Bears in Flight: Book Four - Supernatural Bounty Hunters Romance Novellas (5 page)

BOOK: Bears in Flight: Book Four - Supernatural Bounty Hunters Romance Novellas
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Six months ago

Mia cooled herself under the shower and ignored the pathetic whines of her little beast. The rabbit was goading her to go to him,
to be with him…

She shook her head and reluctantly shut off the water, grimacing at her pruney fingers.

She’d only met him twenty-four hours ago. It was too soon just to jump into bed with him. Or, was it? Yes, it was, she snapped at herself.
What had come over her?

But darn, that kiss had been good…

When he strode toward her, she’d felt a smidge of fear at the fiercely amorous expression on his face. She was embarrassed at how much it turned her on.

Oh, but when he scooped her up in his huge, strong arms, and crushed her lips to his she was a goner. She was hazily aware that maybe she shouldn’t have been locked in such a passionate embrace with a man she just met five minutes ago, but hell, her sex, her rabbit and her heart couldn’t keep away from him.
She was outnumbered!

From that moment, she was his, and she knew it, no matter how coy she might act toward him, he owned her from the second those soft lips trembled against hers.

The kiss had been short, too damn short, and Logan had cautiously gauged her reaction when he put her down.
Boy, he really had nothing to worry about.

She’d been bashful, though; she was embarrassed by her feelings for him, and terrified at how wanton he made her want to act. Her rabbit had been all for shedding her clothes and begging him to take her, but, luckily, Mia had managed to hold onto a shred of dignity.
A teeny-weeny, tiny, little shred.

She had, goofily, let him know how much she enjoyed the kiss, and he had smiled with quiet pride at that. But then, common sense had intervened, and she had given him her number and told him to call her. She was a little pleased at the disappointment that flashed over his features, but she wasn’t going to just… to just… make love with a complete stranger in the middle of her uncle’s bail bond agency!
She had some standards
. Although at that second, she was having trouble remembering why having standards was important.

Nope, she had done the right thing and told him to call her. He had promised that he absolutely would.

Of course, she had canceled her plans with Julian. She could never have gone out with her friend feeling so hot and bothered. Somehow, she had made it home and managed to get some sleep during the night. Sleep laced with erotic, sexy dreams where she was dominated by one very lusty bear…

The worst part had been getting through work that day. She had practically combusted when Logan came into the office. Alma introduced them, and Logan had winked at her suggestively. Thankfully, Alma had been far too disinterested to notice the sparks flying between them.
Ha! Sparks, they were more like fireballs.

Sadly, or fortunately, depending on her how guilty she was feeling about her attraction to him, Logan had to taken off to catch a bounty, and their vigorous eye flirting was put on hold. He hadn’t come back into the office that day, so Mia had taken herself home and spent an hour in the shower trying to cool down.
Hmmm, fat chance.

She rigorously towel dried her hair and scowled at the mirror as it puffed up. Yes, very attractive.

She pulled on her glasses and surveyed herself, looking at herself from different angles, becoming increasingly dissatisfied. No matter how hard she squinted, she was still just a pale young woman with too-small breasts and too-wide hips.
She was not the stuff of dreams

Her rabbit huffed at her. Logan certainly didn’t seem to mind, not if his reaction to her last night was anything to go by…

That mollified her slightly. Although, she couldn’t help but feel a little put out by just how attractive he was compared to her. No doubt he turned heads wherever he went, not just for his size and rippling muscles but for his sculpted face. He was a freaking Adonis. And she was…
. It was like Zeus getting it on Raggedy Ann.
Weird and wrong
. Yet, she definitely wouldn’t say no.
Yes, few women would.

Mia grabbed her robe and ignored the increasing twitters of her animal. The rabbit didn’t like the direction of her thoughts.

Her phone chirruped, and Mia snapped it up, “Hello!”


She froze as a delighted thrill coursed through her. “Hi, Logan.”

“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

Was it her imagination or was there a slight edge to his voice when he asked that? Did he think she had a guy with her? She wasn’t sure how she felt about Logan being jealous.
Nervous, maybe.

