Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar) (12 page)

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That’s all he needs. He slides his fingers into the cups of
my bra, and grabs my breasts out of the material. His deft fingers take my
nipples between them and he rolls them between his fingers and I feel them
harden and lengthen under his passionate touch. I throw my head back and writhe
in pleasure as he kisses my neck and throat.

“Oh, Dom,” I moan. Without even thinking, I tug my shirt
over my head.

Dom stops for a brief second, ogling my bare breasts in his
hands. His eyes pop open wide and then before I know it, he’s taking my left
nipple into his mouth, as his hands grope my right breast.

The car is filled with my moaning, and I can tell it’s
turning him on, because he sucks me harder and faster with every one of my
wanton moans. I arch my back so that he takes more of my breast into his mouth.

“Oh god, Annie,” he breathes. I hug his face to my chest, as
he takes my right nipple into his mouth, and I tilt my head back as my mouth
falls open with my silent cry of ecstasy.

He moves his hand to undo the button on my jeans and I raise
my hips to help, running my fingers feverishly through his hair.

Suddenly, the loud shrill of Dom’s phone makes us break
apart as if we’ve been scalded with hot water.

“What the fuck?” he growls.

He moves back to my rock-hard nipples, but his phone goes
off again and this time, he angrily pulls it from his pocket.

The moment has been broken, and I feel incredibly exposed
with my heavy breasts hanging out of my bra, and my shirt crumbled on the floor
of the car. As Dom looks at his phone, and pounds on the keypad, I slip my
boobs back in my bra, and quickly pull my shirt back over my head.

Dom looks at me apologetically; he knows the moment is over,

“I’m sorry,” he says, and I can tell he means it.

“It’s okay,” I reply, smoothing my shirt down
self-consciously. “It’s probably best we stop before things go too far.”

Dom gives me his sexy, crooked grin. “Second base isn’t far
enough,” he says ruefully.

I swat him. “You’re lucky you made it to second base at
all.” I want to ask about the text, but I don’t think it’s my place. He seemed
really annoyed by it, and regardless, I have no claim over him.

I open the car door.

“Thanks for tonight.” I say.

“Let me walk you to the door,” he says, as if he suddenly
realizes he forgot his manners.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I’m afraid to kiss him again, because I don’t think I’ll be
able to stop, so instead I reach for his chest, and run my hand along it.

His eyes close briefly and then he opens them. They are
raging with lust.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he promises.

And then I force myself to walk away from sexiest rock star




Chapter Twelve




I watch Annie walk away and I wish she were still back here
in my car, helping me fog up the windows. Her tits are fucking glorious. I can
still taste them in my mouth, and feel her nipples hardening against my tongue.

“Fuck,” I breathe, as she disappears into her building.

Annie Winter has me all twisted up, and I’m not sure which
way is up and which is down.

I throw the car into reverse, and I think darkly of the two
interruptions that ruined our make out session. Apparently, Brittany is home by
herself tonight and she’s feeling lonely. She had the nerve to call me at
midnight, and then seconds later, send me a text telling me she was knocking at
my door and wanted to know where I was.

Brittany never struck me as a chick who would catch
feelings, she’s always been no-strings-attached, but the fact that she’s
knocking on my door at midnight and then texting me, certainly means trouble.

I think of the nasty text I sent her earlier.

My whereabouts are none of your fucking business and you
need to go the fuck home.

It’s not my problem that Roberto is traveling for business
and she’s horny. I’m sure there are plenty of other guys who will be more than
happy to fuck her.

I’m lost in thought for the rest of the drive home, and I
can’t ignore my hard dick. After what just happened with Annie, I’m going to be
more than happy to go home and take care of myself.

“What the hell?” I yell, as I pull up my driveway.

I see Brittany there, casually leaning against my front

It looks like I’m going to have to go back to hiring
full-time security detail. This is bullshit.

I jump out of the car and slam the door.

“What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to go home!”

“Nice to see you, too,” Brittany slurs.

I move closer and I can smell the alcohol wafting off her.

“You’re wasted, Brittany. Go the hell home.”

“But I’m lonely,” she pouts.

She reaches out to grab my pants, and before I can move
away, she catches my crotch, and crows triumphantly. “See Dom! You want me!
You’re so hard!”

“I’m not hard because of you!” I spit.

Brittany brushes this comment off, and continues to caress
my cock through my jeans. “Let me take care of this, Dom. You know how much I
love to suck you off.”

“Thanks, but no thanks,” I say, ducking out from under her
grip and fumbling with the keys in the lock.

“Dom,” she reprimands me in a silky-soft voice, “Don’t be
that way.”

She’s behind me, reaching around as she manhandles me.

I can’t help myself as I let out a small groan. Fucking,
traitorous dick.

“See,” she purrs, “You want it.”

The last thing I want is Brittany giving me a blow job, but
it feels good to have my cock touched, and I try to reason with myself that
Brittany can suck me off, and I’ll pretend it’s Annie.

This is certainly not my finest moment.

“Whatever,” I concede.

I unlock the door, and let Brittany in. She stumbles behind
me, and begins to move towards the bedroom.

“No,” I say harshly, “Here.”

Brittany pauses for a moment, and then shrugs. I lean
against the wall in the doorway, and rest my head back against the cool stone.
I close my eyes as Brittany kneels in front of me and starts to undo my jeans.
I’m a creature of habit, and even though I’m no longer interested in Brittany,
it’s hard to pass up on a blowjob when the girl is at your door begging you for

Brittany takes me in her mouth, and I picture Annie’s face,
her glossy pink lips stretching over my swollen head. I groan, and Brittany
sucks me harder.

