Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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“Sir, green plantains were just set out. Would you like me to pour you your champagne now?”

Booker waved him off. “No, thank you. I can take care of that. Thank you for your hospitality.”

“Anytime, sir.”

Booker popped the cork on the champagne as Fiona eyed the dish in front of her. “This looks amazing.”

“I hope it’s alright but I pre-ordered our meal.”

“That’s just fine. I have enjoyed everything you have picked out so far, so what are these?”

“They are fried green plantains, you’re going to love them.”

Booker was right, she loved them. They melted right in her mouth and she needed to control herself from eating like a gorilla and moaning. She slowed down and picked at them like a lady even though she wanted to dip her head down to the plate and lick them up as if she was a pig eating her slop.

They finished off the plantains, Fiona edging Booker out on consumption by two which was respectable in her book and they headed for the dance floor to work off some of their caloric intake before their meals came out.

Booker removed his blazer and undid one more button on his shirt giving her a glorious look at his spectacular chest. The music was a classic Latin beat that pretty much made Fiona involuntarily shake her hips. It was easy to dance to the music coming from the band and soon enough Booker had Fiona pressed against his body, their legs intertwined and their hands exploring every facet of each other’s bodies.

He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “You are so fucking hot I’m having a hard time controlling my body.” He emphasized the word hard as he pressed his groin against her leg and she knew exactly what he was talking about.

She felt breathless. “What time does the plane leave?”

His mouth was still right next to her ear when he said, “Anytime we want.”

That made her gulp. She wanted Booker, badly but she couldn’t just go off and sleep with him again. If she was actually going to give them a chance, she had to back off on the physical and learn more about him. She didn’t want this turning into a physical relationship like the one she had with Murphy. That thought made her pull away and Booker noticed.

He tried pulling her back in but she backed off more and headed for their table. She sat down and poured herself some more liquid encouragement, which actually might not had been such a good idea with her touchy hands that betrayed her all day.

He caught up to her and sat down. Pulling her hand to his he asked, “Hey, what’s wrong? I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable back there, I just thought…”

She held up her hand to stop him. “You did nothing wrong Booker, especially since I have been giving you the wrong signal all day.” He gave her a confused look. “I need to explain something to you.” Booker leaned in and gave her his full attention, she continued. “I haven’t had the best of luck with men. I either date douchey tourists or get caught up in an emotionless relationship that leads to nowhere.”


“I may be a little presumptuous, but I feel something between us.”

“I do too…”

“Let me finish.” He waved her hand to give her the floor. “What I had with Murphy was pure physical, seriously all we did was have sex.”

Booker made a disgusted look. “Uh, not something I want to hear. The girl I like, shacking up with the hunky Irishman.”

Fiona giggled. “Sorry, I just wanted you to know that what I had with Murphy was purely physical, there was no substance and that’s why we didn’t last. I need to be with someone who can listen to me, hold a conversation with me and is actually interested in some of the same things as me.”


She continued. “I’m telling you this because all I want to do is rip your shirt off and take you on this table right now.” Her comment made his devilish grin appear, once again weakening her restraints. “Even though you are incredibly hard to resist and so damn sexy, I need to take this slow. I can’t let the physical take over the intimate connection we have. Do you know what I mean?”

His face turned into understanding and his thumb pad rubbed the top of her hand. “I completely understand. We will take it slow, but am I still allowed to kiss you because I don’t think I could give that up.”

She laughed. “Yes kissing is definitely still allowed. I’m human you know.”



































Chapter 13


As Finn was driving over to Blaire’s cabin he was performing a mental checklist. He had the strawberries and champagne, he took a shower, washed up real good and made sure to put
on a decent amount of cologne but not too much that he suffocated his date. He zipped his fly, which was important to remember at all times and he had his wallet in case they did go out so he could pay for whatever they decided to do.

He pulled into The Sleeping Potato through the back gate to avoid a
ny sighting by his parents. The last thing he needed was his little red headed mother yelling at him for fraternizing with the guests. He pulled up to Blaire’s cabin and parked his car. He checked his breath which was good since he just brushed his teeth and he grabbed his goodies. Nerves were floating throughout his stomach and he felt like he was going to throw up. What happened to him? He used to be so cool and calm. What was it about Blaire that made him lose his cool? Maybe because she was so confident and knew what she wanted that made him nervous.

He was just about to knock on her door when it swung open and what seemed like a brick wall smacked him in the face. Standing in a silk rob that was open showing off just a bra and panties underneath was Blaire, a barefoot blonde bombshell. Her body was toned, lean and perfect. Her breasts practically spilled out of her bra causing Finn’s mouth to go dry. He didn’t say anything. He just stared like a fool.

She broke the silence. “Hey there, come in. I was just getting dressed.” Getting dressed? Finn wanted to scream ‘No’ at the top of his lungs, but maybe she had an idea of where she wanted to go.