“No, I, ummm, just got out of the shower.”


Okay, that wasn’t her imagination, his tone shifted the moment she said shower.

“Yep, I’m just toweling off…”


Her rabbit preened at the rumbling desire in his voice.

“I’m glad you called,” she told him boldly.

“You are?”

“Yes… I… ah… last night… I…”

He chuckled deeply. “Yeah, me too.”

Damn mind reading bear.
He couldn’t see her, but she still blushed.

“Can I see you again? Tonight?” he asked quietly.

“Yes,” she murmured without thinking.

“Now?” he growled.


He sucked in a breath. “I’m close by; I’ll be right there.”

He hung up, and she stared at the phone.
Holy cow, he was coming over!
Hang on, how did he know where she lived?

Mia jumped as someone banged on her door. Instinctively, she knew it was him. She ran to the door and threw it open, not caring about her state of undress or wild hair.

She and her animal gasped at the sight of him. Hell, he was so hot - disgustingly hot. His eyes blackened as he took her in.

Logan towered over her and pressed his huge hands on her waist, gently moving her back into her apartment. He kicked the door closed behind him as he devoured her with his eyes.

“Wow, you really were close,” she breathed.

“Oh, baby, I’ve been standing outside for an hour trying to work up the courage to come in here.”

Her rabbit yipped. “Do I scare you that much?” she murmured playfully.

“The way I feel about you scares me,” he muttered as he pulled her up his body and nuzzled her hair.

Mia raked her fingers over his scalp, and he let out a soft snarl. “How did you know where I live?”

Logan gave her a half-smug smile. “I find people for a living, and nothing was gonna keep me away from you.”

He caught her mouth and gave her a fierce kiss.

“Yes…” she moaned.

A rumble escaped his chest. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t…”

“I need you,” she told him forcefully.

She nipped his neck, and he groaned. “Mia…” the name rolled off his tongue and she licked his skin. “Aww, hell. Bedroom?”

She waved her hand in the general direction, and he bolted for it, practically kicking the door down. He swiftly laid her down on the bed and eagerly pulled her robe open.

Mia flushed as he kneeled between her legs and stared at her body. For a second, she worried he was disappointed but her fears were soon allayed.

“Fucking gorgeous,” he growled. “I want to kiss you all over, but I can’t wait.”

“Neither can I.”

Logan grinned, and she trembled in needy awareness as he fumbled with his pants.

Doubt flicked across his face, and his hands stilled. “I, uh, don’t have any protection.”

“I’m on the pill,” she told him. “For my period,” she added on seeing the narrowed look in his eyes.
Presumably jealousy at the thought of her being with another man.

She grasped at his pants and soon freed him. She wrapped her small hands around his thick length and stroked him.

He let out a small roar before removing her hands. He carefully lay over her, putting his weight on his elbows and trapping both her hands above her head with one meaty paw. He aligned himself with her honey-drenched sex.

Her rabbit fluttered in anticipation as his eyes gazed at her wonderingly. “What are you doing to me?” he muttered before slowly pushing inside her.

Mia let out a strangled moan as he filled her, stretching her until she was almost impossibly full.

“Okay?” he asked, struggling to remain still.

She nodded, not daring herself to even speak.

He surprised her with a tender kiss before drawing back and plunging inside her again and again. Her body shook as pleasure seared through her, lighting up every nerve ending. Unable to hold back, he took her with hard, fast thrusts, racing towards completion.

Her toes curled, and she wrapped her legs around his torso, clasping him to her, eager for more.

“Mia…” he ground out.

Her animal went wild as he rubbed her sweet spot, and Mia bit her lip to hold back the lusty moans.

“My Mia…”

His movements became jerky as he desperately crashed into her body.


“Yes…” she whimpered as her arms tugged against the grip of his hand.

“You. Are. Mine,” he roared as he drove himself inside her.

Her orgasm was so close; it was in sight, deliciously within reach. “Yes…”

“Say it!”

