Bargaining With a Rake (A Whisper of Scandal Novel) (10 page)

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Damn it all, he had not meant to
embarrass her. “No. It’s lovely.”

“Yer a terrible liar. Anyone ever
told you that?”

“No.” But he clearly remembered
telling Lady Gillian the exact same thing.
Blast her green eyes
. Caprice
gave a shrill laugh before tilting her glass up and draining it. “It’s awful, I
know it. Ye know it. The only one who doesn’t seem ta know it is Madame
Lovelace, and she’s the only one who counts. I don’t matter a whit, except for
when I hand over my money. And as you’ve already paid…”

She took his hand and led him to the
bed. He sat on the edge, but when she reached down to pull up the bottom of her
sheer gown, he stilled her hands. “I’m not here for that.” He patted the space
beside him. “Will you please sit?”

Worry etched her face. “You’ve
nothing to fear,” he said, trying to reassure her. “I simply want to ask you a
few questions.”

“Ye paid so much blunt only ta ask me
some questions?” The disbelief was evident in her tone.

“They’re important questions.” He pulled
her gently onto the bed beside him.

“Well, you’ve bought me, and so far
ye’re the nicest visitor I’ve ever had, so what do ye want ta know?” She
hiccupped, and her skin turned a deep shade of red.

“Can you tell me anything about Mr.

She turned her face away from his,
but her hands twisted furiously in her lap.

He touched her shoulder with care. “It’s
quite all right,” he reassured her again. “I mean you no harm.”

“I could tell ye a great deal, sir.” Her
worried blue gaze came to his face. “Harrison’s quite the talker. But ye see, he
frightens me. I’ve got ta earn a livin’ and this is where I earn it. I don’t
doubt he’d come for me if he thought I’d spoken any of his secrets. Unlike
Madame, I don’t believe her henchmen are any match for the likes of him.”

Alex rubbed his chin. What could he
do? She was afraid and rightly so. But what if…? Bess would help him. His former
mistress would know just how to set Caprice up in her own business. Bess could
do the work, and he would give the girl enough blunt to live on until she got
started. He would not miss such a paltry sum. “I can offer you a new life.”

“As yer mistress?”

He picked up her hand and squeezed it.
“No, but you are very lovely. Unfortunately for us both, you remind me of my
sister. So you see―”

“Gawds, yes.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’ve
a brother somewhere out there, and I could never let a man touch me who looked
like him.”

Alex nodded, relieved her feelings
were not hurt. “I have a lady friend who can set you up somewhere quietly, and
I’ll provide the blunt you need until you get a protector.”

Tears shimmered in Caprice’s eyes. “You’d
do that for me?”

“I wish I were as nice as that. I’ll
do it to obtain your information.”

“I think you’d do it anyway. I saw
the way your face darkened when you saw my bruises and cuts. Yer no man to
leave a woman in need. Yer a real nice man.”

She hugged him fiercely. “Ye could
have just beaten my secrets out of me. Many men would. But you’re good. See?”

Alex untwined her arms. He was not
comfortable being on anyone’s pedestal. “Clearly, you have not known many truly
virtuous men if you label me so, but I’ll take the gratitude if it means you’ll
help me.”

“Oh, I’ll help you.” Caprice scooted
back on the bed and propped up several shimmering gold pillows. “He talked
about a good deal of things, probably because no one else would listen. At
first I felt sorry for him, almost liked him. Can ye understand?”

Hell, no, he did not understand, but
he nodded anyway. “Did he talk about any women in particular?”

“One. Some poor girl related ta a man
who’d made Harrison mad. Alice? No.” Caprice shook her head. “Agnes?”

“Allysia?” It was hard to choke the
word out past the anger constricting his throat.

“Yes, Allysia! How’d ye know? Is she
why you’re here?”

He’d come here for proof, and now he
had it. He’d thought he was right, but he had wanted to make positively sure
before destroying the man. “Yes.” He struggled to keep his voice low and calm. “She’s
what brought me to you.”

