Believe (8 page)

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Authors: Celia Juliano

Tags: #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Believe
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“I want everyone to be happy for us.”

Lorenzo frowned and started the car. Lita twisted her ring. His silence sliced into her, tiny paper cuts stinging her with the truth—he didn’t believe the family would accept them together.

“You’re happy, aren’t you?” Lita asked in a too-girlish voice. She plucked at her skirt.

Lorenzo pushed out a breath. “You shouldn’t need to ask me that.”

Her ears burned, like they used to when her favorite teacher—or sometimes Lee and Lorenzo—had chastised her when she was a little girl.

Lorenzo pulled into the parking lot behind Sal’s and parked in his spot. He tweaked Lita’s ear. “You’re pouting again, kitten.” He chuckled.

Lita crossed her arms. Lorenzo pulled her hands over his head so she embraced his neck. He kissed away her frown. She sighed, a release.

“That’s better.” Lorenzo kissed her nose.

She smiled. He hopped out and led her inside. The restaurant was fairly crowded, so it took Sal several minutes to break free and join them by the back door. Lita held out her ring hand to him, smiling.

Sal smiled and clapped Lorenzo on the shoulder. “Congratulations. This is wonderful.”

“Thanks.” Lita glanced at Lorenzo, whose dimples punctuated his cheeks. She leaned her head on his arm.

“I thought you’d be at my father’s.” Sal smoothed his suit jacket.

“Wanted to get Lita a ring.” Lorenzo held her hand. “We need to get back for dinner.”

“Give my love to everyone.” Sal hugged Lita and nodded to Lorenzo. “You take care of each other.” He waved and walked back into the restaurant.

“We will.” Lita kissed Lorenzo.

He caressed her cheek. “Promise.”

“Promise.” Lita gazed at him. His intense brown eyes gave her a shiver. This wasn’t a fairy tale. This was real, this was love, this was forever. She bit the inside of her lip. She and Lorenzo had said yes to each other. Once, on a women’s retreat, there was a talk about what happened after saying yes—the challenges of letting in grace, love. It was frightening. Miracles were.






Chapter Eight


Lorenzo rolled his shoulders. The kitchen was still crowded with his family, Paolo—who winked at him with a huge smile—and Lee, who frowned. Lita giggled, showing off the engagement ring Lorenzo had bought her earlier.

“We need to talk,” Lee whispered in Lorenzo’s ear.

Lorenzo nodded. He’d known this was coming. He went to Lita—she, Celeste and Aunt Sophia laughed and talked.

“Lee and I have some business to discuss,” he said. “I’ll be back soon.” It wasn’t a lie, though his personal business wasn’t what Lorenzo wanted to talk to Lee about.

Lita nodded and kissed him. It was criminal to leave her side, but Lee meant what he said.

He and Lee walked to Uncle Enzo’s study. Lee shut the door with a firm tug. He turned and crossed his arms. “What the hell’s going on? You think you’re going to marry Lita? You think you can be the husband she wants? You?” Lee’s biceps flexed.

“I love her. We’re getting married.”

“She’s only twenty-two. She should be starting a career. First, she devotes herself to her father, and now you? She’s wasting her life.”

“If she wants to find a job, that’s fine by me.” She didn’t, though—she’d talked to him about it when he and Lee had visited Italy last year. They’d had lunch alone one day with her father, and she’d talked about devoting herself to helping others in her community by volunteering. With her father’s inheritance, she was independent. “Lita’s life could never be a waste.” Lee wasn’t usually judgmental—but his friend was angry, more angry than Lorenzo had ever seen him, except when they’d discovered that boyfriend of Jane’s trying to rape Lita.

“Right. Do you even want to get married? You haven’t mentioned it for years.”

“I want to marry Lita. I’d do anything for her.”

“You barely know her.” Lee shook his head.

“I’ve known her fourteen years. You want Lita to be happy.”

“And you’re the only one who will make her happy? Come on.” Lee rolled his eyes.

“You’ve never really been in love.” When Lorenzo had first kissed her, all his feelings for Lita—what he’d tried to convince himself was an unhealthy preoccupation—grabbed hold of him, wouldn’t let go. Like he wouldn’t let her go.

“Maybe not, but I love Lita. I want what’s best for her.”

“She’s an adult. She makes her own choices,” Lorenzo said. He rubbed his neck. He’d thought he and Lee would be bachelors forever. Looked like they wouldn’t even be friends anymore.

