Beautiful Assassin

Read Beautiful Assassin Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Sagas, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Beautiful Assassin
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The Assassin


Jordan Silver

Copyright © 2013 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 1


I made us eggs and toast for breakfast as Mouth toddled around the
kitchen, she didn't sit to eat which clued me in to how much her ass must hurt
along with other things.

"Mouth go put something on."

"What, why, there's no one here but us."

"There're windows all over the place that's why, go put
something on now."

"Hey Vito Andolini, I can't put anything on because my ass
hurt, and if down there is bare what's the point in covering up up here,
besides the kitchen window faces the back deck which you have covered in a
forest, we're fifty stories high who the hell can see anything?"

"There're buildings all around here, who knows what fuck is
out there with binoculars or some shit, plus the fucking Feds probably have me
in their cross hairs and I'd be fucked if I have their greasy asses jacking off
to my woman, now go put some shit on."

Instead of listening to me, the little terror actually leaned over
the table with her ass to the window. 

 Now see, ma's met her, she knows, there's no way she doesn't
know that this girl drives me insane, so if I chucked her ass off the deck ma
would maybe understand.


I held my peace, why bother, she wouldn't listen out of spite
anyway, that's her thing.

 I put the dishes in the dishwasher after we were done
because the mouthy one said until her ass healed she was on strike, she snubbed
her nose at me and pranced down the hallway to her shower. I gave her five
minutes before I pounced.

With my pajama bottoms discarded on the bedroom floor, and my
already hard cock in my hand for a stroke I followed her into the shower.

Before she could wash the shampoo out of her eyes and get water
out of her mouth to blast me, I had one hand around her throat and the other on
her pussy.

"You want to be bad?"

"Oh shit"

"Let's play tough girl."

Bending my knees slightly I pushed up and in, whatever sound she
made was cut short by my hand around her throat as I pulled her down on my cock
by her hip.

"Hands against the wall, assume the position."

She placed both hands flat against the wall as the water cascaded
over both of us from four separate angles.

"Will you ever listen pretty girl?" I whispered in her

"Yes..." Her voice held that breathy sigh that I liked.

"Is this the only time you obey me...huh...when I'm fucking
you?" I gave a deep hard jab that had her scrabbling for purchase against
the slick wall.

"Lean your head against your hands and push that ass back I
feel like doing you deep."

She did that shit quickly; with my hand still around her throat
and one on her ass, I pounded her pussy with punishing strokes, not enough to
hurt, but enough that she'd feel me for at least the next two days.

" sadist..." She was pushing back
against me twitching her ass as she fucked herself on my cock, I kept up a nice
steady pace digging deep, watching my cock as it went in and out her pussy
juices covering my shaft. Pulling out I knelt behind her and licked and gently
kissed her reddened ass cheeks. Poor baby; I took little swipes with my tongue
around the cheeks of her ass, blowing soothing cool air against her abused ass,
damn I hadn't realized I'd been hitting her that hard, I'm lucky she hadn't
retaliated more forcefully then again knowing her crazy ass I'm probably not in
the clear yet.


"Please Shane, put your mouth on me."


"You know where, please, don't make me beg."

"No, tell me...."

Crazy lady grabbed me by the top of my head and lead my mouth to
her pussy.

I had no choice but to comply, besides it was no hardship to eat
her sweet pussy, her taste was in me now, her scent, her feel, everything about
her had become a part of me.

"Uhhhhh...ummmmmm.... so good." She didn't let go of my
hair as she sought her orgasm cumming on my tongue. I was up and in her before
she was finished screaming out her pleasure pounding away at her pussy until I
remembered that she might be carrying my kid, and then I slowed down with a
sinister grin.

I pulled out yet again because suddenly I needed to be closer to her;
I turned her in my arms and kissed her softly while entering her once again. I
washed her hair as she rode my cock, her arms and legs holding me
tight. "I love being inside you baby, it's like coming home, like all
the good things in my life wrapped up in one little package, and your pussy is
unbelievably sweet."

She trembled at my words and sought my mouth with hers so we
shared a kiss that took our breaths away. Instead of the fast race to the
finish that I'd expected, we came together in a soft sweet ending.

She did wobble out the shower though so I guess my work was done.


"What time are you supposed to go shopping?"

She looked at her watch.

"Like an hour."

