Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series) (30 page)

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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When he was licking her clean, she reached down and cupped his erection. Both of their heads shot up and they looked each other in the eyes.

“Oh my.” She muttered with a smile.

This time, his breathing was the one that was labored. He gathered himself and said, “You like?”

She squeezed him again and ran her hand inside his boxer briefs. Her eyes widened as she ran the length of him. “I most definitely like.”

With that, he ran his hand back down her stomach and down into her panties where she was completely wet. He grunted in frustration out of having to control himself and lowered his head in disbelief. He couldn’t believe he was with the sexiest woman he had ever seen and was pleasing her. He tore her thong off and started working her center with his fingers. Slowly he entered her core, causing her to thrust sending his fingers deeper inside of her. H
e cupped the inside of her core, trying to hit that unimaginable pleasure spot.

He lowered his head, kissi
ng her body all the way down until his mouth met her parted moist lips. She was completely devoid of hair, making him want to taste her even more. He kept his fingers inside of her as he pressed his tongue against her clit, slowly starting to swipe little tastes of her. She bucked up in pleasure, urging him on. He met the thrust of his tongue with the thrust of his fingers and continued to pleasure her. He watched as she panted, gasping for air and gripping the sheets and then it hit her. She screamed out his name and threw her head back in ecstasy as the orgasm he gave her took over her entire body. He met every wave of pleasure she had with the thrust of his tongue and fingers, causing her to tumble over once more.

Once he believed he sucked and licked every last ounce of pleasure out of her he stopped and pulled his body up to hers, kissing her all the way up. She opened her eyes slowly as if she was waking up from a very pleasurable dream and whispered, “Get inside me now.”

Finn didn’t need any other kind of invitation. He tore off his boxers, ripped open a condom he brought and slipped it over his now massive erection. He didn’t think he had ever seen himself this hard before. He hovered over her as she spread her legs inviting him in. Slowly he entered her tight space, realizing she was a lot tighter then he imagined, so he took it even slower as to not hurt her.

She moaned and then grabbed his ass, fully inserting him inside of her. He couldn’t move, if he moved he was going to explode, so instead he let himself calm down a little and paid close attention to her breasts, something that started to become one of his favorite things to do. After some nipping, sucking and tweaking, she was begging for him and trying to move he
r hips to get the process moving forward. He took her eagerness as she was on the verge of another orgasm so therefore he could start thrusting inside her again.

That first thrust nearly took him over the edge. He felt her wrap her legs around his waist causing him to sink even deeper. He felt her starting to contract around him giving him the sign that she was going over and he could release as well. He brought them both over the edge with a couple more thrusts as he felt his entire body go numb and his limbs started to tingle from the pleasure he brought both of them. After several aftershocks of one of the most powerful orgasms he had ever experienced he collapsed next to her, pulling her in close to snuggle.

He kissed the side of her head and rubbed her back with his fingers, causing goose bumps to rise off her skin. She leaned in and kissed the corner of his mouth and buried her head in his chest. He couldn’t remember a time he was happier than at this current moment.

“You’re amazing.” She said semi-breathless.

“Back at ya, lassie.”





After an amazing meal of Puerto Rican pasteles, which were the Caribbean’s version of a tamale, some close but not too close salsa dancing and a chartered flight back to Warblers point, Booker was driving Fiona home. It was past midnight and snowing. The roads seemed slick from the freshly fallen snow and since Booker had never driven in snow before, he took it extra slow. Fiona’s head was resting on his shoulder as they drove through the quaint little town and Booker pictured himself actually taking up residence in the tiny town.

He thought how he would still live in Hollywood part time, but he would want to also own a place in Warblers Point so he could be close to Fiona and her family. He glanced down at his little sleeping beauty and sighed with content. He could see himself making a life with Fiona, easily. He would bring her with him wherever he traveled to and in their spare time when he wasn’t filming a movie or doing interviews he would take her wherever she wanted to go or they would just spend time in Warblers Point. Whatever she wanted.

Usually thoughts of commitment scared him away, to the point where he never really thought of being able to commit to anyone but just a couple of days with Fiona and he knew he found the one lady who could change all of that thinking. He defiantly thought about how he was going to stick around to watch how things panned out with Fiona.

He pulled up to the back of the pub and put the car in park. He kissed the side of her head and whispered, “Babe, we’re here.” She looked up at him in a
dreamlike state and smiled.

He got out of the car and went around to her side, opened the door and pulled her into his embrace while also grabbing some of the bags they acquired throughout the day. It was a bit of a struggle but they finally found themselves inside her apartment. He set her down on her couch and put her bags next to her. She was curled up in a ball on the couch wearing her bulky jacket. He thought it was strange that he had the urge to sit in the chair next to her and just watch her sleep. He didn’t want to be a creeper so he placed a gentle kiss on her head, placed a blanket over her and started to let himself out.

“Where are you going?” Fiona asked all groggily.

Booker turned around and watched her try to rub the sleep out of her eyes. “I was going to go back to my cabin.”

She held out her hand and said, “Stay with me tonight. Just hold me.”

Booker couldn’t resist that invitation so he walked up to her, slipped his hand in hers and pulled her to her feet. Their eyes met and he lightly tilted her chin up and kissed her on the lips. Then he pulled her toward her bedroom and helped her undress.

“Do you have pajamas somewhere I can get for you?”