Finn walked in her little cabin that he built and was instantly wrapped up in the smell that was Blaire which was extremely feminine and enthralling. He noticed she didn’t unpack any of her clothes she was just living out of her suitcase but her cosmetics were displayed out on the vanity. He never actually lived with another woman but he had had some serious relationships where he spent quite a few nights at a girlfriend’s house and seeing the familiar products woman used made his gut twinge. He missed being with a woman, he missed it terribly. Bradon might be a man whore, but Finn was a relationship kind of guy.

Finn realized he was just standing in her cabin staring and Blaire noticed too. “Uh, why don’t you take your jacket off and stay for a while.”

Finn cleared his throat. “Yea, sorry. So, uh, what were you thinking we do tonight? Oh these are for you.” Finn handed her the champagne and strawberries as he sat down on the little couch in the room.

She looked at both of the items he handed her and smiled. “Why, thank you. That was very sweet of you.” She took up the seat right next to him with one leg curled under her butt facing him and the other leg dangling off the couch. Her robe still fluttered open giving him occasional glances at what seemed to him like an x-rated show. He felt his pulse starting to quicken and his pants starting to get tighter every minute. “I didn’t really have any plans.” She continued, then nodded her head at the strawberries and said, “Looks like you had an idea of what to do tonight though.”

Finn gulped, he wanted to fan his sweater out because good Lord was it getting hot in there. “Uh, no plans. Just wanted to give you a taste of some of the best strawberries in town.”

She leaned in. “What if I want to taste something else.” She licked her lips.

Finn started fanning his sweater he didn’t care. His body temperature was scorching. “What do you have in mind?” he asked.

“I think you know.” She straddled his lap and let her robe fall completely off. His pants instantly grew to an uncomfortable state as she leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I want to see what a nervous little Irish man tastes like.”

Sweet Jesus. He looked into her deep blue eyes and saw pure lust pouring from them. She wanted him and she wanted him bad. Finn had absolutely no clue why but he wasn’t going to argue. Though, he was going to argue her comment, nervous Irish man…no that can’t be how she sees him. It was time for him to step up and take charge.

He wrapped his arms around her and lifted them both off the sofa and threw her on the bed. He tore his shirt over his head revealing his toned body which Blaire seemed to drink in excitingly. He moved his way on the bed and straddled her body not allowing her to move.

“Nervous Irishman? You are going to be singing a different song real soon.”

“Prove it.”

With that Finn made his first move and lowered his lips to hers, taking his time moving his lips across her plump ones, going very slow, trying to torture her which seemed like it was working because he felt her squirming under him. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him down closer trying to deepen the kiss but he wouldn’t let her. He stayed hovered over her body, making the slightest touches. He heard her moan in frustration sending bolts of desire through his body. He wanted to make her moan even more.

He moved one of his hands from her waist up her stomach and right below the underside of her breast. He moved his thumb pad across her skin causing her to squirm even more. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes. “Are you done pussy footing around? Take me Finn.”

Finn laughed. “Oh no, we are doing this on my schedule.”

He got up and grabbed the strawberries and champagne along with a cup. He popped open the bubbly and poured it into the glass, why have two glasses when they could share? He grabbed a strawberry and traced her lips with the edge, watching the chocolate starting to melt from her hot breath, it was an intoxicating thing to watch. He pulled the strawberry away and took her lips fully with his. There was no holding back this time with his kisses. He tasted every last inch of them. She tasted like a sweet female and chocolate. He pulled away again and continued to repeat the process of the strawberry on her lips until there was no more chocolate on the tip. He followed up the last kiss with a drink of champagne that he chased with another adventure of her lips.

She moaned when his champagne infused lips met hers. “Mmm, you taste good.” She mumbled as she devoured him some more. He let her have her way this time with the kiss. As she was kissing him, he worked his way to her bra. He just had to get a hold of her gorgeous breasts. He needed to feel the weight of them in his hand. He reached behind her, and just like Liam said, you never forget how to ride a bike, he grabbed the clasp of her bra and un-did it with one quick flick of the fingers. The bra sprang forward and he dragged it off watching her golden colored breasts fall on her chest.

There was absolutely no more room in his jeans once he got a look at her. He had to get his pants off immediately. He tore his jeans off and then once again leaned next to her, drinking in the sight of her naked breasts staring at him.

“God, you are so damn gorgeous.”

He felt his erection pulsating from the freedom of no jeans and the sight before him. He thought about how he needed to control his urges and slow down before he went too early. He started kissing her again and moved his hand that was entwined in the strap of her thong, up the front of her stomach, to the middle of her cleavage where he felt her heart quicken under his hand and her breathing become labored. Slowly he moved his hand across one breast, circling her nipple with his finger but not fully touching or squeezing.

“Please, Finn, please I need you to touch me.” She begged.

He wasn’t going to let the lady down so he captured her full breast in his hand and they both moaned with pleasure at the same time. Her boobs were one hundred percent real and they were beyond perfect. He leaned down and when he worked one breast with his hand he worked the other with his tongue. She was squirming under him, begging for more just as he switched his hands and mouth. He reached for the champagne and dribbled some of the liquid over her chest while he licked it up, soaking in the taste of her skin paired with the intoxicating liquid.

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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