Bad Girl Lessons (3 page)

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Authors: Seraphina Donavan,Wicked Muse

BOOK: Bad Girl Lessons
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“Are you sure you want to learn how to be a bad girl?” he asked.

Evie nodded, “Very sure.”

Jackson smiled enigmatically. “The first lesson in being bad is knowing how to take your punishment. Strip. I want you completely naked for this.”

Her palms sweating and her mouth bone dry, Evie began to remove her clothes. She unbuttoned her blouse slowly and then shrugged it from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Shyness threatened, but a glance at his face and the intensity of his gaze upon her spurred her on. She then unzipped her tailored pencil skirt and shimmied her hips until it joined her blouse. Standing before him in only her bra and panties, she felt his eyes traveling over her. It should have made her nervous, but it didn’t. It excited her, she realized. She was eager to be naked in front of him. With trembling hands, she unhooked her bra and let it fall. Her breasts felt heavy and her nipples puckered under the weight of his stare. Hooking her thumbs beneath the elastic band of her panties, she slipped them over her hips and let them fall to the floor. “Now what?”

He patted the chaise, “Over here, and on your knees.”
Evie strolled leisurely to the chaise and settled onto it on her knees, facing him. “So what’s my punishment?”
He avoided the question, “Put your hands on the back of the chaise.”

Even in the stifling heat, Evie shivered. Hearing the cool command in his voice was an altogether new experience for her, but it was having an unanticipated effect on her body. Reaching up she grasped the back of the chaise with her hands. She had to lean forward to do so, and she felt vaguely embarrassed that her bottom was now sticking up in the air, but that had apparently been his plan. He lifted a set of cuffs from the floor. They were black Velcro and were attached the legs of the chaise. When they were fastened around her wrists, she felt a spark of fear but it was balanced by a spark of desire. She watched from the corner of her eye as he walked behind her. His hands stroked over the pale globes of her ass, the touch soft and tender. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensation.

Seconds later, Evie’s eyes flew open and she screamed. Jackson’s hand landed on her ass, the force of the blow stinging like nothing she had ever felt. “What are you doing?”

“You made me wait. Now you have to pay for it,” he said, landing a blow on the other cheek.

Evie’s ass was on fire. If she told him to stop, he would. She knew that. She considered her options. Yes, it had hurt, but there had been something more. As the burn settled into her tender flesh, it stoked another kind of heat inside her. She felt an answering burn low in her belly and a growing wetness between her thighs. Another stinging blow landed on her ass, lower this time, so that the slap radiated to the swollen lips of her cunt. A low moan escaped her and she knew then that she wouldn’t tell him to stop. She was going to beg for more.

Jackson smacked each cheek again, loving the soft resilience of her flesh under his palms. “How bad do you want to be, Evangeline?” he asked, softly.

Evie glanced over her shoulder at him, meeting his intent gaze, “As bad as I can be.”

Jackson slapped her ass again. He shrugged out of his shirt and shucked his jeans as she watched. Her soft gasp when his cock sprang free had him grinning. He stepped in front of her, his cock level with her face. “See something you like?”

Evie could only nod. Jackson’s cock was long and thick, curving upwards toward his navel. The head glistened with pre-cum. “Oh, my goodness.”

“That’s hardly the way a bad girl would react… Tell me how much you like my cock.”

“It’s perfect.”

“Say it,” he commanded.

“Your cock is perfect,” she responded.

“What do you want to do with my cock?”

“I want to taste you.”

Jackson stroked his cock from base to tip. The sight made Evie moan. When he stepped closer, she opened her mouth and traced the thick head of his cock with her tongue. She caressed each vein and ridge before closing her mouth over the tip, sucking him into her mouth. The salty taste was decadent and a small hum of pleasure escaped her, prompting an answering groan from him. His hands delved into her hair, tightening in the thick, sable strands as he angled her head to take more of him. Evie forced herself to relax, to allow her jaw to go slack, as he guided his cock deeper into her mouth. Eagerly, she closed her lips around him, pressing the sensitive head against the roof of her mouth while she caressed the thick vein underneath with her tongue. A harsh curse hissed from between his clenched teeth. Looking up at him as she sucked his cock deep into her mouth, she watched him watch her. It was a heady experience and made the encounter even more intimate. She felt connected to him in that moment, in a way that she never had with anyone else.

