Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar) (14 page)

BOOK: Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar)
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“I’m here for Cliff Winterford,” I say breathlessly to a
receptionist, as my eyes frantically search the halls for Roxie.

The receptionist nods curtly and her fingers begin flying
across the keyboard.

“He’s still being seen, Miss. You can’t go back just yet.
But if you follow the blue hall to the right, you’ll find a waiting area.”

“But how is he?” I demand.

“Miss, I don’t have any other information, but please follow
the blue hallway and perhaps someone at the nurse’s station there can help

I roll my eyes in annoyance and dash down the blue hall.

“Annabelle!” A familiar voice calls out.

I see Roxie hunched in a chair in the corner.

“Roxie! How is he?”

“I don’t know anything,” she says her voice cracking. “I’m
waiting for one of the doctor’s to come back and see me.” She sniffles.

Suddenly she looks very childlike.

“Was Dominic with you?” She asks.

 I nod, not wanting to betray myself by telling Roxie that
her son is a disgusting man-whore.

Roxie is too perceptive. “What's he done this time?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Annabelle, I can tell it’s something.”

I give Roxie a hard look. “Since you love your son, it’s
probably best that I don’t share it with you.”

My tone is scathing and Roxie looks taken aback. She doesn’t
have time to ask me anything else before Dom rushes into the small waiting

“How is he?”He asks, moving to sit down next to us.

“We don’t know anything,” Roxie says.

“I’m going to get a soda,” I say, jumping out of my chair
before Dom can get too close. I’m so disgusted that I don’t even think I can be
in the same room with him right now.

“What did you do?” I hear Roxie demand, as I move swiftly
towards the soda machine.

I rifle in my purse for a dollar and get a small can of
Coke. I lean against the ugly hallway wall so that I can see the doctors and
nurses coming and going, as well as Roxie and Dom in a quiet heated


I hope Dom tells his mom what a slutty asshole he is.

“Mrs. Winterford?” A doctor asks as he approaches Roxie.

I hurry across the room as I hear Roxie correct the doctor.

“I’m only his fiancé.”

The doctor nods and looks at all three of us. I think he
recognizes Dom as some celebrity.

“I’m his daughter,” I speak up.

“Mr. Winterford has had a mild heart attack.” He must see
the alarm painted on our faces because he quickly smiles and clarifies himself.
“But he is alright. There is very minimal damage to the heart, and he will
probably be released in a few days.”

Roxie sags into Dom with relief, and I feel tears flood my
eyes. Daddy is going to be okay.

The doctor gives us a stern look. “But he needs to take it
easy,” he stresses, “And we’ll be sending him home with medication. Make sure
he takes it.”

Before I can speak up, Roxie is literally blubbering to the

“Thank you, so much. Yes, yes, I promise he will take the

“They’re moving him to recovery now and then you’ll be
allowed to see him. If you wouldn’t mind waiting on the third floor, someone should
be able to assist you once you’re up there.”

We nod our grateful thanks and hurry to the nearest
elevator. I stand rigid in the corner, keeping my body as far as possible from
Dom. I can feel the close proximity of him, my skin buzzing and my heart beating
wildly at his familiar smell.

I will be nothing but professional toward Dom now. Even
though I’d like to be a real bitch to him, but that won’t do either of us any
good. I’ll treat him like any other guy on the tour, and maybe I'll start
talking to Jenner more, then Dom will see how it feels.

Once the doors open, I burst through and hurry to the nearby
nurse’s station. I hear Roxie and Dom behind me talking in low voices again,
and I purposefully try to ignore them. I speak with a nurse, and she directs me
to a row of chairs and promises to let us know when my dad is situated in his

I curl up in a chair and pull out my phone. Wisely, Roxie
and Dom seat themselves away from me. I have five missed calls from Elle, and I
call her, quietly whispering about what has happened. When I hang up with her,
I start going through emails, looking for anything to help pass the time.

Finally, a nurse comes up and says we can see my dad.
Graciously, Roxie motions for me to go first. I hurry down the hall and then
stop when I enter my dad’s room. He looks small and fragile in the sterile bed,
with numerous tubes and wires sticking out of him.

He gives me a wry grin.

“Daddy, what the hell?” I say shakily, taking a seat next to
the bed.

“I guess I’m too old for that crap,” he jokes.

“What were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that I despised that prick who had hurt
Roxie and Dominic.”

I wince at hearing Dom’s name, and my dad gives me a strange


“It’s nothing, Daddy. Let’s talk about you. The doctor says you
need to take it easy and make sure to take the medicine they give you.”

He waved his hand. “I’ve been healthy for nearly sixty
years, I’ll be fine.”

“Daddy,” I say sternly, “You are going to take those pills.
And if you think I’m going to be a pain to deal with, wait until Roxie gets to
you.’’ I knew Roxie would shove those pills up my father’s ass if she had to.

Dad sighs, he knows he isn’t going to win this battle.

“So, why don’t you tell me what’s going on with Dominic.” My
dad says.

He settles himself into his bed comfortably, gesturing to me
that he has all the time in the world.

“It’s not worth talking about,” I mutter. “I’ve got a great
gig going on tour with the band. We have one more rehearsal tomorrow night
before opening show on Saturday.”

“I know about the tour, Annabelle honey. I’m asking about
the personal side.”

I exhale loudly. I can't believe I'm talking to my dad about
my feelings for Dom.

“He’s just like the rest of them," I say, "An
arrogant prick.”

My dad fixes me with a hard gaze and I know he doesn’t
approve of my language.

“He’s been through a lot, Annabelle. Roxie has told me
horror stories about his father.” My dad shudders at the thought.

“So, that gives him an excuse to treat your baby girl like a
piece of crap?” I challenge, going straight for my dad’s soft spot. No one
treats his baby girl poorly.

