Bear Prince: Shifter Paranormal Romance (Royal Bears Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Bear Prince: Shifter Paranormal Romance (Royal Bears Book 1)
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Andrei. It suited him, suited the exotic trace of accent in his tone, the formal way he moved. The trained manners and poise.


He shuddered, rising to his feet. Her eyes glued to the hard male organ in front of her. Heavy, jutting, moisture at the soft looking head.

“Can I touch you?”

Andrei swore. “No. I wouldn’t last five minutes.”

He settled over her, his shaft nudging her entrance. Hannah wrapped her legs around his waist, looking into his eyes as he entered her. Slowly, the tight entrance slicked by her juices. But still tight. She bit her lip as her body adjusted. The invasion… she felt full. A delicious burning fullness. She craved more, her hips arching instinctively.

His jaw clenched. “Stop that, damn you. I’m trying to go slow. I don’t want to hurt you.”

She actually knew what he was talking about. “I’m a dancer, Andrei. You won’t hurt me.”

There was pain, but not much. And when he was sheathed inside her it was as if she could feel his heart beating in her chest.

He withdrew, sank back inside. His rhythm at first slow and measured before passion overtook good intentions.

She didn’t care. A moan escaped her throat, his organ pressing a spot inside her that activated such pleasure every thought fled. Only sensation. And the feel of his spirit mingling with hers.

“Mine,” he ground out. “Mate.”

“Yes. Yours.”

Teeth sank into her neck. Not teeth- fangs. He moved so quickly, the pierce of teeth so effortless, it took a moment for the pain to register. And then her body exploded.



Eventually the sensual haze had to fade, and her mind began to function again.

You aren't human

He rose from their bed, lean muscles rippling. Stared down at her, impassive. “No.”

Hannah sat up, ignoring the sheet. He'd seen every part of her; there was no point in covering up now.

“What are you?”

“Can't you guess, Hannah?”

“Don’t play games,” she retorted. “I know you're a shifter. But you can’t expect me to figure out what kind.”

Andrei sighed. “No. I suppose not.”

He glanced away, the skin around his eyes tight. Was he... afraid... to tell her?

“Show me,” she said, rising to her knees on the bed. The faltered. “I mean- you aren't dangerous, are you?”

His smile lacked humor. “Sweet, I’m
dangerous. But not to you.” He held her eyes. “I would never hurt you.”

“Show me.”

Andrei's head lowered for a moment, and when he looked up again, jewel- no, shifter- bright eyes stared at her. Pierced her to the core as the beast within moved under his skin. Shoulders swelled, chest widening, muscles twisting. He bent over, fur sprouting along his forearms first in subtle tufts. Then as if a dam broke rivulets of fur crawled up his limbs. The same limbs that morphed before her eyes, bone and muscle popping. The sounds were disturbing. She clapped her hands over her ears, scrambling away from him, eyes wide.

Head banging against the wall, she forced herself to take slow, shallow breaths. Not to pass out.

The Bear rose to its hind legs. Well, as far as it could rise, bumping the ceiling. And stood, balanced perfectly still, staring at her. It was his stillness, his utter quiet that convinced her it was still Andrei, and not a demon from hell. And his eyes, still the same brilliant blue-green. Steady.

She licked her lips, hands trembling. “An- Andrei?”

He rumbled, head tilting. He fell forward onto his... paws. Hannah winced. No matter how he might try, his weight still sounded like a sectional dropping from eight feet high. She was glad there was nothing breakable on the coffee table in the living room.

Andrei took a step forward, stopped.

They stared at each other.

Hannah took a deep breath. “Okay. I can do this. Nice Bear.” She inched forward, raising her arm in front of her, fingers stiff. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and she jumped, scurrying back with a squeak.

His eyes closed, opened. Hot air blew towards her.

“It's not like it's every day I meet a Bear shifter,” she said, folding her arms. “You can't expect me to just... just. Oh, shoot.”

