Before You Seduce Me: A Prequel to Seduce Me (4 page)

BOOK: Before You Seduce Me: A Prequel to Seduce Me
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Chapter Seven


I attended the Davenport Scholarship fundraiser  meeting. Many important points were shared about what we would be planning. It was going to be a major A-list formal event just after graduation in the spring. In spite of my sense of reality, I got butterflies inside when I learned that Brandon Mitchell had confirmed that he would attend the event.

Despite what Chelsea said, it was a silly celebrity crush. Nonetheless, it would be thrilling to meet him. Assuming that the opportunity even presented itself.
No point in obsessing over it now
, I thought.
The fundraiser is still several months away. Practically an entire academic year to get through first.

I also reminded myself that I had a boyfriend. Not the greatest boyfriend in the world. But certainly not the worst either. We probably would be going our separate ways at graduation. Maybe after some nice goodby sex. For now, we were still together.

As I was making my way across campus for my tutoring session, my cell phone buzzed. I checked my text message. The girl I was tutoring had to cancel because she was sick.

, I thought. I did have homework tonight, but the one hour tutoring session was not part of my homework time. That meant I had an extra hour. Get a jump on my homework or surprise sex with Phil? Responsible Ashley said homework. Naughty Ashley said sex. Naughty Ashley won.

I changed my direction and headed toward frat house row. I was surprised at how quiet Phil's house was as I walked toward the house. Then I remembered that most of his frat brothers had some meeting off campus tonight. Being a senior, he didn't have to attend.

I knew he would be home. Even though it wasn't baseball season, he had a curfew imposed by his baseball coach to keep the team out of trouble. Phil never broke curfew. Baseball meant too much to him.

I opened the front door. It never seemed to be locked. I made my way upstairs through the empty house.

“Phil,” I called out, “I have a little surprise for you.”

As I reached the top of the stairs I could hear music blaring from Phil's room. Oh well, no use in calling out to him.

I reached his bedroom. His door was ajar. I pushed it open.

“What the hell?!” I shouted.

Some chick was straddling Phil. Her big tits bounced in his face as she rode him like a bucking bronco. To make matters worse, she was a freshman. I knew this because I recognized her from the freshman orientation group Phil and I had led together.

“Ashley! Baby!” Phil said in complete surprise as he pushed the bimbo off of him.

I think her name was Britney. Phil grabbed his pillow and held it in front of his erect penis.

“Really? You're going to cover yourself up like I've never seen you naked before? Like you haven't fucked me a hundred times with that penis?!” I screamed at him.

“What are you doing here?” Phil said.

“My tutoring session was canceled. I thought I'd surprise you with the hour of free time I found myself with. Looks like you already had plans. I guess I'm the one who got the surprise?” I answered.

“Well, I guess there is no denying what was going on,” Phil said, rather matter-of-fact.

“Nope. I hoped fucking Britney was worth it. It is Britney, right?”

Britney nodded. She had wrapped a sheet around her slender body. Her massive boobs protruded from behind the cotton wrapping. She was so top-heavy I was surprised she could stand without tipping forward.

Phil didn't say anything. His silence gave me my answer. Fucking Britney was worth it. Not that anything he said would have made a difference. We were through.

“I know this is stating the obvious, but we're over,” I said. “I just wanted to be the one to make that clear.”

Phil looked at the floor and nodded. I turned my gaze to Britney.

“So, tell me the truth. Did you know that Phil had a girlfriend?”

Britney hesitated. She joined Phil in looking at the floor. I had my answer. Then she spoke.

“Yes. I knew.”

At least she gave me a verbal response. Didn't change anything, though.

“Hmm. Phil and I didn't have a perfect relationship, but we did have one. And you knew that. You better take a wide berth around me if we pass on campus. And I suggest you do the same around Chelsea Richards. Especially around Chelsea.”

“Oh, shit!” Phil blurted out. “You're not going to tell Chelsea, are you?”

“Of course. She's my best friend. Should have thought of that before you jumped in bed with this little bitch. You're such an asshole,” I replied.

I turned and headed out the door. I paused and turned back around toward Phil and Britney.