“She’s always been stubborn.” Lee’s eyes stared past Lorenzo, as if he was seeing a different reality. “Janetta and I are starting an architecture firm. She suggested you as a business partner.” Lee’s gaze focused on Lorenzo. There was no friendship there, only an icy cast in Lee’s light blue eyes.

Lorenzo’s mind spun. Lee was playing an angle, taking a page from Lorenzo’s book—enemies had to be watched. That’s what he’d become to Lee—an enemy. Love always had a price.

Lorenzo’s shoulders edged up, his neck tense. He shrugged. “Sure. We can talk about it Tuesday.”

Someone knocked on the door.

“Shit,” Lee muttered. “Tuesday at ten. I want to see tests from your doctor too. You better not take it too far with Lita.”

Lee didn’t trust him. But Lita did. He stood taller.

Uncle Enzo opened the door. “Your fiancée misses you. What’s going on?” He stepped into the room and shut the door.

“I’m worried about my sister,” Lee said to Uncle Enzo, still frowning.

“Don’t. I’m here. I’ll see she’s taken care of.” Uncle Enzo patted Lee’s arm.

“Thanks.” Lee shook his head as he shoved past Lorenzo.

Did Lee really think he’d risk giving Lita a STD? If he had anything, he would never touch her. Maybe Lee thought Lorenzo’s diseased soul would damage her more. But Lorenzo had found a possible cure and he wasn’t going to let even Lee stand in his way.

Lorenzo followed the two out, into the living room. The euphoria of ten minutes before was crushed, replaced by a sinking pit in his stomach. But he smiled when he saw Lita. She rose and hugged him. He caressed the small of her back and inhaled. The feeling lifted him again. They sat in the oversized sofa chair, pressed close together. She put her head on his shoulder and held his hand. He didn’t care that Uncle Carlo, Lee, and his cousins grimaced at him or shook their heads. He had Lita. They would finally be together.


“We need to set a date,” he said when they sat in the living room alone after dinner. Some of the family were still there, in the kitchen.

“If you want.” She twined her fingers in his.

“I want you happy.” When they were alone like this, Lita’s softness close, he almost believed they would be.

“I am. Sophia said we should call Father Grihalva soon. The church gets booked fast.”

“Church? What?” He shifted, but Lita didn’t move.

“I’m Catholic.”

“Okay. So, where are you sleeping tonight?” He eased his hand a little higher on her stomach.

“In my room.”

“You could come back to my apartment—” He wanted to show her how they could be together. And he needed to know her, every part of her.

“No.” She sat up and smoothed her skirt.

“How about I stay in the guest room here? The bed is comfortable.” Big enough for two.

“Sounds like Sophia and Carlo are leaving.” She got up.

He exhaled. This was not going how he’d imagined.

Once everyone left, Uncle Enzo wouldn’t.

“I’m tired.” Lorenzo glanced at Lita. “Why don’t—”

“We’ll see you tomorrow, perhaps?” Uncle Enzo said.

“Lita and I need to talk.”

Uncle Enzo raised an eyebrow but Lorenzo stood still.

“Thank you for accepting this,” Lita said before she kissed Uncle Enzo’s cheek. “I’ll see Lorenzo out.”

“Very well,” Uncle Enzo said.

He and Lorenzo exchanged goodbyes and Uncle Enzo went into his sitting room. He left the door open. Lorenzo blew out a breath. He took Lita’s hand and kissed it.

“Let’s talk upstairs. It’s more private.”

“I’m tired too. Can’t we talk tomorrow?”

“Sure.” He grabbed her and kissed her until she melded herself into him. He gripped her hand and moved toward the stairs.

“Lita,” Uncle Enzo called. She stopped. Lorenzo tilted his head to the ceiling. “Do you know where I left my reading glasses?” He walked into the foyer and gave Lorenzo a fake surprised look.

Lorenzo frowned, his special you are on my list frown, one he’d learned from Uncle Enzo.

“Have you checked your study?”

Uncle Enzo shook his head and went into the other room.

“Do you want to have breakfast with us?” Lita said.

“Will I be here that early?” Lorenzo grinned.

“Make it lunch, then.” She walked to the door. “Noon.”

He nodded then kissed her as Uncle Enzo walked past. She didn’t let go of his hand until Uncle Enzo placed his hands on her shoulders. They all said goodnight. Lorenzo drove home. Alone. He shook his head. Their wedding needed to happen sooner than the church would allow. Six months, if he remembered right. He’d have to check. He had a long night ahead.


