Read Bedding The Bad Boy (Dalton Brothers Novels) Online

Authors: Virna DePaul

Tags: #magicians, #bad boy, #sequel, #twins, #contemporary romance, #baby, #sexy romance, #sweet and sexy

Bedding The Bad Boy (Dalton Brothers Novels) (15 page)

BOOK: Bedding The Bad Boy (Dalton Brothers Novels)
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She cast a quick glance at him. “Yes. Second base. Third base. That sort of thing.”

“What did you consider pushing the envelope back then? What I did?”

“Kissin’ my breasts you mean?” She cleared her throat. “No. I’d say a guy touchin’ my....” Her hand jerked, as if she was going to wave it, but she stayed the gesture, making him grin anyway. “Lady parts.”

“Fingering you?”

After swallowing, she nodded.

“Remember how that felt? Experimenting. Seeing how far you could push things. Going to the brink but then not letting either of you go any further. Didn’t you feel powerful? Did you have any doubt that when it happened, it would be incredible for you?”

She seemed to seriously consider his question before answering. “I remember feelin’ desperate. As if I was starvin’. Like if I didn’t get him inside me, I’d implode. Like I’d climax the minute he entered me. But also that I didn’t want it to end. I mean, I knew it would end. I knew we’d get there, but…”

“But it felt so good, to be on that edge. Because you could enjoy it all without fearing you’d get stuck there.”

“Yes,” she said. “It did feel good. Intense. But that was because I was inexperienced. I can’t go back in time. No one can.”

“You’re wrong, Dixie. We can get you back to that place, where you’re just feeling, not thinking. It’s where you’re in tune with my body and yours. When you’re so immersed in the pleasure we’re giving each other and an orgasm is a foregone conclusion.”

“That, or we get me back to the places I’ve been since then. Feelin’ a whole lot of frustration. Frustration you’ll feel too, by the way. Not just physical but...”

“But what?”

“You’ll get tired of tryin’, that’s all I’m sayin’, Max. But lucky for you, you have a deadline. One week. If you—if you find you’re tired of things before then, all you have to do is tell me. Please tell me. I’d hate the idea of you—”

Her voice broke and she looked out the window.

“I’m not going to get tired of trying, Grace. God, I don’t know how you can even think that.”

She laughed bitterly. “And I don’t know how you can say that with a straight face.”

“Guess I’ll just have to prove myself to you then. How about we start right now?”


“You liked what we did earlier.”

“I think that was pretty obvious.”


“Why good?”

“Because we have long drive ahead of us. Might as well take advantage of it.”




“Just what are you referrin’ to? Because I’m not keen on getting’ into a car crash and bein’ one of those couples that has to explain to an ER doctor how certain things ended up bein’ where they shouldn’t be.”

He laughed but all Grace could think was,
Did I just refer to us as a couple? Get it together!

“It really doesn’t matter what you’re keen on. I’m in control.”

When she didn’t respond, he prompted. “Grace?”

She stuck out her tongue. “Yes, you’re the one behind the wheel now.”

He looked over at her and grinned. “Bet that was hard for you to say.”

The area between her thighs heated up, and she felt herself go wet. “You have no idea.”

“You’d like it if I reached over and stroked you now, wouldn’t you?” he asked.

Good Lord, would she ever. “No.”

“That lie is going to cost you. Now try again.”

“Fine. I’m turned on. I’d like it if you stroked me. So are you goin’ to?”


Frustrated both sexually and by the conversation, she turned her attention to the view outside. “Forget your theory about stringin’ things along. I think you’re just a natural born tease,” she said.

“Want to know how I get the most intense orgasms?” he asked.

Her breath rushed out and she studied the landscape hard. “Not particularly.”

“I’m ignoring that and telling you anyway. I hold off and hold off, sometimes all day long—”

“A whole day is holdin’ off for you?”

He shot her a warning look but kept talking. “—until I have so much sexual energy inside me I practically explode when I do come.”

She scowled. “Bully for you.”

“Pouting, Grace?”

“No. I’m not only sexually frustrated here, I’m also gettin’ jealous.”