Evie focused all her attention on him. She watched his face, taking note of every shift of his expression, every sigh and groan, learning what he liked. Pulling back, she dipped her head lower, nuzzling his balls with her lips. The soft curse told her how much he enjoyed it. Gently, she licked and sucked at his scrotum until he pulled back from her.

“This isn’t going to end that quickly,” he said.

Evie sighed as he stepped away. She felt the cushions of the chaise dip as he moved behind her. His hand dipped between her legs, cupping her sex. Callused fingers slid gently along her damp slit, probing for entrance. He pressed inside her, stroking in and out, filling her with gentle pressure. “You’re so wet for me,” he murmured. “So tight. What do you want, Evie?”

“I want you inside me,” she said.

“I am inside you. You have to be more specific,” he said, his voice gently challenging.

“I want your cock inside me, Jackson. Please.”

He slapped her ass with his other hand, his fingers still buried inside her. Evie moaned at the intensity of the feeling. She whimpered as he withdrew his hands from her, but when he gripped her hips and nudged the head of his cock at her entrance, she sighed with relief. With her hands still bound, she bent her elbows and dropped her forehead onto the chaise, lifting her ass higher against him. His cock slid into her, slowly, stretching and filling her. She cried out as he pressed deeper. He didn’t stop until she felt his balls pressed against her clit. “Oh, my god.”

“How do you want it, Evie? Slow and easy are hard and fast?”

“Hard and fast. Just fuck me!” she said, desperate for him.

Jackson withdrew his cock, the walls of her pussy clutching at him. He bit back a groan at the sight of his cock coated with her juices. His fingers tightened on the soft flesh of her hips, gripping her tightly. When only the head of his cock remained inside her, he thrust forward, slamming his cock back into her welcoming heat. She screamed, her hips jerking against him. He drove into her again and again, until sweat drenched them both and she was trembling beneath him. Her voice had grown hoarse from her cries. He snaked one arm around her waist, his fingers moving unerringly to the hard bud of her clit. He flicked it, stroked it with his fingers as he surged into her again. Her body tightened around him even further, and her breath came in short, harsh pants. Her thighs trembled. He thrust again and her clit pulsed under his fingers, the walls of her pussy rippling around his cock. He hadn’t intended to come yet, but the sensation of her sheath spasming around him was more than he could withstand. With his hand at the small of her back, he pressed down, angling her hips to take him even deeper, and thrust again. His balls drew tight and with two quick, deep strokes, his cock jerked inside her, twitching as spurt after spurt of cum exploded from him.

He should have pulled out. It was a risk they couldn’t afford to take, but he simply didn’t have the will. It felt so good to be inside her. It was primal, elemental. It was the fulfillment of every erotic fantasy he’d had about her for the last fifteen years. He didn’t even withdraw immediately. When she collapsed onto the chaise, her knees no longer able to support her, he followed her down, curving around her body. He left his cock inside her until it softened and slipped from her. Though it took more effort than he felt capable of, he reached up and loosened the ties at her wrists, freeing her hands. With her mobility restored, she snuggled against him and he closed his arms around her.

“That was lesson one,” he said, smiling contentedly.

Evie smiled back at him. “How many lessons are there?”

“Enough to keep us both busy for a while. Not all of the lessons are like this.”

Evie raised herself up on one elbow, “What are they like then?”

He tugged her back down so that her head was on his shoulder, her silky hair spilling around them and his arm curled around her until his hand rested on the curve of her hip. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

They lay there for some time, but as the sun began to set, the room grew cooler and Evie began to shiver. “I should go.”

“Back to your parents’?” he asked incredulously.

“I can’t. I mean, I can, but I won’t. Maybe I’ll go to a hotel,” she said, tangling her fingers in his chest hair.

“Or you could stay here and spend the night with me,” he said, kissing her shoulder and working his way toward her neck.

Evie sighed, her fingers trailing over his rock hard abs. “I don’t have any clean clothes for tomorrow. I left my suitcase locked in my office at work.”

He chuckled. “That’s lesson number two…Every bad girl has to know how to do the walk of shame.”

“The walk of shame?”

