Before You Seduce Me: A Prequel to Seduce Me (2 page)

BOOK: Before You Seduce Me: A Prequel to Seduce Me
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Chapter Three


Ashley Sullivan


“Stephen Mills is in my International Marketing course,” said Phil as we sat down to eat at Mario's Pizzeria. We were celebrating the start of our Senior Year of college at Santa Barbara University. Phil
had been my boyfriend since spring semester of our Junior Year. Stephen Mills had been my boyfriend before Phil. Stephen and Phil did not particularly like each other.

“I assume you won't be doing any projects together,” I said as I took a bite of my anchovy pizza.

“Got that right. He's such a pussy. I can't believe you ever dated that guy.”

“Phillip Reed! Is that really necessary?”

“Just calling it like I see it,” he responded as he took a bite of his pepperoni pizza.

We always did half pepperoni and half anchovy. Phil hated anchovies and I wasn't fond of pepperoni. I guess relationships are all about compromise. Although Phil did little of that. It was a bone of contention in our relationship. At the moment, I was trying to avoid any confrontation and just enjoy the start of our last year in college.

I had started dating Stephen our Freshman year. He was actually the first guy I ever slept with. We dated until the end of our Sophomore year when he broke up with me for a girl he met while doing a semester abroad in Italy.

“Well, he left me for his Italian girlfriend and you don't see me calling him names.”

“Whatever. You like it when I say 'pussy' in bed.”

“That's different. Can we change the subject, please?”

“Sure. Tell me again how you can eat anchovies?” Phil said in disgust as I polished off my first slice of pizza. “They are so disgusting.”

“I've always liked them. You really should try one,” I said as I plucked an anchovy off my side of the pizza and dangled it in front of Phil.

“Oh, gross! Get that away from me,” he said as he turned his head and pushed my hand away.

“Fine. Just more for me. You don't know what you're missing.”

“I'm good. But a few strayed onto my side of the pizza. They've contaminated that slice.”

“So I get an extra slice, then?” I said with a smile.

“All yours,” Phil replied.

“Hey kids,” called my best friend Chelsea as she walked into Mario's and headed toward our booth.

“Hey, Chels,” I said as I slid over to make room for her to sit next to me.

“Nice outfit,” Phil said.

Chelsea was wearing a tight-fitting tank top with her daisy duke shorts. Phil was always commenting on Chelsea's appearance. Most every guy did.

Chelsea is 5'10”, about 125 pounds, curves in all the right places, and has a killer ass. Her 35c breasts are spectacular. She has long, light brown hair that always looks fabulous. Her light green eyes sparkle amidst a flawless face. She could be a super model.

“Oh, this? It's my running errands outfit,” she said with a smile. “Of course, I'm sure you noticed that Ash looks like a million bucks,” she added for good measure.

Chelsea was not overly fond of Phil and she was protective of me. I stand 5'5” tall with a slender frame. I have long brown hair and brown eyes. I don't have a huge chest, but my b-cup breasts are perky. I've been told I have a cute ass. Most consider me pretty in the girl-next-door sort of way.

“She knows how hot I think she is. Proved it to her last night. Hoping to show her again tonight,” Phil responded with a smile.

Phil and I had our issues, but the sex was pretty amazing.

“Just don't ever forget it or I'll hunt you down and do unspeakably painful things to your balls,” Chelsea said as she grinned at Phil.

Phil was a bad boy and pretty tough, but he was afraid of Chelsea. As sweet as Chelsea was, she could be equally ferocious. She was going to make a great lawyer. She was the top economics student at Santa Barbara University and was applying to Columbia University Law School.

“Alright children, let's not make a federal case out of this,” I said, trying to defuse what could get ugly fast.

Both Phil and Chelsea knew enough to just move on. They had me in common so they did try to tolerate each other. Most of the time.

Chelsea looked in disgust at my anchovy pizza. “Yuk. I'll never get you liking anchovies.”

“I know, right?” agreed Phil.

“The pep looks good though,” hinted Chelsea.

“Knock yourself out. There's one that has barely been touched by anchovy,” said Phil with a smirk.

touching that one. It's infected,” said Chelsea turning up her nose at the slice.

