Becoming His Slave (6 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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Now I mean it young lady the boogie man will get you
. She fought the urge to roll her eyes at feeling just a smidgen patronized for her actions. She nodded again and struggled to dig up a smile. His strength exhumed around him like a shield and she felt envious of it. What it would feel like to be so certain and so strong—to never have to be afraid. “Have you heard from Lindsey?” she asked when he would have stepped away.

“Lindsey?” Trenton’s head cocked with a questioning wince of his eyes, “Amelia’s assistant?”

“Yes. She was supposed to meet me here. She supposed to accompany me to handle all the scheduling and press release, guest contract agreement—the list goes on.”

He glanced at his watch then back at her, “You haven’t heard from her?”

She pierced her lips, shaking her head, trying desperately not to fret over it. She probably looked like a fool to him. Too chicken shit to get off at a train station, unable to stand her ground, clinging to him like a little girl—can’t even manage her own contract schedule. Sure he liked submissive women, but that didn’t mean he found weak woman attractive.

“I’ll see what I can do to track her down. Why don’t you try to relax a while. We’ll go down to eat later. I believe there is a kickoff party this evening. More than likely you will be expected to attend.”

She watched as he disappeared into the room adjacent to hers.
her bodyguard knew more than she did of what was expected of her.


Diesel was already stretched out on one of the beds flipping through the movie channels, “She’s a jittery one, aye? You think those thug kids we spotted at the subway terminal messed with her?”

Trenton dropped down on the opposite bed rubbing his hands down his face, then shook his head, “I don’t think she even got off. Amelia said she was scared of her own shadow.”

“Yeah I’ll buy that. So how do you want to handle this?”

“Stay as close to her as we’re allowed.”

“What the hell was Amelia thinking putting the likes of her in the middle of all this? She’s not gonna be able to handle these crowds.”

“Apparently Lindsey was supposed to be here micro managing as the promotion manager.”

“And don’t tell me she’s a no show.”

Trenton shifted piling up the pillows on the back rest and eased back bringing one foot up, not bothering to answer.

“Yeah I get it—tonight’s party is going to be lots of fun.” Diesel scoffed.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


That night was the kickoff party; the hotel ballroom was packed with every Amazonian man and woman in the city. Models both from the fashion industry and some of the more risqué savoir fair. From the—
top-hat ritzy
—to the—
is that even considered legal?
—of fashion clothing. Celebrities from the porno industry, slutty fashions and even a few celebrities of the Hollywood type that just liked living reckless. And then here she was just a writer thrown into the middle of it all and she found her fingers searching for Trenton's shirt all over again. But that didn’t last when a large over sized man dressed deliberately in a purple and fluffy trimmed
suit approached to greet her, but quiet suddenly took a sudden interest in Trenton.

“Dominus Leos?” He reached out to shake his hand. “Nathaniel Plumire, I’m the promoter for Leather & Lace.”

“Yes. I believe we’ve met before.” Trenton shook his hand hoping to keep the conversation brief and professional.

“Had I known you’d be here I would have paid good money for a demonstration of your talented hands.” He shot him a strong lusty grin.

“I’m afraid I would had to of declined. I’m here working Mr. Plumire. Not as a guest.”

“Oh—” he rolled his eyes over to the woman next to them, “Miss Dumas?”


“Excuse us.” Nathaniel shot Trenton a look, his hand slipping around Katianna’s waist and pulled her away. And like that Trenton had been reduced from Dominus to
the help
. The line had been drawn and he wasn’t allowed to cross it. “I have some people I’d like you to meet.” And off they went. Katianna struggling to look back at Trenton as she was ushered into the crowd without her escort.

The first guest, Nathaniel introduced her to was a rep for a publisher's clearing house for erotic print, but usually the type that was several steps beyond hers where the phrase
was generally left off and the image of
written porno
came into play. It was highly unethical for her to be introduced to other publishers and something Amelia would have generally headed off at the pass. Nathaniel’s next guests were film makers interested in a couple of her books also something Amelia would have handled directly.

