Authors: Mary Helen Bowers
Remember to pull in your stomach and connect to your center, relax through your shoulders, keep your arms flat on the mat, and breathe!
Now begin another set of the Classic Bridge:
Return to the starting position.
Bring your knees together and lift high through the hips.
Lower and lift, with your stomach pulled in tight.
8 counts, 4 sets.
Repeat the Classic Hamstring Stretch and the Hip Opener on both legs, or try the advanced stretch for the hamstrings and hips.
Lift into the Classic Bridge, with your knees together and your hips high, feet flat or on demi-pointe.
Extend one leg off the mat and straight up at a 90-degree angle, then drop the leg to a 45-degree angle so that your knees are level.Keep the extended leg at a 90-degree angle from the hip.)
Pull your stomach in and lower your hips so that they are not quite touching the mat. Keep your leg steady and extended as you raise and lower your hips. If you begin to feel this in your back, tighten your center to stabilize your back. 8 counts, 4 sets. Hold up on the last count of the last set.
Do not actually touch the mat when you lower your hips during the bridge. Go up and down, keeping your stomach flat and pulled in, your shoulders relaxed, your legs squeezing in. And breathe!
Pull your stomach in tight and lift your hips from the highest position; your right leg should still be extended off the mat and straight up at a 90-degree angle. (/A.
Drop your leg down to 45 degrees).
Now squeeze through your butt, pulling your stomach in tight as you lift and pulse higher in the same position. This works your inner thigh and butt.
Keep breathing! You will feel the standing leg working hard!
8 counts, 4 sets.
For more challenge,
(1) do this exercise on demi-pointe (flat foot for more moderate challenge) or (2) extend your leg at a 45-degree angle (90-degree angle for more moderate challenge).
Do the Classic Hamstring Stretch and Hip Opener; change legs and repeat on the other side. To mix it up a bit at this point, do the Classic Hamstring Stretch on your back and the Hip Opener while seated.
This is an optional advanced bridge for those of you who want a further challenge!
Begin in the Classic, One-Legged Bridge position: feet together, knees together, stomach in, hips lifted high (see photo,
page 79
Extend your right leg into the air and drop your hips down, bending your right knee.
Extend your right leg up again to the ceiling at 90 degrees, just like a can-can kick. (/A.
Lower the working leg toward the standing knee at a 45-degree angle, with knees together. This angle is slightly more challenging for the butt and standing leg.)