Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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“Jesus.” He muttered. She was wearing a black and lilac demi-bra almost exposing her nipples. She was still cupping him and slightly stroking him with the pad of her thumb sending mini surges of pleasure through his body, while he took in the beautiful sight standing before him.

He noticed her bra was a front clasped and took advantage of it right away freeing her beasts. They were not huge by any means but damn if they were not perky and perfect. He thought the bra was giving her a little lift but nope that was just her. Her nipples pebbled in the cold air and all he could think about was getting his mouth on them.

He lowered himself so he could take one of her breasts in his mouth and started licking her nipple causing her to arch back and moan.

“Damn you are so responsive.” He said in between licks. After licking her tender breasts for a couple of minutes  and listening to her pleas he finally took her full breast into his mouth and sucked on the pebbled peaked center while his hand worked the other breast. He had never felt something so good, so perfect in his life. He had been with his fair share of woman, mostly big breasted because he was kind of a boob guy but Fiona’s breasts were entirely different than anything he had ever experienced.

They were so real and so in tune with what he was
doing. He felt her hips send little thrusts toward his pelvis. She wanted him, and he wanted her. He worked his mouth back up to hers and listened to her desperation as he left her wet soaked nipples touch the cold air.

“You are so damn beautiful.”
He stared into her eyes that looked like melted caramel.

“Booker, please. I can’t wait much longer.”

With that, he moved his hands down to her hips and tore her pants off. He took a second to take in the matching panties she was wearing. He felt himself swallow hard at the goddess that was lying before him. She buried herself so far into his world already, there was no way he could turn back to lfie before he met Fiona. Man was he in trouble.

He shed the rest of his clothes and straddled her. He watched her eyes grow wide while she took his whole body in. He had never been a shy guy and was always proud of what he had to offer but watching Fiona soak his entire body in while licking her lips made him feel slightly exposed but sent a thrill through like him he never experienced before.

“You like what you see, babe?”

All she did was nod while continuing to
stare. Her ability to not worry what he thought of her gawking made him chuckle to himself. She didn’t care what people thought of her, if she wanted to stare at his massive erection and lick her lips that was exactly what she was going to do.

He grabbed her panties between his fingers and yanked them down her legs flinging them across the room. There she was, naked, and damn it if she wasn’t the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He took her mouth in his again, biting along her lips, matching his tongue strokes with hers and he slowly moved his hand down to her throbbing center. He moved his fingers inside and felt the desire she had for him. She was completely wet and ready to go. He moved his thumb around the little nub of pleasure nerves and stroked it. Her cries of pleasure were muffled by his kisses and he enjoyed every last bit of it.

He felt her body start to tense up and that was when he inserted his fingers deep into her hole, relishing on the tight wet walls. God she felt so good. He felt himself starting to tighten up as well just from the pleasure he was giving her.

“Booker, please…”

He thrust his fingers again while continuing to rub her with his thumb and that was all it took. Her entire body convulsed as she screamed his name in ecstasy. Listening to her cries of pleasure almost had him coming as well but he held onto whatever self-restraint he had left. He leaned over to his nightstand, grabbed a condom and rolled it over himself while he watched a small smile creep over Fiona’s pleasure ridden face.

She was still in a post-climax fog when he hovered over her and teased her entrance with the tip of his cock. She grabbed his head and brought it down to her face kissing him like it was the first time their lips met.
He could easily get lost in her kisses if he wasn’t careful. She sent her hips in the air, begging for him. That was his cue.

Slowly he worked himself in, inch by inch relishing in the thick, tight walls surrounding his erection. Nothing felt this
good, nothing in his life had ever been this amazing. She felt so right, so perfect. Finally when he was all the way in her he looked down and saw her big brown eyes staring up at him.

“You make me feel so full. You feel so good inside of me Booker.”
She rubbed his face with her delicate hand and traced his lips with her index finger. It was a gentle, soul shattering touch.

“Same here babe.”
Was all he could grit out because he was about to lose it.

She wrapped her legs around his waist burying him further inside and started to rock her hips. He needed to take control of what was happening so he stilled her hips with his hands and started his own pace. Only, his own pace was going to be the death of him. Either way he was ready to fly off the edge in two seconds but he wanted to hold out for her. He reached down to suck on her breast.

When he brought the pink tip into his mouth and rubbed her clit with his thumb again she cried out in bliss and he felt her contracting around him, milking him for all he was worth. A couple of thrusts and he was a goner as well. His entire body went numb with pleasure as he came inside of her. He swore he lost all feeling in his body from the orgasm that took over his life. He exploded so hard and so fast he didn’t think he would ever float back down from the journey Fiona just took him on.

As he recovered
from the little aftershocks of his orgasm he noticed he was lying right on top of Fiona. He shifted so he was on his side and she was resting on his chest. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back. They didn’t say anything to each other. They didn’t need to because there was an unspoken feeling floating between them. What they just experienced was beyond words. They just rested and enjoyed being wrapped up in each other’s arms.

