Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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“I beg to differ.” He said while scanning her up and down. She gave him a skeptical look and he exhaled sharply. “I’ve known her for over twenty five years.”

Fiona’s jaw dropped. Childhood sweethearts? Yea there was no competing with this girl. Destiny was throwing Booker and the Barbie together.

“Wow, well that is quite a relationship. I wish you two the best of luck, not that you need it since you have made it this far.”

She quickly was able to throw him off and turn around to open her door.

“She’s my sister, Fiona.” He said quickly.

Fiona stopped in mid step. His sister? Once he said that everything started falling into place, her blonde hair was just like his, they had the same California glow and their smiles were just as mesmerizing as the other. Her face instantly heated up with embarrassment and her palms started to sweat. If she turned around to face him now he would point out her red face instantly and call her out.

“Oh.” Was all she could muster. “Uh, well I will be down in a second to apologize.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close. He whispered in her ear, “I love it when your face turns red from embarrassment. It makes you so real.” He moved her hair to the side and kissed her neck causing her to melt in his arms. She felt all the walls she held up against him slowly starting to crumble. She couldn’t resist him anymore. Even if she moved across country she would still try to find her way back to him. She was destined to get her heart broken by Booker Hall.

She turned in his arms and looked him in the eyes. “She’s really your sister?”

He chuckled. “Yes, and frankly it scares me that you didn’t see the resemblance. People used to mistake us for twins all the time.”

“Now that I think about it, you do kind of look like each other.”

He placed his finger under her chin and brought her mouth close to his. “You’re so cute when you are flustered.”

She stuttered. “I, uh, I’m not flustered.”

He kissed her ever so lightly on the lips causing a wave of pleasure to shoot through her entire body. She felt her legs starting to wobble and her insides were melting at a dramatic rate. She relished being in his arms, she never felt anything more perfect in her life.

“Do you work tomorrow?”

She shook her head no. “We are closed tomorrow.”

“Do you have anything planned?” He asked while slowly kissing her lips, barely touching them.

“Uh, I was supposed to have breakfast with Tip and Soph.”

“Cancel. You’re mine tomorrow.”

She went to protest but then he brought her in closer and pressed his beautiful mouth on hers, devouring her as if she was some kind of fine dessert he couldn’t get enough of. He nibbled at her lower lip sending bolts of pleasure through her causing her to part her mouth to give him more access. He took advantage of her offering and slid his tongue against hers. She had a decent amount of kisses in her lifetime but never did she ever feel like she was floating on a cloud when she was kissed so simply by a man. He wasn’t even moving his hands up and down her body. They were firmly grasping her hips while his mouth did all the work. She matched every stroke and nibble he gave her, causing their kiss to become more ravenous. He pushed her against the wall and continued to dance his tongue in her mouth. Every last bit of her body was tingling with excitement and she cursed herself for feeling like she could climax just from his kiss.

He broke their lip lock and looked deep into her eyes. “Are we on for tomorrow, my sweet Fiona?”              She just nodded in agreement. He answered with a grin and said, “Good. No more being jealous, you hear?”

“I was not jealous.” She protested but felt her treacherous body heat up from embarrassment.

“Sure.” He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and turned toward the stairs. “Maybe once you gather yourself I can properly introduce you to my sister.” He gave her a wink and took off.

She threw her head back against the wall when he was out of sight. She was such an idiot, of course the Barbie tartlet was his sister, they looked so similar. She tried not to think about what an asshole she was a couple of minutes ago and savored the fact that tomorrow she was going to be Booker’s for the day.




              Finn watched the whole interaction happen between Fiona, the Sheila and his gorgeous date. When Fiona returned from embarrassing herself and threw her apron at him all he wanted to do was grab her by the arm and tell her to grow the fuck up and be an adult but he knew she was hurting. Even though she wouldn’t admit it, he knew she had strong feelings for Booker, very strong feelings so he let her go. What Finn thought was strange was when Booker went chasing after her, leaving his date to clean herself up.

Finn felt bad for the girl so he wet a dish rag and brought it over to her. She was even more stunning up close. She had crystal blue eyes that sparkled, a mouth that could put Julia Roberts’ to shame and beautiful golden locks of hair.

Ha handed her the rag and said, “Sorry about my sister, she’s going through a rough time.”

She looked toward the direction that Booker and Fiona took off to and replied, “Yea, so is my brother.”

He couldn’t help but be shocked. “The Sheila is your brother?”


“Oh, I mean, Booker. He’s your brother?”

“Yes, unfortunately. You would think he would be able to take me to my first dinner out here without causing a scene. You know he has it bad for your sister? I wasn’t supposed to say anything, but after that whole scene, how could I not? Seems like your sister was a little jealous too.”

