Before You Leave: A Romance Novel (11 page)

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With Kieran’s right arm guiding me around my waist, I leave the hospital. Gently he eases me into his jeep and straps the seat belt around me. Resting my head on the headrest, I watch him run around the front to enter the driver’s side.

“You feeling ok? I can take you back in if you’re not?” He holds his own belt midway before attaching it to the clasp as he asks.

“I’ll be better once I’m home, but until then I’m sure your apartment will help me recover.”

Snapping the belt into place he looks out the front window and turns the key to start the engine.

Leaving the hospital car park in silence.


Driving through the electric gates after he enters his code, Kieran parks the jeep in an open garage beside what looks like a large complex. With his help I manage to climb the few steps up to the double fronted door. Leaning all of my weight onto him, he opens one of the doors to a courtyard. In front of us is the pool surrounded by patio doors and all double story high blocks around it. The first two we pass have nobody sitting outside but on the third we meet a couple enjoying the late sun, sipping from their wine glasses.

“Hello Kieran, haven’t seen you here for a while.” The gentleman says as we walk pass on the edge of their patio.

“Been busy Mick. You know how things are.” Kieran replies with his arm around me for support.

“Is this your friend you have busy with?” I’m not sure if it is a question out of nosiness but his tone sounded off, jealous even.

“This is a friend, Mick. Julia has come to visit for a few days.”

“Oh well how nice. Be sure to use the pool then young lady. Nothing more cooling than a dip in there.”

Kieran doesn’t answer him and walks away. When we are out of earshot he tells me that under no circumstance do I use the pool if he is in it.

“Why not?” I ask as we keep walking.

“Because he is a perv. I’ve seen him watching the girls in the pool and he gives me the creeps.”


Kieran unlocks the patio door using a different code to the last block we arrive at. Sliding back the door he guides me in and sits me down on the long leather sofa. Leaving me he walks over to the large kitchen parted with a floating island. The size of this open plan room is the largest I have ever seen. Furnished with the bare minimum of decoration other than some beautiful paintings of scenery on the walls, sofas and scattered cushions. There is a TV and some sort of music centre but they are very much integrated into the wall.

“Did you decorate this place yourself?” I ask when he comes back carrying a large glass of iced water.

“I did. Do you approve?”

Taking a delightful mouthful of cool water, I wait until I swallow before I answer.

“I do, well I do on the paintings. The rest could use some throws or something to brighten it up.”

With a gentle laugh he shakes his head. “I’m not really a colourful kind of person. Do you want to rest here while I’ll go into the kitchen and make you something to eat or would you like to come with me?” He asks, changing the subject.

“I’ll wait here if that’s ok. Can I rest my head down? This sofa is really comfortable.” I ask him as I sink into the thick cushions.

“You can do whatever you like on that chair. I’ll go and get you a pillow from the bedroom to rest your head. Give me a minute.”

With a slight jog in his step he leaves by a door off the room. A few minutes later he returns with two pillows and a light blanket.

“Now, a pillow to keep you cosy. Lay back there and kick your legs up on the chair.”

Taking off my shoes that Sarah brought in for me to use, I pull my legs up onto the sofa and rest my head on the pillow. Kieran opens out the cover and lets it fall slowly over me.

“Rest, I’ll be as quick as I can. Sarah will be here soon too so I will make enough for us all.”

“Can you even cook?”

Crouching down so that he is level with me he looks deeply into my eyes. Darting from one brown eye to the other, I watch his pupils dilate. With his teeth he pulls in his bottom lip and sighs.

“I can cook Julia, it is one talent that I have used many times and I would be honoured to cook for you.”

“Oh but no fish.”

“Certainly no fish. Not yet anyway.” Kieran smiles at me and it’s contagious. He has such a beautiful smile. His eyes brighten forming lines at the side and two dimples appear on his cheeks. He rests his hand on mine and I can feel how warm it is. Gently he rubs over my soft skin and starts to lean in towards me. My eyes never leaving his even though my head is trying to work out what he is doing. The sound of a buzzer breaks whatever connection is happening in this moment and Kieran quickly stands up, straightening his trouser leg as he does so. A white square box is at the side of the door and Kieran presses a button on it, connecting him to whoever is at the other end.

“Hello. It’s me. Open up.” Sarah bellows down the receiver obviously standing too close to the intercom.

“Turn right after entering the complex and we are number 115.” Kieran tells her and then presses another button that I presume opens the front door. Sliding the door open ready for her, he walks pass me and back to the kitchen.

I can hear the wheels from the suitcase before Sarah enters the apartment. Trailing in with two cases and a bag she stands in the door opened mouth.

“Oh wow, this is some place.” She says with her eyes wide. “It is bigger than even my house at home, should I take my shoes off?”

“I don’t know it isn’t my place.” I answer.

“But did you have too when you came in.” I start to laugh. Sarah looks frozen on the spot scared to move. “What are you laughing at?”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t but you look so funny just standing there. Come and sit by me.” I tell her, tapping the edge of the sofa with the hand Kieran rubbed a few moments before. “You can keep your shoes on.” I add watching Sarah move from her spot and rush over to embrace me with a hug.