“Umm hmm,” he said, nuzzling her neck, then nipping it with his teeth. “You’ll be leaving here tomorrow morning with your panties in your purse and nothing but cool morning air covering that sweet pussy.”

Evie smiled and then let him talk her into it.


Chapter Three

Evie’s cell phone rang from the bottom of her purse as she worked on the museum’s payroll. Though she technically had the week off for her honeymoon, she’d decided she’d rather work. If not, she’d only go back to Jackson’s and do something shameful again. Pushing that thought aside, she opened the bag and carefully extricated the phone, blushing at the silk thong that lay crumpled at the bottom of her very ladylike purse. Jackson had insisted that a true walk of shame required that her panties leave the house in her handbag. It had felt incredibly decadent to walk down Main Street in her proper skirt, without any panties on underneath it. The smile that thought had prompted faded immediately when she glanced at the screen of her phone. It was Trevor calling her. She debated whether to answer, but in the end, she simply couldn’t help herself.


“Listen, babe, we need to talk.”

Cold fury swept through her. “No, Trevor. We needed to talk before you failed to show up for our wedding. Now, I can’t imagine that there’s all that much left to say to one another.”

He sighed into the phone and the sound irritated her even further. “Look, Evie, I know I messed up, but we need to talk about this.”

“We really don’t. If you want to have a conversation, I suggest you have it with Lisa since she’s apparently been warming your bed for the past few months,” Evie replied before hitting the button to end the call. She had never hung up on anyone in her life. It was a strangely satisfying experience.

When the phone rang again, she didn’t even bother to look at it. She simply answered it and said something she would never have dreamed of saying in public before the events of the last seventy-two hours. “Trevor, fuck off!” The answering chuckle made her groan. “I’m sorry, Jackson. I thought it was Trevor calling back.”

“So, I gathered… I’m in the lobby of the bank across the street. I was calling to ask you to have lunch with me.”

“Lunch sounds amazing. It also sounds a lot like a date. You really want to be seen with your cousin’s jilted fiancee?” she asked.

“Honey, if we make it through lunch without me fucking you on the counter of the diner, it’ll be a miracle. Yes, I’m sure.”

Her stomach did the little flip that only he seemed to inspire. She also felt a telling dampness between her thighs. That he could do that to her with just a word amazed her. “I’ll meet you at the diner.”

“I’ll pick you up. I expect you to slide all the way across the seat of my truck and sit so close to me that nobody looking at us would ever think it’s a platonic lunch between friends... It’s only fun to be bad, Evie, when someone knows you’re bad.”

A little thrill went through her at the thought. “Alright. I’m ready for the fallout if you are.”

Ten minutes later, Evie was in the cab of Jackson’s vintage Chevy. She’d slid all the way across the bench seat and was sitting there with her hip pressed against his and his arm around her shoulders. As they drove through town, heading to the diner out on Highway 10, there were more than a few double takes. The gossips would be blowing up her mother’s phone before they took their first bite.

“It’s lunch, darlin’. Not a firing squad.”

Evie shrugged. “I was just thinking about my mother.”

“Well, don’t. It’ll spoil your appetite,” he said, as he eased the truck into park. “Don’t even think about reaching for that door handle. You wait for me.”

Evie smiled as Jackson walked around the truck to open the door for her. Bad boy he might be, but he was still a southern gentleman. Her smile was fixed in place when they walked into the cafe and met the curious stares of the other patrons. They made an odd pair, she knew. In terms of looks, Evie knew that she was just ordinary. She’d listened to people tell her all her life that she had such a pretty face, if only she’d lose weight. Meanwhile, Jackson was like a Greek God. Adonis or possibly Apollo, she thought, with his golden good looks.

They took a seat in one of the back booths and ordered their lunch. Jackson raised his eyebrow at her when she asked for a salad. “It’s what I want. I’m not eating it because I’m dieting. It just sounded good.”

Jackson clasped her hand atop the table. She wasn’t sure if it was because he truly didn’t care that others were watching them or if it was because he wanted to make a point. “It was bad enough that Trevor swooped in and stole you right out from under me. What really stung was watching the way he treated you. It made me mad as hell every time I heard him say something snide about your weight. You don’t have to change anything for me.”

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