Hannah forced herself to walk forward, one step at a time, until she was so close his muzzle-

She shrieked. “Bad Bear!” His wet muzzle nuzzled her bare breasts. She tapped him on the head, like a naughty child. “No! No... nibbling. Not while you're in Bear form.”

He whined, collapsing to the floor, lolling onto his side. Her eyes widened.

“You don’t want a belly rub, do you?”

She swore his brow rose, expression hopeful. Hannah sighed, dropping to her knees and crawling into the warmth of his coat. “Okay, I can get used to this. You aren’t going to eat me.”

He rumbled, a deep, dark purr. Hannah blushed. “I mean, for lunch. Or dinner. Stop that, Andrei! Your mind is so...” she realized she was arguing with a Bear. A Bear that couldn’t talk back. And shut her mouth, turning so her back settled into him. “Never mind.”

He was so... comfy. “Oooohhh. I could get used to this. And in the winter I wouldn’t even have to run the heat.”

The Bear whuffed, and it sounded like laughter.

“We're going to have a long talk about this mates thing.



His mate.

Andrei knew Hannah didn’t know how beautiful she was. She smiled at him, teeth pearls in the dim light of her apartment, gleaming against deep skin speaking to the exotic lands of her forebears. Truly, she was fit to be a Queen; impossible to deny her tall, statuesque grace. He craved to see her, curls spread across her pillow, thighs spread for him to feat. Full lips parted and awaiting him as her liquid eyes glittered, daring him to take her.

She might think she was shy, his little ballerina, but she was mate to a Bear Prince. She had more strength than she knew.




“Your Majesty.”

Silence on the line. Each word a shard of ice. “Am I, Andrei? I’ve asked you to return to your duties but you’ve yet to comply. Or do you give lip service to loyalty while your true heart harbors rebellion?”

He gripped the cell. “There are… extenuating circumstances.”

“Do tell, my son,” Izobelle purred. “I’m absolutely fascinated.”

“I’m mating.”

“Excuse me?”

She’d heard him. He refused to speak, awaiting her true response.

“If this is true, why do you hide your mate?”

“She’s American, mother. And human. And not at all worldly. I’m uncertain it would be wise to bring her before the people quite yet.”

“Are you ashamed of her? Is she so lacking in grace?”

Trust his mother to drive an icepick in his temple with her words. “She is beautiful, and graceful, and kind. A worthy Princess.”

“Then what,” Izobelle said, “is the problem?”

“I need more time. I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

He disconnected. She said nothing to keep him on the line- it would be beneath her dignity. Though her Bear managed a wild, temper induced rampage through the palace halls at least once a month. She would make him pay when he finally did appear. And his mate would pay as well.



“Lord Constin.”

He regarded the tall, regal Queen warily. He didn’t even dare to think her beautiful- there was speculation the female could read minds. She sat behind a desk in her penthouse hotel suite, shimmering black hair bound elegantly at her nape.

Constin bowed. “Your Majesty. How may I serve?”

“You were assigned to keep my Heir out of trouble, Constin. You failed.”

He tensed, forced himself to relax. Damnit, he was no coward. Merely… prudent.

Dropping to one knee, “Forgive me, Majesty. Andrei is… wily. His will and intelligence are matched only by Your Majesty.”

“Hmm. Get up, Constin. You’re embarrassing yourself. Groveling doesn’t work with me anyway.”

She rose, walking around her desk as he obeyed, approaching with the studied casualness of a predator about to leap. She wore silk slacks and a blouse in deep blue, feet naked, her toes winking with silver and diamonds. Stopped a bare inch from him, expressive eyes weighing him. Stripping him down to his parts to evaluate his worth.

“I’ve tracked my son down- he is unaware I know exactly where he is at all times.” She smiled. “A Queen mustn’t give away all her secrets. I want you to speak to him. Convince him to return to us.” Her smile faded, eyes narrowing. “And I want you to do one other thing.”

