Barging In (11 page)

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Authors: Josephine Myles

BOOK: Barging In
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“Sorry. It’s none of my business. Wish I could learn to shut up sometimes.”

Robin heard Dan slurping his tea. What would it cost him to confide? He hadn’t wanted to with Mel. Hadn’t wanted to risk seeing the tenderness in her eyes cloud over—her affection replaced with contempt. But Dan? Dan was still a stranger, really.

They were silent while Robin finished his joint. He reached for his tea but found it was now only lukewarm. He put it down with a sigh.

“Four years. It’s been four years. His name was Jamie, and I don’t really want to talk about it right now.” He glanced up at Dan, who was gazing at him with something that looked like sympathy. It made him want to curl up and hide away.

“How old are you, Robin?”

“Twenty-five. You?”

“Twenty-nine. I’ll be thirty next March. Hard to believe, eh? I should probably be settling down and finding the man I want to marry, or something.” Dan gave a short chuckle. “Reckon it’ll be a cold day in hell before that happens, though.” He sighed before reaching out and squeezing Robin’s hand. “Come on, you, let’s go to bed.”

The bed was chilly, but Dan turned down the loan of a T-shirt and jogging bottoms, so Robin went without them too, reasoning that the extra body under the covers would help to keep him warm. And when Robin curled up, facing away from Dan, he was absurdly grateful to feel Dan spooning behind him. He drifted away into a dreamless sleep, soothed by the warm breath against his neck.



Robin woke on his back, the sensation of a smooth leg thrown over his, a warm arm over his chest. Mel…no, Dan!

He studied his bedmate. Dan appeared even younger when sleeping, his face soft and his hair a fluffy mess. There was a faint haze of stubble on his cheeks, the hairs glinting with reddish tints in the soft light that filtered through the blinds in the portholes.

Light. If it was light already, then Robin had slept in much later than usual. He must have been worn out after last night… The memories flooded back, shot through with a heady mix of guilt and lust. Of Dan, sucking him off under the trees. Of Dan, spreading his legs with a come-hither smile. Of Dan, trembling on his knees as Robin pushed deep inside him.

Bollocks. He was getting hard just thinking about doing that again. He rolled over to face Dan, who stirred and mumbled something. Robin pressed himself closer, running his hand up a hairless leg and over a temptingly pert buttock. He squeezed on the smooth flesh, not caring if he woke Dan. Not caring about anything except the desire that was building inside. It welled up, threatening to spill over all his carefully constructed barriers. They’d held fast for all those years since Jamie, but against this need, they didn’t stand a chance.

Dan mumbled again. Robin watched his face as he stroked Dan’s cock. It was already half-hard, lying heavy and thick in his hand.

Dan’s eyes sprang open. “Morning, gorgeous.” He yawned, giving a contented sigh as he undulated his body, pushing into Robin’s grip. “Mmm, that’s my favourite way to wake up. How did you know?”

“Lucky guess,” Robin said, shifting closer so he could rub his own shaft against Dan’s. The contact set his nerves on fire. He wrapped his hand around both of them, swallowing back a moan, and searched hungrily for Dan’s lips.

“No, wait, morning breath,” Dan said, turning his head with a grimace.

“Don’t care.” And he didn’t. Didn’t care about yesterday’s sweat still clinging to their bodies, about the sleep crusting Dan’s eyes or the sour taste in both their mouths. All Robin cared about was the roaring blood in his veins and the need to kiss, caress and generally make up for his behaviour last night. He concentrated on Dan’s neck, licking and sucking the skin there while his hand set a slow and steady rhythm, the other hand snaking underneath Dan’s head to tangle in his hair. He felt Dan’s body quiver, heard him gasp, and then Dan’s hands joined in, kneading Robin’s buttocks and playing with his nipples. And this time, when he went for Dan’s mouth it was open and willing, their tongues sliding together as they kissed deep and hard.

Holding Dan’s head steady, Robin pulled back and dragged his teeth along Dan’s lower lip. He forgot everything but this driving need, this desperate urge to press himself against Dan’s slim body, to make him pant and groan and give those husky whimpers that drove Robin wild. And when he felt Dan’s fingers sliding between his buttocks, he couldn’t stop himself, his hand working them fast and hard until the world whited out and his grip turned slippery.

In the afterglow, Robin was barely aware of Dan’s hand joining his and holding it tight as he thrust into their combined grip. There was a wordless cry as Dan convulsed and shuddered to a halt, panting hard.