“How are you? Did Kieran help you in here, is he looking after you ok? Have you eaten?”

“Take a breath Sarah. I’m doing ok, yes he helped and he is in the kitchen cooking for us both.”

“He is? Good I’m starving. Took me ages to pack and clean up. I actually took a nap because I was exhausted.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh sweetie, it wasn’t because of you. I rang home and spoke to Justin and we had a bit of alone time.”

“Ok Sarah that is too much information.”

“You really are looking better,” Sarah says, changing the subject, “and I’m not just talking about since you were in hospital. There is a glow in your cheeks.”

“Don’t be daft, how can you tell after the sun burn I got that day!”

“Well you do look very relaxed there. You know you were very lucky your skin didn’t blister. That lotion they put on you certainly worked well.”

“I think they gave Kieran some to bring with us to use along with tablets for my head to control the headaches. The doctor told Kieran that I should be in a stress-free environment.”

“Looks like you are right now. Rest completely over the next few days and when you come home you will have the strength to start again. How about we give your apartment a lick of paint when you get back and brighten it up.”

“I’d like that, thank you so much Sarah.” I sit up to hug her tight; she has done so much for me when I have been so selfish for a long time now, lost in my own misery.

“Food is served ladies.” Kieran announces and we let go of each other. Standing with a tray in his hands the odour of the dish makes my tummy rumble.

“Stay sitting there Julia, I’ve made you soup. I think it might be best to start with small amounts to gain your strength.”

Placing the tray across my legs the steam rises off the bowl. I can smell carrot and coriander wafting through my nostrils making my mouth water. Beside the bowl is two slices of brown bread with something dark threading through them.

“It’s seaweed. A natural source of vitamins and very nutritious, meaning it is very good for you. I made it earlier, believe me, you will love it. Sarah I left yours on the island for you.” Kieran must have seen the expression on my face to jump in with his explanation.

“Ok, I’m sure it’s lovely.” Picking the corner off the bread, it broke off with ease. I dip it into the soup and pop it into my mouth. He is right it does taste delicious. I give him a thumb up as I chew on another piece. Smiling he walks back to the kitchen with Sarah at his heels.




A gentle knock on the door wakes me. It takes a few seconds to remember where I am, why I am here and why the knocking needs stopping. I call out to tell the person on the other side to come in before knuckles hit the painted wood again.

“Hey are you awake?” Sarah pokes her head around the door, allowing a beam of light to come into the dark room.

“Well if I’m not then I would start worrying. Someone just let you in and thankfully it was me.”

“Haha funny. Where did that sense of humour come from?”

“The hospital gave me a brain transplant while I was in there. Did they not tell you?”

Sarah enters the room and shuts the door behind her. Opening the blackout curtains the sun forces itself inside the room.

“That’s not too bright for you, is it?” She asks with the drapes still in her hand.

“No it’s fine. At least the sun is telling me that it’s morning. What time is it?”

“It is just after seven, I wanted to come and see you before I left for the airport.”

“Oh I don’t want you to go.” Sarah sits down beside me on the bed. Sitting up I hug her. “You have been more than a friend to me since we arrived and more than a friend since, well you know, since the accident.”

“You are like a sister to me Jules. You just needed a little push to set you back on the right road.”

“Well this certainly was a push. Thank you. I know it doesn’t seem like I am the Julia of old, but I’m getting there. I really am.”

“Oh I have faith in you. Just remember the sun isn’t bad. It shines on you for a reason. Even if we don’t know it at the time, trust me on that one.”

Letting go of her, I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.

“I want to get up and come to the airport with you?” I tell her while removing the sheet that I had been covering me.

“Oh no you don’t. Kieran will have my head if you do. No you stay here, you know I hate goodbyes and it will only be for a few days before you are home too.”

“I don’t have to do what Kieran tells me. He isn’t my keeper.” I mope.

“That is true but you were allowed to leave the hospital under his care, so if I was you I would do as I was told.”

I take in a deep breath and pout at Sarah. “Well in that case, I think I will stay by the pool today. Like I should have done a few days ago.”

“That, my dear friend, is the right decision to make. And now it is time for me to grab my case and get moving.”

“Have a good trip and text me as soon as you land. Oh I’m so going to miss you.”

“I’m going to miss you too.”  Sarah holds my forearms and pierces me with her dark blue eyes. “Promise me you will relax and enjoy the next few days. Come home stronger and more positive then you have ever been. No going off by yourself and remember Kieran wants to help you so let him.”

“I will do my best.” I promise and hold out my pinkie finger to her. Smiling she hooks hers into mine and we both shake on the deal.

“Ok time to go.”

Standing up Sarah holds out her hand, placing mine into hers I leave the comfort of the bed and trail behind her out of the room and down the stairs. At the bottom Kieran waits leaning against the last banister. As we get closer his aftershave, shower gel or is it his shampoo, becomes stronger. Not sickly strong but one that you want to walk into and not come out. I inhale it into my chest, deep inside and allow it to sink into every darken place. With his head down, he looks at his phone while his finger moves with speed. Emailing or messaging of some sort I am guessing. A small tiny part of me twists and tightens with the thought of him being in contact with someone, another woman maybe, making me lose my footing on one of the steps.

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