Constin waited. “Majesty?”

“There is a woman.”



“Andrei, have you gone mad?”

It was his mother’s next volley. He wasn’t stupid- Constin’s timing was a little too pat.

“No, I am not mad. I am mated. I’ve heard that it can be mad
, however.”

“A human.” Disbelief shaded the nobleman’s voice. “You would take a human
as your Queen. You have a duty-”

“I had no choice,” Andrei snapped. “And call her a commoner one more time and we will be at war. She is your Princess, and your future Queen. Furthermore, she is intelligent, graceful. Worthy to be my mate.”

“Please don’t tell me you’ve wed her. The Assembly would never allow it. Andrei…”

The Heir smiled. “I’ll email you an invitation to the wedding.”



Andrei was gone on business. Hannah knew he must be busy. He’d spoken of plans, and things he needed to put in order. Left the apartment with a kiss and a promise to return shortly- and then they would sit and have a serious discussion.

She savored the anticipation. The sweet earnestness of his expression assured her the discussion would be a good one. Time for them to make plans for the future. That this strong, dominant, clearly successful male was to be married to
that he shed his cool, aristocratic exterior when in her presence… she refused to feel awe or even gratitude, because no man was better than God. But she did allow herself wonder and pleasure that she’d been blessed with someone unique.

Hopefully her parents would be happy when she finally made introductions.

She hurried out of her building, a wad of cash in her purse, heading to Whole Foods. More food- Andrei could
Glancing over her shoulder on lookout for the bus as she walked, Hannah bumped straight into a solid object.

“Oh!” Fast reflexes and excellent balance allowed her to catch herself before she fell. “I’m so sorry!” She whipped her attention back where it belonged- in front of her- and met the cool grey eyes of a tall, lean white man. Dressed in clothing not off the rack.

“No worries,” he said, and bowed.

Hannah tensed. The trace of accent in his voice matched Andrei’s. And he bowed like Andrei, as if they’d both had the same etiquette instructor. If they’d been dancers, she would have said they were in the same troupe.

“Well, have a good day, sir,” she said, drawing a shield of cool politeness around herself the way her mother had taught her, to deflect unwanted conversation.

He held up a hand, a brief, imperious gesture. “You’re awaiting the bus? Allow me to call you a cab in apology.”

“That isn’t necessary,” Hannah said. “My fault for not watching. Good day.”

And she stepped around him, wide enough that if he tried to block her he would go beyond churlish and straight into threatening.

As she walked briskly away, she thought she heard, “Good day, Princess.”

Hannah thought about the man’s words while on the bus, troubled. She could dismiss it as her imagination. Try to convince herself her observations were mere fantasy… but she wasn’t given to daydreaming. Well, the only thing she could do was wait for Andrei to come home, and discuss it with him.

Discuss why a strange white male who dressed and moved and talked like him had intercepted her, and called her Princess.







He returned home later than usual. Hannah knew something was wrong, alerted by the stern expression on his face, the careful way he watched her.

“What is it?” she asked, taking his hand to lead him to the couch. “You're hiding from me.”

She was human, but she was a bonded mate. And she was learning to use the bond as if she were a woman of his people. Or so she surmised. When they made love, his feelings flooded her until she was close to mindless with pleasure, basking in their mutual glow. And when they were just talking, spending time together, his thoughts and emotions were a gentle hum in the background. But now she picked up nothing. She hadn’t known he could do that- just cut off their connection. It chilled her, and for the first time she felt real anger towards him.

“Whatever the problem is, we won’t solve it by you brutalizing our bond.”

He turned on her, eyes flashing. Hannah's knees locked. He didn’t frighten her. But if he raised his voice, or a hand, he'd learn the hard way that as much as she loved him, her mother had taught how to handle a disrespectful, bullying husband. 

With a cast iron skillet.

