Bailey: Independence #1 (6 page)

Read Bailey: Independence #1 Online

Authors: Karen Nichols

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Bailey: Independence #1
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Gee, ya think?
But she settled for: “Yes, Sir.”

“I bet I could make you scream at least half a dozen more times before the sun came up, Bee,” Gabriel slowly rose to his feet, dropped the cloth in the container for laundry and framed her face with his hands. His thumbs stroked over the parted lips before he settled his mouth against hers gently. “Let’s relax in the social area. Another time, we’ll go to the pool room and play in the sauna and hot tub. I brought some water for you.”

Bailey stayed silent. There was too much she didn’t understand yet. For now, she decided to ignore the question about her attraction to a stranger. Maybe she should ignore the fact that she let a guy finger fuck her in public and screamed like never before. Loudly. Okay, maybe there was a lot she shouldn’t think about right now. It would definitely ruin the mood.

“What about you? Sir,” she added hastily, a hint of color in her cheeks. Again.

“We’ll talk about that another time,” Gabriel said with a sigh, guiding her to an empty spot. “Head up, eyes down,” he whispered the reminder as they entered the warm area around the fireplace. He handed her a bottle of water just as one of the security men came to his side, his voice low and urgent. “I’ll be back in a moment, Bee. Drink your water.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, opening the cap and taking a long swallow. Her gaze took in the four couples around the fire, three males in the wing chairs and one female, their subs on the floor at their sides. She quickly lowered her gaze, but she’d taken in their positions. Some had their heads being stroked, others a gently placed hand ran along their bare shoulders or back.

Their conversation was soft, their laughter companionable. She heard talk of stocks, discussions about the latest political debacle and the greed involved in businesses these days.

Serene, she thought. She glanced at the heavy, thick pillow resting on its side next to the chair where she stood. She knew it would please him. She didn’t know why, but she was positive it would. Stepping back and lowering the pillow, Bailey moved carefully. She remembered their positions. She’d glimpsed it in various forms throughout the floor.

On the floor. Knees apart, hands behind your back; head down. She could do this. Play the role correctly, she told herself with a deep breath.

She went down and was getting ready to separate her knees to find the right position when the sharp pain shot through her, buckling her to the floor. Tears formed and fell in pain and frustration as she struggled to push up but tumbled back again.

“Bee!” Gabriel had been returning when he saw her intent. He went to one knee in front of her, his hands out and gripping her shoulders, lifting her from the floor until she was on her feet.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered quickly, one palm up and swiping at her cheek. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

“Are you alright?” He fought the anger that she disobeyed him. “What happened?” He looked around at the others but no one had an answer. Except Bee.

“I thought…I saw them and I know it’s how I should be but…” The words caught in her throat, her voice shaking. “I can’t and I’m sorry, Sir. I forgot…sometimes I just forget…”

“You can’t what, Bee? I don’t understand,” he pressed, keeping his voice stern.

“May I speak, Master?” A petite Asian woman spoke from the side, looking at her Master expectantly. He nodded his permission. “I think she wanted to present herself respectfully, Master Gabriel. But something’s wrong with her knee. That’s why she crumpled.”

“Bee?” Gabriel put his palm beneath her chin and tipped it up.

“I thought it would please you but I can’t kneel. I forgot…and I’m sorry…”

Gabriel leaned his forehead against hers. The limp, he realized. A jagged swath tore through him when he realized how important it seemed to her.

“The point of being a master is making changes that suit us, Bee. How can you present yourself?” He stroked one thumb over the last tear that rolled free from beneath the mask she still wore.

Bailey blinked up at him. “I can sit cross legged. It’s flexible and bends, I can’t put weight on it that way. Sometimes I forget, it’s so normal most other times. I…” she glanced down, nodding to herself. “I can do it another way,” she murmured, going carefully to her good knee and lowering herself to the floor. She bent her legs to the side, forming a W with her legs and body.

