Becoming Dinner (2 page)

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Authors: J. Alexander

Tags: #erotica, #paranormal, #short story

BOOK: Becoming Dinner
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“Human,” It said with a tone shivering with
excitement and anticipation.

Vampire. No other creature could both fly and
speak. Despite the heat of the night and the lengthy running I had
done, a cold chill ran down my spine.

My group had talked about vampires. There had
been no reports of them in the area since last cold season.
Disappearances of children and animals had been reported from camps
other than ours. The missing were always found later, drained of
blood. My head spun and breath quickened. All my efforts earlier to
avoid capture were for nothing. I would never see my people again.
Terror took over my mind and my head swayed at the thought of his
fangs draining me of life.

Grabbing my semi-limp body around the waist,
he stood and we were soon falling through the air. There was no
attempt to fly or slow down the impact. We hit the water together
with full force, plunging deep. Under water the vampire held my
wrist. Using his free hand he stripped away the fur, dead animal
pieces and cloth wrappings. The knife and sheath were lost to the
bottom of the river as well. Even the tie in my hair was torn
loose, causing it to flow around me. By the time he allowed me to
surface, I was naked except for one remaining cloth around my

I breathed deep, not knowing if I would be
pulled under again. Looking around in the moonlight, I tried to
discern where I was.

The vampire was still under water. I waited
for him to surface but instead he let go of my wrist. The current
was steady but not strong and I traveled further downriver. There
was no sign of him.

Eyes wide, I searched my surroundings.
Shadows jumped around me. My already swirling head was pounding
with fright, terrorized with fear of the unknown and unseen.

I saw a figure move in the corner of my
vision. Turning to better see the object I was suddenly grasped by
my wrist and spun around; then nothing.

What game was he playing? What was he trying
to do?

Drifting again for a short distance, I
noticed a cluster of logs on one side of the river. As I swam to
them, I waited for the vampire to make another move. Instead, all
was silent.

The logs were caught together and I hoisted
myself up on the first one. I rolled back into the pile and tried
to blend with the wood. The surface of my perch was slimy and it
was difficult to stay in one place without sliding. At times the
logs separated with the sway of the water. Staring up at the stars
of the night, I did my best to hold on.

The flow of the river was slower in the bend.
I listened to the gentle lapping of the water and the rustling of
the branches above me. I needed to calm myself before making my
next move toward escape. This attempt was soon interrupted by a
cold object lowering onto my stomach. A snake was dropping out of
the tree above me onto my skin.
Don’t move

The reptile was small but that didn’t mean it
wasn’t poisonous. I waited as coil by coil it lowered its length
onto me. After fully dropping, the snake made its way toward my
face, traveling directly between my breasts. The flick of its
tongue tasted me as it slithered higher. I tried desperately to
keep the rise and fall of my chest even.

In an instant, my concern of the snake was
replaced with the sensation of a hand on my ankle. Before I could
take a breath or worry further about the snake, I was pulled under
the water.

The vampire found me. I doubted I was ever
far from his watch. His strong, cold hand moved to my wrist and he
allowed me to rise above water for a breath.

The current caused us to drift slowly
downriver. The vampire had not surfaced. His hand still held me
tightly. A slight pull moved me at an angle to the river bank. He
swam underwater, leading us to shore. I didn’t try to fight. There
was no use. Even if I had my knife it would’ve done no good. A
special weapon was needed to defeat a vampire.

Releasing my wrist, the vampire settled both
his hands on my waist, spun me around and backed me into the muddy
bank. The side of the river was sheer and the water was quite deep.
He remained submerged, hands upon my skin. There was no chance of
escape now and soon it all would be over.

Less than an arm’s length in front of me and
slowly, very slowly, the vampire’s head rose out of the water.
Before me was a monster with long black hair, pale skin and
captivating eyes. Aside from the fangs showing through a sly smile,
he was quite handsome. That smile, along with the unsettling fact
that he didn’t take a breath after being submerged for so long,
made my heart beat intensely. The eyes of the vampire were black
mixed with an unnatural, glowing blue. In all the animals, monsters
and beasts I had encountered, I had never seen eyes like these.

