Bella Vita (17 page)

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Authors: Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #paranormal, #witches, #werewolves, #crossover, #jesse kimmelfreeman, #bella vampires series

BOOK: Bella Vita
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I think I do. I'll get
these to the printers later this evening as soon as I go over the
list. And I can call the wedding planner in the morning to get
everything else in motion. You guys have done an awesome job. I
think that we should rest tonight, but tomorrow should be a fun
evening. Maybe you two could head over to Rome and shop a little in
the daytime?” He smiled at me.

That was how the evening passed- quiet.


In the morning, it was hard to get up with
the sun. I really wanted to sleep until dusk and to figure out a
way to get Kelly into Bella Notte. But a bride isn't something that
makes itself over night. I pulled on my thick black robe and padded
downstairs to the kitchen. Dominic was sitting at the table with a
sample print of our invitations. He was on the phone.

When he saw me all blurry-eyed, he gestured
to the café au lait. I silently thanked the heavens above for
giving me the best man on the planet.

The sweet milky fluid sent
shivers to my mind, attempting to shock my system into function
mode- even if caffeine didn't do much. I yawned and stretched my
tired body.
You would think that being a
vampire would make me able to wake at any time ready for
. Sadly that was not how my body
worked, I required a boost if I was going to get up so early
without a good reason. I was vaguely aware that Dom was talking to
the printers, or so it sounded. I knew I should probably try to
help with whatever was going on, but I couldn't bring myself to
care. I just wasn't that awake yet.

.” He said as he shut his phone off.

Morning, my love.” I kissed his cheek
gently and took a seat next to him.

So, this is the official invite, and
they will be going out this morning.” He handed me a cute little
tri-folded bat that had its wings covering its face.

Cute. Why were you on the phone with
them?”I laid the bat next to me.

They needed Kelly's address. They have
every address of every vampire, but since she's human, they
required her address.” He sipped on his tea.

Will it cause problems?” I really
wanted her at my wedding.

No. Anything you want, you'll have on
your wedding day. Bugger to the rest of the world.” He took my hand
and kissed the back.

Aw, see that's why I love you so much.
You spoil me.” I laughed.

So when do I meet the wedding planner?
And where?” I sighed at the thought of the day.

She'll be here around ten this
morning.” Dom gestured to the clock on the wall that showed me it
was seven.

Ugh. Okay, I can handle the three hour
wait. I'll think about the stuff I can tell her. And I suppose I
have to get Kelly up.” I so didn't want to face this

Ah, you can do it. Em, this is
nothing. Out of everything that you've learned, this will be a walk
in the park.” He squeezed my hand encouragingly.

I was wondering... um, maybe after I
take Kelly shopping in Rome, if maybe I could take her to Bella
Notte, you know, before it opens.” I really wanted her to see the

I think we could manage that. And if
you're willing to test out your ability to spell your friend, then
we could try to see if she could stay into the evening there. If
worst comes to worst, we can get her drunk and she'll forget it all
anyways.” He laughed.

Woot!” I was glad I could share it
with Kelly.

Okay, I'm going to go take a brief nap
before I leave. I'll take a change of clothes- you know what, I'll
just dress for tonight when I leave for school. My students can
deal with me in a black tank and leather pants. I'll take my bike
too.” I could see the contemplation on his face for how much
trouble he'll get into for it.

If it makes you happy, then do it.” I
kissed his nose and headed out to the patio that Dom had built for


I drifted happily in a between state as I sat
outside listening to the ocean rolling in and out. My mind was
clear. I tried not to focus on the dream of Issy that was coming
every night now. I breathed in the cool air. My nerves felt
settled, and I knew that I could handle the day ahead.

I went back inside and asked the cook if she
could make some mini frittatas and hazelnut cinnamon rolls. I was
going to ask for some ice coffee as well, but the weather was
chilly outside. I knew that Kelly would need the warm liquids
unlike the vampires in the household, that weren't affected by the
elements. So I requested some Mexican hot chocolate. While the cook
did that, I went upstairs and pulled out some worn jeans, one of
Dom's white button-ups I had 'borrowed', and a black camisole. I
found my black chucks wedged under a pair of heels and pulled them

My shower was just right as always. The soft
water was like having mist or fine dust gently sliding along my
body. It was just what I needed to start this day. Afterwards, I
got dressed quickly and let my hair hang loose. I would try and do
something with it later. Once I was dressed and somewhat
presentable I went to Kelly's room and woke her up.

Kelly, you've got to get your butt out
of the bed or you'll never move.” I laughed as she waved her hand
at me with her face shoved into the pillows.

Uhmm.” She mumbled at me.

Okay, the wedding planner is going to
be here in two hours and the cook has made a delicious breakfast
that I guess I'll have to eat all by myself. Oh and drink that
yummy thick Mexican hot chocolate as well.” I turned towards the

You are evil. Do you know that?” She
sat up and sneered at me.

I know, I fight dirty.” I laughed

Yes, you do. My mind knew right away
that it was something wonderful and if I stayed in the bed, I would
miss it. And once I start my shoot I don't get to indulge in this
yummy stuff.” She sighed.

Okay, well get into the shower and get
dressed. I'll meet you downstairs. Try not to be too long, you can
come and pamper yourself later before we go shopping.” And with
that I left the room and went downstairs.


The cool library seriously needed a fire
going. For me, it would add a pleasant atmosphere- for Kelly the
heat her body needed. I lit the huge beast of a fireplace. The room
filled with a nice gentle orange glow. I cleared off the meeting
table that was usually cluttered with books. I asked the cook if
she could bring in some tea and cookies for my meeting.