He laughed out loud at that, and she found herself loosening up again. She loved teasing him, and being teased by him, and it had nothing to do with sex. Even so, her mind went there. She’d loved teasing him in the dance studio, on the pole and off of it, and she wanted to do it again. This time, however, she wanted to take it all the way. Testing him, she placed her hand along the inside of his thigh. His muscles immediately clenched and his gaze snapped to hers.

“You should probably keep your eyes on the road, don’t you think, Shugah?”

He immediately stared out the windshield. “Looks like you’ve already forgotten who’s in charge.”

More teasing, albeit is a much rougher voice than he’d used before. “I’m the one with my hands free, Max. And I’m seein’ another opportunity to take control.”

“That’s not what we agreed to, Grace.”

“I get that, but you’re goin’ to be workin’ hard tonight. Maybe even all week. Don’t you want to relax a little bit beforehand?”

“Talking to you relaxes me.”

“I know a way to get you to relax without saying a word.” She undid her seat belt.

“That’s not safe,” he said rather weakly.

“I bet you say that to all the girls who want to go down on you while you’re drivin’.”
. She mentally snorted.

“I’m serious.” But he didn’t sound serious. He sounded intrigued in spite of himself. Tempted. And curious if she’d really do what she was hinting.

“If you’re serious, then pull ovah and stop the car. I promise I’ll put on my seatbelt and be a good little girl.”

She waited. When he just kept driving, she grinned. “Good choice, Max.”

She took a quick glance around, saw they were fairly isolated on the desert highway with only one car coming up behind them and to the right. Max had slowed down significantly and the other car would soon be upon them. His car windows weren’t tinted. If she ducked down, would the driver of the other car notice? The idea made her shiver.

She bent down toward his lap, gasping when he fisted her hair in one hand and tugged her head up.

“What game are you playing, Grace?”

“No game. Honestly, I just want to do this. And you said I could, remember?”

He frowned, clearly not remembering.

“You said, ‘You want to suck my dick? Suck it. But only because it will make you hot.’ Well, I’m already hot, but that would make me hotter.”

He swallowed hard and seemed to struggle for what to say next. “You sure you’re not setting out to torture me, leave me high and dry as payback for trying to talk you out of your baby daddy scheme?”

“I’m thinkin’ there’s goin’ to be a lot of people who are goin’ to try and talk me out of it. And I guarantee you my response isn’t goin’ to be to give them a happy endin’ in a movin’ vehicle.”

He loosened his hold on her hair and placed his hand back on the steering wheel. She took that as her cue to continue. He hissed in a breath as she unfastened his jeans, noting how the car suddenly lost acceleration before he steadied it out again. Gently, she lifted him out.

He was, in a word, luscious.

Or maybe magnificent was more appropriate.


Good Lord, whatever the word, Max Dalton did not disappoint in a single, solitary way.

He was thick and long and smooth, with a light dusting of hair at the base and a plum-shaped tip. With a small whimper of need, she bent forward and gave him a close-mouthed kiss. “God, Grace.”

“Don’t crash.”

“Easy for you to say,” he said. “If you’re really concerned, you need to stop because I’m obviously not going to stop you.”

She shook her head, allowing her hair to brush gently against him. Fascinated, she watched as he hardened even more. She stroked him lightly, then harder, making him gasp and bite his lip. The sight of his strong white teeth pressing down on his own flesh made her hunger spike. Quickly ducking her head, she sucked him into her mouth. Again, she started lightly, with gentle licks and kisses, before sucking harder and taking him steadily deeper.

She’d been at it several minutes when she couldn’t resist looking up. He kept his gaze on the road, but his facial muscles were tense, the veins in his neck bulging, his breathing labored. When she combined her mouth with her hand and a sensuous little twist, he groaned like he was in pain, tilted his head back and took his right hand off the steering wheel to lightly cup the back of her head. He rested it there as she worked him. When she began teasing, taking in less and less of him until he almost slipped out of her mouth completely, his fingers tightened in her hair, communicating his dual pleasure and frustration. He let this go on a while, but eventually pushed her face forward, forcing her to take more of him. She didn’t fight him, loving his unrepentant show of dominance.

With his rough touch, she became aware of more than his cock in her mouth or his responses. The vibration of the engine traveled through her body, making her shiver and ache. And just like she told him, she got so hot it was a wonder she didn’t burst into flames. She began moving her mouth faster, sucking him harder, taking her cues from the consistent groans that now rent the air.