The smile was unexpected, but in no way
comforting. I closed my eyes and waited. I didn’t want to see the
fangs coming at me. The long night of running paired with my new
terror caused my body to shake. Head to toe I could not stop the
fear from completely taking me over. Tears slid down my face. I
failed. I would never see home again.

A low, calm voice whispered in my ear,
“Shhh.” Within the span of one breath, a feeling of peace started
to wash over me. Opening my eyes, I saw him gazing deep. He wiped
the tears off my cheeks with the back of his hand. Then he smiled.
The feeling of peace was complete. At that moment I didn’t know if
I would die. I didn’t care. Calm warmth washed over me and
intensified the longer I looked into his gaze.

His hands began to run over my face, then my
neck. I thought he was feeling for a good place to bite, but soon
realized he was trying to clean me. Not making any progress with
his hands, he reached down and ripped the cloth from around my
waist. I couldn’t blame him for cleaning me. The stench left by the
dead animal pelt made my eyes water.

He slowly but purposefully rubbed the grime
and goop from my limbs, torso, face and neck. Periodically shaking
the cloth out under the flowing river, he seemed to be happy with
the progress. My breath slowed; eyes drifted closed at times. The
feeling of his soft strokes on my naked skin, combined with
prolonged running, made my exhausted body relax. The gentle rushing
sound of the water and the soft rustle of the branches above me
further eased my tired body and mind.

I didn’t hear him submerge but knew he must
have when I felt his cheek rub up against my calf muscle. In a slow
ascension, he made his way up my body, touching my skin with the
side of his face. This intimate inspection was paired with the soft
dragging stroke of his hands.

Emerging from the water once again, he laid
his head in the bend of my neck, his hands stopping on the sides of
my breast. Finally rid of most of the stench, I must have been more
pleasing to him now. He rested his nose behind my ear and inhaled
deeply. This was followed immediately by a quiet exhaling

He took my wrist and led us a little way down
stream, to an area that was shallower. He brought us up to the
angled bank and, holding me by the waist, leaned my upper body
back. I was naked and exposed, lying before him. His eyes washed
over my skin. Exhausted and defeated, I lay my head back on the
soft ground.

The rush of the water hummed around us. The
wind picked up. The tall grass swayed around me. I waited for the
pain, but gasped with surprise, when a very light touch of lips
fell on the base of my throat. The contact continued down my chest
in not so much a kiss, but a slow taste. He explored as he took in
my aroma.

The vampire’s lips passed over my heart and
paused. He moved to a spot near my collarbone and stopped briefly,
only to return to the skin just above my heart. He compared and
enjoyed the effect my heavy heartbeat played against his lips. My
hands ran up and down the smooth skin of his back. I felt the hard
muscles of his thighs and chest against me.

Cold water dripped from his hair and landed
on my chest making my nipples erect. He did not fail to notice the
effect. Slowly, he rubbed his nose first across one breast then the

A small shock ran through me and my eyes flew
open as I felt two small stabs on either side of my nipple. The
sensation and surprise made my heart beat faster. A small playful
smile crossed the vampire’s face. The pain was small and quickly
erased when his tongue gathered up the escaping blood and circled
around the sensitive tip. He backed away, looking at me hungrily as
the blood trickled out of my breast. Once again his tongue rounded
my nipple, slowly ending in a small suck on the tip. I bit my lip
to keep from crying out.

As he moved to my other breast, a shudder ran
down his body. I couldn’t help but grasp the back of his head in
anticipation of the oncoming sensation. My back arched and rose to
meet him as he pierced, tasted and teased me.

My hands stayed in his hair and he moved
lower down my body, stopping at my navel. I picked my head up to
see him staring up at me. The corner of his eyes crinkled with his
smile. Tilting his head, he pierced the sensitive inner skin of my


I tried to push him away but I was unable to
move him at all. A low rumbling laugh came from my captor. He was
enjoying himself.

I watched him while I was perched on my
elbows. The blood pooled around the puncture as he gazed, waiting.
Soon he lapped up the blood while holding onto my hips.

