Becoming His Slave (16 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Well there was another idea to work on—somewhere a contest of some type—
a slave girl—to be awarded to the strongest of the gladiators—
(type type type)

The room filled with music and she risked a glance over her shoulder to watch Cliff walk out, tail tucked between his legs.

She pulled open a new window on her laptop so she could jot down the new idea. Amelia was starting to get impatient with her for a full featured story. Her last two submissions had only been short stories… novelettes. And while there was a marketing place for them Amelia was chewing at the bit for another full length romance novel, specifically her next installment to the Lycaon paranormal romance saga.

Once again the room around her filled with the music from outside the booth. The disruptions were growing annoying, without looking Katianna sought to head Cliff off at the pass once again, seeing how he didn’t take the hint just moments ago. “I’m not available. Go away.”

“It’s never good to refuse a visit from the Dominus.” Smooth cajoling arrogance. She knew this one.

Katianna shot a look over her shoulder when the response she heard was from someone other than Cliff, but from Trenton.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was you.” she slunk a little in her seat.

“So does that mean you might be available after all?” He teased her. His eyes filled with some amusing lust as he looked down at her.

Katianna swallowed hard, feeling pinned under those eyes, “I mean—what I meant was—” Great. Now she was tongue tied—what had she meant? She blushed instead and quickly attempted to jot down a few more words, just notes now—to remind herself later what she was wanting to write, because she really was distracted now and in a few moments he would have her completely at his mercy.

Trenton waited watching her finger tips dancing across the keypad. He knew when she was caught up in an idea, and he would wait before interrupting her again. But only his words would wait. His eyes shifting to her legs displayed over the table top. He had watched Cliff come inside the booth, watched the young man dare to touch her and he knew Cliff was watching from across the room now. Let him watch—now Trenton was going to show the whelp who the real Dominus was and why.

He reached out pushing the hem of her skirt up, a slow teasing movement almost lifting it as if he dared to sneak a look under her skirt but only moved it far enough to her knees to reveal her shins. His finger tips feathered down her leg—not
at first. So smooth—skin like warm porcelain. He stroked over them lightly with the palm of his hand, noting the hesitation in her typing, and then she stopped all together.

“Why don’t you come out and dance with me?”

Katianna’s eyes watched the glide of Trenton hand over her leg. Glued to the movement. She could feel the flush in her breasts and face now, the request was more like—
why don’t you come pour caramel all over my body
—rather than a request to dance. Always that deep powerful tone in his voice that made you weak and willing to quibble at his feet for his affections. Like she said, she was going to be at his mercy. “I wasn’t aware that you danced.” A feeble attempt to sound unaffected.

He grinned with a glint in his eyes. Guess it didn’t sound as convincing as she had hoped, “I don’t. I’m going to lean against that post and watch you dance for me.”

“I think I’ll pass.” Just a touch miffed by the request. That was something a Sub would do. She’d watched them dance before him before. His eyes would undress them while they did so. It surprised her that he didn’t spend more time at Pink Flesh where lap dances were given out by the dancers. It seemed it would suit his appetite for it well there.

“It’s just one dance. After all it is a night club.” His focus more on what his hands were doing then the quibbling over whether she was willing to dance in front of him or not.

“It’s far more than just a night club.” She retorted. Maybe she could establish a barrier with sass.

“It is that—” his head nodded softly, eyes still on her leg and where his fingers were. “Something I am well aware of, as are most of the people who come here, but something that has clearly eluded you for some time, and I am curious as to why you are even here.”

Katianna eyed him suspiciously. Not only did Trenton own the security company that provided Amelia her body guards, Katianna knew he was a close associate of Amelia’s, so he knew why she was here. “I’m here because of Amelia.”

“I do know that part—just trying to make light talk while you decide whether to dance with me or not.” His hand dropped over her ankle and with firm pressure began to stroke her leg. His thumb nimbly pressing down on her shin while his fingers curled around her calf and messaged at the tight muscles.

Katianna stifled the small gasp she felt under his hand. She was certain she had told him she was passing on that dance, but something must have been giving her away that she could easily be convinced otherwise, for him to make the comment. He saw more nuances in her body then she was ever aware of and it was so unfair, because he knew what to do with those nuances. He was working her—letting the slow approach of his needing hands ease her to his touch, she was sure of it. His eyes locked down on her from under shaded brows.

Oh—he was a dangerous one, he was. He was on the prowl and he was checking to see if she was compatible bait for the taking. She could see it in his eyes he was thinking so hard.
That damnable sign on the booth must be in neon or something.

“Please you shouldn’t bother. I’m hardly worth your time.” It took every effort to get those words out as Trenton’s calloused hand glided up her leg. She was swimming under his touch. Her breath snagging in her throat as she made the mental attempt to keep composed, while he stroked up to caress just under her knee then retreated then pushed up further. His hand was halfway down her thigh before she realized what she was letting him do. Her hands shot down to grasp his hand stopping him when he was barely inches away from his intended target, but it didn’t stop the current of desire finish its course to her sex. She sucked in a deep breath and forced herself to push his hand away. A regretful decision, but she was certain she would regret letting him continue as well.

Trenton smiled, his eyes softening some and he looked like a man who’d already gotten what he wanted.

“Oh I’m thinking you might be well worth my time, Miss Dumas.” And he brought his fingers to his lips and licked at them as if savory something there. She remembered the last time he had done that—
four years ago
—only his fingers had been soaked with her orgasm then.

