Becoming His Slave (7 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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She sat still while he brushed her hair which she didn’t seem to mind so much then again he’d never met a woman who did and it was a rare and special treat he’d been known to give his Subs from time to time. He then washed her face and she fused only some over that, it wasn’t until he tried to brush her teeth for her that she swatted him away and took over. That only disappointed him. He was having a great deal of fun with it. But then he had to remind himself he was on the job and she was his charge and left her to finish getting ready alone.


Once he’d coaxed her from her room, the day got started at a far better pace for her. They had breakfast and she had some time to browse a few of the booths before her first scheduled
which was a group arrangement. She and several other special guests where paneled together at a table in one of the salons, while visitors who paid a small fee sat inside for two hours and got to ask questions and listen to the panel as they answered and shared details of their profession and where they got their inspiration. 

Katianna fit right in with her group when you wouldn’t expect her to. At least not after what Trenton had watched her go through the night before, but taken out of the crowd she fell right in place alongside the other guests that included Paranormal Romance writer, Amy Kendricks; porn stars Brimma Dawn, Delta Star and Chase Sinz; and airbrush/sketch artist Louis Ashton, famous for his beautiful exotic woman and book cover illustrations and ‘Sharp’ an anime illustrator for hentai anime porn.

After more browsing, then a two hour slot for
one on one meet-n-greets,
Katianna was finally free for the rest of the day, which they spent browsing the remaining booths on the floor. She hadn’t forgotten it was Trenton that dragged her out of bed in the first place so she took delight in tormenting him over the variety of bondage gear that was displayed on the floor. She even went as far as request demonstrations from the booth ambassadors so she could watch and quiz him as he watched almost painfully, knowing it wasn’t being done right or to his standards.

And all the time she clung to him seeking shelter from the crowd of people they strode through. She inspected every booth—what was in them, what things were for, then questioned in depth on what he liked and didn’t like. She even received a gift basket from one booth in hopes his bath products might inspire her to use them in her stories. Katianna had yet to take advantage of the bathtub in her room so she gladly accepted the variety of notions, but made no promises that she could legally mention them in her stories.

After they had covered all the booths, Trenton was suffering a raging hard on and his desires well tortured, he persuaded her to an early dinner so they could all retire to their rooms.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Hours later and back in her room, Katianna laid her head back in the tub letting the steamy water soak away the stress from the day and nurture dreamy thoughts of Trenton. Too bad the expo wasn’t in some place exotic and tropical like Aruba… or Hawaii. New York was just too damn cold all the time and she didn’t compare to the super models and actresses that flooded the city. At least out on a beach she stood a chance to catch his eye, her petit body simply looked better in a bikini then the boney models did. She made no misconception that the Dominus had tolerated her playful banter at his own expense, but she was curious and he was her only means to get the answers she wanted without being subjected to crude advancements. Not that she would have minded any advancement from Trenton, and from what she had seen in him he would never be crude about it. Direct, elicit and domineering—
—but never crude or insulting. Even more, here in the privacy of her uniquely romantic hotel suite, she could make him what she needed him to be. She could fantasize in the over sized garden tub that just happened to be sitting next to her bed—she thought that was super sexy and was going to have to work that into a scene soon and just behind her a fireplace cracked, even if it was one of those fake electric ones.

She worked up the lather from one of the products in the gift basket she had received earlier that day and lathered it over her skin. She instantly loved the silkiness it had on her skin and its cool tingly sensation as she washed her whole body with it. She enjoyed the soft tingle so much she washed certain places twice. Then relaxed back to drift away. Even the fragrance was pleasing—Night Jasmine and honeydew swirled about her like a dream that seduced her into deeper dreams of pleasure.

She took in a deep breath letting her nostrils flare as she inhaled the aromatic fragrance of the matching candle that came with it. Easing with the arousing sounds of Enigma’s music she had turned up rather high to fill her senses
to drown out the noise of guests that passed just outside her room with constant infrequency.

She could feel the tingling caused by the soap build and her hand floated over her skin to caress and ease the sensation down, but rather it started something new and heightened, like the gentle surf of the ocean. Her skin warmed where her hand massaged over the skin then idled back to a cool tingly sensation. She could feel the wetness seeping from inside, felt it building in her cunt and she sucked in a deep breath suddenly realizing the body product was driving her into an enhanced state of arousal. It was shifting from gentle to
oh my god I need to be fucked
very quickly. She could feel the warm blush take over her body, crimson waves crashing over her, deepening her breath just to still herself. If she had a lover this would be the most incredible stuff in the world. Hell she hadn’t even packed a vibrator not that she could have used hers in the tub and she was certain the guys would hear her in the next room.

She could always slip downstairs and go buy one. The whole damned place was wall to wall sex products and toys and she recalled one or two advertised as being whisper quiet, but she had already spent all her cookie jar money and she still had a month to go before she would get another payment from Quinn’s Lovely.

Nope she was on her own and she was burning so hot now she had to do something, the craving growing so strong it was almost painful.

Katianna bit her lip, her head pressing back letting her eyes flutter closed and she let her hand slip between her legs. Her fingers teased over the hooded cluster of nerves before delivering a firmer touch drawing the sensitive button out for her to stroke underneath her finger tips and her hips flinched with the first contact. Swollen petals sent shock waves through her hips and thighs as her fingers teased them open. She traced around the ultra sensitive rim heightened by the bath products and she could feel the silky wetness just waiting for her and she let her fingers slip in.

So hot and tight—it surprised her. She rarely masturbated and not by her own hand, but she needed some release even if minor. She let out a gasp as she pulled her fingers out then thrust them back in two at a time. Her hips jerked and she shuddered at her own contact, waves of tormented delight shot through her and she moaned. The muscles of her pussy clamped around her fingers.