Lying back down on the soft ground, I waited
for him to finish. Time after time, he allowed the blood to pool
before licking it away. His hands and body shifted and I felt him
spread my thighs with his chest. Cool hands cupped my ass just
before I heard the low rumbling laugh once again.

My head flew up to see the intent in his
eyes. His fangs were exposed as he glanced down at my pussy. He
planned to bite me!

“No!” I screamed. I tried to scramble back up
the bank but the vampire held me tight.

We stared at each other, unable to look away.
His smile faded and a look of desire crossed his face. He brought
himself up to me full length and looked deep into my eyes. He
pressed his hard cock into my thigh and momentarily grasped the
back of my head, tipping it back. My neck was fully exposed and I
waited for the strike. Instead, he rolled taking me with him. Soon
I was lying on his chest, both of us facing the night sky.

He took the cloth and cleaned me, focusing on
the areas he missed in the deeper water.

Although his body temperature was cold
against my back, I began to warm to his touch. The pressure of his
cock on my back became apparent. He fanned his hand out on the
cloth. I felt the pressure of his fingers move over my skin. First
my rib cage, then belly and my breasts. The vampire seemed to be
enjoying the experience. A small moan escaped me. The beating of my
heart was now a combination of fear and pleasure.

Rinsing the cloth once again, he moved his
hand lower to clean my abdomen and inner thighs. A fully primitive
reaction took over my senses and I arched slightly and spread my
legs, ready and waiting for him to touch me. My captor tossed the
rag back over his head onto the bank. Then he softly laid his hand
just below my breasts. Slowly he moved down my belly, over my pubic
hair, and finally grasped me intimately. One finger, then a second
slid in deep. He moved, teased, played. My reaction was instant.
The feeling of calm he gave me earlier was no longer needed. He
desired me, wanted me as much as I wanted him.

Our heads were side by side and though he
didn’t need to breathe, I heard a small gasp. He enjoyed the
experience right along with me. The feeling of his cool hand mixed
well with the heat coming from deep inside me. Arching once again,
I let out an unstoppable groan. Wrapping his other arm around my
waist, he held me down against his hard cock, massaging me.

The vampire’s touch was surprisingly soft,
amazingly skilled. The coolness of his fingers amplified the
sensation. I was soon breathing hard and digging my heels into the
mud to better press up against his hand. He gripped me tighter
around the waist and held me down. I felt his fangs press lightly,
briefly on my shoulder then stop.

His excitement was obvious on my lower back.
Giving off a small growl, he quickly spun me around and pushed off
the bank. We drifted out into the river. I once again looked into
his eyes, holding onto his wet shoulders. The iridescent blue of
his eyes reflected in the moonlight. Jet black rays fanned out from
his pupils. Caught in a deep gaze, I wondered if he was going to
seize control of my mind again. Instead, he smiled.

Instinctively my legs wrapped around him. I
looked quickly at our surroundings. He appeared to be heading
toward a half-submerged rock only a short distance away. He slowed
to lessen the impact and took me by the hips. I felt his excitement
press against me; only a small movement away from penetration. He
backed me up hard into the rock and simultaneously entered me. I
gasped with surprise and pleasure.

He moved in me with great hunger and force.
His need and desire was felt with each passionate thrust. I felt
his urgency in the muscles of his shoulders and in the strong
pulsing of his hips. He pulled me into to him, stronger and faster.
The sensation was wonderful but not what I needed. I wanted him to
stop and press our skin together. Clawing him firmly on his lower
back, I tried to convey this to him. I pulled him into me with my
nails. I broke skin.

A sensation rippled through his body that I
couldn’t decipher. Was it pain, anger or pleasure? He looked at me
with hard eyes and stopped. Pressing firmly into me, he rocked and
moved. His whole body rippled with greed and wanting as he tried to
hold himself back. My breath quickened and soon every exhausted
muscle of my body was shuddering with ecstasy as I came. I longed
for the sensation to continue and held him close to me as wave
after wave of pleasure washed over me.

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