Bailey: Independence #1 (27 page)

Read Bailey: Independence #1 Online

Authors: Karen Nichols

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Bailey: Independence #1
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Bailey turned too quickly when the glass slid aside. If not for the firm, strong hands on her waist, she knew she’d be on the tiles looking up.

“This isn’t as big as the one at your house,” she whispered, watching him lift a bottle of almond scented liquid soap and fill his palm. He shared it with the other hand before using them both on her, beginning at her shoulders and massaging to her waist. Very, very slowly. Her body leaned into the corner, eyes half closed while he continued to lather her skin.

“Then it’s a really good thing I don’t mind being close to you,” Gabriel answered with a chuckle.

He was obviously going to ignore her comment and refilled his palm, moving onto her legs. Gabriel used one elbow to nudge her legs apart, his nose level with her pussy.

Bailey had relaxed until she felt his hands spreading the lips of her pussy wide. Then it was his tongue. No soap this time. Her palms flattened out on the tiles.

“Oh, god…”

How could he do this to her over and over? Her body craved more and more and he was so willing to indulge her needs.

“Gabriel, this isn’t…”

“Put your hands on my shoulders, Bailey,” Gabriel rose slowly. He’d sheathed his cock before entering the shower. He knew what he wanted. What he couldn’t seem to get enough of.

“Shower…” she groaned softly. “Shower and shampoo,” she tried protesting just before his mouth captured hers. Wet and tasting like her, his tongue swept between her parted lips, stroking along hers and tempting her into the play.

“I’m sure we’ll get to that,” Gabriel murmured against her mouth, his palms sliding down to her hips and lifting her against the wall. “Right now, I want you. Right here. Right now. No interruptions. I want to feel that sweet little pussy clenching my cock so tight it feels like it’s in a vise. When you come, Christ…it’s amazing and takes me with you like a massive tidal wave. And I never want to lose that sensation with you, Bailey.”

Bailey felt his cock nudging her entrance, gliding inside on the hot damp core that he’d awakened with his intimate kiss and touch. His words were as strong an aphrodisiac as his scent or his touch. Maybe more, she thought dreamily as he moved deeper, stroking slowly until he filled her completely. Then he stopped. Just held her in place and pulled her legs up around his hips.

Red-gold lashes opened, her breaths coming in tiny pants.

Gabriel held her suspended, his cock buried deep inside her when he reached to the shelf built into the unit and poured shampoo into his palm. He almost laughed at the look on her face.

“This is probably a punishment you hadn’t expected,” he told her, his voice level and holding his amusement inside.

“Punishment?” Her eyes slammed shut when his hands spilled the shampoo over her head and began massaging it into her scalp. Oh, god. She wanted to melt. He barely had nails but used them well as he manipulated her head and lathered her hair.

“Hmm…trying to sneak out on me.”

“It’s for the best…” A sharp squeak broke from her lips when he thrust his hips against her pussy, her attention solely his again.

“You said you trust me.” Gabriel continued massaging her scalp, the pulsing clench in her pussy driving him insane but he wasn’t about to lose control now. And teaching Bailey about submission was top of his list right now.

“Gabriel,” his name flowed in a soft plea. “It isn’t about not trusting you. I…it’s about your safety…”

His hips thrust again, this time his palms massaged the lather lower, onto her breasts. He cupped each one possessively, thumbs strumming over the taut peaks. He knew they were still sensitive from the clamps he’d used the night before and that only added to the excitement that quickened her breath.

“You’re not learning your lessons, pet.”

Bailey swept her hair back from her eyes, blinking when one of his hands brought the hand-held from the wall and used it to rinse her hair. She kept her eyes closed until he was finished, the soap rolling in creamy dollops from them both.

He put both hands on her hips, lifting her and thrusting several times before stopping.

“Look at me, pet.” He waited patiently, a keen sense of satisfaction filling him at the need he could feel and see in her. “Why were you leaving, Bailey?”