Finn laughed. “Yes, there’s that Irish temper for you. Sorry that you were the one who had to get sloshed with beer. Your meal will be on the house.”

“Oh don’t even try to get us out of the bill. Actually make us pay more, believe me Booker can afford it.”

Finn was about to ask what Booker did for a living but he was more interested in getting to know the beautiful blonde sitting before him instead.

“May I sit?” He gestured toward the seat.

“Please, I’m sure Booker will be gone for a while patching up whatever situation he messed up with your sister.”

“Hold on, let me go grab your dinner. I’m sure it’s done by now. Do you want tartar sauce?”

“Please, that would be great. Thank you, I’m starving.”

“Be right back.” He gave her a wink and headed back to the kitchen. Liam was on the phone, most likely with Neala but he got his attention. “Can you watch the bar? I’m taking a quick break.”

“More like you want to hit on that blonde who came in with the Sheila.”

“His sister to be exact.” Finn said while wagging his eyebrows. “And I stake claim, so back off.”

“You lucky dog, just be happy Bradon wasn’t working tonight. He would have been all over her faster than you can pour a shot for the local lush.”

Finn laughingly agreed and grabbed the fish and chips, making sure to grab extra tartar sauce. He placed the plate in front of the Sheila’s sister and watched her eyes widen in amazement.

“Oh my, this looks fantastic. I can already feel my hips growing from eating this.” She said jokingly.

Finn thought about her hips growing and didn’t think it possible. She was most likely one of those lucky girls who didn’t have to do anything to maintain such an amazing body. Instead of telling her how incredibly sexy she was he said, “Nah, a little grease never hurt anyone.”

She returned his statement with a smile and dug in. She ate the fish like it was going to be stolen away from her. He couldn’t help but smile.

She looked up. “Are you laughing at the way I eat?”

He put his hands up in defense. “No, not at all.”

“You better not.” She said while pointing her fork at him. “I haven’t eaten all day and I’m ravenous.”

Finn wished she was ravenous for him, instead of the fish and chips. Realizing he didn’t even know her name but was already fantasizing about her he extended his hand out and said, “I don’t think I introduced myself. I’m Finn O’Leary. I own this fine establishment with my siblings.”

She took her little hand in his, sending a bolt of electricity up his arm. “I’m Blaire, this fine establishment is quite lovely. I like it here and these fish and chips are to die for. If Booker doesn’t get back fast enough, I might end up making a dent in his plate.”

Finn laughed. “So what brings you to Warblers Point?”

In between bites she replied, “Needed a change of scenery. I was recently let go from my job and I needed a break. A much needed break.”

Finn felt bad for obviously bringing up a sore subject but he wanted to know more. “I’m sorry to hear that. If you don’t mind me asking, what did you do before you came out here?”

“I’m a nurse.”

“Ah, a very admirable profession. I don’t know how you do it. I could never deal with all those patients and blood. I would get so woozy. I would most likely pass out on a patient making matters worse.”

She laughed. Finn thought about how it was such a beautiful sound. “Yea, we don’t like light weights like you in our profession. You have to have nerves of steel.”


They just stared at each other for a couple of seconds when she said, “You know, those glasses you wear make you look extremely sexy.”

Caught off guard by her blunt statement all he could say was, “Uh, oh thanks.” He readjusted his glasses on his nose, even though he just put them back in the same place.

“Are they real?”

Finn took a quick glance at her chest wondering the same exact thing. “Are what real?” He asked in a hazy state of mind, her superior hotness was infiltrating his brain.

She dropped her fork on her plate, took a swig of beer and said, “Oh my God, you totally just checked out my tits.” Finn’s mouth dropped open and was about to deny it when she interrupted him. “Don’t lie to me, I saw you.” She pointed her finger at him.

There was nothing he could do but own up to her charges. He shrugged in a little school boy sort of way and said, “Guilty as charged. Sorry but I just have to say you are fucking hot.”

She looked at him with a studying eye and took another sip of her beer. “So, we have both established each other as being attracted to one another. The question is, what are we going to do about it?”

Finn could feel himself starting to go hard under the table. Never in his life had he ever dealt with such a direct woman. He always seemed to date passive aggressive woman, Blaire was like a breath of fresh air.

He leaned in closer and snagged a fry from her plate. “I can take you out tomorrow night.”

She placed her chin in her hand and met him half way across the table, showing off a bit of her amazing cleavage, this time Finn made a point of staring at the glorious sight.

“You’re on O’Leary.” She traced her finger on his hand. “Like what you see?” Referring to his blatant perusal of her chest.

Finn tore his gaze away from her breasts and nodded. He gulped and said, “Very much so.”

“Good, be at my place around seven tomorrow. I know just what to wear.” She wrote down where she was staying and her number on a napkin and handed it over to him.

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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