Bear Prince: Shifter Paranormal Romance (Royal Bears Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Bear Prince: Shifter Paranormal Romance (Royal Bears Book 1)
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She wrote her parents before she left. There was no choice. If the Queen was correct and Hannah's face would be on the news, then eventually someone- even in their small town- would recognize Hannah and tell her parents.

The calls and emails from media and bloggers began- at first just in the arts scene because the summer showcase was covered every year, and then from larger media outlets once the whole Princess angle was exposed- Hannah realized she would have more than fifteen minutes of fame. When an article popped up in her Facebook feed- and she did take a moment to appreciate the irony of engaging in social media when she still refused to watch television- featuring her with a still of one of her leaps, Hannah took a moment to panic. The article
mention that she heralded a new era of dance that welcomed women of all body types, and praised her for being a role model.

A role model.

So she had to be the one to break the news to her parents first. But she wasn’t quite sure what to say. And realized the most direct way to figure things out was to ask. So she rose from her bed, checking that it wasn’t yet an indecent hour, and walked down the hall to the room where Izobelle stayed. Hannah supposed she have to get used to the security at the end of the hall, and then men on the grounds- but then she wouldn’t be living here much longer anyway.

She tapped on the door, wondering if there was some etiquette she should know about approaching a Queen. And realized that good manners and common sense were probably the best etiquette.

Izobelle answered. “Yes, dear?”

“I have a question.” Hannah felt the heat rise in her cheeks. “I’m not sure how to ask. Andrei said the matebond is considered marriage...”

The Queen sighed, waved a hand for Hannah to enter. “Let’s not talk about this in the hallway.”

“I don’t want to take up any of your time. It's just that I’m writing to my parents and they’re very conservative. So...”

“You don’t want them to think you are birthing a bastard.”

Hannah did
like that term applied to the baby growing in her womb. She pressed her hands to her stomach, a surge of anger rising. Struggled to keep pointed words behind her teeth.

“The media is calling me a Princess, but that’s not really true is it?” Hannah stared at Izobelle. “Why don’t you tell them to stop telling lies?”

“Don’t get irritable with me, girl,” Izobelle said. “There's a proper way to do this sort of thing when you’re in Andrei's position. He skipped several steps he shouldn’t have. But yes, for all intents and purposes, the matebond is legal and binding in my country.” She draped herself on the bed amidst a pile of papers, irritation paling her eyes. “It is not marriage, and you are correct- you are not technically Princess until the Assembly agrees to allow you the title. But, at this point, it is a courtesy and one that will put pressure on them not to make us all look like humanphobic fools. However, you and your child will have certain rights of property and inheritance on Andrei’s personal assets, the same as in a traditional marriage. Does that help?”

Hannah relaxed. “Yes. Yes, it does. Thank you.” She turned and waked towards the door, paused before leaving. “You said Andrei was detained. I can only think of one person who could detain him.”

Izobelle's eyes glittered, a satisfied smile curving her mouth. “Yes, dear. I placed him under house arrest. He really does need to learn to be more respectful to his mother.”



The ceiling of the palace halls glittered, as if a giant had ground jewels in his palms and stuck the dust into the paint. The Queen escorted her through wide halls, striding with an unself-conscious command that would have told Hannah, even if she hadn’t already known, that the woman owned this place.

“This was not always Casakraine's Seat,” Izobelle said. “This place belong to my family, not the State. When the Sahakian's won the crown back in- oh, dear, I'm getting old.”

“I believe it was five hundred years ago, Mother,” the young woman at Izobelle's other side murmured.

Hannah eyed her sideways. That had been a surprise. Andrei's younger sister. Nearly an exact image of their mother, except her eyes were a deep, true brown, her hair rich loam where the Queen’s shimmered with blue highlights. Hannah couldn’t imagine the color was actually real- but if it wasn't, Izobelle certainly pulled it off.

Princess had greeted them on their arrival, cool and reserved, elegant in an understated pantsuit in pale blue.

“My brother's mate,” she said, leaning in to kiss Hannah's cheek. “Welcome. I’m afraid he's in a bit of a mood, but hopefully you can help with that.”

Hannah supposed being locked up would put anyone in a temper. And if he felt the strain of separation the way she did…

Hannah turned to the Queen. “Did you tell him?”

Izobelle's brow rose. “Of course not. That isn’t my place.”