Caprice pulled her knees to her chest.
She looked so young and innocent, like Lissie. Looking out the window, Caprice
sighed. “I can’t tell ye much, simply because he didn’t say too much about her.
He used her. I know cause he bragged about how easy she’d been to seduce.”

Alex jumped off the bed and paced the
room. He needed to destroy something or he would find Mallorian tonight and
murder the blackguard.

“He fancies himself irresistible ta
women.” Caprice snorted. “But ye know, I think he likes her. I mean ta say
liked her. She’s dead now, ye know.” Caprice tilted her head at him. “But ye
must know this.”

Unable to form a suitable inoffensive
reply, he nodded. He knew his little sister was dead. He knew nothing else. The
room closed in on him. Stalking to the window, he opened it and gulped in some
cool air.

Caprice came up behind him and put
her hand on his shoulder. “Ye loved her?”

“Yes.” He’d been closer to Lissie
than any of his siblings. They’d both dreamed of different lives. Her dream
included the choice to marry whomever she pleased, and he longed to be free
from the title that bound him, to make his own way in the world, so he could
put distance between himself and his memories.

Caprice nodded, as if she understood
his heartbreak. “I’m not sure if this will make it better for ye, but he did
seem a bit remorseful. Of course, as much remorse as someone as twisted as he
is can feel. The sadness lasted,”― Caprice snapped her fingers―
“for this long. He’s marrying a duke’s daughter.
, was all I
could think as he sat on my bed naked as the day he was born and went on and on
’bout how his betrothed was so beautiful, and now he’d be getting the respect
he so richly deserved. He was fair ta bursting with glee even with his father
just dying.”

Caprice pointed to a decanter on the
nightstand. “Pour me another, would ye?”

Alex leaned over and filled the glass.
So Mallorian was now Baron Westonburt. “Can you remember anything else?” Any
small detail could bring down a man.

“This job makes ye want ta forget,” Caprice
said, slurping at the liquor.

Alex could only imagine all the
things Caprice wanted to forget. “I’m sorry for your sadness.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “Harrison
was pleased as punch that he’s now a baron. Imagine the shame, being pleased yer
namesake’s died. He’ll rot in hell one day for sure. There’s not much more ta

“I can’t thank you enough.” Alex
turned to Caprice and raised her hand to his lips. “I’ll make sure Mistress
Vicery is here to fetch you tomorrow. She’ll speak to Madame Lovelace and have
money for you.”

“Will I see ye again, do ye think?”

Finding it hard to concentrate on her
any longer, he shook his head. He had the glimmer of a plan, but would it work?
“No, I’m sorry to say you probably will not.” With nothing else to say, he
strode from the room.


* * * * *


Wind whipped his face as he rode Braun
to his town house. His anger kept the chill of the night at bay. Upon entering
the house, he stalked to his liquor cabinet and poured himself a whiskey,
hoping to cool the burn of revenge. He gulped down some of the liquid, strode
across the room and dropped into a chair, intent on working out the details of
what he should do next. Yet all he could think on was how he would love to wring
the life out of Mallorian. If only he could come to terms with killing someone,
but he couldn’t, and it was damned frustrating to feel so weak and helpless.

Anger, frustration and sadness
vibrated through him. He’d held himself together to this point, but the strain
was too much. With a roar, he reared his arm back and tossed his glass across
the room. It shattered against the wall, sending glass and liquor flying
through the air in a shimmer of brownish-gold liquid.

The door to his study flew open, and
Peter and Sally appeared in the doorway. Peter looked first at the brown stain
on the wall and then at Alex. “Tell me that was not the imported whisky you
just wasted.”

“It was,” Alex said, feeling foolish.
He wished he had known they were here.

“Well, I hope you at least feel

“I don’t,” he growled as Sally came
to sit beside him.

“Oh, darling.” Sally caressed his
cheek with the back of her hand. “You appear to be teetering on madness. You
must get hold of yourself. The rumors are already awful, and if anyone sees you
like this…” She kissed the back of his hand as a sister or mother would.

“Sally, do quit mothering him,” Peter
said, pulling her to her feet.