She was then introduced to a man who though she didn’t catch his profession she caught the name and with a name like Chase Sinz, she could only guess he was an actor, if that’s what they called them. Chase seemed to take some interest to her and she was easily passed off to him with little regard to her or the where-a-bouts of Trenton or Diesel.

Chase paraded her around and introduced her to several more guests, including some of the most beautiful women she’d ever laid eyes on, such as porn star Falicia Lovely, Brimma Dawne and Lacy Lee. She had never known the industry stars were so attractive, she simply never looked. All the perfect parts a man
or woman
could ever desire from a woman’s body, perfect lips, tits and ass. Sultry eyes to look up and watch you, unless you happened to be with Trenton then it was
eyes down
. Katianna’s mind raced to file away their details, the way they spoke and flirted for future character ideas.

She particularly favored Brimma who was only a few inches taller than her and quickly made jokes about how the
so easily forget they’re more that just living dolls to be dragged around like trophies. Katianna managed her first laugh for the night thanks to her.

In the mix were others, some she was certain she recognized from her past back when she lived with Garrett. In fact she was certain she spotted a few of them. And they spotted her.

Ashley and Celeste zeroed in on her almost right away once they spotted their petit friend from across the room. And while she never asked, she got an ear full of who Garrett was fucking at the time. Not that Katianna cared. Garret had never been that good all. After the newness of their relationship wore off and they settled into routine it was vanilla, not even the pleasure of the vanilla bean. No sprinkles or smothering hot fudge. But sex wasn’t the reason for the gossip from the two women towering over her. Their derision  intended just to beat her down. And they did so successfully. It was exhausting on top of the criticism and heavy layers of cynicism in front of the others she had been thrown into socializing with.

The two super models already towered over her—wasn’t that enough? She’d had about all she could take of their ridicule over her lacy see-thru dress with the bandeau bra and bandeau skirt she wore under it to keep her modesty through the evening. Even the appraisals for her writing was making her weary at this point and she wanted to call it quits as soon as she was allowed which wasn’t soon enough. As special quest she was under contract to make appearances at each event for a specified amount of time and without Lindsey there to monitor her time and contract agreements she found herself being led about by the promoters a little—okay, a lot more then what she was use to. Then again the expo was a new experience. Usually she was at book signings for books stores, fetish stores and the occasional nightclub or party. This was the first time she had done a convention that revolved around sex and she was on her own.


Trenton watched from the wall, giving her the proper amount of space he was suppose to, still keeping her in sight, but he’d had about all he could take watching as the snobbish two women continued to hound after Katianna and bear down on her with their cruel antics. They looked down on her for whatever justification they thought they had, but he knew their type. It pissed him off that he couldn’t just be standing next to her sheltering her from such reproach, but that was not allowed in his profession. As much as he wanted to hold her and touch her that was personal desires and right now he was on the clock to protect her. There was a line that he knew not to cross, but line be damned there was only so much he could stand by and idly watch, someone had to step in. It wasn’t right for Amelia to send Katianna to such a large event alone, throwing her to the wolves and he wasn’t about to stand for it any longer.

Trenton cut through the crowd till he reached Katianna, and his hand lowered falling against her back to give her some of his strength, but he didn’t stop there. He leaned over whispering something in the ear of one of the taller women. She pulled back with a gasp, her hands falling to the front of her legs her face beat red and she jerked around to leave, knocking into her friend and tossing her drink from her hands who then stepped back into a waiter who just happened to be passing by, carrying a tray laden with champagne and down they all went.

Trenton didn’t defuse his smile as he gingerly led Katianna away.

Katianna saw the Cheshire cat smirk as he watched as Ashley and Celeste both went crashing to the floor long legs up in the air to reveal all they left exposed if only to avoid panty lines.