“By the way, her tits are fake. If you pierced them, you'd have silicon all over the place. She was probably smaller than me before she had her boob job.”

With that I slammed Phil's bedroom door. Before I reached the stairs I had my cellphone out and called Chelsea.

“He what?!” said Chelsea when I told her what just happened. She offered to do numerous painful things to Phil's balls.

I told her that it wasn't necessary.

“How about I pop Britney's fake boobs?” she then offered.

Again, I told her that it would not be necessary.

“I take satisfaction in knowing that they both will be terrified of running into you for the rest of the school year,” I said with a half-smile.

I was pissed that Phil cheated on me. But I wasn't devastated at breaking up with him. However, Chelsea still used it as an excuse to take me out drinking that night and to try to get me laid.

I agreed to a few drinks, but I saw no need to have sex with someone else to get back at or over Phil. I had never done a one night stand in my life. I wasn't going to start over breaking up with Phil. He just wasn't worth it.

Chapter Eight


Graduation Day . . .


“I now present to you the graduating class of Santa Barbara University,” said the university's president as we tossed our caps into the air. Chelsea and I had made it. We were college graduates. We hugged and took a selfie of the moment.

We found our families and posed for dozens of pictures. I didn't see Phil. He was probably celebrating with other graduates on his baseball team. Britney lasted all of a month.

Phil tried to get me back to run out the clock on our senior year. I told him no and that was that. He got drafted into the minor leagues and was leaving to join his team.

Chelsea and I followed pictures with a wonderful joint lunch with our families. I spent the next day with my family and Chelsea did the same with hers. After both our families left, we got Chinese food from our favorite Chinese restaurant near our apartment.

“Well, here's to being college graduates,” Chelsea said as we toasted using egg rolls.

“Did you pick out your dress for the fundraiser?” she asked me.

“Yes. And you need to come by Maria's tomorrow to pick out yours. Maria said you could use my employee discount for a Runway Rental dress.”

“Cool. Now, more importantly, are you ready?” she asked.

“There's a lot I'm getting ready for. You'll have to be more specific,” I replied.

“Your interview with the reps from
magazine later in the week?”

“Yes. My application was submitted over a month ago and they confirmed I have a set interview time. My portfolio is polished and I'm ready to go.”

“Excellent. You have a job in the bag. Which is good. I'm totally selfish and I want you move to New York,” said Chelsea.

To no one's surprise, Chelsea would be attending Columbia Law School in the fall. I had been offered a job at
fashion magazine in Los Angeles. It was a good entry-level position, but not my dream job.

I desperately wanted to work at
. The bonus was that they were in New York City. If I got the job, Chelsea and I could get a place together in Manhattan.

“What about your plan for meeting Brandon Mitchell?” Chelsea then asked me in an excited voice.

“I've told you before, there is no formal plan. He will be at the fundraiser and there is a chance we will meet. That's it,” I responded.

“That won't do,” Chelsea said. “You need to have a plan. It is your one chance to mingle with Mr. Sexy CEO at a fancy event. You can wow him with how great you will look in your evening gown.”

“Chels, come back down to planet earth. Brandon Mitchell is not going to have any interest in me.”

“I still want you to be ready. You never know what can happen from a chance meeting. Especially a chance meeting that you plan for,” she said.

“Then, by definition, it is not a chance meeting,” I replied with a smile.

“Whatever. You know what I mean. Take advantage of the opportunity that is presented to you. Ash, you are gaga over this guy. And, you have impeccable taste. I see no reason why Brandon Mitchell wouldn't be attracted to you,” encouraged Chelsea.

“We really don't have time to go into all of the reasons,” I said as I stuffed another egg roll into my mouth.

“Just promise me that you we will be at the height of your sexiness and willing to put your amazing self out there,” said Chelsea and she playfully grabbed my arm.

“Okay, okay.”

“Pinky promise?” she asked as she held out her hand and extended her pinky in the air.

“Pinky promise,” I answered as I wrapped my pinky around hers.

I made the promise, but I knew it wouldn't matter. I highly doubted that Brandon Mitchell would either know who I was or take the time to say hello to me. Certainly not at an A-List fundraiser. But I had selected the “Getting Into Mischief” evening gown just in case. A girl can dream, can't she?

