Bad Girl Lessons (7 page)

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Authors: Seraphina Donavan,Wicked Muse

BOOK: Bad Girl Lessons
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“Trevor would never hurt me physically.”

“He already did,” he said, pointing to her arm, “And apparently he’s a forger and defrauder, as well. You don’t know him, Evie. Not really.”

Evie had no response to that. “I don’t know what to do.”

“You press charges,” he said, angrily. “It’s identity theft and fraud.”

“Oh, god. My mother is going to be impossible about this,” she said.

Jackson didn’t disagree. Margaret Harper hated scandal of any sort. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. “It’ll be okay. I’ll help you any way that I can. You know that.”

She did know it. Though they’d never been more than friends until she’d thrown herself at him only days earlier, she’d always known that she could count on Jackson. “What are we doing, Jackson? I mean, bad girl lessons are one thing, but this feels like something else.”

It was a complicated question and the answer would probably send her running for the hills. Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, he said, “I don’t think that’s a question either of us really wants to answer right now. Two days ago you were going to marry someone else. Let’s just take it a day at a time and see what happens, okay?”

* * *

Two hours later, Evie was sitting at the counter of Jackson’s kitchen pouring over her bank statements with a growing sense of unease. It was one savings account in particular that bothered her. Most of the sizeable inheritance she’d received from her grandmother had gone untouched, left in a savings account to draw interest. Evie had never touched that account, neither adding to it or withdrawing from it. But in the past six months, someone had. Several sizeable deposits had been made along with withdrawals that made her stomach hurt.

Checking the calendar on her laptop, Evie realized that each of withdrawals and deposits had occurred in conjunction with weekend trips that she had taken with Trevor to Biloxi or business trips that he had taken alone. The withdrawals she understood, but the deposits were problematic. There was only one explanation that she could think of.

Walking back to the garage, she saw that Jackson was welding some car part that she couldn’t identify. The sight momentarily distracted her from the nightmare she was in. Jackson was unlike anyone she had ever known. The image and reputation that was so important to everyone else in her life seemed to have no value for him. Jackson was comfortable with who he was and didn’t seem to care what anyone thought of him. It was a refreshing change of pace.

As if he’d become aware of her watching him, he turned off the torch and turned toward her. “What’s the verdict?”

Realizing that he was asking about Trevor rather than what she thought of him, she said, “I think Trevor’s been using my accounts to launder money.”

Jackson set the torch down and took off his safety glasses. “That’s not what I expected to hear. We’ve got to find out who he’s laundering for and how the hell the dumbass got caught up in it.”

Jackson looked over the printouts she handed him and his frown deepened to a scowl. “You should take all of this to Reed,” he said. “I know he’s a small town attorney, but the guy is smart.”

“Do you think we have enough proof?”

“Not yet…but I think before you make any decisions about what to do with this information, you need to find out what your options are and how to protect yourself from any fallout.”

“I’ll call him right now.”

Jackson closed his hand around her wrist as she reached for her phone. “It’s Monday afternoon. He’s in court. I’ll text him and have him meet us for dinner later.”

Evie looked down at his dark, bronzed hand against her own paler skin. It took so little. With nothing more than a touch or a look, she was ready to tear his clothes off. “Shouldn’t you be getting back to work?”

“It’s a hobby, not work. I’m an independently wealthy lay about, remember?” Jackson said as he pulled her to her feet. He tugged her over to the bench seat that would eventually go into the car he was restoring and settled himself onto it with her sprawled across his lap, straddling him. His hands skimmed over her thighs, pushing her skirt up to her hips. He pressed his thumbs against her inner thighs, gliding them over her silken skin and up to the bare mound of her sex. “I’ve been imagining that you’ve been walking around all day without any panties under this skirt and it’s damn near driven me insane.”

Evie kissed his jaw, enjoying the soft groan that escaped him as she scraped her teeth over the corder muscles of his neck. She loved the feel of his whiskers against her skin. “I haven’t worn panties since I let you talk me out of them the first time. It feels so decadent. I think I’m getting the hang of this bad girl thing.”