“I'll take this one,” she said as she picked a slice of pepperoni pizza as far away from an anchovies as possible.

She took a big bite. “Mmm, delicious. Mario makes the best pizza!”

“So, how were your classes today?” I asked Chelsea.

“Pretty good. Advanced Econometrics will be interesting. I'm excited about the pre-law classes. How was your first day?”

“Great. I already have a jump on my senior thesis. I'm going to examine the use of digital and social media in the fashion industry. It should round out my portfolio nicely. I want to use it when recruiters for
magazine come to campus in the spring,” I said.

I was majoring in Fashion Media. My dream job was to work in media relations at a top fashion magazine. My first choice was
. They were headquartered in Manhattan. A bonus to landing a job at
is that Chelsea would be in New York at Columbia. Well, I was assuming. Chelsea was pretty much a lock on getting into Columbia Law School.

“Awesome,” said Chelsea. “Hey, isn't the school having a big fundraiser later in the year? You should volunteer.”

“Already have,” I replied. “I wouldn't have been able to attend college without a scholarship, so I want to help. Plus it might help me stand out in applying for a job at

was part of Davenport Media. Both were founded by Jacqueline Davenport, the namesake of, and biggest donor to, Davenport School of the Arts at Santa Barbara University. Davenport School of the Arts housed the Fashion Media program.

“It also doesn't hurt that Mr. Sexy CEO is rumored to make an appearance at the fundraiser,” Chelsea teased.

Mr. Sexy CEO
, as Chelsea referred to him, was Brandon Mitchell, the CEO of Davenport Media. He was the billionaire grandson of Jacqueline Davenport.

He was also one of the sexiest men alive. Literally. He had been named that by several magazines. That only confirmed what pretty much every woman alive already knew. I had an innocent crush on him.

“My day was pretty good, too,” said Phil.

“Jealous much?” asked Chelsea.

“Of Brandon Mitchell? No. What does he have that I don't?” asked Phil defiantly.

“You really want to go there?” asked Chelsea.

“Why don't we finish our pizza and head over to Big Scoops for some ice cream?” I asked, trying to stave off more conflict.

“Great idea,” said Chelsea.

Ashley Sullivan, peacemaker.

We finished our pizza and headed to Big Scoops for dessert. I had Cookie Dough, Chelsea had Mint Chocolate Chip, and Phil had Chocolate. When we finished, Chelsea  headed back to our apartment to study.

Phil and I had spent the afternoon getting our work done so we could spend the evening together. Sex always served as a nice reward.

Chapter Four


Chelsea and I shared a small two bedroom apartment in an off-campus complex for upperclassman. It was right next to campus, so a short bike ride or drive to Phil's. He lived in a frat house on campus. Most of his frat brothers were jerks. I didn't like staying in his room, but I wanted to give Chelsea some peace and quite at our place.

Phil and I dropped Chelsea off at the apartment. I grabbed some clothes and the books I needed for the morning. Phil and I then headed over to his place.

As we pulled up in front of the frat house there was already a party going on.

“Seriously? Already?” I said.

“Hey, my brothers worked hard today. They deserve to let loose a little.”

“Worked hard? Today was the first day of classes.”

“So? They're celebrating the start of a new academic year,” Phil said with a grin as he opened his car door.

“Any excuse to get wasted,” I said with disdain as I got out of the car. I knew not to wait for Phil to open the door for me. We were long past that. Actually, it lasted all of two dates. Why was I with Phil? Oh yeah, irresistible bad boy that offers pretty amazing sex.

I doubted that Phil and I had much of a future together, but our relationship worked well enough for college. Well, most of the time it had. Lately, he had become less interested in spending time together. Maybe I had as well.

We didn't have a ton in common. I think we were getting bored of each other. Except for the sex. The sex, as I have noted, was pretty amazing. At least compared to Stephen. Which was my only point of reference.

I was a virgin until my Freshman year in college when I gave my cherry to Stephen. Phil lost his virginity at sixteen and got a lot of practice from that moment on. He had an edge to him that was attractive after my break up with Stephen. I'll admit that it didn't hurt that Phil is a really nice looking guy.