Lying there, hot and sticky, with Dan’s face resting on his chest, Robin found an unfamiliar peace. A knowledge that there was nowhere else he would rather be right now. And then he heard a purring chirrup, and felt Morris’s heavy weight land on his legs. The cat pushed up between them, licked Dan’s arm and settled down on Robin’s chest, purring like an outboard motor.

“Oi, cat,” Dan said, wriggling around and propping his head up on one hand. “You’re gonna have to share your man with me, you know.”

Something inside Robin leapt at Dan’s words, but he pushed it down, squashing it out of the way unexamined. Dan wouldn’t be around for long.

Dan was pulling faces at Morris—holding up a hand, slick with their come.

“Don’t you go expecting any petting, now. Oh God!” Morris had butted his head against Dan’s sticky hand. Dan’s face twisted with barely contained laughter. “Sorry ’bout that.”

Morris’s fur stood up in wet spikes, rather like Dan’s had the previous day, but the cat was still purring despite the mess on his head. Robin turned to Dan, whose cheeks were dimpled and whose body had started shaking. An answering laughter bubbled up inside him, quaking through his chest. When Morris stalked off in disgust, he pulled Dan close, hugging him tight as he shook and shook until it felt like he was going to fall apart.

And if he did, if he truly let go, would he ever be able to put himself back together again?

Chapter Eleven

“That is some sandwich,” Dan said, amazed at the height of the thing. “You really think you can fit it in your mouth?”

Robin gave a wicked grin and opened wide. Dan caught a brief flash of his tongue stud before he chomped down on the triple-decker, ketchup and egg yolk running out of the opposite side. Mmm… Dan shifted on the sofa, imagining those lips wrapping themselves around his cock. He’d have to drop some serious hints about that later, once he’d been back to the
Faerie Queen
and showered, of course.

“You gonna eat yours, then?” Robin’s voice was muffled around the mouthful of greasy food, but it still sounded sexy. There was something about a man trying to talk with his mouth full that always flipped a switch deep inside Dan. Maybe he had a food kink he’d never really explored in any depth. Maybe he could explore it with Robin. That’d be fun.

Turned out Robin cooked a mean breakfast, and Dan liked that in a man. None of that muesli and grapefruit rubbish—this was a proper feast to make up for all that strenuous exercise they’d been having. Robin’s “Cholesterol Sandwich” consisted of three slices of fried bread, layered up with bacon, two fried eggs and slices of cheddar cheese, not to mention the lashings of ketchup and mustard.

“Just looking at it makes my arteries shudder,” Dan said, picking up his own Cholesterol Sandwich. His taste buds tingled in anticipation, and he took a bite. It was amazing, the crisp bacon perfectly complemented by the soft egg yolk and crumbly cheese. He gave a deep groan of contentment, looked up and found Robin gazing at him with twinkling eyes.

“This is bloody gorgeous,” Dan said, although he could just as easily have said Robin was bloody gorgeous and it would have been equally true. Now that they’d finally done the dirty, Robin had relaxed and started enjoying himself. Dan had even heard him whistling as he cooked, and the man could certainly hold a tune. Made him wonder about that guitar propped up against the worktable.

But best of all, there was a warmth in Robin’s eyes when he looked at him—one which Dan felt sure he could kindle into blazing passion whenever he felt like it. Not right now, though. His arse was still tender after the pounding Robin had given him last night.

Dan washed down the last of his greasy feast with a slurp of strong black coffee and grinned. This was going to be a great week—beautiful scenery, willing models and a fling with a handsome man who had a kink for rough sex. Hard to imagine now why he’d been so reluctant to take the job.

Robin had also finished his sandwich and was licking his fingers clean. Dan watched for a moment, not sure if this was a show designed to tantalise or if it was typical atavistic boater behaviour. But then he decided he didn’t care and reached out to grab Robin’s hand, pulling it to his mouth and sucking in the first two fingers. Robin stared at him, eyes wide, but when Dan swirled his tongue around the bacon-flavoured digits, those eyes fluttered shut and Robin moaned in a way that made Dan’s cock begin to swell.

Dan hummed happily before pulling Robin’s fingers out of his mouth. “Much as I’d love to carry on with this, I should be getting back to my boat. I reek of sex.”

