Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series) (31 page)

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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She grinned. “Shower?”

“Well, naturally…we already have that plan locked down, what about after that? Can I interest you in some breakfast?” He looked at a clock and added, “Or maybe Brunch?”

“That would be perfect. We can go to the main house.”

Finn cringed. “Or…we could go to the pub and I can cook you up some bangers and eggs?”


He placed another kissed on her nose and pulled her out of bed with him, heading for the shower.

“You are going to love them, trust me.”

She leaned in and turned on the shower, they made out while the shower heated up. Soon they were
fully engulfed in steam from the shower. He was already hard, and ready to go. She ran her hand down his length and cupped his balls. “Perfect” she whispered and led him into the shower he installed a couple of years ago. If he knew he would be having sex in it in the future he would have chosen a bigger tub with some good fucking handles to hold on to.







Chapter 14


Fiona woke up to an extremely loud pounding on her door. She shifted in her bed and her hand met a very hard, smooth body. Booker. She looked over at him and smiled. His hair was all rumpled and his eyes were trying to open, even though the sunlight from the window was beating down on him. The pounding on her door continued. She shifted to get up and came in contact with a very noticeable erection. She gasped.

“Oh, sorry.” She said.

“No, I’m sorry. Apparently, it’s pretty much impossible to control my hormones around you. What the hell is that noise?”

Fiona looked out her bedroom door toward her living room where her front door was located. “I’m assuming Finn.”

She started to get up but he pulled her close and kissed her. When they backed up from each other Booker looked down at his lap and said, “That didn’t help the situation.”

She laughed and playfully swatted his chest. “Relax in here while I take care of Finn, then why don’t I make you some breakfast. I make some excellent French toast if you are interested.”

He looked her up and down and said, “Oh, I’m interested alright.”

She got out of bed and threw his clothes at him. “Get dressed, I don’t need people seeing you nearly naked, that’s for my eyes only.” She winked at him and headed to what seemed like an iron fist pounding on her front door.

When she opened the door she was instantly steam rolled by a huge mass of a man. She flew over into her kitchen from the force and looked up. Standing in the middle of her living room, irate and breathing like some kind of out of breath lunatic was her oldest brother, Liam.

“Liam, what the…”

He threw his hand up to silence her. “Where the hell is he?”

She felt her cheeks go red and her palms start to sweat. “Where is who?” She prayed Booker had his clothes on.

Liam got right in front of her. “You know who I’m talking about. Where is the Sheila?”

“He has a name you know.”

Liam didn’t even bother to learn Booker’s name because he was headed straight toward her bedroom with his fists clenched. She ran after him and hopped on his back. Nothing happened between her and Booker, he was actually a complete gentleman but it didn’t look that way at the current moment.

Even with Fiona hanging off of Liam’s back he still charged into her bedroom where Booker was staring at them with just his jeans on.

“You son of a bitch!” Liam charged after him while Fiona pulled on him and tried to hold his hands down.

              “Liam stop! You don’t know what you’re doing.”

Liam grabbed Fiona from off his back somehow and tossed her on the bed so she was out of the way. She watched as Liam wound up his arm and went in for the kill. He threw his fist right at Booker’s perfect face. Fiona screamed and thankfully Booker ducked out of the way and sent an upper cut right into Liam’s stomach making him curl over on the floor. Fiona didn’t know what to do. She wanted to run to her brother to make sure he was ok but on the other hand she also wanted to drag Booker down on the bed and have hot sex with him for putting on such a manly display. What was wrong with her?

Booker threw his shirt on and said, “I suggest you mind your own business, Liam.” Booker went to step over Liam when Liam reached out and grabbed Booker’s leg, dragging him down to the floor. Both men started rolling around in her bedroom going at each other. Fiona tried to get involved, screaming at the both of them to get off of each other but that wasn’t doing anything to help so she ran over to Finn’s apartment to get him.

In the hallway she ran right into him and Booker’s sister, Blaire. She didn’t have time to question what was going on with them, instead she ushered them into her apartment where there was a punching match going on. Finn ran over to the brawling men on the floor and inserted himself in the middle.

“Liam, what the fuck. Stop!” Finn shouted. Finn took a jab across the jaw which sent him into his own tirade and punched Liam square in the face, knocking him back.

All three men scrambled to their feet. Booker’s nose was bleeding, Finn had a fat lip and Liam wasn’t looking much better with random blood splattered on his face. Even in the midst of the brawl she looked at Booker and couldn’t help but think about how sexy he looked. Yup, something was defiantly wrong with her.

Fiona came in between the three of them, hoping that they wouldn’t attack each other with her in the middle. She asked, “Liam, what the hell do you think you are doing?”

Liam wiped some blood from his chin and said, “You think I’m just going to let that Sheila come up here and sleep with my sister? No way, not after what Steve did to you.”