“What did you tell them?” she gave him a shocked look.

Trenton didn’t stop, his hand stayed at her back and urged her on towards the buffet tables, “Did you know some women wear tampons in replacement of panties so they don’t wet their thighs?”


“I told her, her string was showing.”

Katianna blushed, but she tucked her head and refused to allow herself to laugh at someone else’s expense, but she felt it inside and felt vindicated for it.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~



Trenton was about to lose his mind as he patrolled her room for the fourth time after returning from downstairs to see if Katianna had gone down to the breakfast buffet without him. He glanced at the pile of pillows in the center of her bed where there should have been a small body instead.

He was growing angry with every passing minute because she had agreed to not make any attempts to slip away. If she needed privacy for any reason including for company they would arrange it to some degree, just as long as they knew where she was at all times for her own safety and now she was gone. Trenton paced the room pulling out his phone and dialed up her cell, after the first ring he realized her phone was in the room. He glanced around, pinpointing it next to her bed.
That’s just great
. She left and didn’t take her phone with her. It rang again and suddenly the pillows were moving.

Trenton stilled dropping down into the chair were he stood and watched in surprise, another ring and there was more movement till a small body was emerging and a couple of the pillows fell away and Katianna’s head appeared, her hand stretching out groping around till it finally found her phone, “Hello?” A sleepy voice answered.

Trenton dropped his head in his hand propped on an elbow, two fingers pressed at his temple, the other two curled down towards his lips. He was speechless, he was wrong about her… she was no kitten that would one day develop into a saucy cat. Nope she was a mouse and dammed if he didn’t find this little creature entertaining.

“Hello?” She answered again, when no one said anything, she killed the line dropped it and moved to burrow back under the pile.

“Do you always hibernate in such a way?” He finally asked to announce his presence since she hadn’t opened her eyes enough to notice.

Her head popped up and she glanced about till she spotted him, something in her facial expression registered him as
and she dropped back down to the bed. “I had a migraine last night and the noise out in the hall never stopped.” She murmured from under her pillow pile.

“Did it help?” Curious how a pile of pillows could help with a migraine headache.


“The pile?”

“Is it over yet?” she mumbled the questions from the covers.

He shook his head, but he knew she wasn’t looking. “No.”

“Then no.” She pouted. He could almost make out the faint quiver in her voice and he loved how it sounded and filed that knowledge away for later keeping—
Beware! Will fold to pouting

“Has anyone heard from Lindsey yet?” She murmured the next question.

“Her baby sitter quit on her. She’s not going to make it any this weekend.”

“Great.” Katianna mumbled some more and flipped her head around to hide her face and hide the tears that threatened to fill her eyes. She wasn’t sure she could handle another night like last night without someone to handle all the introductions and sauntering escapes. Something Amelia was incredibly good at. When it came to working the parties the game was—
Kiss, Kissand

“Come on and get up I’ll take you to breakfast.”

A pillow moved as her hand dragged it over her head and he heard the muffled pouts of protest.

She was too cute for her own good and already it had his cock waking up to respond to her.

He got up and pulled the pillows and reached to urge her up. Katianna rolled in the bed with a yelp.

“No.” And she was quickly trying to find her pillows to hide under them again. The challenge only roused him further; the game was temptuous to his nature. And he grabbed her around the waist toting her off the bed like a limp cat and not in the least concerned that it did little for her grace. But she was a terrible amount of fun when the only way to raze her from her bed was to pick her up and carry her which he did so with considerable enjoyment, and plopped her up on the vanity counter. If he hadn’t known better he would have said she was twelve sitting there at the moment, her pink lips swelling out in perfect kissable hungry pouting and those pale baby blues like snow under the moon light that at the moment were a childish blend of anger and half mass asleep. No other woman he’d ever met could get away with such a look, she wore it so well he could only laugh at her, but his dick was doing so much more.

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