Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series) (34 page)

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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Finn felt Blaire stiffen next to him. She probably didn’t want to hear someone talking bad about her brother. “Fiona is happy Murph. I think it’s about time you let her go.”

The smile he was sporting just a couple of seconds ago instantly vanished and malice replaced it. “Does she even know who she’s dating?”

“Of course she does.”

“Are you sure about that? I wouldn’t want to see her get hurt.” Murphy warned.

“Booker and Fiona are very much happy right now, the only way she’s going to get hurt is if you try to step in and interrupt things. Drop it Murph and move on, Fiona has.”

Murphy stepped closer, right next to Finn’s ear so he was the only one who could hear his next comment. “Tell that Hollywood boy to watch his back, I know who he really is and it’s about time the cat was let out of the bag.” Murphy blew past Finn knocking into his shoulder sending Blaire against the car.

Finn was about to chase after Murphy to show him that was no way to treat a lady when Blaire stopped him. “Don’t Finn, it’s not worth it. Let’s just get back to the cabin.”

Finn was so furious, what the hell was Murphy talking about. “What is your brother hiding?” Fin practically spat out.

laire looked at him with wide eyes and tried looking away but Finn didn’t allow her. “Blaire, look at me. What do you and Murphy know.” Then a sudden wave of nausea hit him, was Blaire in on something with Murphy? With the way she reacted around him just now and then prevented him from chasing after Murphy, led Finn to believe there might be something between the two. “Are you involved with Murphy or something?”

Pure outrage passed through Blaire’s face and then her hand met his face in a loud slap. “How dare you accuse me of such a thing.”

The pain from her slap didn’t even register in Finn’s mind. “Tell me I’m wrong. The first time you are shy since I’ve met you is around him and now you are acting like you know something that both him and you know. As if you have been communicating behind my back.”

“You’re a giant ass, Finn. The reason why I’m ‘shy’ as you say is because I don’t like the man. He came onto me in his shop and frankly he pours on the charm a little too much for me, he gives me the creeps. And contrary to what you like to believe, for some odd reason I like you and would never betray you like that.”

Damn. “Then what the hell is he talking about?”

“To hell if I know. You should have asked him.” Blaire took off toward the street and started walking in the direction of The Sleeping Potato.

Finn chased after her and pulled her arm to stop her and turn her around so she was facing him. “Where are you going?”

“I’m walking home. I’m not going to be with someone who doesn’t trust me and thinks I’m off gallivanting behind his back.”

“Can you blame me with the way you threw yourself at me the first time we met?” The moment the words left his mouth, he wanted to instantly press the rewind button and get them back. She didn’t say anything, the hurt in her eyes spoke all the words he needed. He ran his hand through his hair and exhaled. “Jesus, Blaire I’m so sorry. I don’t know where that came from. I hope you know that’s not really how I feel about you.”

“Clearly it is.” She took off for the road again and called over her shoulder, “Leave me the fuck alone, Finn.”

To hell he was. “Blaire, please. I’m sorry, I’m such an idiot.” No wonder he hadn’t been in a serious relationship in a while, he always blew it with his big mouth.

She whipped around to face him, tears were pouring from her eyes. His heart sank and he wished he could kick himself in the mouth for causing her such pain.

“You have no idea what your distrust in me does to me Finn. I thought you were different than any other guy I have dated, but you are just like the rest of them; jealous fools.” She shivered from the cold air and walked toward the car. “If it wasn’t so damn cold out I would walk home but I can barely make it a couple more feet. Please take me back to my cabin.”

              Finn conceded and drove her to her cabin in complete silence. How the hell was he going to fix this with Blaire? He needed to find a way and he needed to find a way quick or he was going to lose her. Not that he wasn’t already going to lose her. Wasn’t he the one who warned Fiona not to fall for a tourist, they only end up breaking your heart in the end. Maybe this was for the best, maybe he should just let her go now before she was the one who left him for a better place.

He thought about that possibility for a moment and couldn’t jump on board. He was falling for Blaire and there was no way he could let her go without a fight.




              Booker waited in Fiona’s bedroom as she changed. She had been in the bathroom for a little longer than he wanted. He already was hard, he had been hard for the past couple of weeks as he waited for Fiona to be ready. Even though it was difficult for his southern friend to wait, he actually enjoyed the time of getting to know Fiona without sex clouding his understanding of her. They found out over the past couple of weeks that they had a tremendous amount of things in common like family values, goals and stupid things like movies and food. Booker knew he met his one and only and he would be proposing to her in the near future.

He just had to convince her that their life together at times might be tough with his job but it would be totally worth it. The fact that he had not quite revealed his real identity to her yet kind of scared him. He didn’t want to betray her trust but he also needed to make sure that she loved him for who he actually was instead of his celebrity.

He thought about revealing his identity tonight while they were snuggling in bed but that got trumped by her willingness to be ready to take him to bed…again. Was he thinking with his little head again? Maybe he should stop her tonight and actually have a conversation with her. How betrayed would she be, if she fully gave herself to him and then found out later he was actually someone slightly different then the picture he painted for her? It wasn’t like he completely lied to her, he just chose not to go into detail about his career. There was no harm in that?