Not that her Daddy had ever done anything to deserve
. Usually a look was enough for him to take a discussion to the bedroom, or take a long walk.

Andrei inhaled. Closed his eyes. “I'm sorry. I’m not angry at you. There are complications I’m dealing with that I wish would just go away.” He sighed. “But I’m no longer a child and wishing a problem gone is fruitless.”

Her mate wrapped an arm around her waist, pulled her to his chest. She leaned her head against his heart, enjoying the steady beat and the way his tones deepened against her ear when he spoke.

“Would you like to move to a house, sweet? I've loved our time here, but I thought you might enjoy a place with a studio where you can train. And a bigger kitchen so I can feed you properly.”

Hannah lifted her head, stared. “If you haven’t been feeding me properly, then your idea of proper will get me fat in no time.”

He pinched her thigh. “I need meat on my female's bones. I'm a big man, sweet. Don’t ever worry about your appetite with me.”

She smiled into his chest. It was sweet for him to say it, but she would always watch her diet, being a carb sensitive curvy girl
a dancer. But it was nice to know she would never have to be self-conscious from enjoying a good, well deserved meal after a long day in class.

But the mention of a house, even though exciting, bothered her. “So you
live in America?”

He hesitated. “... No. Only a few months out of the year. I'm... overseas much of my time.”

Hannah wasn't certain how to navigate this conversation. He'd said he wanted marriage.

“Are mates- is it permanent?”

Her fingers brushed the small scar nestled in the curve of her neck.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been avoiding this discussion,” he said. “It's not because of you- I’ve loved our time here together. And I know it can’t go on forever. Hannah, I need to tell you-”

“Just tell me I can trust you,” she said, interrupting him. The pulse in her neck fluttered. She wasn’t ready to hear what he had to say. Foolish, she knew. But she didn’t want their life to change. Didn’t want reality to intrude.

A strong finger lifted her chin. His gaze was steady, and firm. “We can’t avoid this any longer, sweet. You can trust me- and mates are more permanent than human marriage. The bond can only be broken by death. In fact, the longer we're together, the strong the bond. To the point where someday it would physically sicken us to be apart.”

She pressed a hand to her stomach. “But not now?”

“Not quite yet.”

Lips brushed hers, offering comfort, hand stroking through her tangled curls. She hadn’t done much with her hair today, just brushed it flat against her scalp into a tail with a bit of gel, and let the tail itself spill free. Wild and messy. She never would have dreamed of appearing before him without having conditioned, combed and dressed her curls a few weeks ago.

“Hannah, I have to go back home for a few days and prepare the way for us. There are some political complications I need to see to, and then I’ll come back for you.”

“Political complications?” What did politics have to do with them? “Are human shifter pairings illegal?”

“No, of course not. But because of my position in my government, there are other considerations.”

“Andrei... what do you do?”

He shifted, lowering her onto the couch. “I’ll tell you soon.” A wicked grin flashed. “I’ve only gotten away with it this long because you don’t watch television. I’m sure my picture has been shown a dozen times already.”

Oh... shoot. That didn’t sound good. If he was important enough to make the news... she wasn’t stupid. There were only a few reasons why a man like him would be on television. Either he was a celebrity of some sort, a high ranking politician - she was pretty sure he wasn’t a criminal- or some type of nobleman. It would explain the clothes, the money, the accent. His old fashioned manners.

Hannah strained to remember her geography lessons. Her mother hadn't wanted her to learn too much about the European and Asian shifter countries during school, uncertain whether those people were demons or just another kind of human. But she knew enough to know there were a handful of monarchies, and even a few democracies with shifter governments left in the world. In America there were small communities scattered around and allowed the same autonomy as Native Americans nations.

“Don’t think so hard,” Andrei said, mouth on her neck. “I’ll get you settled in the house tomorrow- and if you don’t like it we can look for something to your taste later- and then I have to leave. But it will only be a few days. I promise.”

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