They were alone before lunch the next day, sort of. Celeste was at D’Angelo’s Market and Uncle Enzo went into his study to make some phone calls. Not that it mattered, as Lita wiped down the counters while Lorenzo stood nearby, waiting to make his move.

“Uncle Enzo gave me Father Grihalva’s number. I thought you could call since you’ve known him longer.” She sounded nervous, a high edge in her voice.

“We could get married at the courthouse next week.” He eased his hand along the counter toward hers.

“I know, but I want to get married in the church. We’ve never even been on a real date. You know what I mean.” Lita wiped the same area of the counter in small circular movements.

Lorenzo stepped closer to her. Her vanilla scent swirled around him. “We don’t need to date to be sure we’re in love.” They’d known each other fourteen years. He’d told her things he’d never told another woman. Now if she’d keep trusting him…

“Uncle Enzo said—” She stopped, folded the towel, and fiddled with her hair.

Lorenzo tensed. Uncle Enzo—who knows what he’d said to Lita. Something to make her not want to look him in the eyes. He needed her to believe in him, needed to have her near, needed her in his bed.

He stepped closer and grasped her hands. Keeping hold with one hand, he cupped her chin with his other hand, forcing her gaze to meet his.

“You’re marrying me. Not my family.” Her fingers strained to free themselves, but he wouldn’t let go. “I love you. I need you as my wife. Grandpop knows a judge—we could get married here at home.” He caressed her cheek. She softened under his touch. “Later, we can get the marriage blessed.”

“How do you know?” Her voice sang with trust, hope.

“I researched it all last night.” When he couldn’t sleep, thinking of Lita.

“You did? I thought you didn’t care about the wedding,” Lita whispered, leaning into him.

“I want to marry you. Is it wrong that I don’t want to wait six months? Do you?”

She fingered his collar. “I…” She gazed at him, uncertainty crinkling her brow.

He captured her lips with his, deepening their kiss until Lita wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her body flush with his. Heat coursed through him. Pushing out a breath, he gently pulled away.

“I don’t want to wait.”

“Is that a yes?” he said.

“Yes,” she said. He let his fingers travel with his gaze, over her blushing cheeks, following the flush of delicate color down her neck, onto her chest. Soon, her whole body would say yes to him. His body rushed with the thought of her under him. Lita stepped back, darting her eyes and clasping her hands. She’d been responsive before. Now she seemed nervous again, as if she thought he’d hurt her. His neck ratcheted tighter.

“I’ll call Grandpop.” He titled his neck side to side.

Lita nodded, her arms loose at her sides, as if she didn’t know what to do with herself. He kissed her forehead and strode out to call Grandpop.


Lita rubbed her engagement ring as she watched Lorenzo walk out of the kitchen. Though having a church wedding was important to her, what she really wanted was to be Lorenzo’s wife. She just wasn’t sure she was ready, for the intimacy that would bring. It didn’t help to have almost everyone she trusted—besides Lorenzo—telling her Lorenzo wouldn’t be able to change. This whole meeting later with a business associate of Lorenzo’s father wasn’t reassuring either. But she’d baked him a cake, as Grandpop had asked. She didn’t like to disappoint.

She also didn’t want to be a disappointment to Lorenzo—he’d been with so many women, and she hadn’t ever gone much further with any man than she had with Lorenzo. At first, the delight of being with him had outweighed her fears. But now they crept in, dark spiders crawling across her skin, making her want to shiver and run.

Lita opened the refrigerator, checking to see if it needed to be reorganized. She needed something to get her to stop thinking too much.

Celeste walked into the kitchen. Lita shut the refrigerator door.

“Hello, dear.” Celeste smiled, giving Lita a quick hug. Lita took Celeste’s coat and hung it in the closet near Uncle Enzo’s study. The study door was closed. Lita paused, her hand on the closet door.

“Are you well?” Celeste said.

Lita nodded and followed Celeste into the kitchen. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Coffee would be lovely.” Celeste slid into a seat at the table. Lita brought her a cup of coffee. The cream and sugar were already out on the table. Lita sat next to Celeste, who stirred sugar and milk into her coffee.

“Weddings are happy, but they can be so overwhelming too. Marriage is a lifetime.” Celeste’s tone, like her expression, was gentle and reassuring.

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