She was trapped. Not only physically, but the look in his eyes told her he wouldn’t give up asking.

“I’m afraid,” she whispered. “If I stay, someone is using me to get to you. Someone shot that woman and left her on your driveway. They could have been waiting outside…I know you’re angry that I didn’t listen but I’m not going to apologize for being worried. Yes, I know I’m supposed to believe that you can handle anything the world throws at you but sometimes things work better with two people. At least if…if you’d been…” the words began to stick in her throat. “If you’d been shot, I could get a phone and…and get help and…maybe…”

“Shhh…” Gabriel lowered her to the tiles, one palm around her head and holding her against his chest. This time she clung to him, her arms around his throat and sobs soft. He turned the water off and got them both out of the shower, wrapped her in a towel before pulling another from beneath the cabinet for himself.

“I had all things in my life in neat categories until I found you in the club,” he murmured against her forehead, settling her into the bed and pulling the blankets around her. He’d brought a smaller towel and wide toothed comb with him, gently drying her hair before he started drawing the comb through her long, thick strands. He had her braced against his thigh, her face against his shoulder. “I’m not sexist. The lieutenant is quite good at her job and I know too many females in positions where someone might shoot at them. But putting you in danger…”

“You wouldn’t do it to me…just leave me,” she hic-cupped with a gulp of breath. “How can you expect me to do it to you?”

“Like I said…before you, I had my thoughts in neat order.” Gabriel worked the tangles out of her hair before setting the comb down and just holding her against him. “I think we left bed too damn early, Bailey,” he moved them both to the center of the bed and pulled blankets over them.

It wasn’t hard to let the warmth and drowsiness take them both again. Although Gabriel would have preferred to not have dealt with the cold at seven in the morning, this wasn’t half bad. Especially when the towels slipped free and Bailey rolled against him, the globes of her behind stroking a half awake cock.

Bailey was positive she was dreaming. But the last few nights with Gabriel had her waking at the oddest hours to find him stroking her breasts or sliding his fingers into the hot recess of her pussy. She’d wake gasping and thrusting against him.

His fingers were stroking between her thighs when she woke, the last remnants of her dream fading with a sharp gasp. The bed shifted and her thigh was lifted seconds before Gabriel pushed his cock into the hot center. Hard and deep, he buried himself in her softness before stopping and returning to caress her breast.

Gabriel pushed closer still, his mouth biting along her throat and shoulder.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered and began moving inside her. He moved his hips lazily, drawing out the pleasure with each stroke and grinding his teeth each time her walls clenched and caressed his length. Christ she felt good! The response he felt and heard from her sent his own reaction past anything he’d ever known before.

Bailey thrust back, bracing one palm on the bed and using her foot for support. Support that slipped completely when his fingers tugged on her clit, stroked and sent her body over the edge. She called for him, her hand gripping his wrist while she tried gasping for air, tried finding some kind of stability that was further shattered when his cock erupted. Thick, throbbing pulses raced the length of him, bounced off the soft convulsing walls and rippled through them both.

Her head fell to the pillow, eyes closed as her breathing slowly returned to normal. She barely let the numbers on the clock register. Noon on Sunday. She sighed and snuggled against the strong chest and warm, secure arms.

Until his arm moved, the blankets were pulled off and a very large palm struck down on the bare cheek of her ass.

“Oww!” She moved quickly, dislodging him and struggling to sit at the other side of the bed, staring at him and rubbing her behind. “What was that for?”

“Leaving the house and dragging me out of bed at seven on a Sunday. Now you need to get dressed, pack some of your clothes and make it quick because I’m starving.” Gabriel pushed against the bed, oblivious to his nudity or the condom he pulled free on his way to the bathroom.

“Because I’m starving,” she mimicked with a curled lip, her feet slipping to the floor. She stretched, long and high, fingers tangling in the mass of curls that had contracted as they dried.