Princess Miahela frowned, glancing at them. “Tell him what?”

Izobelle patted her daughter’s cheek as they ascended the steps of the palace. “Your nose needs work, daughter.”

They passed through the common area. Though Izobelle insisted her 'family home' wasn’t a government building, it yet seemed to house various officials and dignitaries. Plenty of discreetly uniformed staff. It wasn’t noisy, but there was a general hum of activity that tended to fade as the trio passed, then picked up once they'd moved on.

Hannah's shoulders hunched. She wanted Andrei. And was glad for Izobelle's input on her selection of clothing on the plane. They'd had a chance to change, freshen up. Hannah had chosen a comfortable skinny jean in a dark wash and a lemon yellow boat necked blouse in the softest knit. Izobelle paired it with a neutral wedge pump and a rope of semi-precious stones. She wasn’t quite used to wearing fitted clothing outside of her leotards- and was a little concerned that the lines weren’t quite... smooth... but Izobelle was satisfied. Soon they passed from the common area to the part of the 'house' reserved for family.

“Not much longer,” Izobelle said. “Let me know if you need to rest.” The Queen glanced at her, dubious. “No one expects you to have the hardiness of a Bear, dear.”

“Thank you, I’m fine,” Hannah said, suppressing an eye roll. Really? She was a trained dancer and the Queen thought she was delicate because she was human? Those thoughts evaporated as her escort slowed, stopping in front of a set of wide doors. Two uniformed- and not modern uniforms, but some traditional garb-  guards stood outside the door.

“Has he behaved?” Izobelle addressed one of the blank faced males.


The Queen sighed. “I see. Well, shall we?”

The guard opened the door. Hannah followed Izobelle and Miahela inside- and stopped.

“Really, Andrei?” Izobelle said, words icy.

Hannah almost took a step back. The violence permeating the air disturbed her. Broken furniture, papers, bits of shredded cloth- it looked like a Bear had gone on a rampage.

A Bear
gone on a rampage.

He rushed from the corner of the room, a rumble deep in his chest, fangs exposed. His steps reverberated under her feet. Hannah inhaled sharply.

“Andrei, manners,” Miahela snapped. “You are frightening Hannah.”

He halted, rising on hind legs, and roared. The anger in the sound... she swallowed.

“Andrei, do you want me to leave?” she asked, quiet. Hannah understood his anger at being confined, and she agreed. Daddy had always been sent outside on some chore to do until he calmed down.

Andrei's body began to twist.

“Mia, I believe we should allow these two to give greetings. We can gather for the evening meal.”

The two women didn’t quite rush out of the room, but they walked as fast as dignity allowed. Hannah understood why when her mate stood before her, naked and furious. And fully erect.

Hannah licked dry lips, opening her mouth to speak. And squeaked when he leaped forward, grabbing her by the upper arms.

“Are you alright?” he demanded, voice hoarse. 

Probably from all the darn roaring.

“I’m fine. Andrei-”

“Did my mother-” he stopped, inhaled. “You smell different.” His brows drew together. “What have you been doing?”

Hannah blushed. “I don’t know what that means, and it better not mean anything not nice.” She looked away, attempting to draw away just a bit. He clutched her, pulling her even closer.

“Stop that,” he snapped, “I’m not going to hurt you. Just tell me why you smell different.”

Men. His mother had known right away. “Andrei... I'm pregnant.”

He said nothing. Didn’t move. After a long moment she dared meet his eyes. And was shocked by the hardness there. A chilly steel she hadn’t seen him display before.

“We have to move quickly then,” he said. “The Assembly- never mind. I won’t burden you with politics now.” His expression softened. “Don’t look like that, sweet. You haven’t done anything wrong, and I’m ecstatic we've managed to produce an Heir so quickly.” He quirked a brow. “As is the duty of your gender.”

Her eyes narrowed. The rest of the ire fled his face and he grinned, shoulders relaxing. More like the man she'd come to know for all those days in her apartment. And the grin shifted to something darker, the color of his eyes brightening.

“I’ve been without my mate for too long,” he said. “I won’t easily forgive my mother.”

His hands roved up and down her bare arms, drawing goosebumps from her flesh. He drew her fully against him, his hard length pressed to her stomach. With heels on, they were eye to eye. Hannah pressed her hands to his chest, leaning into him.

Andrei’s lips brushed hers. “Did you miss me?”