He chuckled, “God, help me.” As he watched Evie unbutton her blouse, revealing the white lace of her bra and the lush fullness of her breasts, he silently repeated that statement. Through the thin lace, he could see the darker tips of her breasts and her swollen nipples that begged for his touch. Tugging the lace down had the beautiful side effect of pushing her breasts up higher. Leaning forward, he took one turgid peak into his mouth, drawing it sweetly between his lips. He swirled his tongue gently around the hardened bud and was rewarded with a soft moan. Reaching up, he pulled the band from her hair and loosened the braid until her hair fell freely over her shoulders. His normally tidy and put together Evangeline looked wild and wanton.

“You are so beautiful and you don’t even know it,” he said, his breath whispering across her skin. She shivered in response as she slid her hands beneath the T-shirt he wore. Eager for the feel of her hands on his skin, he tugged the shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Her soft palms skated over his chest, her nails scraping lightly over his nipples. Her breath hissed out as he kissed his way up the slender column of her throat. His teeth grazed against that tender flesh and she clutched at him as she tipped her head back, giving him greater access. With his teeth and tongue he played over her sensitive skin until she was writhing atop him, her hips undulating against him, hot and seeking. He claimed her mouth, thrusting his tongue between her parted lips, tangling his tongue with hers.

Evie kissed him back hungrily, and he had to bite back a groan as her hands stroked down his chest until she reached his belt. She fumbled a bit unfastening it but with that task done, she continued on her quest. She freed the button and the zipper rasped loudly as she tugged it down. When her cool, soft hand closed around his cock it was all he could do not to come immediately. “Fuck, Evie! You’re killing me!”

She smiled down at him, “You look pretty healthy to me.”

Jackson narrowed his eyes, “You want to play dirty, huh?” Before she could even ask what he meant, he tugged her closer and slid his cock along the wet slit of her cunt, the ridged head stroking over her clit. She pushed up onto her knees, placed one hand on his shoulder and with other hand she reached down and grasped his cock, guiding it into her. Jackson groaned as she sank down onto him, his cock easing into the welcoming heat of her body.

“Jackson!” she cried out, as he surged into her.

“Ride me,” he said.

Evie flexed her hips, setting an easy pace. Each thrust of her hips was slow and measured, grinding against him, ratcheting the pleasure to new heights. He dug his fingers into her hips, guiding her as she moved on him, over him. He couldn’t resist the lush bounty of her breasts and buried his face between them. Turning his head, he captured her nipple between his lips, suckling the taut bud as he thrust inside her.

The feel of his hot mouth at her breast and his cock filling her was too much. The now familiar tension stole through her body and Evie knew she was on the brink. He thrust again and his teeth scraped the pebbled bud of her nipple and she was lost. Her body shattered, her climax rippling through her, wave after wave. She was dimly aware of his hands tightening on her hips, his body grinding against hers, and then she felt him shudder beneath her. The rush of hot liquid inside her triggered another wave of pleasure for her.

Gasping for breath, Evie collapsed against him, her head resting on his shoulder. His arms closed around her holding her even closer. The soft brush of his lips against her temple made her smile. She had known that sex with Jackson would be amazing. There was no denying that he was the hottest man she had ever laid eyes on. She hadn’t expected that he would also be sweet and tender. Snuggled against his chest, his lips brushing her hair, he’d made all of her worries go away, at least for the moment. It was something she could get used to, and that thought frightened her more than anything.











Chapter Six

That evening, Evie and Jackson met Reed for dinner at a local diner called the BBQ Barn. It wasn’t fancy, but the smell of barbecue as they walked in was divine. Evie tried to recall a time in her relationship with Trevor when she’d been able to enjoy food in his presence. She realized she never had. Every time they’d gone out to dinner or to a party, everything she had eaten had been scrutinized and often criticized. Of course, she reminded herself, it wasn’t as if she and Jackson were in a real relationship. It was just sex, she told herself firmly. Thinking it would be more than that was a one way ticket to disaster.