He laid there with Fiona, his dream girl, in his arms thinking about what just conspired between the two of them. Did he really just make love with Fiona? He did
n’t fuck her, no he made love to her that was the only way of describing what happened. He kissed the top of her head and whispered a silent thank you to whoever brought this amazing woman to him. He didn’t think life could get any better than what he was experiencing right now. He could die a happy man with Fiona in his arms.







































Chapter 7


Liam woke up, sore, pissed off and worried. Fiona never came home last night and he knew he shouldn’t worry because most likely she was out with Murphy especially after seeing him in her apartment shirtless the other morning but he still worried. She was his baby sister, his only sister. He knew she was old enough to have sex and do whatever she wanted but it still irked him that his baby sister who he taught how to ride a bike and build Lego buildings was out on the prowl, sleeping with men. Now that he thought about her staying out all night more, he didn’t like it at all.

He went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. It was still really early in the morning but since he couldn’t sleep from thinking about what his life had become he decided to get an early start of his day. His ribs were sore from where Finn punched him and he had a nice black eye that only made him look like an idiot.

He had gotten into his fair share of fights with his siblings, more brawls than he could count but this one was unwarranted on his part. He owed Finn an apology but he was too damn stubborn to walk across the hall, knock on his brother’s door and apologize. He was still fuming about what he saw transpiring between Finn and Sophie, even though he knew deep down nothing would happen between them, it still bothered him seeing them together.

What bothered him even more was Sophie’s revelation that the reason his marriage failed was because him and Sophie had unfinished business. Not only now was he mad at Sophie for the way she ended things between them but now he was furious at her because she was the main reason his marriage had failed. Neala didn’t even stand a chance with Sophie back in town. It only brought back all the hurt and un-resolved feelings he had for her. He didn’t know it at the time but now that he looked back, he had been very distant with Neala and out of it lately. He never put two and two together though. He was a dumbass.

When Sophie came moved back to town, he was nothing but excited for her to start her life over again, at least that’s how he thought he felt. Apparently he had been lying to himself and to his wife. No wonder she thought he was having an affair. He needed to clear that lie up right away, not only for Neala’s sanity but for his image and unfortunately Sophie’s image as well. News spread around in Warblers Point like wild fire, especially dramatic news, so the last thing he needed was for all the town patrons to think he was some kind of lying adulterer.

He thought about his day and was irritated about having to go help his dad out with the fence for the bed and breakfast. The last thing he wanted to do was participate in some physical labor when he was sore as hell and confront Finn so early in the morning, in front of his family. Gulping down some more coffee he figured he might as well talk to Finn before he went over to The Sleeping Potato.

Realizing it was still too early and not wanting to wake Finn, especially since he was the worst morning person out of all his siblings he decided to take a nice long hot shower and let the warm water refuel his muscles for what he could only imagine being another rough day ahead of him.




              Fiona felt a beam of light starting to shine down on her face but she refused to open her eyes. She was so warm and comfortable in her bed. She had never felt this comfortable. Then it hit her, she wasn’t in her bed, she was in Booker’s and his big strong arms were wrapped around her waist while his thumb stroked circles around her belly button. Crap! She was supposed to sneak out last night but she fell asleep. But how could she not after Booker and her tangled up the sheets on three different occasions last night? She told herself she would just be with him one time, but that led into a second and then a third causing her to pass out. She wanted to punch herself in the face for such a stupid mistake.

She felt Booker’s sweet lips press kisses along her shoulder and up her neck. “Good morning gorgeous.” He mumbled in between feather like nips.

She felt herself sinking into his touch which was the last thing she needed, she needed to get out of bed and out of his cabin before her parents saw her. Reluctantly he dragged herself away to look at him and said, “I have to get going.”

Booker didn’t hear her apparently because he pushed her back down on the bed and started kissing up her neck and around her jaw. She couldn’t be doing this, she needed to turn off her libido and turn her brain back on.

She pressed her hand on Booker’s chest and said, “Listen, I don’t know what I was thinking. This was a mistake.”

Instantly Booker went still and those beautiful crystal blue eyes turned into thunder clouds. His jaw tightened as his face stared back at her completely devoid of the happiness she woke up to. She was nervous about what his next move was going to be.

“Last night was not a mistake and I refuse to have you think that. Last night was one of the best nights I have ever had, and I know you had a good time too. So please do no disrespect me by belittling what happened between us and tell me that it was a mistake, I deserve better than that and so do you.”

Fiona never thought Booker could be a person that made her feel like crap, but in those couple of sentences he accomplished just that. She felt awful. Last night did mean something to her, more than he would ever know but she couldn’t lead him on, she couldn’t lead herself on. He was an out of towner, he wasn’t staying which meant he was only going to end up breaking her heart. She needed to keep reminding herself that. But she couldn’t leave Booker like this, like he was going to throw his fist through a wall.

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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