I smiled.  Nash was my brother, and was a biker with the Storm Motorcycle Club; he would definitely take care of my teacher for me.  He had a violent streak in him and was
t afraid to access it.  I did
t know much about his club or his role in it but I sure as hell knew that he was
t a man to be messed with.  And he always looked after those he loved.  My teacher was fucked.

Now to this guy yo
ve been sleeping with.  What did he do?  And who is he?  You never told me about him

I laughed at her; I told Velvet pretty much everything, but I had
t told her about Havoc.  I was
t entirely sure why not.
It does
t matter what he did because he really only was a two night stand.  I should
t let him get to me

It was her turn to laugh now.
A two night stand?  Only you could dream up something like that

Shut up

I was mentally poking my tongue at her. 

She was still laughing.
Oh God, I do love you, Carla.  No wonder you give Nash grey hairs

Well he should
t worry about me like he does

Nash was twelve years older than me and had always been a father figure to me, along with my other brother, Jamison and my sister, Erika.  Our father had left when our mother was pregnant with me and w
d never heard from him since.

You know h
s never going to stop worrying, do
t you

I sighed.
I know

I had to smile; sh
d helped calm me down, and I decided not to go and confront my teacher.
Thank you, Velvet
” I said, softly.

What for

For being you,and for calling at the exact right moment.  Yo
re always there for me when I need you

I could hear the smile in her voice.
Well it was a fluke this time, but
m glad I could help

What did you actually call for

d nearly forgotten about that!  I was ringing to see if you wanted a gir
s night out tomorrow night

I grinned.  Nights out with Velvet were the best thing, and I was
t turning that down.
Hell yes, bitch

ll meet you at my house and we can get Nash to drop us off at the club

BOOK: Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology
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