Robin’s pupils had flared wide and hungry. “You could shower here. With me.” The way his voice caught on the last two words made Dan want to pull him into a greedy kiss and start stripping all their clothes off. But he had work set up—people he’d arranged to shoot—and he needed to get the camera out of the boat’s safe as well as change into some fresh clothing. Robin would keep. Maybe he’d be even more delicious if Dan gave him a few hours to stew.

“Sorry, work to do.” Dan stood and walked towards the doors. Robin moved fast, blocking his way off the boat. Interesting. Was he going to get all dominant again?

Dan smiled, slipping his hands around Robin’s hips and cupping his arse. Robin’s breath came fast against his forehead, and Dan craned his neck to give him a quick kiss, pulling back as Robin’s tongue flicked out. “Uh-uh, I’m sure you can wait a few hours. It’ll be that much more exciting, what with the anticipation and all. Maybe, just maybe,” he craned his neck again to whisper in Robin’s ear as his hands kneaded his buttocks, “you’ll let me get a piece of your sweet arse later.”

Uh-oh, wrong words. Robin tensed in his arms, and Dan brought his hands up slowly, carefully. Must be one of those rare beasts, a total top. Still, that was fine. He could cope with being bottom for a week as long as Robin remembered the lube.

“It’s okay, no pressure. I’d like to fuck you, but I’m just as happy with you topping.”

Robin had his eyes closed, and that furrow was back between his brows. “I can’t… I don’t… Fuck! I just can’t, all right?”

“It’s fine, like I said. Not a problem.” Part of him was curious as to why Robin couldn’t, but another part refused to get drawn into emotional complexities. That was always the point where the fun dried up and his relationships fizzled out. Easier to stick to the sex and the banter—he was good at that. And cuddling too… He pulled Robin close and hugged him, offering the warmth of his body instead.

“No hard feelings, eh? Well, hopefully later there will be, when I’ve had a chance to recover.” That was better, Robin was smiling now—only a glimmer, but it was a start.

Before Robin had a chance to rethink things, Dan steered him to one side and walked to the doors.

“I’ll be back later, okay? Say, five-ish? I can bring us some fish and chips if you like, to say thanks for breakfast. Get a bit more cholesterol down us.”

“Yeah, great.” Robin stayed where he was, leaning back against the side of the boat. His face was impassive. Why’d Dan always go for the moody and monosyllabic ones? But then Robin turned towards him, and a warm smile transformed his face for a brief moment.

“Later,” Robin said. “I’ll make it good for you this time.”

Dan shivered at the intensity in his eyes.

“Believe me, it was good last night.”

Robin raised his eyebrows, and Dan made a swift exit before either of them said anything they would later regret.



“And what sort of time do you call this, Mr. Taylor?” Mel made a tsking sound as she leaned back against the
Faerie Queen
. “My, don’t you look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. Good night, was it?”

Dan flashed her a grin before kneeling to lock up his bike. “Marvellous, cheers. That was quite a party.” He was tempted to brag, but it wouldn’t be fair to out Robin before he was ready.

“It’s no good pretending it was that. I saw you leave early.”

“Oh?” Yep, he could be subtle and keep secrets if he wanted to. No matter how much he wanted to grin.

“Robin was pretty hot on your tail, as I recall.” Mel’s smile was more of a smirk, and he couldn’t help but answer it with one of his own.

“Was he?” He tried to sound innocent, but her eyes were knowing. She wasn’t about to give up easily—Dan recognised the type. “Yeah, he was, wasn’t he?” His smile grew even more salacious as he remembered just how “hot on his tail” Robin had been.

“Seriously?” Mel looked like she was going to explode with excitement. “I’ve been thinking for a while that what Robin needed was a good shag, but I didn’t know it was gonna take a man to do it. That’s fantastic! You’ve got to tell me all about it.”

Christ, she was one of those straight girls who got off on blokes shagging each other. Dan had met a few of them over the years. Most were fine, if a little odd, but he’d been really freaked out by one who cornered him in a gay bar wanting explicit details of his sex life. Mind you, Mel seemed genuinely happy for her friend, although he wasn’t about to furnish her with any more intimate details.

“Mel, can I take a rain check on that photo shoot you’ve set up? I need to get a shower and a change of clothes. How about…” He glanced at his watch. How’d it get to be ten thirty already? He’d better get a move on if he wanted to do any work today. “I can be ready in half an hour. Want to come in and make yourself a cuppa while you wait?”

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