Belatedly registering the fact that Peter
was not where he was supposed to be, Alex narrowed his eyes. “Why are you here?”

“I lost sight of Mallorian.” Peter
turned a deep shade of red.

Alex glanced at Sally, then back to
Peter. “That explains half of it.”

“She was waiting for me when I went
home to change,” Peter mumbled. “She insisted on coming. I’m no match for her,

“What did you tell her?” Alex demanded,
coming to stand in front of Peter.

“Do be quiet,
Alex,” Sally snapped. “Peter told me nothing. I eavesdropped on your
conversation, and I knew exactly what you two were up to. I
you go, because I could tell there
was no stopping you.” She shrugged. “Besides, I had an idea of who might be
able to tell us a little about Mr. Mallorian as well.”

“Sally, my dear,” Alex said, “you
continue to astonish me even after knowing you since we were in leading strings.
But my astonishment does not mean I’m about to let you become involved in this
sordid affair. Your husband” ―he motioned toward Peter― “may not be
able to say no to you, but I can. Tell me what you know, and then you’re going
to go home and tuck yourself into bed where you will be safe, if not sound.”

Sally raised her eyebrows at him. “I’ll
do no such thing. You need my help. I loved your sister too. Besides, I’ll not
tell you one thing I have learned if you don’t allow me to assist you.”

“Allow you to
assist me?” Alex sputtered. “Mallorian—I mean
Westonburt—is dangerous. You could
be hurt.”

Sally crossed her arms over her
chest. “You know I’ll help you whether you agree to it or not. If you would
simply agree then you will be in a much better position to keep me safe. Otherwise,
I’ll be forced to proceed behind your back.

“Fine,” Alex growled. How was he
supposed to argue against a woman’s misguided logic? He glanced toward Peter, but
Peter refused to meet his gaze. Alex gritted his teeth. Having friends could be
a bloody nuisance.

Sally twined her arm through his and
dragged him to the couch, pulling him with her as she fell back into the
cushions. Peter was on her other side before Alex’s backside hit the cushion.

Tears shimmered in Sally’s eyes as
she squeezed his hand. “I still can’t believe she’s gone.”

He pulled his hand away, her concern rankling
him. Sorrow would not help him now. He could not dwell on Lissie’s death or he
would go mad. His focus must be on his plan. “Tell me what you’ve learned.”

Sally nodded but sniffed loudly. “I
called on my mother after the two of you left this afternoon.”

“You did what?” he snapped. He couldn’t
have heard her correctly. “The whole
will know now.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry. I
didn’t tell her anything about you. Mother detests Lady Westonburt, but she did
say a prayer for the woman’s poor departed husband. She says the baroness is a
harridan. I once had the unfortunate experience of being seated beside her at a
dinner and know this to be the truth. She may be exquisitely dressed, but under
all that finery hides a woman who gets great joy from shaming her husband and

“Is that it?” Alex did not mean to
sound so gruff, but he had been expecting something more, something he could
use to bring Westonburt low.

“Darling, do try and be patient. Of
course, that’s not everything, but you did interrupt me.”

“I’m sorry, Sally. Do continue.”

“Let me see…” Sally tilted her head
to the side. “Where was I?”

“I believe you were speaking on his
mother’s character flaws,” Alex said, trying to control his impatience. At this
rate, this could bloody well take all night.

“Ah, yes! Before
you interrupted me” ―Sally hitched her brows at him― “I was going
to tell you that Mother chanced upon Lady Westonburt scolding her son in the
garden of a party about a year ago. It seems she wanted him to pay attention to
some chit, and he refused on the grounds the girl resembled a cow or some such
nonsense as that. Anyway, Mother says Lady Westonburt blistered his ears,
telling him to march back in to the musical and woo the girl even if he had to
ruin her to get her to the altar. Apparently, Lady Westonburt desires her son
to marry any girl who has the highest title and the biggest dowry.” Sally
shrugged. “Commonplace in the
,really. What’s not acceptable is to ruin a girl to achieve

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