She was pulling on low rider jeans and a sweater, my heart lurched
when I recognized the sweater as one of mine it was way too big but sexy as
fuck on her.  What was it about seeing her in my shit that was such a
fucking turn on? 

I threw a wad of cash and a credit card across the bed at her.

"What's this, oh my God, how much money is in here?"

"It's in stacks of ten thousand how many stacks you

"One, two, three, four, threw seventy thousand dollars
and a credit card at me?"

"What, not enough, here take more." I threw another
stack at her, the fuck I know about women and shopping all I know is that dad
always said never tell a woman about her spending habits and peace will reign.

"I distinctly remember telling you that my coochie was not
for sale."

"What the fuck..."

"When you give a woman that you've only known for a short
while lots of money after you've fucked her, there's a name for it."

"Are you fucking insane Mouth...what the fuck am I saying,
yes you are, first of all don't say that shit about yourself again, and
secondly you know the deal, how many times have I called you my wife?"

"You can't just tell me I'm your wife you mook, and you don't
just throw money at a woman like that unless she's a cheap..." 

I grabbed
her hand and pulled her behind me to the wall safe. Opening it I removed the
box I had hidden there since the morning after I believed I'd impregnated her.

Opening it I turned to her. "You see this? Four point two
million dollars, this makes that petty cash in your hands insignificant, still
think you're my whore?" I just pushed the ring onto her finger.

"What the hell are you doing? You didn't ask."

"Who can ask you anything? With you I have to just tell or do
because you don't listen for shit."

"Hey, that's not true...."

"Mouth do you not see yourself? You're a pain in the fucking
ass, now that that's done I don't want to hear anymore about whores and like it?"

She looked at the rock I had just forced on her hand.

"Four point two...I can't walk around with this shit on my

"You ever take that off it's going to be your ass just

"Listen Captain twit, stop with the threats and go do
something about that eye, it look a mess."

 Shit I forgot she'd clocked me, I probably had a shiner by now
oh fuck Mikey and Tony, shit. 

"We clear on the money shit?"

"Clear." She nodded her head once for emphasis. 

"And the marriage deal?"

"Working on it, still not sure I want to spend the rest of my
life dealing with your brand of insanity."

"My...fuckingpainintheassnutjob." I mumbled under my
breath because I did not want to deal with any more of her shit, I had to go,
there was shit to do. 

I went out to the living room to get my phone that I'd left there
to call the guys. They were already on their way with ma and the girls.


I went back into the room to get my shit for the day, nothing.

I looked all around the room for my shit, searched the living
room, den, every room in the house, my favorite piece was missing. Fuck, I'm a
superstitious fuck, can't leave without it.

Okay, there're only two of us in here and no one came in, I know
sneak girl hid them.

"Mouth what the fuck, where's my shit?"

"What shit?" 

"My piece, my keys, the shit I had sitting here five minutes

"I have no idea of what you speak."

Her lying ass kept a straight face as she looked me dead in the
eye and spewed that shit.

"Mouth stop fucking around."

"And where pray tell are you going Giuseppe?" 

"I gotta see a guy about something."

"I don't think you should do that."

"What the fuck, why not?"

"Well, seeing as you only have one working brain cell I think
you might be a danger to yourself and others."

This fucking girl.

"Mouth your ass cooled down already did it? Give me my shit
before I belt you one."

"Ha, how you plan to explain that black eye to the peanut
gallery anyway?"

I got a fresh pair of aviators off the shades rack in my closet.

"Nice." She cat whistled at me, crazy nut.

"The others are coming up you ready?"

"Yep, I got cash, cards and my glock."

"Your...? Mouth give me the gun." 

"No way are you bent, I never go anywhere without my

"What the bow and arrow won't fit in your bag? You won't be
needing it, your detail will have you covered."

"Uh huh, so why don't you go without yours?" I think I
had enough time to strangle her ass before the others got here, just
barely but I could do it.

"Where's my shit Mouth?"

She shrugged at me and ran, when I caught her laughing ass in the
living room and snatched her purse she had my shit and half an apartment in
there. Women.


I was heading out the door since I'd decided I would meet the boys
downstairs, I still wasn't talking to ma and the girls they'd fucked up so I
didn't want to see them, I did decide to take my life in my hands though.

"Oh yeah, you might want to see about a pregnancy test while
you're out, I think I knocked you up the other night."

She looked at me stymied.

 Uh huh, maybe I'd found something to calm her little ass
down after all we'll see.


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