Letta, the human cook, was a sweet older
woman that only spoke Italian. Her long beautiful black hair was
beginning to gray around the edges. Her pale skin held only the
slightest wrinkling of someone that was happy and had a happy life.
Her eyes were a light brown that was like honey, only hers
constantly had a sparkle to them.

Letta and I communicated with perfect
Italian. It was strange that I had become fluent in a language I
hadn't known before I came here. She agreed to bring in the tea and
cookies, but requested the rest of the day off. Even though Letta
never said she knew what we were, she tended to ask for time off
when she knew there would be more than the usual vampires in the
house. She also never came in the house without her cross on. No
one told her that it wouldn't work against us or anything, we just
secretly smiled to ourselves whenever we saw it.

I set the library up for the meeting with the
wedding planner and then I heard Kelly walking down the stairs. I
met her at the stairs with a plate of food and walked with her to
the patio. I could sense the tension coming off of her.

Okay, so what's wrong?” I hip bumped

Nothing. I'm just going to miss you
and everything after this. I mean, the last couple of days of my
trip are the shoot. And I'm going to miss so much of the wedding
planning and stuff.” She pouted.

Aw, don't worry. Life doesn't stop
just because I'm getting married. You know that! Besides I'm going
back to school next week. You know I'm teaching.” My body shuddered
at the mere thought.

It'll be fine. And you'll kick butt-
like you always do! I guess you're right.” She started to munch on
the food I had handed her.

I know I'm right.” I

Hey, this is really good!” She waved
her fork at the frittatas.

Yep. That's why I asked Letta to make
it so you'd have some good Italian cooking before you went back
state side.” I smiled and heard the doorbell. “Let me get that.
Meet me in the library soon.”

Kay.” She looked up briefly before
chowing down.


The woman at the door was intimating. She
wore a crisp black suit and her brown hair was done in a blunt cut-
even her features were straight and uniform. I was afraid to touch

I'm Anna. Anna Mills. I'll be
organizing your wedding for you.” She held out her hand. Her blue
eyes didn't smile.

Hi Anna, I'm Emma. Please come in.” I
gestured her in.

Anna did a quick survey of the layout of the
house and looked like she was taking mental notes.

If you'll just follow me into the
library.” I led the way, Kelly was already waiting for

And you would be?” Anna asked

I'm her best friend and the maid of
honor.” Kelly's words were cool.

Good, good. It's good to see the lines
of the other members of the wedding party.” Anna pulled out a small
notepad and began to write down notes.

For the next hours, Anna took measurements,
notes, and ideas down. She said she would write up a plan and then
email it to me. It was the most strenuous task I had yet to
conquer. When she finally left I was so drained that I suggested
that Kelly and I take naps before we headed to Rome. She agreed
quite readily.


When we got up it was late afternoon. I got
dressed in my black leather pants, tight goth leather corset, and
extra tall 20-eye Doc Martens in red. I did my makeup a little
light for me, but still had dark eyeliner on. I tried to pile my
hair on top of my head, similar to what a dark cabaret would do. It
wasn't as well done as I wanted it to be, but it still looked good.
I did my best to keep it like that with hairspray, but I knew the
ride into Rome on the bike would kill it, at least a little

Once I was all ready, I went and found Kelly
looking utterly lost with the outfit I had laid out for her. It was
quite amusing.

Um, I know you think this is like
clothes and all, but I'm not sure about it, Em.” She held up the
layered shirt that had black fishnet under a thin red

Aw, come on. Trust me. You don't want
to stick out completely. And tonight I had to get special
permission to take you to Bella Notte. It's very exclusive.” I
hated to have to lie to her.

Okay, but this isn't me.” Kelly
grabbed the red plaid skirt and sighed.

It will be worth it. Trust me.” I
smiled at her.

Kay. I'm glad you picked out boots
that were more me. I don't think I could pull those off.” She
gestured at my Docs and I laughed.

Do you want me to do your hair and
makeup?” I knew my eyes were sparkling with excitement.

Maybe. Let me get dressed first. Just
sit here and I'll be right back.” She went into the

You're a model, when did you become
modest?” I laughed.

When I can be, I am.” She yelled
through the door, which just made me laugh more.

The door opened and out she came. A punk rock
beauty. I was stunned.

Wow! You're hot!” I grinned at

What?! I feel like an idiot.”She shook
her head.

Come here.” I took her hand and led
her back to the bathroom to look at the full length mirror on the
back of the door. “Look at yourself.”

I just see me dressed like someone
else.” She pouted.

That isn't what I see. I see a punk
rock princess. A woman that can and will take the world by the
horns. I think I'm going to take my camera and get some shots of
you like this.” I felt inspired to take pictures of her.

Hey, wait, what about my makeup?” She
grabbed my arm as I was about to rush off to grab my camera

Oh, right.” I smiled. “Don't worry, I
know what I'm doing.”

She moved back to the bedroom and turned on
the TV and sat on the edge of the bed. I pulled out my extra makeup
kit I had stuck in her bathroom in case she wanted to let me do her
makeup. I did a light red sparkle on her eyelids, some rich black
eyeliner, and clear mascara. On her lips I simply put a bright red
lip gloss. She was just as beautiful as before, but more vibrant
and almost powerful. I had done good work with minimal makeup.

Okay, you can look while I go get my
bag. I'll meet you downstairs.” I figured I'd let her hair stay
down. She'd look super amazing on the back of my bike, especially
if the wind kicked up and caught her hair. My mind was going a mile
a minute.

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