He is nearly six feet tall with an athletic build. He has short, dirty blond hair and green eyes that are cool, and at the same time, sexy and inviting. He's a star pitcher for the university baseball team. He's good enough that he will probably be drafted by a minor league team.

I took his right hand in my left as we walked up the front path to the house. His right arm was his pitching arm, so he had a very firm grip. It came in handy in the bedroom.

He knew how to expertly handle a baseball and, surprisingly, he was able to translate that into fondling my breasts. He liked to say that my perky b-cup breasts were softer, fleshier, versions of a baseball. Sounds strange, I know, but from him it was a compliment of the highest order.

“Hey bro,” said one of Phil's asshole frat brothers, already three-sheets to the wind.

“Bro,” replied Phil with a nod.

As we walked into the house, the living room was filled with a bunch of Phil's beer swilling frat buddies and an assortment of girls. A few of the girls were already stripped down to their bra and panties as they stumbled around the room looking to get laid. There were plenty of willing guys fighting over who would do the honor. I knew some of the girls and I suspected they had enough to go around.

“Let's get upstairs before this turns into a drunken orgy,” said Phil.

He may have been a bit of a bad-ass, and certainly liked to party, but Phil wasn't into plowing drunk chicks or group sex. That put him above the majority of his frat brothers.

We made our way past a crowd on the stairs and down the hall to Phil's bedroom. Fortunately it was at the end of the hallway, so the noise of the party was somewhat muted. Phil locked the door so a drunken couple wouldn't stumble in looking for a bed to have sex on. We had already claimed his bed for that. The sex part anyway.

I had to admit, Phil looked good. Better than good. He was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged him perfectly. He had on a Santa Barbara University Baseball t-shirt that formed nicely to his build. He kicked off his sneakers and plopped onto the bed.

“Say Ash?” he asked.

“Yeah?” I said.

“You really think that Brandon Mitchell is so hot?” Phil asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

It was unusual for Phil to express jealousy. He seemed mostly indifferent to my innocent little crush.

“Are you seriously jealous?”

“Jealous is probably too strong a word. I just don't like the idea of you thinking about some other guy.”

“Phillip, it's just a silly little celebrity crush. I mean, he is rather a celebrity seeing as how he dates all those actresses and super models.”

“I suppose,” Phil offered, half shrugging his shoulders.

“You mean to tell me you don't have the hots for any gorgeous celebrity women?”

“I don't know.”

“Yes you do. Who is it?”

“Alright, I get it. Stupid, meaningless, celebrity crush. I'll drop it,” he said.

“You're right. It is a meaningless celebrity crush. But, now I'm curious about who your crush is. Fess up, Mr. Reed,” I said as I playfully smacked his arm.

“Hey, watch it! Can't mess up the golden arm,” he teased.

There were certainly lighter moments with Phil. I guess that is what kept us together. That, and the sex. Have I mentioned the pretty amazing sex yet? Don't get the wrong impression of me. I'm not particularly experienced and I've only ever had fairly vanilla sex. But I enjoyed it with Phil.

“Megan Fox is pretty hot,” Phil finally stated.

“So, does thinking Megan Fox is hot detract from how you look at me?”

“No. Of course not. You can be pretty sexy when you want to be.”

“When I want to be?” I asked with a grin.

“You know what I mean. Ash, you are really pretty. You can turn on the sexy with the best of them. You just don't fully realize it.”

“Better answer,” I said.

“Well, I don't want to risk my pitching arm to your wrath.”

“It's not my wrath you need to be concerned about,” I replied.

“Chelsea,” we both said and then laughed.

“For such a babe, she can be scary,” Phil added.

“Very true. And pay no mind to what a babe Chelsea is. Concentrate on the chick that is sitting on your bed.”

“Don't I always?” he asked as he leaned in to kiss me.

“You better. Or Chelsea Richards will hunt you down and do unspeakably painful things to your balls,” I said with a giggle.

“Yes. And I prefer what you do to my balls.”

We shared a deep and long kiss. I noticed that the front of Phil's jeans were beginning to bulge. His firmness meant that it was game on. I liked game night.

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