“Yes. I was mad you didn’t return my texts.”

“The Queen forbade it. And took my cell.” His lips thinned. “I don’t want to talk about her anymore- I’m too angry. I’m just glad you’re here and safe.”

Her arms rose, wrapping around his neck. “Then kiss me like you're glad I’m here and safe.”

“I’ll do better than just kiss you, sweet.”

He backed her against the closest wall, peeling and pushing cloth away from her body until she was as naked as he. He left the necklace alone, draping it between the valley of her breasts, eyes glinting.

“You need more jewels,” he said. “Rubies and emeralds and golden topaz. I want you in my bed, naked except for ropes of jewels.”

Grabbing her by the waist, he lifted. His effortless strength always took her breath- he handled her like she weighed nothing and Hannah
underneath her curves and padding she had plenty of dense muscle. Years of farm work and dance training. She kicked off her heels, wrapping legs around his waist. Textured wallpaper scraped her bare back but her focus was on the feel of his erection nudging between her folds.

His teeth nipped along her neck, suckling the flesh where his first bite had left a small scar. Fingers plunged inside of her, impatient and nearly cruel with desperation. She cried out, hips bucking against him. Her body clamored for more. It had been far too long.

“Stop playing with me,” she snapped, tugging his hair.

Andrei laughed, rough and sensual. His cock entered her in one thrust, forgoing further pleasantries. Hannah moaned as the spongy head rubbed against her spot. He withdrew, slammed into her again, her back rubbing against the wall as he stroked in and out.

She was lost in the maelstrom of his possession. Their nascent bond flare to life, fed by their mutual desire. Need flooded her, his possessiveness and rage at separation. Fierce pride and satisfaction and underneath the Bear’s primal urge to take and devour, a ball of warmth for her, for their baby.

Hannah didn’t have to ask if he loved her. She probably never would ask- it wasn’t her nature. But in that moment as she reached her peak, body shattering as her mate mercilessly wring a climax from her, she knew that not only was she loved, but that he would never, ever, let her go.



They emerged from the suite eventually.

“These aren’t your rooms?” Hannah asked.

He snorted. “Indeed not. The decor is deplorable. That is a jail cell of my mother’s making. She knows I hate pastels. And wallpaper.” He shuddered.

kind of scratchy.” Hannah paused, blushed. “Well... did you make her so angry then?”

Andrei laughed. “She was pissed I didn’t answer my phone for so long.”

He took her arm and slid it in the crook of his elbow. The guard had brought him clothing according to his specifications- jeans and a button down shirt. They strolled down the hall, Andrei mantled in the air of a man well satisfied. Or maybe it seemed so to her because of their bond. But if Bears could smell a pregnancy... could they smell other things?

Hannah sighed.

“My mother will be expecting us. She'll have things she wants to discuss.”

“Don’t you want to shower first...”

He laughed. “Cute. No, sweet. We're fine.”

Izobelle's irritated expression greeted them as they entered her study. Miahela stooped over her mother's shoulder, fingers busy on the keyboard of a thin laptop.

“I see you're in a much better mood,” his sister said without looking up.

Izobelle snorted. “Just sit.”

Andrei's amusement evaporated. He stared at his mother. “What's wrong, Izobelle?”

She glared at him. “You would be wise not to court my temper. The Assembly wishes to meet your mate.”

“They're upset,” Miahela murmured. She straightened from the desk, dark eyes evaluating Hannah.

Hannah felt stripped to her marrow, dissected for her worth and spare parts discarded. Mia would be as scary as Izobelle one day.

“Mother, if you can stall them for a few hours, I'll take the Princess in hand and go over what she needs to know to present herself properly.”

“She's already presentable,” Andrei growled.

“Don’t be emotional.” Miahela's serene expression didn’t waver. Hannah glanced between the three of them, realizing that between Izobelle and Andrei, Miahela had to cultivate calm just to survive. The other two wore their heated emotions on their sleeves. “She is lovely, true. And certainly seems to be of sound mind and good character- from our investigations. But you know as well as I that she needs a bit of coaching. They would know if I didn’t instruct her and take it as an insult.”

Hannah touched Andrei arm. His flesh was hard under her touch, stiff with ire. “It's okay, Andrei. Every new situation requires some form of learning. I don’t mind.”

“Well spoken,” Miahela said “Why don’t we allow the Queen and Prince to speak and we’ll get started, hmm?”

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