They joined Reed at his table. He’d already ordered an assortment of barbecued meats and sides, all of which would be served family style. The restaurant was a dieter’s nightmare. Everything smelled divine and Evie cringed as she considered the calorie count.

“So, what’s so important that you had to meet with me after hours?” Reed asked. “And by the way, you’re buying.”

“I always buy, you cheap bastard,” Jackson responded amiably, dishing food onto his plate. He noted the small amount of Evie’s plate and with a frown added more to hers. When she protested, he raised an eyebrow at her. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Don’t make me have to spank you in public.”

“You wouldn’t,” she protested.

“Try me.”

“Hello? Remember me?” Reed said. “I’m the lawyer who will begin billing you by the hour if you don’t stop acting like lovesick teenagers in my presence. It’s disgusting and I’m frankly jealous as hell.”

“Ass,” Jackson retorted.

“Boys, please!” she intervened. Both Jackson and Reed grinned at her like naughty school boys. “Reed, we’re here for a very serious reason.”

“Please tell me you’re going to sue Trevor for breach of promise and emotional damages.”

“No. I think Trevor may be in hot water with people other than me. I think he’s been using a savings account in my name to launder money…and he forged my name on a loan application which he was using for his business,” Evie explained. She quickly detailed the loan process and the fact that Lisa had witnessed all the documents, as well as the fact that Lisa had handled most of the bank transactions when money was deposited and withdrawn from the account.

“It’s a process called smurfing,” Reed explained. “Whoever he’s laundering money for will give him larger amounts, which he will break up into smaller increments and deposit into your account, usually less than ten thousand at a time, because he doesn’t want it flagged by the IRS. The loan, that’s a little trickier…What do you think, Jackson?”

“From what Evie said, he’s been making a lot of trips to and from Biloxi which can only mean gambling, and Trevor and gambling have never mixed well.”

Reed nodded. “Okay, I’ll make some calls and see what I can find out. First thing to do is go to the bank and close all of your counts. Next thing, you have to file charges against him for identity theft and fraud. That’s the only way to protect yourself legally and financially. I’ll get the ball rolling on that in the morning.”

They finished their meal and Evie went to the restroom, leaving Reed and Jackson alone at the table. Reed wasted no time in pinning Jackson with the hard questions, “What the hell are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

Reed shook his head. “You’ve been in love with her since we were kids, man. You can deny it all you want to, but I know! I was there. She’s rebounding from Trevor and from being literally left at the altar!”

Jackson scrubbed a hand over his face. “I wasn’t really thinking. It just sort of happened and no, I’m not going to tell you what happened. You know me better than that. So, I’m just going to let it play out and see what happens.”

“It’s your call man. But when you’re crying in your beer a month from now, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

They stopped talking abruptly as Evie returned to the table. Reed stood, “I’ll have some papers for you to sign by tomorrow afternoon. I’ll come by the museum.”

Evie smiled at him, “Thank you, Reed. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all this.”

He shrugged. “Don’t mention it. I should tell you that this is icing on the cake for me. I’ve hated Trevor’s guts since kindergarten.”

Evie’s expression was baleful as she responded. “Why didn’t someone warn me about him?”

“Because you’re stubborn and it would have just made you dig your heels in,” Jackson said. He tossed several bills on the table and then took Evie’s hand.

As they walked out, Evie could feel the stares of the other diners on them. She knew that there were people wondering why he was with her, there were also people wondering if perhaps Jackson was the reason Trevor had left her at the altar. She also knew that every time she stepped into public with Jackson, people were reporting it back to her mother. It was worth it, she decided. Whatever anyone said, she couldn’t remember being happier.

After helping her into the truck, Jackson slid behind the wheel. Noting her curious expression, he asked, “What are you thinking?”

She smiled at him, and leaned over to press her lips to his, “That things have a funny way of working themselves out.”
“Are they working out for you to spend the night at my place?”
“I need clothes… Everything is at my apartment. Why don’t you spend the night with me? Assuming you don’t mind the boxes.”

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