Be Mine (15 page)

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Authors: Isobelle Cate

BOOK: Be Mine
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"Gracie, I'm sorry. Fuck! I'm sorry," he gritted, his ardour lessened by the slight pain in her face.

Gracie cupped his face, hovering above her even as she raised her hips to meet his hand.

"Don't be sorry, Luke. Take me. I want you to take me."

He took her slowly, teasing her opening, thumbing her clit until she sighed, then moaned. Soon she was riding his fingers and his hunger thundered in his ears while his cock throbbed with the blood flowing into it, making it nearly painfully hard. He growled when she arched and whimpered in ecstasy. Her slick heat coated his fingers and when he flicked them fast inside, Gracie came with a keening cry, bathing his hand with her liquid heat. He rubbed her clit, covering it with more of her sweetness while he took her nipples one at a time in his mouth.

"Luke! Oh God, I need you to be inside me." Her breath came in hard pants, her hands gripping his ass, making room between her thighs for him. Her eyes flared to dark brown pools when Luke licked his fingers clean before kissing her, making her taste herself on his tongue. He brought her arms up above her head, holding them with one hand while his other hand guided his cock into her.

"Oh fuck, Gracie." Luke closed his eyes as her inner muscles surrounded him with her fire. He blazed a wet trail down her neck when she dipped her head on the bed, exposing her throat. Luke's breath stuttered at the ripples of satisfaction that seemed to burst throughout his body, groaning at the intensity of the pleasure he felt around his cock as her walls encased him in her silky wetness. He looked at her, the delight lighting her face, parting her lips as he rammed into her in short and long thrusts. He watched Gracie's skin blush at the rapture he was giving her, staccato cries of bliss falling from her lips. Her breasts undulated under his chest, and he couldn't stop himself from bending down to take what she offered.

"More..." she begged. "Yes!" She praised when he increased his pace.

Luke raised himself on his arms as his pelvis met her upturned thighs, before he took one of her legs and placed it on his shoulder.

"Oh, baby..." He was able to push deeper into her vagina, his cock hardening as more blood pumped into it until he could feel his balls tighten and the orgasm coiling inside him.

"Yeessss! Luke!" she screamed, gripping the bed sheets hard as she came. One, two, three thrusts and his climax came out of him, his groans stuttering with the onslaught, draining him even as he flew when Gracie's sex squeezed him.

Luke fell on top of her, their bodies slick with sweat even in the cool air, their hearts still hammering in tune with their hearts' song. Slowly, he eased himself out of her despite her groans of protest and cradled her in his arms.

He never knew what contentment was.

Until now.

Chapter Nineteen







here was a lightness in Gracie's step when she left the doctor's office Monday morning. In hindsight, using a patch to help regulate her flow was a blessing in more ways than one. Having replaced the old one, she left the clinic. She felt her face heat up when her doctor asked about how she was feeling, knowing that she was using the patch for a different reason. But her doctor's face was so bland Gracie needn't have worried. She giggled when she left the doctor's consultation room. For two consenting adults, she and Luke were like two horny teenagers.

He had made love to her one last time before taking her home and promising her that he'd return. However, she still had a wealth of skepticism, not expecting he'd do that.

"But you've got work," she said after he let go of her.

"I own the bloody company, Gracie, and I haven't had a self-imposed holiday which I'm dying to spend with you," Luke growled. "Let Terrence run it for another week."

Gracie warmed at the memory as she walked down the lane leading home. Her panties dampened just at the thought of Luke's thick arousal plunging in and out of her and taking her to a different kind of nirvana that she had no other choice but cling to him. She could feel her folds down south thicken and pulse, while her channel quivered. A smile curved the sides of her mouth, and she giggled when a well-built attractive man passed her and smiled back.

Sorry. I'm taken.

Gracie halted abruptly mid-stride, her jaw slacking. Where the hell did that thought come from? Chuckling ruefully, she continued walking. Yeah, she was on cloud nine at the moment. She'd be on splat zero soon enough.

As she neared the corner leading to her house, her pace slowed. It was all well and good for Luke to make promises. Problem was, she didn't believe in promises anymore even though the hard kiss he planted on her mouth had been enough for her heart to be lit by a spark of hope. Sure, she had said yes, but the habit of not trusting or believing was difficult to uproot in just a short span of time. She wasn't even sure if time would make a difference since it was also the very same concept that made her jaded. It was difficult to change a mind-set that was almost carved in stone. For once, her heart and mind were in agreement. Her mind wrestled with the new memories Luke made. He was like any other man, right? He could make promises with his actions to soften the blow of never coming back. She expected to feel pain in her chest, but there was none. She had entered into a fling with one of the most attractive men she had ever seen without expectations. She pressed her lips together as a thought flitted through her consciousness. It had taken Luke to make her realize that Jonathan was really wrong.