She dressed quickly, including panties before she lifted her comb and a band. She had the curls under control and in a ponytail when he came out of the bathroom, rubbing his palm over a dark hint of a beard. Her gaze flew to the floor in the closet, finding her sneakers and quickly putting them on while he dressed.

“I’m going to make it my mission to convince you being a nudist is an interesting way of life,” Gabriel laughed when the heat struck her cheeks, his hands pulling the jeans up his legs. He looked at the empty cases she had laid on the bed and looked at her studying the closet. “Do you want me to pack for you, Bailey?”

“No. No, of course not,” she brought out one of her suits and heels, laying them carefully into the case.

“At least two weeks, Bailey. And I have a washer and dryer,” he said drolly, watching her stare at the bureau chewing on the corner of her lip. “I’m hungry, woman. Get a move on.”

Bailey glared at him. This was the playful Gabriel Garrett. Who grinned at her like a hungry wolf and a little boy. So far removed from her Dom or her boss. All of that seemed gone for a little bit.

“Fine,” she said with a growl. She went to each drawer and threw some of each one into the case. Several tee shirts, a couple pairs of jeans; three of her favorite dresses and her vests that went over them, adding a pair of boots last. She was leaning on the top when Gabriel came over and placed a palm on it, letting the latch catch and hold. “There. Happy?”

“Not yet. Let’s go find breakfast,” he took the handle and lifted it like it was as light as a cloud, his other hand taking hers and tugging her behind him into the main area. “Grab what you need from here, Bailey. I’ll take this to the car.”

Being ordered around in bed was one thing. But this bossy thing in other places was making her nuts. He wasn’t going to let her run. She sighed and collected a few books, her sketch pad and her laptop, sliding things into their slots in her pack. Wallet, keys and cap. She put the black Greek fisherman’s cap on and was reaching for her coat when Gabriel returned, pausing in the door and staring at her.

“I’m ready,” she said before he could complain. She put the strap on her shoulder and exhaled deeply. “Okay. Let’s go. But I want it noted that I am not happy about this.”

“So noted,” Gabriel stepped to the side, pulled her door closed and made sure it was locked before following her to the elevator.

“But you don’t care.”

“Do I care if you’re safe? Absolutely.”

“And how am I any safer?”

“I’m not going to argue this with you,” Gabriel started the SUV and buckled himself in, waiting patiently while she did the same. “However, feel free to continue venting until we get somewhere for food. I’m thinking the resort brunch.”

“There’s no fun arguing with myself,” she said sullenly, slumping down in the seat and staring out the window, the low growl from her stomach making her wince a few seconds later.

Chapter Twenty-Five

It was three in the afternoon before they pulled into Gabriel’s garage, a light rain had begun falling that turned into a very serious downpour. Bailey followed him into the bedroom, watching as he rearranged the very large walk-in closet. He cleared one whole side as if it was nothing and then set to work on the low bureau.

Bailey hung up her coat and turned to find her case on the low bench just outside the closet. Gabriel had excused himself to his office, leaving her to arrange things however she wanted. He had, however, taken her toiletries and decked out the very long counter in the bathroom and came out looking incredibly pleased with himself. She sighed and slid to the edge of the bed and then onto the floor, knees up and head down.

He had winked at her before he left the bedroom.

She thought that was a good sign. A sign that he enjoyed tormenting and confusing her.

Bailey sighed again. This morning she was running. This evening, she was ensconced in the man’s house as if it were her own. Resolutely, she pushed against the floor and finished emptying her case. Somehow with some huffing and puffing, she managed to shove the empty case onto the shelf above her clothes.

She listened to him talking as she walked closer to his office.

“Logan, I said I was in with the single condition. I want the use of your security and human resources people for that name I gave you. I want everything and I want it extremely in-depth.” Gabriel leaned back in his chair, listening. The corner of his mouth had tilted with obvious amusement. “I’ll put my department head in touch with yours to co-ordinate all the other additions. But the information I want, I do not want coming through my people. This is private.”

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