She nodded toward an oversized
t-shirt with a big picture of Vermont the state on the front. Booker cringed at the hideousness of the shirt but when he turned around to hand it to her, he found that Fiona removed her bra and was just standing there in a pair of panties with her arms above her head waiting for him to slip the shirt over her head. He had never used so much will-power in his life as he avoided pulling her gorgeous breasts into his mouth and fully taking her the way he wanted.

When the shirt was on her, he knew right then
and there that the stupid Vermont shirt had instantly became his favorite. She looked so damn cute in it as her perky breasts poked the shirt out in just the right places.

“Your turn” she said.

He chuckled. “I’m afraid I don’t have a shirt to match yours.”

“You can just wear your boxer briefs. Come on.” She said while tugging on his clothes. “I’m tired and want to be wrapped up in you.”

With that he quickly stripped off his pants and shirt. She noticed a little bulge in his lower half and smiled. “Sorry” he said apologetically.

“That’s alright.”

He shrugged. “You’re extremely hot, it’s difficult to be around you and not have a hard-on.”

She swatted his chest. “Stop trying to butter me up. Just snuggling tonight.”

“Hey, just stating facts, that’s all.”

She laughed and pulled him down on the bed with her. He was lying on his back while she wrapped one leg around his legs and her arm around his waist while her head rested on his shoulder. He had his one arm around her body, pulling her in closer while the other hand met hers around his waist and they entwined their fingers together.

She nuzzled his chest and said, “So perfect.” He couldn’t agree more. “Thank you so much for today, Booker. I don’t even know how I will ever thank you enough.”

“It was my pleasure and you don’t need to thank me. Just keep giving me a chance, that’s all.”

He could tell she was drifting off to sleep until she asked in a dreamlike state, “Do you really think what we have…can work?”

He kissed the top of her head. “I really do.”

“I hope so…I like you a lot.”

Booker actually liked the
half comatose state she was in, her lips were a little looser and it felt good to be reassured that he actually had a chance to be with the woman that he was quickly learning to find out it would be hard to live without.

“I like you a lot too, Fiona.”

That was the last of their conversation for the night as they both drifted off into a peaceful slumber.




Finn woke up to a head full of blonde hair sprawled across his chest and a beautifully curvy woman in his arms. He slept like a baby especially after exploring Blaire’s body two more times after the champagne and strawberries were finally devoured. Even though he had more sex in one night then he did in a couple of months, he still felt his lower have stir from the feeling of having Blaire in his arms.

All of a sudden he felt her stretch her lithe body and then curl up against him again. Her fingers played with the light dusting of chest hair he had. She looked up at him and said, “Good morning.” She pushed some hair out of her face and he got a good look at those striking blue eyes of hers.

“Good morning.” Being the morning and that he just woke up, his voice was a little deeper than usual.

“Oh, I like morning Finn, so manly sounding.”

He chuckled. “And what do I sound like regularly? A little school girl?”

She weighed her options with her hands and said, “Eh, school girl might be a little young, more like college girl.” She smiled at him.

“Gee, thanks. I guess this college girl is going to let himself out.” He faked being angry.

She caught on and acted dramatically. “Oh, no…Finn please don’t leave me in this state of need. I was only joking. You are the manliest man I know.” Her hand flopped over her forehead.

“Come here,” he said while pulling her under him and straddling her body.

“Mm, just where I like you.”

“You’re a naughty little girl, you know that right?” Her smile faded to a frown. “What is it? Did I say something wrong?”

She wiggled her way out from under him and pulled the bed sheet over her. She looked Finn dead in the eyes and said, “I just have to say this before we go have sex in the shower.”

Finn raised an eyebrow at her. “We’re going to have sex in the shower?”

“Of course, hello, we need to clean ourselves, only naturally we’d do it together and since we will be naked together, we might as well have sex.” She gave him a smile only a seductress could pull off.

Finn shrugged. “Makes sense to me. What did you want to tell me?”

She exhaled and fiddled with his hand between hers. “I want you to know that, honest to God, I never, ever do anything like this.” Finn looked at her confused. “You know…” She said while making a hand motion between them. “I never have sex with someone I barely know.”

Realization hit him and even though she was quite the vixen, he was relieved to hear that such actions weren’t her normal tendencies. “Same here.”

She scoffed at him. “I find that hard to believe. You are beyond sexy and you work at a pub where loose ‘lassies’ show up every night just begging to be taken home by you.”

“You think I’m sexy?”

“No, actually I think you look like a trash bag, that’s why I decided to have sex with you on three separate occasions last night because in reality I have a sick obsession of fucking a trash bag.”

Finn Laughed, “Hey, whatever gets you your jollies. I’m not here to judge.”

Blaire swatted his arm. “I’m serious.”

“About the trash bags?”

Blaire threw up her arms and started to get out of bed. Finn dragged her back down so now he was over her once again. “I get it, you aren’t normally a tramp.” She gave him I-hate-you look. He kissed her on the nose. “Get used to it babe, Irishmen are jokers. In all seriousness, I understand what you’re saying and even though what you think might be an easy time for me to bring home a lady, I haven’t in a couple of months. You have been the first in a while.”

“Really?” She asked with hopeful eyes.

“Yes, really and to just add a little more to your ego, you are by far the best I’ve ever had.”

Her face lit up and she toyed with the hair on the back of his neck. “You are too…no contest actually.”

Well, now there was a compliment, especially coming from such a mouth-watering woman. He studied her pretty face and asked, “So what’s next?”

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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