So sensitive and aroused, she pumped her fingers in gentle waving motions to stroke her blazoned walls. Like a firestorm of erotic lacerations that rippled through her, annihilating her with the need for release. She quickened her strokes spreading her thighs wider to gain deeper inside herself. Her head tossed back and she whimpered with tormented need. It was exquisite and heady. She palmed against the pearl intensifying the lusty pressure as she fought to bring herself to climax. Her breathe deepening, almost strangled as she sought out the elation that refused to embrace her, lingering just out of reach in cruel gestures of torture.

Oh god she burned, burning wave after wave. The more she touched herself the more the enhancing creams heightened the sensations they created, it was painful hunger that caused her to whimper for what she could not bring.

 “Would you like some help with that?” Trenton’s voiced replaced the music that no longer filled the room.

Sudden shock and a yelp shot from her lips. Katianna’s eyes shot open and with a gasping start, she sank under the water’s surface submerging herself completely under the sudsy water to hide, but realization quickly warned that probably wasn’t a safe idea considering what her body was going through from the bath products. She emerged slowly stopping where the water line of her bathwater caressed the bottom of her lips, her eyes looking up at Trenton through dampened lashes.
Thank god for bath bubbles

She blinked at him a moment, but she wasn’t going to be able to remain still for long. Her theca still rebelling like a firestorm inside her, screaming for attention even if she was not successful to bring it. “Your company does that too? Provide those kinds of escorts?” A hint of her torment breaking past her embarrassment, but it was more exalted from her agony to not be able to find some release for herself.

Trenton’s eyes smiled with a deep lust, he’d seen far more then she would have liked him to seen. “No. I’m off duty now. Which allows me some room for personal interactions.”

“With clients?”

“No, but then you’re not my client. Amelia is. You’re my charge.”

“Now you’re talking semantics.” Her breathe still heavy, ragged.

“It's in a man’s nature to perceive in our own favor.”

The craving was beyond her control, screaming through her nerves. Katianna turned to her side and rested her face on the curved edge of the tub looking up at him. The tingling sensation from the body wash was still at it, swirling around her nerves like tiny coils of static. She fought to keep the fury from being displayed on her face. She wrapped her legs around each other sinking her fingers between them to massage at her clit and tease the cleft of her labia to part them again, pressing her thighs tight, crushing the heel of her palm against her clit to help grind against it. Her eyes closed and she tucked her face away from him. She could just imagine Trenton’s hand slipping between her legs, sliding over slick skin, then grazing over her cleft, parting the petals of her entrance teasing the rim with a calloused finger. He’d reach tender areas she could not, while his firm fingers would burn her walls to ignite and explode.
It was good to be a writer.

She licked a her lips rolling them into her teeth to bite at them as she clench her muscles, a forced shiver then another tightening, then she felt the shudder and all the muscles of her pudendum, even the muscles around her ass clamped tight and clipped out the small heightened release.

The shuddered sigh escaped her and made a rippling effect in the water around her.

“Are all your baths this beautiful to watch?” Deep and heady she could hear the lust burning on him. But his control far superseded her own.

Her tormented expression floated up to look at him, pale baby blues peeking through thick feathery lashes. She was snared; entranced with the sensations of what her body was doing to her. Like a piece of art that had come to life to capture his desires and steal his soul.

Katianna hadn’t meant to allow this in front of him, but she wasn’t exactly in the position to stop it either. The soaps had not just enhanced her skins sensitivity, but created cooling chills dancing around her clit and insides, scoring a savage appetite to come awake and the animal that stirred refused to be tamed.
Okay so she was thorough when it came to washing
and now she was paying the price for it. She blushed and she was certain it was well noted by him. “It’s the bath soaps they gave me—” Another shudder, a gentle aftershock rippled through her, “They’re dangerous.”

“Are they?” He grinned with heated mischievousness, “Guess I need to buy you some more to show my appreciation.”

“Why would you do that?” She stammered suddenly, unable to hide the duress. She was already tormented by this, but for him to want her to suffer more was inhumane.

“For letting me watch.” He got up from the bench seat that was at the foot of the tub and stood over her, letting her feel him drawing close as he took one slow step closer. His breath deepened with the growing hunger in him. He wanted to do far more than just stand over her and watch. He wanted to feel inside that sweet, hot pussy of hers. He wanted to taste her and feel her cum over him. To kiss her lips as she cried his name, but he would do none of these tonight.

“Diesel will be here for you if you need anything, I had just come to say good night and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Oh god he’s not going to come walking in here as well is he?”

His smile deepened, “Not unless you scream. So you might want to keep that in mind when you find your release.” He started for the door.

“I don’t think it’s going to help tonight.” She mumbled, not while the tingling was still going on it wasn’t going to help.

“I did offer to help.” He teased, “Goodnight Miss Dumas.” And left her alone to her own embarrassed frustration.

He flipped the lock latch in her door to make certain it would drop into place and closed it with a firm pull.

Once safely out of her room he leaned back against the door frame, dragging his fingers down over his face then back up to rake his hair out of his eyes and let out a hard sigh. He licked his lips just picturing her and what she would taste like on his tongue. How tasty she looked there pleasuring and teasing her body, trying to find some release only to frustrate herself more. He couldn’t get out of there fast enough. He had to leave, if he had stayed a second longer he was going to take over. He was going to plunder her mouth with his tongue and dive into the water, find those delicate petals and bring her to her release himself then work her back up till she begged for more of what he could give her.

. She was his charge—which made her his client. Not his lover.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Trenton headed out to Club Pain where he knew he could find the distraction he needed and some sexual release he could use.

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