Bailey: Independence #1 (23 page)

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Authors: Karen Nichols

Tags: #General Fiction

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“You seem to have forgotten your instructions, Bailey,” he murmured, his palm up and then down. He watched her ass jiggle, her muscles tightening and sighed as the pink began coloring the soft round bottom. He gave her four more swats before whispering in her ear. “Still, pet. Or perhaps you’re moving because you want my attention,” he teased, moving to stand behind her.

He ran his hands over her shoulders and around the front, his palms cupping her breasts and helping them out of the top of the corset. He listened to the soft moans as he twisted and pulled the light pink nipples.

Something new, he thought.

Something to keep her on that edge while they played. He brought each nipple to life, stroking and pulling until he reached into his pocket and brought out small weighted clips.

Bailey was positive she wouldn’t be able to breathe normally ever again. Each time she tried leveling off her breathing, he touched her. Stroked her and even with her legs spread apart, she could feel the hot moisture between her thighs. And it ached. Before she’d always been happy with any kind of orgasm. Happy and content. Gabriel was bringing her more and more until she waited impatiently for the next.

When the small jagged teeth clamped onto one nipple, her body lurched despite the effort she was fighting for to remain still.

Gabriel was ready for her reaction though since the alligator clips were new for her. Her breath was pulled in with a sharp hiss, his palm stroking gently over her head. Soft words of encouragement and a nip on her ear sent a ragged shiver through her.

“Breathe slowly, pet,” Gabriel watched her nod and bite into her lower lip. She tipped her head back, drawing in deep breaths through her nose. He attached the second clip, his palm up and stroking through the thick curls. “You’re amazing, Bailey. Beautiful and responsive,” he let his fingers trail down her back and onto her ass, squeezing gently. “Do you remember your safe word?”

The pulse in her neck skittered and he quelled the urge to kiss it, to soothe away the nerves. She was still so very new to this part of his life and the biggest part of the turn-on was that she was doing all this for him. Just him. Not his position or his money.

“Yes, sir. I’m alright, sir,” she whispered, vaguely aware of the low conversations around her; focusing on the music again and gradually relaxing enough to feel the soft buzz he’d started again. Everything seemed incredibly sensitive, the vibrations warming through the slim walls inside her and making her pussy swell with need.

“No coming, pet.”

“N...No, sir.” She went back to college and various computer languages, thinking and shivering when his palms continued stroking her hips and ass. The tips of his fingers trailed between her thighs and she knew she moaned.

“Hmm…testing, Gabriel?”

She didn’t recognize the voice but knew their voices seemed to change when they slipped into Master mode.

“I might need a spare set of hands, Alex,” Gabriel felt her body tense, her breathing suddenly ragged again. “Bailey, listen to me. Do you trust me?”

“Yes, sir,” she answered softly.

“What are your instructions?”

“I’m supposed to keep still and I’m not permitted to come without permission,” she whispered, heat constantly flooding her cheeks at the words spoken aloud. She knew others could hear her. Knew others were watching and listening to see how his new sub behaved. “Sir.”

“What happens when I make you wait?”

“Oh, god…no tests now…it’s…it’s stronger,” she answered, a hint of hopefulness.

“And you wouldn’t want to displease me?”

“No, sir,” the quiver in her voice was soft, the mewl low when two palms cupped her breasts, thumbs strumming over the clips that sent jagged ripples of sensation through her. “People are watching,” she whispered shakily.

“You’ve watched those same people, pet. Did you think less of them?” He could feel her body bristle.

“No. No, sir.”

“Then they’ll not think less of you.”

“She’s very new, Gabriel,” Jeremy commented from the side, one brow raised.

“Bailey is a very quick study,” Gabriel pressed his palm over her stomach, onto the bare mound and thrust two fingers into the heated moisture gathered there. Her back arched and she gulped in a deep breath. “And she follows orders.”

Bailey struggled against the powerful sensations. So many at one time from so many directions. She thought of the server room. Of programming languages and logarithms and teaching classes to people who could barely open their email. She didn’t know how long their teasing went on. Part of her was drifting off. She heard them. She made certain she responded properly even when groans were pulled from her.