“Well, that’s different. You deserve the best, and I’m
definitely not saying that I think Dominic is the best guy out there.” My dad
laughs. “Far from it. I read the tabloids too, you know.” He stops, slightly
winded, and then begins again. “But as a friend, and as your future
step-brother, I say give the guy a break.”

“Too late for that,” I say under my breath.

My dad gives me a sad smile and shakes his head.

“You always go for the bad boys, sweetie, don’t you?”

“Yep. And I always get my heart shredded.”

“Did it get serious that quickly? Has your heart already
been, as you say, shredded?”

Okay, maybe I am being a little dramatic. It’s not like I'm in
love with Dom. I am certainly in
with the rock god, but love?
Definitely not?

“No, Daddy. It wasn’t that serious. I just let my guard down
for a bit and was quickly reminded of why I stay away from guys like Dom.”

My dad reaches out to pat my hand.

“We live and learn, honey, live and learn.”

When the hell did my dad become all wise and philosophical?

I squeeze his hand and reluctantly stand up.

“I’m sure Roxie is anxious to get in here to see you. I
don’t want to hog up any more time.”

“Okay. Bye, sweetie. I love you.”

I lean over to kiss my dad. “I love you too Dad. I’m going
to come check up on you on Saturday once you’re back at the house.”

My dad salutes me. “Yes, doctor.”

I laugh and roll my eyes, I already feel a lot better after
seeing him. I walk into the hall and find Roxie pacing back and forth.

“Is he alright?” she asks, biting her nails.

“He seems fine. Thanks for giving me some time alone.” I
reach out to hug her and she hugs me back.

“I’m sorry about Dominic,” she whispers.

I pull back and blink at her. I don’t really know what to

Gee, thanks for agreeing that your son is a douche?

I nod and head towards the exit, purposefully ignoring Dom
who is hanging back in the corner.

“Annie!” he calls, hurrying after me.

Damn, damn, damn.

“How are you getting home?” he asks.

“There are these amazing things called cabs,” I say
patronizingly. “They’re yellow and have four wheels-’’

“Alright, enough bullshit. I get it. Please let me drive you

“There’s no way I’m setting foot in your manwhore-mobile

I can see the corners of Dom’s mouth twitch.

“You think this is funny?”

“No, not at all.”

“Well, I’m glad that I’m so damn amusing Dom, but I have
some paint that I’m going to watch dry, so I need to go.”

“Christ, Annie!” He’s getting annoyed now. “I told you I was
an ass. Can’t you forgive me? We’re just getting to know one another. I didn’t
know one dinner meant we were fucking exclusive!”

I stop in my tracks, because even though he made a sleaze
ball move, I know he’s partially right. It’s not like he promised me anything.
But that still doesn’t mean that I'm not hurt by his actions.

“You’re right,” I admit. “But please understand that I’ve
been down this road before.”

And before he has time to respond I hurry through the
swinging doors and make my way out of the hospital.




Chapter Fifteen




Rehearsal on Friday is terrifying, amazing and humbling all
at the same time. I’ve never been a part of something so big, and I’m ready for
the tour to kick off. Dom was insanely busy during the rehearsal, which made me
both relieved and annoyed. Even after discovering the disgusting thong in his
car, I can’t deny that I'm still attracted to him.

I'll admit it, learning about Dom’s childhood has made me
see him in a different light. I don't know much in the way of details but how
could my heart not go out to a man who had been kicked around as a kid? I try
to picture Dom as a little boy, and I’m sure he was so cute with his bright
green eyes. The fact that anyone could have harmed him sickens me. And I think
of Roxie who seems so pulled together and sophisticated, and I can’t imagine
what she must have been like before.

I hate to admit it, but it makes me want to know Dom better.
With that kind of history, he can't be a total jerk. Can he? The thought of
being alone with Dom again makes my body tingle all over, yet I internally
seethe at myself for so easily forgiving his disgusting antics with his slutty

As rehearsal draws to an end, I move towards the band in
search of Dom. He was there ten seconds ago, but now I don’t see his wild, dark
hair anywhere.

“Hey Annie, looking for Dom?” I see Avery smiling at me.
He’s an attractive guy too, with his dark hair and strong features, but he’s
nothing compared to Dom.

“Actually, I was. Do you know where he snuck off to?”

“Damn. He always gets the best girls.” Avery says, shaking
his head.

I’m definitely flattered. “Must be his wholesome ways,” I
tease, scanning the stage.

Avery guffaws. “That must be it. Not sure where he went,
baby girl, but I know he’ll be sad he wasn’t here when you came looking for

“Oh, really?”

Jenner has walked over now too, and he brushes his long hair
out of his face as he listens.

“Oh, Dom has got it bad for you,” he says, brushing
playfully at my long hair.

I had decided to braid my hair last night before bed and the
result this morning had been a head full of soft, feathery waves.

“Is that so?" I say, "He couldn’t have had it that
bad, because he still found time to hook up with his neighbor.”

I didn’t mean for the snide comment to slip out, and I can
tell that the light mood is gone now.

Johnny shakes his head, grimacing. “That dumb bastard sure
knows how to fuck up the good shit that comes his way.” He takes my hand.
“Annie, let me take you out.” He flashes me his gorgeous smile, showcasing his
dimples. “I’ll show you how a beautiful woman like yourself should be treated.”

Before I can respond, Avery jumps in.

“No fucking way!” He argues with Johnny, “I can show Annie
what a real man is like, Johnny-boy. You’re still a fucking child.”

Not to be outdone, Jenner drops to his knee before me. “Not
one of these clowns knows about taking care of a class act like you. I’ll
please you in
out of the bedroom.”

BOOK: Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar)
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