She suddenly thought of what happened when Luke bumped into his sister. Knowing that he had one shouldn't have been a surprise. His aversion to talking to her was. Perhaps because she didn't have any siblings it became a wish Gracie had since she was little. Being allowed to see just part of what Luke had gone through made her feel for him, the lost boy who became an embittered man.

She continued with her musings as she turned the corner.

They didn't get to talk about Jonathan either. She didn't think it was the right time to talk about her previous marriage. Luke, despite his anger, was hurting. She didn't need to throw her self-pity into the mix. She couldn't believe the parallelisms between Luke's life and hers either. Who would have thought that serendipity would throw them together?

It wasn’t serendipity. It was the bloody folders.

Gracie snorted, shaking her head.

"Mum! Flynn! I'm back." She closed the door behind her before taking off her coat and hanging it on the coat rack. She saw her friend come out of the kitchen. "Hey, Noreen."

"Hi! Your mum's cookies are delicious!" Noreen closed her eyes, savouring what was already in her mouth. "I'm going to get fat in this house."

Gracie laughed. "Nah, you're too hyper to gain any pounds."

"Oh, speaking of which," Noreen brushed her hands together as she continued chewing. "I need to get the ceramics out of the kiln. When do you want to drop by and make more of your creations?"

Gracie hesitated.

Noreen grinned. "Can't decide because your evenings are now booked, huh?"


Noreen raised her hands. "Just saying, girlfriend. Right, I better be off. Gracie, call me?" She made her way to the door.

"I will," Gracie replied, smiling ruefully. "Thanks."

"Mummy! You left without me." Flynn pouted and flounced on the sofa.

"Oh, darling! Mummy didn't bring the car. I didn't want you to tire yourself." Gracie sat and enveloped her son in her arms. He nuzzled against her neck. Gracie chuckled as a different kind of warmth filled her. She breathed in Flynn's baby smell that gave her comfort and peace.

"I could have brought my bicycle."

Gracie laughed.

"Soon you'll be hard pressed to reason with your son, Gracie," her mother said wryly.

Gracie stood up. "So true."

"You all right, luv?" Theresa cocked her head to one side.

Gracie's eyes flew to her mother's shrewd ones.

"Yes, Mum. I'm fine."

Theresa searched her face much to Gracie's discomfiture before nodding. "As long as you know what you're doing."

Gracie inhaled, and then let out her breath slowly. "It's not going to happen again, Mum. Can we just drop it, please?"

"Oh, luv, I didn't mean to rile you." Theresa sighed. "I'm sorry. It's your life. I just want you to be happy."

Gracie moved to embrace her mother. "I know, thanks. I know you mean well. I don't think it's going to last."

Theresa turned on her heel to return to the kitchen with Gracie following. She got out a mug from the cupboard and put the kettle to boil. Gracie sat Flynn on her lap, hugging his small body to her chest as she waited for her mother to make her tea.

Her mother handed her the mug, her face skeptical. "With Luke? I doubt that."

"What do you mean?"

Just then, the doorbell rang. Theresa's mouth curved into a smile.

"That might be your answer."

Gracie laughed. "What? The postie's my answer?"

Theresa harrumphed. "We thought the man yesterday was the postie and it wasn't. The postie doesn't come at this time, Gracie." She extended her hand at her grandson. "Come, Flynn luv. Let's watch some telly."

"I want to stay with Mum."

Gracie giggled softly. "C'mon, little big man. Take my hand and let's see who's at the door, then we can play the whole day."


She took a sip from her mug before setting out to see who it was. The doorbell rang again.

"I'm coming!" she called out, then muttered. "What an impatient so and so!"

Gracie opened the door and her eyes widened.

"Yes, you did. Several times as a matter of fact." Luke grinned, his eyes twinkling.

"Luke!" Gracie felt the flush burn the skin of her neck and slowly creep to her cheeks. He was one piece of delicious male. Gracie's throat suddenly became so dry that her voice came out like a croak. "You're back."

Luke stepped inside the threshold before he caressed her cheek with his knuckles. "I promised you I'd be back, remember?"

Pleasure zinged through her spine before almost exploding in her head. The feeling made her heady, cozy.

"I thought that was brought about by the moment we had."