“Back straight,” Gabriel said from above her. “Head up and eyes down. Hands behind your back.” He stared at the thrust out firm, small breasts. “Yes, I like you like this,” he ordered, dropping to his heels and placing one finger beneath her chin. “You please me, Bee. Don’t doubt that. You’ve done very well tonight,” his finger trailed down her throat, touching the slim leather collar he’d fastened around her neck. “I have some business to attend to. Remain here. If you need the restroom, you’re excused for that, and that alone. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” she said softly, grateful for the pillow beneath her knees.

“How did you hurt your knee, Bee?” He stopped from rising, watching her. She wasn’t accustomed to speaking without looking at the person and the corner of his mouth lifted just enjoying her effort to please.

“I performed gymnastics when I was younger. The parallel bars. The last time I was on them, they hadn’t been assembled properly and…” her breath caught, the memory of the heavy bars and sides crashing over her as if it had happened yesterday, she shivered. “It was so long ago. I was twelve and the whole system…the sides and bars all came crashing inward and on me. It works alright, for the most part. They put it back together and added some parts,” she sighed. “Sorry. Sir.”

“You’ve nothing to apologize for,” he let his fingers tangle in the deep red curls before rising. His eyes caught those of one of his friends also seated around the circle and nodded to him. He knew he’d watch out for her while he was busy. “I’ll be a few minutes.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Bailey would never have thought sitting as she was, wearing as little as she was would be a peaceful thing. She listened to the deep male choral voices and the slight hint of metal in the music playing. She leveled her breathing and let herself relax in a way she hadn’t been able to in a long time.

She heard the voices of the others around her. Mostly the masters, she guessed, talking about mundane things like stocks and government and traffic snarls. She almost laughed. She wasn’t sure what she would have expected them to discuss. But she remembered her quick glance at them. Picturing them in suits and ties and board rooms put a smile on her face.

Bailey let herself drift, her eyes closing as the warmth of the fire and the low, modulated voices around her seemed to create that serene place for her. She didn’t know why. She should be embarrassed. She should be concerned that she sat there with most of her privates areas exposed but she was just too darn relaxed to care. Besides, she rationalized, there was plenty of nakedness to go around out there.

No one saw his intent. It was not only frowned upon to touch another Dom’s sub, it was forbidden in most formal establishments.

Jeremy hadn’t seen it coming and didn’t move before it happened.

Bailey felt the air suddenly constricting in her throat, her hands up and grasping at the collar that had become far too tight, far too quickly. Bright green eyes bulged, trying to see behind her as she grabbed wildly to relieve the pressure on her throat.

“Up on your knees, slave! That’s no way to present yourself! Who the hell trained you?”

Chapter Six

“Doug, no!” Jeremy was up and going forward when the large man jerked Bailey to her knees and dropped her onto the pillow. “She’s not yours!”

“She’s a fucking sub and needs to be trained properly!” He growled back, about to swing with his free hand, his other palm shoving against Bailey’s shoulder until the sound of her scream filled the chamber.

“And you’re too fucking stupid to realize your mistake!” Gabriel growled before his fist plowed into the younger man’s side. He moved quickly, but not enough to spare Bailey the fall again. “Hold him!” He ordered into the air, knowing it would be handled until he was available.

“Emma, go find out if Dianna is in the club,” Jeremy issued the order to his sub. He didn’t need to look to see her nod and dash off toward the front. He grabbed Doug’s arm, twisting it behind his back until one of the security team arrived and took over.

Gabriel placed his hands carefully, lifting Bailey from the floor and carrying her to one of the sofas emptied by his friends. He felt his chest ache when she curled into a ball. He saw tears fall but didn’t hear a sound from her. Tough little sub.

“What happened?” A brusque, doctor-like tone filled the space, a tall blonde all in leather dropped to her knees, her hands on Bailey’s face, gently checking her eyes before looking up at Gabriel.

“She had an accident as a child and can’t kneel,” Gabriel spit out angrily. “Master Doug thought he should correct her position and dropped her on her knee.”