Annie, Annie, Annie.

I imagine Annie caressing me, sucking me, licking me, and
when I come hard, it’s Annie’s name I want to scream. I bite my tongue, and
fist my hands in Brittany’s hair.

Once I’m finished, I quickly zip myself up, and move back
towards the door.

Brittany tipsily gets to her feet and stumbles; I reach out
swiftly to catch her.

“You know,” she slurs, looking up at me. “Roberto isn’t home
tonight. I don’t have to go home.”

There’s no way in hell Brittany is staying over.

“Well, I have to get up early for rehearsal, so I’m going to
have to send you home.”

“You’re going to make me walk all the way home by myself?”

Fuck. Her car isn’t here. Did the drunk bitch teeter all the
way over here?

I snatch my keys back up, and swing the door open.

“Get in the fucking car,” I hiss.

Brittany smiles indulgently as she climbs in.

I tear down the driveway and drive past four sprawling
lawns, before I pull up to Brittany and Roberto’s house. I look over and see
Brittany’s mini skirt hiked around her waist, her legs splayed open on the
passenger seat, and she’s rubbing herself between her thighs.

“What the fuck?” I yell.

“I’m just thinking about you,” she moans.

This is too fucking much. There’s nothing more annoying than
a drunk piece of ass who won’t leave me alone.

“I’m done with this shit, Brittany. I’m serious. Don’t call
me again.”

“Asshole,” she accuses.

I jump out of the car and wrench the passenger door open.

“Whatever. Just leave me the fuck alone.”

Brittany trips out of the car, and heads straight for her
door, but not before turning around and fixing me with a piercing gaze.

“You think you’re so fucking special because you’re Dom
Dresden,” she says, her voice dripping with contempt. “The only reason I come
over to your house is so I can say I sucked off a rock star. You’re nothing
else,” she scathes.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just wanted my big rock star dick.
Shut the fuck up and go to bed.” I tell her, “And have a nice fucking life.”

I’ve pissed her off and I can see the fire in her eyes.

“Fuck you Dom!” she screams, her eyes wild.

Right. Like I haven’t heard that line before.

I shake my head as I drive off, watching in my rear view
mirror to make sure Brittany disappears into her house for good.


* * *


The next day at rehearsal is fucking nuts because it’s the
last day before we move on to the Honda Center. I barely get to say two words
to Annie the entire day. She’s dressed in a little black dress with black
booties, and her hair is piled on top of her head in that trademark messy style
she seems to love. Even though she has circles under her eyes from our late
night, she still looks hot.

I try not to think about the Brittany incident but it’s
gnawing at me. I’m disgusted with myself because of how I acted and I don’t
like this new feeling…I’ve never had this problem before. I don’t usually
regret my choices or second guess myself.

I never should have let Brittany in my house, and now I hope
I don’t have to pay for the fallout. I hope she was too drunk to remember what
happened or what was said.

Before we know it Thursday rolls around, and everything is
officially a fucking madhouse. We’ve turned the Honda Center upside down, and
our people are everywhere; roadies, stage crew, lighting guys, and set designers.
The stage looks sick, and I love the concept. I already feel that raw urge
building up in me to get on stage and let it all out.

Not before long, we’re ready to run the sound check from the
top, and I can tell the guys are just as juiced as I am.

“This is the shit,” Johnny says, as he takes his place on
the stage after our opening act finishes up.

“I know, right?” Jenner says excitedly. We can all feel it.
That crazy energy you get when you know you’re about to start something really
big. This concert is going to be unlike anything we’ve done before. The
pyrotechnics alone are insane.

We start rehearsing, and every now and again I steal a
glance at Annie in the background, shaking her ass dressed in the little black
numbers the girls wear. I love watching her strut around in her little black
heels. When she starts singing her featured song, it takes everything inside me
not to blatantly stare. She's a fucking angel.

It's funny how pissed Mel is about the whole situation, we
can all practically smell her jealousy.

When the rehearsal wraps, everybody claps, and people swarm
the stage. Richard is talking, and crew guys are tugging at wires, and pulling
on set pieces. I want to find Annie, but I have to speak to people. She gives
me a long look before she disappears off the stage. Damn, I know she wants to
talk to me too, I just need to get her alone.

When I’m finally finished bullshitting with the technical
talk, I rush back to the dressing rooms in search of Annie. Unfortunately Liz
is the only one there.

“Do you know where Annie is?” I ask.

She gives me a wistful look. “She left about twenty minutes
ago.” She pauses for a moment, “She was looking for every reason to stay
though. She must have put her stuff in her bag and taken it back out again
about fifteen times.”

Damn! I made her wait too long, fucking Richard strikes

“Thanks.” I say.

The one stupid fucking thing I haven’t managed to do is get
Annie’s phone number. I’m sure I can call my mom and get it from her or Cliff,
but I really don’t feel like having a conversation with my mom about Annie. I
do know where Annie lives though.

I quickly run to the stage to find Richard, luckily he's
still there arguing with one of the sound techs.

“Are we done for the day?” I ask.

Richard gives me a strange look. “Yeah, but tomorrow’s going
to be a long day.” He says.

“That’s fine. I’m heading out then.”

I wave over to the guys.

 “Pussy-whipped!” Jenner screams across the stage.

I flip him off.





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