Without preamble, he placed his hand under her shoulder length hair before leaning down to kiss her. Her eyelids fluttered closed, giving in to everything that was Luke. He licked the seam of her lips, nipping, nibbling, and sucking. Her mouth opened for his probing tongue before she took the initiative and sucked on it. Luke growled in appreciation. He hooked his arm around her waist to bring her closer to him, making her feel what effect she had on him. His taste and smell played havoc with her senses. When he sucked on her lower lip, her clit experienced another sudden bolt of desire that made her gasp against his mouth. All too soon the kiss ended, and she sighed in disappointment.

"Still think that yesterday was spur of the moment?" he asked against her mouth, his voice deep, before his mouth moved to graze her jaw.

"No," she said huskily. "But—"

"No buts, Gracie." He raised his head just enough to look deep into her eyes. "I made a promise. And I keep my promises, no matter how long it takes."

She almost purred at the unbanked desire in his eyes. They smouldered for her. Her! That never happened before. She sure as hell didn't mind burning in their depths.

There was a tug on her left hand and the cold splash of reality set in.

"Flynn! Sorry!"

Flynn eyed Luke again with curiosity.

"I swear if Flynn faced me during negotiating contracts, I'd fold."

Gracie laughed. "He can be pretty unnerving at times."

Luke grinned, and Gracie's heart melted at his boyish charm. "So what would you want to do?"

"Excuse me?" She blinked.

"Isn't it obvious I want to spend more time with you?"

Gracie couldn't keep eye contact, so she looked at Flynn. Her stomach knotted with excitement and a sense of disbelief. This sexy man wanted to spend time with her. The man who somehow helped free her inhibitions.


He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest with his feet braced and his face troubled. "Flynn, you have to help me out here, mate."

Gracie's eyes widened. He returned her glare with amusement and determination.

Flynn kept quiet as though waiting for Luke to say more.

"Do you want to go somewhere with me and your mum?"

Flynn shook his head.

"Didn't you want to go see the animals in the zoo, luv?"

Gracie whirled around in surprise at her mother's voice.


"I want to go to the zoo!" Flynn squealed, a grin lighting up his face.

"The zoo it is," Luke exclaimed. He pivoted to look up at the sky. "The weatherman said on the radio that today was going to be cold but sunny."

Gracie stared at both Luke and her mother in bewilderment. Flynn ran to Theresa, who immediately took his hand.

"C'mon, Flynn. Let's get you dressed while Mum and Luke wait for you."

When they disappeared, Gracie turned to Luke.

"You fight dirty."

He shrugged, his deep blue eyes never leaving her face.

"You didn't answer. Can't waste precious time."

She shook her head and bit her lower lip to stifle the smile that threatened to spread across her mouth. Luke leaned towards her.

"Biting that lip must be painful," he murmured. "Can I suck it to remove the sting?"

Gracie laughed, feeling breathless.


"Stop talking that way," she said, her knees weakening.

He tilted her chin so that he could look deeply into her eyes. Gracie thought she was going to combust because they seemed to see into her very soul.

"You're beautiful, Gracie." His gaze swept all over her face before focusing on her parted lips. "I will keep on talking to you that way until you accept that I desire you. If there is anyone else who will desire you, I'll punch them in the face."

Gracie giggled, but as he brushed his thumb across her lower lip, her breath hitched. He bent down.

"It's not a laughing matter, babe." Luke's teeth nipped gently at her jaw before forging a hot trail to her ear. Gracie moaned when he licked the sensitive spot behind the lobe before dipping to the erratic beating pulse at the base of her throat.

Luke whispered, "You are mine. No one else's. I want a repeat of yesterday. I want more.

Gracie hadn't noticed that her hands clung to the lapels of his jacket. He continued.

"I love the way you taste. I like going down on you to feast on your pussy. I like the way my tongue gets coated with your cream. I so love the way your clit follows my every command, the way your pussy lips open up to me. And I so love the way my cock fucks you until you scream and cum hard."

What was she doing still standing upright? She should already be a puddle on the floor! Slowly the sides of her mouth lifted, her eyes alight with mischief. The hell she'd be beaten at the verbal foreplay. She leaned up to gently suck on his throat. She smiled when she felt the low rumble coming from his chest. She moved closer, almost unable to stop the moan coming out of her when she felt the long thick ridge between his legs.

"And I love the way your cock tastes in my mouth," she whispered. "You taste heavenly, Luke. So granite hard covered in soft suck worthy skin. You're so thick and long that you stretch me, and I like that so much. I like to suck you, to glide my tongue over and around you. I like teasing your cock slit, playing with your balls as I gently pamper them with my tongue. But most of all? I love your taste when you cum inside my mouth."

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