Fiona was infuriated. She got really close to Liam and pointed her finger into his chest. “What did I tell you idiots a while ago? Stay the fuck out of my business.”

“That’s never going to happen. Especially, when Mr. Hollywood takes advantage of you.”

“I will have you know, he didn’t take advantage of me at all.”

Liam rolled his eyes. “Then what the hell is he doing here in the morning with his shirt off.”

“Not that it’s any of your business but we actually spent the day together and he was dropping me off when I asked him to spend the night but just to cuddle.”

Liam wrinkled his nose. “Just cuddle?”

“Yea, so I think you owe him an apology.”

“Over my dead body.” With that Liam took off leaving Fiona, Booker, Finn and Blaire to be left in his wake. Fiona grabbed some tissues off her night stand and went over to Booker to make sure he was ok. His eye looked like it was starting to bruise and his nose was still bleeding. She made him sit down on her bed and tended to his nose.

She looked over at Finn and noticed his lip was still bleeding and grabbed some more tissues to hand to him.

“Thanks.” He said. “How did Liam even know he was here?”

Booker chimed in. “I could give you one guess.” They all looked at him. “Murphy.”

“No way, Murphy wouldn’t do that.” Fiona said.

“I believe he would. He knows what kind of car I drive and we had a heated exchange yesterday morning. I wouldn’t put it past him.”

Finn actually agreed. “I could see Murphy saying something, especially if he knows Booker might be involved with you, Fiona.”

Fiona just rolled her eyes. “Well it doesn’t matter. Thank you Finn for helping.”

“No problem. Uh we are going to go make some breakfast, do you two want to join us downstairs?” That was when Booker actually realized his sister was in Fiona’s apartment, in the morning, with Finn. He stood straight up and stared at her.

He pointed at Finn. “Did you sleep with him last night?”

“This feels like déjà vu.” Fiona commented.

Blaire stepped up and said, “Seriously, Booker. Don’t treat me like that barbarian who just left treated Fiona. You know better than that.”

Booker sized up Finn and nodded. “Sorry Blaire. I’m just not used to seeing you hang out with a man in the morning, if you know what I mean.” He looked over at Finn and said, “Don’t hurt her.”

“Didn’t we have this conversation the other night?” Finn asked.

“Just reminding you.”

“And I hope you do the same.” Like Neanderthals they stood next to each other puffing their chests out and then conceded and shook hands. Finn wrapped his arm around Blaire’s waist. “We will see you two downstairs. French toast?” he asked Fiona.

She just nodded. Once Blaire and Finn were gone, Fiona headed for Booker to make sure he was truly ok. She made him lay down on the bed and she straddled on top of him. She examined his face up close and noticed he had a cut in his eyebrow, the same eye that was starting to bruise. She went to get off of him when he stopped her.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“You have a cut. I was going to get my first aid kit.”

“Just stay here for a second, I’m enjoying the view.” She leaned down so her face was near his and kissed his cheeks, avoiding all cuts. “What are you doing?”

“Making it feel better.”

He thrust his hips at her and said, “I know something you can make feel better.” He smiled that devilish grin again.

Fiona gasped. “You’re incorrigible. Come on let’s get you fixed up so we can go eat some breakfast.”

“Fine.” When she got up he slapped her ass causing her to squeal like a little girl.

While she was cleaning up his cuts she told him, “By the way, you looked so sexy defending my honor. Modern woman everywhere most likely want to stab me, but I couldn’t help but be turned on.”

He flipped her on her back and asked, “How come you didn’t say anything, I would have taken care of that for you.”

She pushed him back. “Remember, we’re going slow?”

“Oh yes, and how slow are we talking?”

“Come on.” She said while dragging him up off the bed. “We can talk logistics later, right now I’m starving.”




              Sophie was just opening her bakery when she saw Liam standing outside, with a hood over his head looking down at the ground and his hands shoved in his pockets. When he looked up at her, she was startled by his beat up face. She whipped her front door open and ushered him inside.

“Oh my God, Liam. What happened to you?” She touched his bruised face.

He walked over to her bar stool and sat down. She rushed to the back of her kitchen area and grabbed some ice out of her freezer and threw it in a bag for him. On her way back she grabbed a light towel so the ice wouldn’t go directly on his skin.

“Here,” She handed him the ice but wasn’t quite sure where he was going to put it since there was multiple bruises on his face, his perfectly chiseled face. He placed the ice on his eye, which she thought was a good decision because after assessing his bruises, his eye looked the worst. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

She watched his shoulders sag in defeat, as if he was ashamed of himself and didn’t even want to be in his own presence. He wasn’t talking and he was starting to scare her with his deflated body language. She had never seen Liam like this. He was usually strong, confident and a leader, always rounding up his siblings.

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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