“Oh Grace. Baby... I’m going to come.”

She’d already sensed that by the way his hips began to arch up, feeding her more of him, almost more than she could handle, but somehow she found a way to take everything he had to give her. Hearing him confess he was close to release was intoxicating. Their intimate little secret.

She murmured her encouragement, sucked harder, and with a few more hip thrusts and a muffled groan, he jerked, spurting into her mouth even as he trembled. She swallowed, enjoying his essence in a way she never had with another man.

When he was done, she rested her cheek against his thigh, licking her lips then smiling. Somehow he managed to keep driving, while she felt too stunned to move. Not because of what she’d done in a moving car—she’d done it before—but how close she felt to him. How proud she felt that she’d been able to please him. How utterly uninterested she was in anything he might feel obligated to give her in return. The pulses of sensation coursing through her body were enough on their own to make her want to purr. It was as if she’d truly committed the act for her sole pleasure, and how many people could say that with a straight face?

Even when she felt capable of moving away, she didn’t want to. His hand remained on her head, his palm stroking her hair, and his thumb rubbing gentle circles on her cheek or tracing her ear. When his breathing returned to normal and the car went quiet, she forced herself to gently tuck him back into his pants, but left his zipper undone. Straightening, she returned to her seat and fastened her seat belt.

She felt flushed. She felt powerful. She felt like she was lit up from the inside out.

But she couldn’t look at him. She was certain if she did he’d sense how hard it had been for her to pull away from him.

He reached out, took her hand, and placed it on his thigh again.

“Grace, look at me.”

Biting her own lip, wishing she was biting
, she did as he said.

“That was amazing. Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” She cleared her throat, struggling for something witty to say. “So how’d it compare?”

He looked wary. “Compare to what?”

“Those orgasms you were tellin’ me about, that were so intense because you made yourself wait?”

He grinned. “No comparison. That was the best damn orgasm I’ve ever had. For now.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “The only way it will get better is when I’m locked inside you, feeling you come with me. And I swear to you, Grace, I want that. I need it. And I’m going to make damn sure it happens for the both of us.”

Instead of rolling her eyes or snorting or arguing with him like she normally would, the words “I look forward to it,” popped out of her mouth.

She actually meant it. Part of her was truly beginning to believe Max was going to get her there.

“And I look forward to you touching yourself. Right here and right now.”




“There’s no reciprocation needed, honey. I told you, that was just me wantin’ to do what I did.”

“And I appreciate that, baby. But you wrestled control away from me. Time for me to take it back.”

“Makin’ myself come that way isn’t guaranteed, you know. I’ve nevah been able to do that with a man watchin’ before.” She felt stupid saying the words. They communicated something she wanted to deny. They communicated her inability to orgasm was so obviously not about biology but about her inability to trust. A man. A woman. It didn’t matter. She might as well have held up a sign that said “Control AND Trust Issues.”

But by the way he was looking at her, she obviously wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t already know.

“There you go again. Focusing on the orgasm as the goal. I didn’t say I want you to make yourself come. I told you I want you to touch yourself.”

He was back to his hold-off-on-the-end-goal-and-just-live-a-little theory. Which meant… “So just touch myself to do it?” Sounded like a waste of time to her… except, she reminded herself, Max would be sitting next to her watching.

Picturing it, her skin pretty much ignited.

“To make yourself feel good. To give me something fucking fantastic to look at while I drive.”

Well there you go, but as always happened when he expressed his need for her so boldly, his words scared her even as they pleased her. She automatically tried to lighten things up. “You mean the scenery isn’t doin’ it for you, Shugah?”

He didn’t find her funny. “Take your panties off.”

Slowly, she unbuckled her seatbelt again, raised her skirt, reached underneath and pulled off her pale pink thong. It was awkward, but she managed to remove them without flashing him.

“Now hitch your skirt up until I can see you.”

Lifting her hips slightly, she tugged her skirt up, stopping when she felt the cold leather on the back of her upper thighs. “Max—”

BOOK: Bedding The Bad Boy (Dalton Brothers Novels)
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