“Little sub…look at me,” Dianna met the wide eyes with a soft smile. “It’s okay. Which knee? Show me.” She leaned back and followed Bailey’s hand to the knee. “Alright. Lay back and close your eyes. Focus on the music. Gabriel, sit with her, please.”

“Get an ice pack out of the first aid kit,” Gabriel ordered with a glance at the waiter who quickly vanished to find the item requested. His staff was well trained and none of them had ever seen the seething Gabriel before them now. “Dianna?”

“Don’t be impatient, Gabe. Breathe deeply,” she winked at the little smile that brought from the sub. Her fingers moved lightly, feeling and probing. “She has no side support for weight. Walking and flex isn’t a problem, but she can’t put weight on it. This was done a few years ago,” she traced the scars with her fingers, took the ice pack held out to her and snapped it.

“It’s alright once the pain stops,” Bailey said softly, pushing to sit upright and sweep her palms over her cheeks. “I’m sorry. He surprised me. I didn’t have time to…”

“This isn’t your fault, Bee. Silence,” Gabriel snapped out without thinking. He saw her instant compliance, her chin up and eyes on him.

“Gabe…” Dianna looked at him with a slight scowl.

“Thank you, Mistress,” Bailey swallowed hard and pushed against the sofa to stand.


“Please, Sir,” she whispered when he moved closer. “I don’t want them to think I’ve been improperly trained. Let me return to my spot, please.”

Gabriel nodded once and stepped back, watching the proud if uneven gait to the thick pillow.

Dianna watched and turned to look at her friend with an interested arch to her brow. She kept her voice low so only he heard her.

“Gabriel, you are so fucked.”

“And you don’t think I know that?” He answered with a sigh. “Thank you for…for making me a little more at ease, at least.”

“It might swell. The ice will help, but if she’s lived with it a while, she’ll know how to handle it best.”

“And thank you, Emma and Jeremy,” his voice hardened when he took several steps to where Doug was being detained. “Bee, eyes up and listen. You will decide his fate, since it was you he harmed.” He stopped and drew in a long breath, his gaze shifting to the man he wanted to punish. “Do you realize your mistakes?”

The arrogance of youth, Gabriel thought, watching the defiance in the younger man’s eyes.

“She’s a sub and no one was near her. How was I to know…”

“The point is,” Gabriel stepped closer, his hand closing around the man’s throat and lifting. “You never…and I mean never…touch another Dom’s sub. Have I gotten through to you? She was seated in a group with other masters you could have asked before making such an ignorant move.”

Bailey watched the younger man nod. She doubted he could speak since it looked like most of his air was being cut off by Gabriel’s fingers.

The man staggered back when he was released, his palm up and rubbing his throat.

“Banishment or punishment, Bee,” Gabriel kept his eyes on Doug. Whichever, it wouldn’t be enough and he’d deal with the man another time. Another way.

“Please, let me have him, Master Gabriel,” Dianna’s purr came out a low, lethal sound that made Bailey shiver. She stepped forward, the riding crop that had been hooked to her leather pants now in her fingers, the end drawn down the side of his face.

“It’s your choice, pet,” Gabriel met the wide eyes, his voice flat and emotionless.

Bailey looked over at the other man, one arm held tightly by one of the security people. She hastily lowered her eyes from him, remembering all the instructions floating around in her head.

“Punishment, please, Sir,” she said, flinching slightly at the outburst from the younger man. “By Mistress Dianna.”

“Fuck! You can’t…”

“Punishment or banishment? Our decision is made. If you decline the penalty, then you leave and you’ll never be allowed back inside,” Gabe told him flatly.

“Punishment,” he pushed the word through his teeth defiantly.

“You signed the contract when you joined the club,” Gabriel told him coldly. “Be glad it’s Mistress Dianna. I had another in mind for you, but my gracious sub has presented Dianna with a gift: you. He’s yours for two hours, per his agreement with the club when found in violation of safety and protocol rules,” he took a step closer, his face inches from the other man’s ear. “If you ever touch what’s mine again, it will be the last thing that hand touches. Are we clear, Hampton?”

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