Gabriel stood behind her, his palms gripping her waist tightly. Her body quivered beneath their sensual assault and he leaned his body against hers, letting her feel what she was doing to him. The hard length of him pressed between her buttocks when he whispered in her ear.

“You’re an amazing woman, Bailey. Come for me…let go, baby,” he bit down on her earlobe at the same time Alex gave each nipple a hard tweak between his fingers and his thumbs.

It was as if her body released every ion of energy and power all at once. Her body arched hard back at him. Her fingers stretched and bowed, closing over the cuffs and pulling savagely. It wasn’t a soft lulling wave that had built and swept through her. This was ripped from deep inside and erupted with a blinding cascade of white lightning.

She didn’t know if she screamed or shouted. But she was pretty sure it was her voice in her ears.

The fog and ringing slowly subsided and her body simply drained. There wasn’t even enough inside her to protest when an arm went around her middle and the cuffs were removed. She knew her feet were still at the ends of her legs but she just didn’t care.

“Thanks, Jeremy,” Gabriel laid her on the sofa, wrapping the blanket around her and dropping to his heels. “You made me very pleased. I’m not sure if you’re just stubborn or what,” he chuckled and kissed her softly.

“I was reciting logarithms and my lecture for teaching,” she murmured, smiling languidly when he laughed.

“Stay here. I’ll bring you some water and clean up,” he leaned in, taking her mouth hard and quickly released the small teeth from each nipple. “Never got why they hurt more coming off than going on.” Gabriel stood up and dropped the clamps into his pocket, watching her curl to the side and sigh.

She didn’t stop the residual ripples and was really glad he’d been kissing her when he removed the clamps. His fingers had been gentle but he was right. The sting and sharp pain was unreal. She wanted to rub her breasts but knew that wouldn’t be one of her better ideas. So she gripped the edges of the blanket and curled into a tight little ball, floating with an amazing sense of peace.

It made no sense to her but then neither did far too many things in life. A growl broke from her lips when she was disturbed, Gabriel’s chuckle the only thing that stopped her from swinging. One eye opened to find a pair of amused chocolate circles watching her as he lifted her and positioned her gently in his arms.

“No biting,” he teased, uncapping a large bottle of water and nudging one of her hands gripping the blanket. “You need to drink this, Bailey.”

“Yes, sir,” she murmured but took the bottle with a drink that went on and on when she realized how dry she felt inside. Water never tasted so wonderful, she thought, hugging the bottle to her and relaxing against him.

“Were you uncomfortable, Bailey?”

“You know I was, Sir,” she answered quietly, slowly adjusting to their talks afterwards. “But I felt comfortable, too. Not….maybe not at first,” she stirred in his lap, the erection she’d felt when she was cuffed to the cross making its return. If it had really gone away. She wiggled and offered a low, sexy laugh when he growled at her. “You do know I find that growl very sexy.”

“Jeremy is worried that I’ve pushed you too far too fast, Bailey. I’m not accustomed to doubt. It’s…unsettling,” Gabriel separated his legs, allowing her to sit on the sofa at his side.

“You made sure I remembered my word. I…I don’t think I was frightened. I’m not used to…to being on display. Not used to anyone…”

“Keep talking, pet.”

“People don’t notice me. I’m not used to it. No one pays attention to IT people,” she said with a casual shrug. “You kind of blend into the background and…” she shrugged and continued to search for the right words.

“Bailey,” Gabriel stroked one palm over his face, hiding the slight grin. “I’ve watched you in that red corset and can only guess at some of your other clothes. If guys haven’t noticed you, I have to question their masculinity. Or they did notice and you shrugged them off.”

“It’s interesting though. The type of…of attention you draw here or at the club…it’s doesn’t feel like someone preying on you.” Bailey looked up from the hands to meet the stoic expression on his face. “I don’t like being preyed upon. Maybe I did just ignore things like that. So it was a long time since I bothered with dating.”