Chapter Nine




Brandon Mitchell had spent the last several months reviewing countless proposals on establishing a digital and social media presence for
magazine. He wasn't impressed with what he had seen.

“Teresa,” he called to his executive assistant.

“Yes, Mr. Mitchell?” Teresa asked as she stepped into Brandon's office.

“Pull all the job applications that we have received from Davenport School of the Arts at Santa Barbara University.”

“Yes, sir. I'll get those from HR right away,” said Teresa as she turned to go back to her desk in the outer office.

Brandon figured they were spending a small fortune on scholarships and grant funding for the Davenport School of the Arts. It had been a good investment. Many talented graduates had filled entry-level positions at the company. A fair number had moved up in responsibility and were making solid contributions to the company.

Brandon wanted to see if there was a star in this year's recruiting class who could take charge of the digital and social media program. It was the 21
century and
did not have a comprehensive digital presence. So far, they had only a pathetic attempt at using social media. That had to change if they were to remain relevant in fashion media. They could no longer rely on the
brand name alone.

Ten minutes later, Teresa handed Brandon the human resources file. He flipped through  the applications. He stopped when he reached the application from Ashley Sullivan. What caught his attention was the topic of her senior thesis: “The Development and Implementation of a Digital and Social Media Strategy for the Traditional Fashion Magazine.”

He sat down at his desk and began reading more closely. Ashley was the top ranked student in the Fashion Media program. She had a superb academic record, glowing recommendations from her professors, and was serving on the scholarship fundraiser committee. She would be graduating this year. Actually, she would have just graduated.

Brandon read Ashley's senior thesis. It ran circles around every proposal he had seen from all of the so-called 'experts.' What she proposed in her thesis was exactly what Brandon believed needed to be done and how it should be done. But could she actually do it?

Brandon punched the call button on his phone. “Teresa, schedule a  conference call with the faculty from the Fashion Media program at Davenport School of the Arts ASAP.”

“Yes, Mr. Mitchell,” said Teresa over the phone.

The next day Brandon had his conference call. He was both impressed and excited by what the faculty had to say about Ashley Sullivan. Even though she just graduated, they all believed she could handle implementing and running a digital and social media program for
. She was a star. No doubt about it. She was the star Brandon was hoping to find.

Brandon confirmed that Ashley would be attending the fundraiser later in the week. As he ended the conference call he sat back in his chair and smiled. He smiled at the professional gem he had discovered. And he smiled because he was utterly intrigued by everything he heard about Ashley Sullivan. He was also interested at a personal level.

Brandon had Teresa find everything she could about Ashley. He also did a little investigating himself. He started with her Facebook page. No crazy posts or embarrassing pictures.

He liked what he saw. She was pretty. She was smart. She seemed very caring and fun. There was a selfie of Ashley and her friend Chelsea at the beach in their bikinis.

Chelsea looked like the super models Brandon often dated. Stunningly gorgeous. But he was drawn to Ashley. She wasn't a super model, but he liked the way she looked in a bikini.

Ashley had a nice figure and a pretty face. Her skin looked soft and was flawless. Her smile lit up the photograph. Brandon liked everything he was learning about Ashley Sullivan.

He thought about what his grandmother had been saying to him for many months now. Brandon couldn't deny that she was right. He just had never felt drawn to anyone beyond a purely sexual relationship. He hadn't been captivated in that way. He hadn't trusted any woman enough.

Maybe Ashley Sullivan could be differen
t, he thought. Brandon wasn't exactly sure why he thought that. All he knew was that he was curiously attracted to her. Strange. He had never even met her. But that would change.

They would both be at the fundraiser later in the week. Brandon would make certain to meet her. He was confident he could seduce her.

The challenge would be in discovering if she was different from all the others.
Is Ashley Sullivan someone you will break your rules for?
He asked himself. Only time would tell.


The end of
Before You Seduce Me

Do you want to know what happens between Ashley and Brandon? The
Seduce Me
series is available now at amazon:
Click Here to Download Seduce Me

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