He thought maybe he should just tell her until he saw her little leg pop out of the crack of the bathroom door. After that all his thoughts turned to mush and he focused on the little show going on by the bathroom.

He still had his jeans and shirt on for some godforsaken reason which was only causing his hard on to be restricted. He was about to free himself when he thought, it might be more fun for her to do it.

“Are you ready?” She asked while still flashing her leg.

He grunted out a measly “yes.”

She opened the door fully and he felt like his tongue unraveled and fell to the floor. His little red-headed goddess stood in the doorway of the bathroom wearing a red and black laced demi bra that traveled down to just above her belly button and a matching thong. The bra made her boobs look like they were about to fall out causing him to want to run his tongue all along her twin peaks. She walked toward him with a seductive sway making him have to readjust his pants from the tightness he was experiencing.

She stood right in front of him and asked, “Aren’t those jeans a little tight for you?” Booker just nodded. She knelt down and said, “Here let me help you.” She grabbed his shirt and lifted it up as he helped her take it off then she worked on the button and zipper of his jeans. She released them and dragged his jeans off his bottom half sending relief to his groin as it popped to attention in his boxer briefs.

She looked at him and smiled. “Already so excited, Mr. Hall?”

“Can you blame me?” He breathed out. “Damn, Fiona. I have never seen anyone more gorgeous than you.”

“That’s hard to believe, but thank you. Now let’s see what we can do about this little tent you have pitched.”

She grabbed his boxer briefs and slid them off his butt. He lifted off the bed so they came off easier. He could tell she was pleased with what she saw by the way she licked her lips and her eyes widened with anticipation. She cupped his balls with one hand and ran the length of his cock with the other. He threw his head back in pleasure just by her simple touch.

“God, Fiona that feels so good. You have no idea.”

“I can conjure up a little bit of an idea how good it feels just by the size you are right now.” She smiled at him and then lowered her head so her lips gently wrapped around his throbbing tip. Slowly she took him in her mouth and moved up and down while she enclosed his base with her hand and stroked him in rhythm with her mouth.

A low groan rumbled from his chest as he watched her pleasure him. “Jesus…”

She giggled from his reaction which only spurred him on further from the rumble her mouth provided. He felt the tips of his toes starting to go numb and he could feel himself starting to get ready to explode. He didn’t want to go this fast.

He could tell that in fact, she did read the magazine article about oral pleasure since he was about to blow in her mouth at any second.

He reached down and stopped her. “Baby, please, I don’t want to cum so fast.” She didn’t care and continued to suck on his length. He was going to lose control in two seconds so he quickly lifted her up off the ground and flopped her on the bed.

“Hey…” She protested. “I wasn’t done yet.”

“I was.” He said as he started to work her breasts eagerly out of the bra she had on. Thank god for its front clasp. He ripped open the clasp and was rewarded with two of the most beautiful and natural breasts he had ever seen.

“God, you are just so damn beautiful, Fiona.”

He bent his head down and took her breasts into his mouth, savoring the taste of her feminine body. She tasted so sweet to him, like a nectar he couldn’t get enough of. He licked her nipples senseless until she was writhing underneath him begging for him to enter her while her nipples were hard as rocks.

“Booker, please…”

“What do you want, baby.”

“You, please Booker. I can’t take any more of this teasing.”

He reached over and grabbed a condom, making sure to slide it on as quickly as possible and then he ripped her thong off. “That’s not teasing my love, that is getting you ready.” He stuck his two fingers into her warm center and felt how wet she was. “Fuck, you are so ready right now.”

He took her legs and put them on his shoulders as he plunged into her making her gasp.

“Oh my gosh. I have…” She gasped again as he drew himself deeper inside making her moan. “Oh, this is a new position for me. Oh Booker, more.”

He gave her what he wanted and pumped harder into her. Thankfully she was flexible because he was semi-nervous he was hurting her. He should be a little less rough with her but he couldn’t help himself, he needed her badly. He felt her walls starting to contract wrapping herself around his dick even tighter causing his insides to start to rumble. He was going to explode soon and he wanted her right there with him.

She moaned and then screamed his name as he tweaked her nipple with one hand. He flew over the edge into ecstasy at the same exact time she did. His entire body convulsed with aftershocks of desire. His entire body went numb and he swore he must have died and gone to heaven because never in his life had anything ever felt that good.

He collapsed and rolled over on the bed, dragging her with him so she was resting on his chest. She was in a dreamlike state and he didn’t dare disturb her. She occasionally moaned and thrust her hips at his leg as she recovered from the intense orgasm he delivered. He kissed her forehead and reveled in the fact that Fiona was all his.

Finally she stirred awake and he felt her tiny lips kiss the column of his neck. He rubbed her back with his fingers getting lost in her curves.

“I love you.” She murmured.

BOOK: Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
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