“And it just happened to be my lucky night when you wandered into the club.” Gabriel put his palm against the side of her face. “You didn’t shy from me, Bailey.”

“You didn’t make me feel like prey,” she answered immediately. “You…you made me feel already caught,” she admitted with a little smile.

Gabriel ran his finger along the thin leather collar. “Then I’ll have to make certain I don’t loosen the leash on you, Miss O’Conner. Let’s thank Jeremy and Emma and go home. I have the strongest urge to tie you to my bed for the rest of the weekend.”

“Restroom, please, Sir,” Bailey moved carefully, standing up and swaying as she reached for her dress.

“I’ll wait for you here, pet.” Gabriel drew her against him, his hand moving the zipper into place up her back with the practice that came from closeness. His mouth moved over hers, soft and caressing, urging her to play for a long minute. He took the water from her and drained the bottle. “Hurry along.”

Jeremy sat in a large overstuffed chair, Emma cuddled against him, their heads together a soft laughter breaking free as Gabriel approached. He took a chair across from them and stretched out his legs.

“You realize Bailey has managed to raise the bar,” Jeremy laughed at the wrinkled nose Emma offered.

“She said she was reviewing programming protocols,” Gabriel said, his laughter joining that of the other two.

“She’s a sharp one, Gabe,” Jeremy chuckled. “I’m going to have to vary my training. I think my little pet has been getting off far too easily.” His palm slipped to the olive colored behind with a gentle squeeze that made her yelp.

“I’m very glad I like Bailey,” Emma said with a sigh. “I must gladly suffer…” she giggled dramatically. She winked at Bailey. “I am so very glad you came tonight. I love talking with you.”

“Thank you for having me,” she didn’t offer a struggle when Gabriel took her palm and tugged her onto his lap. “I’m still working on figuring things out.”

“If you ladies will excuse us a few minutes,” Jeremy carefully set Emma onto the chair after standing up. “I want to talk to Gabe about next weekend.”

Bailey was similarly placed on the chair, her legs curled beside her. Both women watched them stride off to the end of the long, wide room. Some players still immersed in their scenes; others curled in various corners cooling down afterwards.

“Are you alright?” Emma watched her, her petite Asian frame coiled into the chair like a fine Siamese cat. Long black hair hung over the arm of the chair, the loose caftan she wore comfortable against her skin.

“I don’t remember being better,” Bailey confessed softly. “He’s…I had no idea a guy like him existed, to be honest. Especially not for me.”

“I think all girls think that. It’s strange how we get programmed to think who should be with what type of person.” Emma looked over at her husband, pale hair and teasing grey eyes. “Let’s go upstairs. I think there’s some punch left,” she stood up, stretched and winced a little.

“Are we allowed? I really do want to be able to sit tomorrow.” Bailey offered a weak smile when Emma laughed and took her hand.

“At private parties, it’s generally accepted that once we’re permitted clothing, the play rules are over,” she watched her handsome husband. “At least for a little while.”

“I think I’d like some punch. And maybe lay in front of the fireplace.”

“That we can do. I know they’ll be at least half an hour talking about the holidays and what’s scheduled at the club,” Emma tapped the light switch and went straight for a couple clean glasses to fill with the cherry colored liquid. She added ice and handed a glass to Bailey. “So, honestly…how are you two getting along?”

“I think it’s been the most intense week I’ve ever had,” Bailey answered when they went to the fireplace, both of them sinking to the stack of pillows on the floor. “Did it take you long to…I don’t know…adjust…or accept?”

“Accepting the other side of me?” Emma stretched out on her stomach, knees bent and bare feet swaying.

Bailey followed suit, taking a deep drink of the rum based liquid and sighing, her head down on one of the pillows she’d gathered in her arms.

“Sometimes it’s still hard to understand the why part,” Emma finally said. “By day, I’m ordering people around in pediatric OR but I could hear Jeremy with that sexy master voice of his and…” She shook her head and sighed. “We humans are quite complex.”

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