“Yours!” she screamed as her body erupted, and pleasure cascaded through her.

He exploded inside her and bellowed her name. She panted as he released her arms, and she keenly pulled him down to her for another kiss.

“Yours,” she whispered.


Present day

Mia smiled as the memory warmed her but then frowned. Physically, their relationship was sound, but emotionally…

Sure, every so often he came out with a sweet nothing that just turned her into a gooey puddle. Yesterday’s ‘without you, there’s… there’s nothing for me,’ was a particular highlight. But, other than that, he seemed so aloof the rest of the time. Trying to get him to talk about himself or his past was frustrating. He always used sex to distract her whenever she tried.
Devious bear.

She panted after him like a puppy and he… he… regarded her in the same way he would any other friend. Mia was startled as her rabbit yipped in objection. She wasn’t just another friend to him; he told her over and over that she was his. This wasn’t just some casual-fuck-buddy relationship. She just couldn’t help but feel sad that there was a part of him that was unavailable to her, and that she seemed more enamored with him than he did with her.

Maybe it was just lust for him. But it wasn’t enough for her; she wanted more. She wanted

Vaguely, she was aware that she hardly had the high ground when it came to their relationship. After all, wouldn’t everyone know about them if it weren’t for her fear of telling her father? Maybe that was why he was emotionally distant, to punish her for her cowardice. Ugh, that was a depressing thought.

She thought of telling her father again and shuddered.
She’d rather hand feed a velociraptor.

No, three months and they were free to scream their love from the rooftops.
If they were so inclined.
Three months was nothing. They could wait that long; it was a complete non-issue. So long as hussies called Maya butted out of their relationship.

Hmmm, she still had to tackle him about that phone call. And given his track record, she doubted he would be exactly forthcoming. Not that she was exactly one hundred percent truthful with him. If she were any sort of girlfriend, she wouldn’t try and cover up her father’s misguided attempts to set her up in an arranged marriage.



Chapter Six

Logan shifted from foot to foot ignoring his wary bear. Marcus had already sorted out Maya’s bail and left, grumbling about needing to talk to his mate.

It had been six years since he last saw Maya, and, last night’s phone call notwithstanding, he wasn’t sure how she was going to react.
They didn’t exactly part on good terms.

He wasn’t sure how to feel about her sudden reappearance and it completely pissed him off.

He loved Mia. He was sure of that. His bear was crazy for her – she was his whole world. But there had been a time when Maya was his whole world too. Not in the same way as Mia. With Mia he wanted nothing more than to protect her, to keep her safe and cherish her. With Maya, he had been in awe of her, and prepared to follow her anywhere. He let her take charge of him at a time in his life when he was coming apart at the seams. There was a time when he would have done anything for her. Although, he was forever grateful that he had snapped out of that.

Part of him was morbidly curious about whether she would still have a pull over him. His bear grumbled. Even if she did, he was sure it wouldn’t be enough to take him away from his rabbit mate.

Another part of him was apprehensive about how she would react to the news that he was intending on mating with a rabbit. Even for a she-bear, Maya wasn’t overly kind to smaller species. He could just imagine the derisive smirk on her wide mouth when he told her. His chest tightened at the thought of the scathing things she would say about Mia.

Crap, why hadn’t Maya stayed away?
All he wanted was Playa Lunar – she could have the rest of the damn country if she just left him Playa Lunar.

He stilled as he caught sight of her familiar form sashaying his way. A couple of cops stopped to look at her and she wriggled her hips, milking it for all she was worth.

As annoying as her behavior was, he had to admit, she was an attractive female. His beast snorted and Logan quickly amended that thought. She was attractive in a gaudy kind of way, just not as attractive as his sweet, sensual mate.

He calmed a little thinking of Mia. No, Mia was infinitely more attractive. She looked like she belonged in an oyster surrounded by cherubs…
Hell, why had he allowed Mia to drag him to that art museum?
It was giving him some funny ideas. Who was he kidding? He’d follow her anywhere and then thank her for the privilege of letting him.

He’d once felt the same way about Maya too.


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