She chewed on her bottom lip, watching him ensnared by him. Her chest heaved, as the blush she had been wearing turned crimson and rippled through every part of her body till it reached her womb and she felt the quivering flex of muscles there.
Damn him

His eyes flickered to the movement outside the room and she followed them to see Amelia being escorted back by Carlton.
Damn Amelia too

“Goodnight Miss Dumas.” Trenton smiled like the proud lion he was and sauntered out, hands in his pockets.
Damn him

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~











Katianna was standing to the side watching the dancers, she had not been out to the club the past few weekends and even then her writing was in a slump. Not for the stories themselves, but because of her. It was just that time of year as summer was kicking into full gear that she seemed to lose all her energy. Haunted by ghosts of her past.

Last time she was down Trenton had asked her to dance and she half hoped to spot him, tormenting herself into thinking she might give in if only to be next to him and to escape the blue mood that threatened her.

She gasped at the looming shadow that stepped over her and looked up to find Trenton standing over her and sighed out with some relief, glad she hadn’t actually summoned up a real ghost.

He leaned over her “Does it take your breath away when I stand so close to you?” He whispered in her ear.

She turned into him sheepishly, “And then some.” She whispered back, her lips ached for his and she throbbed for his touch.

The beat to the music changed picking up the pace and her eyes were drawn back to the dance floor, hoping he would invite her to dance and then maybe she could find the strength to kiss him. She turned, but stalled… discovering Trenton had already stepped away. She glanced around spotting him disappearing into his booth and instantly the glass was darkening.

Katianna felt the prickly agitation build in her, “
—why would he do that?” Feeling a little jilted, at a time when she had no defenses she sulked over to Amelia’s booth to brood in private.


Trenton watched her stomp off as he dropped down in his seat, heading for Amelia’s booth where she would start working on her writing as she always did.

It was getting harder and harder to be around her, he couldn’t stand to do so for more than a few seconds. The way those pale blue eyes would look up at him, as if begging. He swore they were telling him she needed him, begging for his touch, but he knew better. That was just him doing the talking. He wanted her, so he wanted her to want him in return.

His eyes shifted to the tall blonde man who was also watching her. Cliff. There was a man who got his attention and would get a severe beating from him if he even dared to approach Katianna ever again. Actually any man would. Trenton had made it abundantly clear among all the Doms that Kat was
and Amelia had gone along with it. But Cliff was trying even harder lately to make his mark and move among the ranks. The man had a foolish notion he would one day be Dominus— as if the title were up for grabs.

The young man tempting trouble and Trenton had gone as far as use Katianna as a rouse to prove to Cliff just how lowly he was in the ranks among Doms. He’d touched her when she had not allowed Cliff to do so, he’d even gone as far as to lick his fingers to suggest he’d gone all the way for the taste of her. Of course it didn’t escape him the warm mauve color it had created on Katianna’s face and breasts either. And he wondered if she even remembered when he had tasted her sweet honey four years ago when he had shown her just how beautiful he thought she was.

He had enjoyed the memory, enjoyed touching her once again, but the truth was he had used her. Toyed with her just to piss off the whelp that dared try to touch what was his.

Trenton’s gaze flickered. Boy doesn’t learn well, cause there he was watching her, working on his nerves to approach her once again.

And when he noticed Cliff head her way Trenton was on his feet to head him off at the pass.


“I don’t think so Cliffy.” Out of nowhere Trenton was draping a heavy arm over Cliff’s shoulders and steered him off course. “Now you keep this up any longer and I’m going to have to make a demonstration out of you.” He edged the young man over to a wall, turned him around and pushed him against it. A hand slapped flat against it over Cliff’s head and he leaned in. “Now you don’t want that do you?”

“You don’t get to tell me what to do.” Cliff made the bold move, knowing damn well Trenton could banish him for not following orders, but it was also expected of him that if he was to be a Dom he had to always act like one even when confronted by the Dominus.

“You go ahead and keep on believing whatever goes on in that pretty little head of yours, but you keep away from what belongs to me. Understood?”

“Seems such a waste. You claiming to own her, but I never see her on your leash.”

“You saw where my fingers were last time she visited.” Trenton brought his fingers to his lips then to remind the whelp what he had suggested he tasted weeks ago. “Some wines are better suited when allowed to ferment a little longer than others. I suggest you stay out of my vineyard.” Trenton straightened thinking the order alone should be enough, but he guessed wrong with this one.

“Or what?” Cliff sneered. His expression tightening, testing the waters around him. Daring to test if Trenton was really willing to stand his position over a woman everyone knew didn’t play Sub for anyone. She didn’t play at all.

Trenton’s eyes heated and he leaned in, his shoulder almost pressing against Cliff’s chest, “Or I bring down the
to have your ass retrofitted with a plug and I let them practicing
Caning 101
on it for a club performance.” He paused a moment to be sure he had the man’s
attention. He straightened looking down on him reading the whelp’s face to be certain Cliff had the full understanding of his position, “Now say the words so I can be certain you and I have a hard contract here. Say them or we start tonight.”

Cliff’s wishful dominance wavered on the true control. “Yes Dominus.” Cliff was immediately answering. As much as he wanted to be recognized as a Dominus or just a superior Dom he did not want to be on Trenton’s black list. That would get him barred from every club and private circle in the city.

“Good.” Trenton tossed the man’s hair with his hand to further the public humiliation. There were more than just a few eyes watching the two of them. “Now get out of my club. I’m tired of looking at you tonight.” And Trenton walked off without even bothering to see if he would follow his command. He would or Trenton would keep to his word that the example would start tonight.

Trenton made his way back to his booth catching the eyes of one of the regular Subs in the club, she was swaying in the corner in hopes to lure his attention her way. He was feeling rather contemptuous at the moment and reached out hooking her collar with a finger and pulled her into his booth where he disappeared for the remainder of the night.

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